GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4721: Hope of Cheng Family!

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Cheng Yu had not found to awaken now the means of Saint Clan bloodlines, he did not determine whether the person outside Saint Clan really can cultivation Saint Clan cultivation technique. 程宇现在还没有找到觉醒圣族血脉的办法,他也不确定圣族以外的人是否真的能够修炼圣族功法 Moreover, the person outside his more indefinite Saint Clan after cultivating Saint Clan cultivation technique whether can also awaken. 而且,他更加不确定圣族以外的人在修炼了圣族功法之后是否也能够觉醒。 Although all these all are also only the unknown numbers, is as he said that cultivation these cultivation technique that so long as can succeed, at least they had foundation that cuts the immortal. 虽然这一切的一切都还只是未知之数,可是就像他所说的,只要能够成功的修炼这些功法,至少他们有了斩仙的基础。 If which day they really can awaken, perhaps they can use these cultivation technique to realize to cut the immortal the ability. 如果哪一天他们真的可以觉醒,或许他们就可以利用这些功法来实现斩仙的能力。 However regarding Cheng Yu, if everyone really can cut the immortal, that definitely was the good matter. 不过对于程宇来说,如果大家真的能够斩仙,那肯定是再好不过的事情了。 Because he was also afraid Royal Court like the past years, looked for massive Immortal World and demon expert directly. 因为他也害怕王朝又像当年一样,直接找来大量仙界和魔界的高手。 If that was true, even if he alone has the ability that cuts the immortal, still definitely not possible to massacre all immortal level experts who Royal Court invited completely. 如果真是这样的话,就算他一个人拥有斩仙的能力,也肯定不可能将王朝请来的所有仙人级别的高手全部杀掉。 But if their Cheng Family has can cut to kill expert of immortal massively, even were more than past Holy City expert, then they at least can like past Holy City, massacre these immortals again completely, cannot take the Holy City's old route absolutely. 但若是他们程家拥有大量可以斩杀仙人的强者,甚至比当年的圣城强者还要多,那么他们至少可以再像当年圣城一样,将这些仙人全部杀掉,绝对不能走圣城的老路。 Therefore, Cheng Yu to this set of cultivation technique is special attaching great importance, so long as the Cheng Family disciple has to cultivate this set of cultivation technique ability, he will not have any parsimony. 因此,程宇对这套功法是特别的重视,只要程家弟子有修炼这套功法的能力,他不会有任何的吝啬。 So long as because successfully cultivated this set of cultivation technique, then among them anyone will become Cheng Family to obtain in the middle of Royal Court war victory essential one. 因为只要成功的修炼了这套功法,那么他们当中的任何一个人都将成为程家能够取得王朝大战当中的胜利的关键之一。 Did not say other, so long as are many a person to cut immortal, at least they can kill one again even are several immortals. 不说别的,只要多出一人能够斩仙者,至少他们就能够再多杀一个甚至是好几个仙人。 This saw sufficiently these people are significant regarding the Cheng Family significance. 这足以看出这些人对于程家的意义有多么重大。 Head of household, white Zhengqi was really wraps cultivation technique to cultivate that succeeded in this way?” white evil asked. “家主,白正奇真的是通过这种方式成功的将那套功法修炼了吗?”白邪问道。 Because he himself has also used oneself blood, but has not actually succeeded, naturally, his method truly somewhat is also different, he has not used the blood to arrange the strategy. 因为他自己也使用过自己的鲜血,可是却并没有成功,当然,他的方法也确实有些不一样,他并没有使用自己鲜血去布置阵法。 He thinks, since white Zhengqi also used own blood, even if oneself and his method is different, but should not his response not have, should be only the speed of cultivation speed. 只是他认为既然白正奇也是用了自己的鲜血,哪怕自己和他的方法有所不同,但也不应该他一点反应都没有,应该只是修炼速度的快慢而已。 However, because of this disparity, white Zhengqi cultivated unexpectedly directly successfully, but they did not have the result. 然而,就因为这点差距,白正奇竟然就直接修炼成功了,而他们却毫无成效。 You think that I will also joke with you with this matter?” Cheng Yu said. “难道你们以为我还会拿这种事情跟你们开玩笑吗?”程宇说道。 Does not dare!” white evil is startled. “不敢!”白邪一惊。 In brief I receive white Zhengqi you now do not pass on for the matter of disciple, you must do goes back to try his method belt/bring, perhaps you truly can succeed!” Cheng Yu said. “总之我收白正奇为徒的事情你们现在不要传出去,你们要做的就是把他的方法带回去尝试一下,也许你们确实可以成功!”程宇说道。 Head of household, I have the incident to ravel, does not know that can ask?” Third Elder being far above the multitude asked. “家主,我还有一事想要弄明白,不知能不能问?”三长老鸿飞问道。 Asked!” “问吧!” „Has head of household also practiced this set of cultivation technique?” Being far above the multitude careful asking. “家主也修炼过这套功法吗?”鸿飞小心的问道。 Right!” “没错!” „Did the head of household cultivation successfully?” “那家主修炼成功了吗?” Naturally!” “当然!” „Is head of household also the method of using?” Being far above the multitude continues to ask. “家主也是用的这种方法?”鸿飞继续问道。 „It is not!” Cheng Yu shakes the head. “不是!”程宇摇摇头。 Words that spoke, the method that in other words, the head of household and white Zhengqi cultivates is different, that means everyone will cultivate this cultivation technique way to be different?” Being far above the multitude said. “这么说的话,那就是说,家主和白正奇修炼的方法都不一样,那是不是意味着每个人修炼这种功法的方式都会不一样呢?”鸿飞说道。 Perhaps if, white Zhengqi the method has not used to us in this case!” Six elder Han Yaowu said. “要是这样的话,那白正奇的这种方法或许对我们就没有用了!”六长老韩曜武说道。 Or can head of household's method tell us?” Four elder Du Jingshan asked. “或者说家主的方法可以告诉我们吗?”四长老杜景山问道。 My method and white Zhengqi truly different, but I can tell you am, I have not used any special means that but cultivated directly successfully, therefore I will make you attempt to be able from the beginning to cultivate directly. “我的方法与白正奇的确实不一样,但是我能告诉你们的是,我并没有使用任何特殊的办法,而是直接就修炼成功了,所以一开始我才会让你们去尝试能不能直接修炼。 If you want to duplicate my means that obviously is the not possible matter. So far, besides me, only then white Zhengqi cultivated successfully. 你们若是想要复制我的办法,显然是不可能的事情。就目前为止,除了我之外,也就只有白正奇修炼成功了。 Therefore this is also other an only cultivation way that I know at present, moreover is the only one type is very likely to let the method of your successfully cultivation. 所以这也是我目前所知道的唯一一种另外的修炼方式,而且也是唯一一种极有可能让你们成功修炼的方法。 If this method you are unable to cultivate, that estimated that you really did not have the means to cultivate this set of cultivation technique! ” Cheng Yu has not concealed anything to them, but truthfully answered to them. 如果这种方法你们还是无法修炼的话,那估计你们就真的没有办法修炼这套功法了!”程宇并没有向他们隐瞒什么,而是如实的向他们解释道。 „Did head of household cultivation unexpectedly directly successfully?” The people are surprised immediately. “家主竟然直接就修炼成功了?”众人顿时惊讶不已。 When heard head of household saying that also cultivated successfully, how everyone very curious head of household cultivated successfully. 在听到家主自己说也修炼成功的时候,大家都很好奇家主又是怎么修炼成功的。 The one but who makes them not think, head of household's cultivation way is so unexpectedly simple. 可是让他们没有想到的是,家主的修炼方式竟然如此简单。 They did not suspect whether the head of household is deceiving them, because they believe that if the head of household really must conceal them, that will not take to give them this set of cultivation technique. 他们并不怀疑家主是否在欺骗他们,因为他们相信,如果家主真的要隐瞒他们的话,那就不会将这套功法拿出来交给他们了。 Moreover they considering the head of household, their cultivation had been defeated in the past few days. 而且他们前些天已经告之了家主,他们的修炼失败了。 If the head of household does not hope that they succeed, why that looks for today specially them, to consider their another cultivation methods? 如果家主并不希望他们成功的话,那为什么今天又专门把他们找过来,就是为了告之他们另外一种修炼方法呢? Therefore some of their completely reasons believe that head of household's cultivation way is such direct, why this was also initially the head of household, when gave them cultivation technique, told them this set of cultivation technique to be very difficult to cultivate, and has not told them to have other special cultivation ways. 所以他们完全有理由相信家主的修炼方式就是这么直接,这也是为什么当初家主在把功法交给他们的时候,就告诉他们这套功法很难修炼,而且也并没有告诉他们有其他特殊的修炼方式。 Because the head of household cultivates directly successfully, without knowing white Zhengqi cultivates successfully, therefore head of household do not know that also has such cultivation way, this looked for them, and told their such methods. 因为家主是直接修炼成功的,在没有得知白正奇修炼成功的时候,所以就连家主自己都不知道还有这样的修炼方式,这才将他们找来了,并且告诉了他们这样的方法。 Head of household's way is so simply direct, is to make them envy seriously. 只是家主的方式如此直接简单,当真是让他们羡慕不已。 If they can also like the head of household, cultivation directly successfully, where needs such troublesome? 如果他们也能够像家主一样,直接就修炼成功了,哪里又需要这么麻烦呢? However they do not know, actually when he has not arrived at this world, he had practiced this set of cultivation technique. 但是他们并不知道,其实在他没有来到这个世界的时候,他就已经自己修炼了这套功法 Moreover compared with this set of three pill god imaginary secret arts must more powerful many, be the highest level nine pill god imaginary secret arts. 而且比起这套三丹神幻诀还要更加强大的多,是最高级别的九丹神幻诀。 Even if Cheng Yu had not found nine pill god imaginary secret arts in Holy City, only has six pill god imaginary secret arts merely, moreover this was past Holy City Holy Lord cultivation cultivation technique. 程宇就算是在圣城都没有找到九丹神幻诀,仅仅只有六丹神幻诀,而且这还是当年圣城圣主修炼的功法 Although Cheng Yu have not understood why will present such coincidence, but the fact actually puts at present. 虽然程宇自己也没有明白为什么会出现这样的巧合,但是事实却是摆在眼前的。 Initially he thinks that this set of cultivation technique is, but finally in Holy City that created has same cultivation technique, although was only six pill. 当初他以为这套功法是自己所创的,可是结果早在圣城就有一样的功法了,虽然只是六丹。 However he knows, no matter three pill six pill is nine pill, these cultivation technique essences are the same. 但是他知道,不管是三丹六丹还是九丹,这些功法的本质是相同的。 Why now Cheng Yu has no longer paid attention will present such coincidence, he hopes their Cheng Family disciple mostly can cultivation such cultivation technique, lets on Cheng Family overall strength again several levels. 如今程宇已经不再去理会为何会出现这样的巧合,他只是希望他们程家的弟子大多能够修炼上这样的功法,让程家的整体实力再上几个层次。 The especially those outstanding disciple, best be able to cultivate successfully. 尤其是那些优秀弟子,最好都能够修炼成功。 As the matter stands, when he found the law of awakening, if made these cultivation the Saint Clan cultivation technique people able to awaken together, everyone had cut to kill the strength of immortal, will he also be afraid Royal Court? 这样一来,等他找到觉醒之法,若是让这些修炼了圣族功法的人都能够一起觉醒,大家都有了斩杀仙人的实力,他还会害怕王朝吗? Even if led everyone to kill inner court to go directly no longer is the issue. 即便是带着大家直接杀到内朝去都不再是问题了。 Some things I do not know how should explain, but I was such cultivation success easily. Even your mistresses, they cannot cultivation. “有些事情我也不知道该怎么解释,可我就是这么轻易的修炼成功了。即便是你们的主母,她们也没能修炼。 Now white Zhengqi also cultivates successfully, no matter you are your mistresses, I will also make them attempt, hopes that you can also be successful, this to our Cheng Family, has the great significance. ” Cheng Yu helpless saying. 只是现在白正奇也修炼成功了,不管是你们还是你们的主母,我也会让她们去尝试一下,希望你们也能够成功,这对我们程家来说,都有重大意义。”程宇无奈的说道。 Initially he had also been attempted by oneself these women, but failed finally. Several women the first time are not attempted, but has not succeeded finally. 当初他也让自己的那些女人尝试过,可是最后都失败了。几个女人已经不是第一次尝试了,但是最后都没有成功。 He has not thought completely white Zhengqi actually will become second person who cultivates successful this set of cultivation technique. 他完全没有想到白正奇竟然会成为第二个修炼成功这套功法的人。 Not only he is surprised, simultaneously and is very pleasantly surprised. 既他感到意外,同时又很惊喜。 At least he finally found besides him, second can succeed to cultivate the Saint Clan cultivation technique person. 至少他终于找到了除他之外,第二个能够成功修炼圣族功法的人。 Now what he most wants to know , because white Zhengqi is the reason of Holy City's later generation, the method that he uses can let everyone successful cultivation. 现在他最想知道的是,到底是因为白正奇是圣城的后人的原因,还是他使用的这个方法可以让所有人都成功的修炼。 If the former, making him find the Holy City later generation to be happy, but this white Zhengqi did not have the family member and clansman, this made him regret helpless. 如果是前者,让他找到了圣城后人而高兴,可是这个白正奇却并没有亲人和族人了,这就让他遗憾又无奈了。 Because this did not have the means again third successfully to cultivate this set of cultivation technique on behalf of him, only if seperately found other Holy City's later generation again. 因为这代表他没有办法再让第三个人成功修炼这套功法了,除非再另外找到圣城的其他后人。 But if is the latter, white Zhengqi may really perform the huge merit for Cheng Family, everyone possibly cultivates through this set of cultivation technique, the rise of Cheng Family will certainly unable to prevent. 可如果是后者的话,那白正奇可就真的是为程家立下了巨大的功劳,所有人都可能通过这套功法来修炼,程家的崛起必将是无法阻挡的。 Even the mistresses cannot successfully cultivation, can we really cultivation successfully?” The people worried that immediately they have known really now function of this set of cultivation technique, that is can cut the immortal cultivation technique, after white Zhengqi cultivated successfully, means that he had ability that cut the immortal. “连主母都没能成功修炼,我们真的有可能修炼成功吗?”众人心里顿时担忧更甚了他们现在已经知道这套功法的作用,那是可以斩仙的功法,白正奇修炼成功了以后就意味着他拥有斩仙的能力。 Also because of this, head of household receiving him for being in direct line disciple, obviously white Zhengqi future incomparable light. 也正是因为这样,家主才会将收他为嫡传弟子,可见白正奇的前途无比的光明。 Someday, Cheng Family will have more people successfully to cultivate this set of cultivation technique. 也许有一天,程家还会有更多的人成功修炼这套功法 But they as the Cheng Family elder or the peak lord, their strengths actually were also however well below when the time comes white Zhengqi and these people, they also do have what face countenance to continue to sit in Cheng Family in oneself present position? 而他们作为程家的长老或者峰主,但是他们的实力到时候却还远远不如白正奇和这些人,那他们在程家又有何颜面继续坐在自己如今的位置上? „ Before this is not, doesn't have a better method? Now had the new way, is not only you, perhaps your mistresses, even is Cheng Family more people may also succeed to cultivate this set of cultivation technique, therefore you do not need too to be worried. “这不是以前没有更好的方法吗?现在有了新的办法,不光是你们,或许你们的主母,甚至是程家更多的人也都有可能成功修炼这套功法,所以你们也不用太担心。 After going back, defers to this method attempt well, perhaps next quarter you will discover the pleasant surprise! ” Cheng Yu naturally also hopes that very much everyone can be successful. 回去之后就按照这个方法好好的尝试一下,也许下一刻你们就会发现惊喜!”程宇当然也很希望大家都能够成功。 Because they succeeded words, that also means that his several women same can succeed. 因为他们都成功了的话,那也就意味着他的几个女人一样可以成功。 Such good deed is he most desired, he is also having very high hope. 这样的好事是他最希望看到的,他也是对此抱着很大希望的。 Actually in his at heart, him has thought such as white Zhengqi is really the Holy City later generation, perhaps can also cultivation directly, but does not need this way to cultivate. 其实在他的心里,他一直认为如白正奇真的是圣城后人的话,或许也是可以直接修炼的,而并不需要这种方式来修炼。 Asked the head of household to feel relieved, we will certainly try hard, hopes that we can give the head of household a perfect answer!” The people pinch tightly the fist, obviously does not want to miss this opportunity. “请家主放心,我们一定会努力的,也希望我们能够给家主一个完美的答案!”众人捏紧拳头,显然都不想错过这个机会。 Since white Zhengqi have succeeded, may like the head of household said that they may also succeed. 既然白正奇都已经成功了,或许会像家主说的一样,他们也都有可能成功。 Does not dare to have any delay again, the people hurry to say goodbye to the head of household, completely in high spirits flushes away toward own residence, making the Cheng Family disciples along the road have doubts.? 不敢再有任何的耽误,众人赶紧向家主告辞,全部兴冲冲的朝着自己的住所冲去,让沿路的程家弟子们都疑惑不已。?
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