GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4683: The struggle of strength!

God level student entering in midterm()” searches the latest chapter! “神级插班生()”查找最新章节! In the day wall, in old man clear seeing has nine Yuan gods to appear side Cheng Yu's, but is quick, that nine Yuan god fuses with the Cheng Yu's main body all of a sudden is one. 天壁之中,老者清晰的看到里面有九个元神出现在程宇的身边,但是很快,那九个元神一下子又与程宇的本体融合为一。 Sees only Cheng Yu before being situated in spatially, a low roar, a fist bombardment above that left day wall. 只见程宇临立于空,一声低吼,一拳轰击在那左边的天壁之上。 Bang! 轰! Bam! 啪! What!” The old men are in great surprise, own unescapable net unexpectedly so easily by Cheng Yu defeating. “什么!”老者更是大惊,自己的天罗地网竟然如此轻易就被程宇给击破了。 This old man really by the Cheng Yu's method shocking, him fully realized after all own unescapable net powerful, this world almost few individuals can escape. 这一次老者是真的被程宇的手段给震惊了,毕竟他深知自己的天罗地网有多强大,这世间几乎没有几个人能够从中逃出来。 But Cheng Yu not only escaped, but also broke open with the so domineering stance forcefully, this strength was too overbearing. 程宇不仅逃出来了,而且还是以如此强势的姿态强行破开了,这力量太霸道了。 Naturally, this is not he most cares, truly what he cares, this fellow actually has nine Yuan gods. 当然,这并不是他最在意的,他真正在意的是,这个家伙竟然拥有九个元神。 Why can be nine Yuan gods? This how with difference of record?” In the old man heart has doubts to say. “为什么会是九个元神?这怎么跟记载的不一样?”老者心中十分疑惑道。 In the record of Royal Court, even Holy City's Holy Lord still six Yuan gods, moreover Holy Lord and family member had died in the disaster in the past, even if Holy City also left behind the later generation, but Holy Lord should not have the later generation. 王朝的记载当中,即便是圣城的圣主也才六个元神,而且圣主及家人当年都已经死在劫难当中了,所以就算圣城还留下了后人,但是圣主应该不存在后人。 Therefore this world should not be possible to have the Holy Lord's later generation again. 所以这个世界应该不可能再有圣主的后人了。 Now but this youngster, actually causes nine Yuan gods, this is compares to Holy City's Holy Lord also to want the fearful character, what's all this about? 可是现在这个年轻人,竟然弄出了九个元神,这可是比起圣城的圣主还要可怕的人物,这是怎么回事? The old men are puzzling, but he knows a little, existence of this youngster to Royal Court will be a huge root of trouble. 老者百思不得其解,但是他知道有一点,这个年轻人的存在将对王朝是一个巨大的祸端。 It seems like today truly cannot make him leave!” The old men awaken said. “看来今天确实不能让他离开了!”老者惊醒道。 In the past Royal Court truly with Immortal World and demon jointly Holy City destroying completely, that is also only because Holy Lord is only people who had six Yuan gods. 当年王朝确实是与仙界和魔界联手才将圣城给灭掉了,那还只是因为圣主只是一个拥有六个元神的人。 If he lets people who today have nine Yuan gods left from here, the threat that then he brings to Royal Court will be more terrifying than past Holy City. 如果他今天让一个拥有九个元神的人从这里离开了,那么他给王朝带来的威胁会比当年的圣城还要恐怖。 Therefore, facing such Cheng Yu, he cannot have any showing mercy absolutely. Instantaneously, in his were many a guqin, nine revolutions of fire of karma qins. 所以,面对如此的程宇,他绝对不能有任何的手下留情。瞬间,在他的多了一把古琴,九转业火琴。 Zheng clank! 铮铮铮! Sees only the old man to sit, to is breaking open a day of wall, but Cheng Yu plays a qin, provoking of the continuously hand of old man above string. 只见老者席地而坐,对着破开天壁而出的程宇抚琴,老者的手在琴弦之上连绵不断的拨弄。 Therefore flame one after another also flies to shoot from the string, all flame are connected in the same place, turned into a long flame arm unexpectedly. 于是一道一道的火焰也从琴弦上飞射而出,所有的火焰相连在一起,竟然是变成了一条长长的火焰手臂。 With the change of tweedle, this flame arm looked like the eye to be steadily same, fast grasped toward Cheng Yu. 随着琴声的变化,这条火焰手臂就像是长了眼睛一样,飞快的朝着程宇抓去。 However Cheng Yu flashes, that flame arm cannot hold Cheng Yu, actually a Cheng Yu behind lofty tree entangling. 不过程宇一闪,那火焰手臂没能将程宇抓住,却是把程宇身后的一棵参天大树给缠上了。 What is horrible, saw only this giant incomparable tree to be cremated the ashes by this flame unexpectedly instantaneously. 令人恐怖的是,只见这棵巨大无比的树竟然瞬间就被这火焰焚化成了灰烬。 The flame arm again toward standing Cheng Yu in stone circles, but let the Cheng Yu make way again, the giant stone that finally that was entangled was burnt to be reduced to ashes instantaneously. 火焰手臂再次朝着站在石头上的程宇绕去,不过再一次让程宇闪开了,结果那被缠上的巨石又瞬间被焚化为灰烬。 Good overbearing flame!” The Cheng Yu look concentrates, the might no small matter of this flame, cannot make it give to tie down. “好霸道的火焰!”程宇眼神一凝,这火焰的威力非同小可,可不能让它将自己给缠住。 Whiz! 嗖! Very long has not used Cheng Yu of weapon with awakens of being lost in thought that sees that flame arm to twine to come again, immediately several swords cut, this long flame arm turned into several instantaneously. 已经很久没有使用武器的程宇拿出了神之苏醒,见那火焰手臂再次缠绕而来,当即几剑斩过去,这条长长的火焰手臂瞬间就变成了数段。 Zheng clank! 铮铮铮! Saw only the old man to provoke several strings, these by several flame that Cheng Yu cut off are actually linked, entangled toward Cheng Yu. 只见老者重新拨弄了几根琴弦,那些被程宇斩断的数段火焰却又重新连接在一起,朝着程宇缠了过来。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! Meanwhile, when Cheng Yu thinks again awakens cuts, this flame arm unexpectedly is the fastening, again is unable with the sword to cut off. 与此同时,当程宇再用神之苏醒斩过去之时,这火焰手臂竟是紧固不已,再也无法用剑斩断了。 Interesting!” However Cheng Yu therefore has not actually dreaded, instead felt oneself these ran into the opponent who can fight time truly. “有意思!”不过程宇却并没有因此而畏惧,反而觉得自己这一次是真正的遇到了可以交手的对手了。 Since these years, he very long has not run into a nice opponent. That has been hitting the black robe person of Keke abacus is being. 这些年以来,他已经很久没有遇到过一个像样的对手了。那个一直在打着可可算盘的黑袍人算是一个。 However in the past the black robe person was beaten by him after Cheng Family, now has not appeared for a long time again. 不过当年黑袍人在程家被他击败之后,如今已经许久没有再出现了。 But today, he met one finally with the well-matched opponent. 而今天,他终于又遇到了一个与之旗鼓相当的对手。 At this moment, he believes that at present this person was Royal Court exalted lord. After all this world can have the person of this strength is not many, at least this person is not an immortal. 此时此刻,他更加坚信眼前这个人就是王朝主上了。毕竟这世间能够有此实力的人不多,至少这个人并不是仙人。 Therefore this person absolutely is not Royal Court the helper who looks for from Immortal World. 所以这个人绝对不是王朝仙界找来的帮手。 So long as this back side of the mountain does not have existence of immortal, to be honest, he really has not dreaded at present this person. 只要这后山没有仙人的存在,说实话,他还真是一点都不畏惧眼前这个人。 This rope burned as mosquito repellent looks like an arm to be common, with relative importance of old man tweedle, its strength will also change, moreover very flexible. 这条火绳就像是一只手臂一般,随着老者琴声的轻重缓急,它的力量也会随之改变,而且非常的灵活。 However Cheng Yu from the beginning is also only the probe, after finding the repertoire of this flame arm, the Cheng Yu's speed suddenly becomes very quickly, achieved has not definitely been able with the degree that the naked eye caught. 不过程宇一开始也只是试探而已,当找到了这火焰手臂的套路之后,程宇的速度突然变得非常快,更是达到了已经完全无法用肉眼去捕捉的程度了。 This flame arm cannot respond obviously, is unable to keep up with the Cheng Yu's rhythm. 这条火焰手臂显然反应不过来,无法跟上程宇的节奏了。 Naturally, Cheng Yu's goal not this is long and big flame arm, but sits the old man who plays a qin in the distant place. 当然,程宇的目的并不是这又长又大的火焰手臂,而是坐在远处抚琴的老者。 Beginning of the universe thousand Yuan cut!” Sees only Cheng Yu to rush to the front of old man, the long sword holds up high, a sword cuts, innumerable sword shades layer by layer cuts to fall toward the head of old man. “混元千元斩!”只见程宇冲到老者的面前,长剑高高举起,一剑斩下,无数剑影一层一层的朝着老者的头上斩落下来。 That move, what is different, the strength is different, even the similar move of technique, the might actually has been huge difference. 还是那一招,不过不同的是,力量不同,即便是同样的招术,威力却早已经是天壤之别。 Wants the Cheng Yu's strength to be small and weak initially, he uses such move of technique to repel, even was strikes to kill many opponents. 想当初程宇的实力弱小,他用这样的招术击退,甚至是击杀了多少对手。 Now, under he powerful strength support, this move of might does not know terrifyingly. 现在,在他自身强大的力量支撑下,这一招的威力不知道有多恐怖。 Several hundred chi (0.33 m) distance cuts, the imposing manner is astonishing, scene terrifying, in addition sword shadow overlay layer by layer after behind, a several hundred chi (0.33 m) fan-shaped sword shadow the translucence of entire night photo. 数百尺的距离斩过去,气势惊人,场面恐怖,再加上一层一层的剑影叠加在身后,一个数百尺的扇形剑影将整个黑夜照的透亮。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! However, this is in world extremely rare war, strength of both sides exceptionally powerful, although such move of technique terrifying, but is actually not able to beat the opposite party eventually directly. 不过,这是一场世间极为罕见的大战,双方的实力都异常的强大,这样的招术虽然恐怖,但却终究还是无法直接击败对方的。 Sees only in the sky of old man, presented a flame barrier of hemispheroid, all sword shades that Cheng Yu displayed divided completely in this flame barrier. 只见在老者的上空,出现了一个半球形的火焰屏障,程宇施展出来的所有剑影全部都劈在这个火焰屏障上。 But old man also steady sitting plays a qin under the flame barrier, looks calm, as if the Cheng Yu's counter-attack has not affected him completely plays a qin. 而老者还稳稳的坐在火焰屏障下方抚琴,神情自若,仿佛程宇的反击完全都没有影响到他抚琴。 Cheng Yu regarding does not seem accidental/surprised, the whole person from disappears again same place. 只是程宇对于似乎也并不意外,整个人再次从原地消失。 The clarity that no one can look, Cheng Yu turned into four people at this time all of a sudden, four Cheng Yu flush away toward the old man from the different directions respectively. 没有人能够看的清楚,程宇在这个时候一下子变成了四个人,四个程宇分别从不同的方向朝着老者冲去。 Zheng clank! 铮铮铮! However, the old man was existed the sensation to anything obviously, the tweedle on hand became is suddenly anxious. 然而,老者显然是感知到了什么存在,手上的琴声突然变得非常急切起来。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! Originally be only a long flame arm, the next quarter actually extended three flame arms from his string, gave the obstruction Cheng Yu of four directions respectively. 原本只有一条长长的火焰手臂,下一刻却是从他的琴弦之中又伸出了三只火焰手臂,分别将四个方向的程宇给阻截了。 Four flame arms make a move freely, looks like the arm that on old man is long to be the same completely, keeping Cheng Yu definitely from finding the breach nearly before the body of old man. 四只火焰手臂出手自如,完全就像是老者自己身上长出来的手臂一般,让程宇完全无法找到突破口近到老者的身前。 Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! After a four clone dogfight, in the situation of does not have any effect, Cheng Yu knows that own method had been looked through by the opposite party. 经过四个分身的一番缠斗,也没有任何效果的情况下,程宇知道自己的手段早已经被对方看破了。 Therefore four clone combine into one again, since uses diversionary tactics unable to succeed, that can only seek his law in addition. 于是四个分身再次合而为一,既然声东击西不能成功的话,那就只能另寻他法了。 This time, Cheng Yu has not hidden own figure finally again, but clear standing in the dead ahead of old man. 这一次,程宇终于没有再隐藏自己的身形,而是明明白白的站在老者的正前方。 The old men actually acted to Cheng Yu while this opportunity again, since a flame arm is unable to hold Cheng Yu, that uses nine flame arms to come together! 老者却是趁此机会再次向程宇出手了,既然一只火焰手臂无法抓住程宇,那就用九只火焰手臂一起来吧! Based on four flame arms, on nine revolutions of fire of karma qins emitted five flame arms again, nine flame arms throw toward dead ahead Cheng Yu from the different directions. 在原本四只火焰手臂的基础上,九转业火琴上再次冒出了五只火焰手臂,九只火焰手臂从不同的方向朝着正前方的程宇扑去。 The speeds of these nine flame arms are quick, the old man sees Cheng Yu these not to choose the avoidance time unexpectedly, lets some of his doubts actually. 这九只火焰手臂的速度很快,老者见程宇这一次竟然没有选择躲避,倒是让他心里有些疑惑。 „Does this boy want to do?” The old men naturally cannot believe that this fellow suicides intentionally, does not meet own move. “这小子又想要干什么?”老者自然不会相信这个家伙故意寻死,不接自己的招。 But in these nine flame arms nearly before the Cheng Yu body, and nine arms stretch out the giant palm, wants to hold and swallow Cheng Yu, when the flame cremates, Cheng Yu actually stretched out own palm suddenly. 可是就在这九只火焰手臂近到程宇身前,并且九只手臂伸出巨大的手掌,想要将程宇抓住并且吞噬在火焰当中焚化的时候,程宇却是突然伸出了自己的手掌。 Saw only the Cheng Yu's palm center suddenly to present a fiery-red vortex! 只见程宇的手掌中心突然出现了一个火红色的漩涡! Roar! 吼! Dragon! 龙! Red vortex unceasing increasing, appears in the old man finally at present is actually a fiery-red fire dragon great mouth. 红色漩涡不断的变大,最后出现在老者眼前的却是一只火红色的火龙巨嘴。 „It is not right!” The old men feel the unusuality of that fire dragon, originally already nearly in front of Cheng Yu nine flame arms, so long as goes forward points to be able Cheng Yu to grasp again, but he actually chose suddenly received the hand. “不对!”老者感觉到那火龙的异常,原本已经近在程宇面前的九只火焰手臂只要再前进一点就能够将程宇抓在其中了,可是他却突然选择了收手。 Nine flame arms first retreat backward. Now draws back! As if some late! Swallows! ” Cheng Yu sneers, sees only the hot dragon's head on Cheng Yu palm to open mouth attracts, nine flame arms that just drew back were attracted immediately. 九只火焰手臂第一时间向后退去。现在才退!似乎有些晚了!吞噬!”程宇冷笑一声,只见程宇手心上的火龙头张嘴一吸,原本刚刚退回去的九只火焰手臂顿时又被吸了回来。 Own almighty troops sharp weapon, actually turned into the burden at this moment. 原本自己的神兵利器,这一刻却是变成了累赘。 It is absorbing the flame strengths of nine revolutions of fire of karma qins unexpectedly!” In old man heart strength in sensation in nine revolutions of fire of karma qins to own unceasing suction, seriously is in great surprise. “它竟然在吸收九转业火琴的火焰力量!”老者心中感知到自己手上的九转业火琴中的力量正在不断的被吸走,当真是大惊不已。 He does not know that Cheng Yu that fire dragon what's the matter, really has the so terrifying ability. 他不知道程宇那火龙到底是怎么回事,竟然有这般恐怖的能力。 Clang! 锵! However the old man is not an average man, when breaks , then breaks, saw with own eyes oneself are unable to remove again these flame arms, therefore the palm wipes above all strings, gave to shut off these nine flame arms like the blade generally completely. 不过老者也非常人,当断则断,眼见自己无法再将那些火焰手臂撤回来了,于是手掌在所有的琴弦之上一抹,如同刀一般将这九只火焰手臂全部给切断了。 Cheng Yu has this method, obviously these nine revolutions of fire of karma qins do not have the means to cope with Cheng Yu again, although his response is quick, hurried to cut off the relation, but the flame strengths of these nine revolutions of fire of karma qins by Cheng Yu's that fire dragon suction much. 程宇有此手段,显然这九转业火琴已是没有办法再对付程宇了,而且虽然他的反应很快,赶紧切断了联系,但是这九转业火琴的火焰力量还是被程宇的那只火龙给吸走了不少。 Wish makes these nine revolutions of fire of karma qins restore to the original strength, it is estimated that must need some time and large amounts of resources is good, therefore hurried to receive. 想要让这九转业火琴恢复到原来的力量,估计得需要一段时间和大量的资源才行,于是赶紧收了起来。 Since your fire were out, how you do taste my flame again the flavor?” Cheng Yu saw the old man to receive the zither | Jean on own initiative, was sneers again and again, no longer swallows immediately, but was the direct palm ejects, this fire dragon pushing out. “既然你的火灭了,那你就再尝尝我这火焰的味道如何?”程宇见老者主动将琴收了起来,更是冷笑连连,当即不再吞噬,而是直接一掌击出,将这火龙给推了出去。 Roar! 吼! The hot dragon's head departs, the long dragon body also followed to fly from the Cheng Yu's palm. 火龙头飞出,长长的龙身也跟着从程宇的手掌之中飞了出来。 At this moment, the fire dragon seemed like imprisoned obtains the freedom to be common for a long time suddenly, opened the great mouth to angrily roar is flushing away toward the old man. 这一刻,火龙就像是被囚禁已久突然得到了久违的自由一般,张着巨嘴怒吼着朝着老者冲去。 Bang! 轰! The fire dragon has flown, the place instantaneous myriad things that the old man stands all extinguish!? 火龙飞过,老者所站的地方瞬间万物皆灭!?
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