GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4541: Here feared that has the heavy treasure!

When not gentle and mild their three people followed Cheng Yu to return to the summit, model/pattern elder they with these wearing a mask experts are in the battlefield cleanup. 当莫正平他们三人跟着程宇回到山顶的时候,范长老他们和那些蒙面高手正在打扫战场。 Looks everywhere is the corpse and blood, gentle and mild they actually felt some nauseas not. 看着满地都是尸体和鲜血,莫正平他们竟然觉得有些恶心了。 Even if they are cultivator, but still has rarely seen the so large-scale fight, let alone these person and Cheng Yu their fights basically are one-sided, this is slaughters simply. 即便他们都是修士,可是也很少看到过如此大规模的战斗,更何况这些人与程宇他们的战斗基本上算是一边倒,这简直就是屠杀啊。 But they know, this no wonder Cheng Yu they. 可是他们知道,这怪不得程宇他们。 If not they are greedy, leading so many people to climb mountains, will not have such situation. 如果不是他们自己贪心,带着这么多人上山的话,就不会出现这样的情况了。 Moreover they also plan they to massacre Cheng Yu from the beginning, what a pity is, their abacuses hit is inferior to Cheng Yu they fine. 而且他们一开始也是打算将程宇他们杀掉的,可惜的是,他们的算盘打的不如程宇他们精。 Cheng Yu they are hiding so many experts unexpectedly, finally therefore dies is not Cheng Yu they, but is they. 程宇他们竟然隐藏着这么多的高手,所以最后死的不是程宇他们,而是他们这些人。 called a king if successful, called a bandit if defeated, this is the reality! 正所谓,成王败寇,这便是现实! Young Master, this was......” model/pattern elder they sees the Cheng Yu behind gentle and mild three people not, at heart some doubts. 少爷,这是......”范长老他们看到程宇身后的莫正平三人,不禁心里有些疑惑。 This so many people climb mountains, majority was massacred by them, a small number can escape to descend the mountain. 这一次这么多人上山来,大部分都被他们杀掉了,只有少部分人能够逃下山去。 But does not know why Young Master must leave behind these three people. 可是不知道少爷为什么还要留下这三个人。 These three people have big using to us, waited to meet you to know!” Cheng Yu has not explained to them are too many, after all is quick he to arrange some people to study their techniques of jointly attacking. “这三个人对我们有大用,等会你们就知道了!”程宇也没有跟他们解释太多,毕竟很快他就会安排一些人来学习他们的合击之术的。 model/pattern Chang third child person nods, since Young Master said that they are not many asked that honest following Young Master. 范长老三人点点头,既然少爷这么说了,他们也不多问,老老实实的跟着少爷 Our person casualties how?” Cheng Yu opens the mouth to ask. “我们的人伤亡怎么样?”程宇开口问道。 Although this fight assumes the potential of leaning to one side, the initiative in their hands, is the population of opposite party are completely many, particularly they when run out surround, although the strengths of more than 2000 people are very strong, but breaks through facing so many people, presented some casualties. 虽然这一场战斗呈一边倒之势,主动权完全在他们的手上,可是毕竟对方的人数不少,尤其是他们在冲出围堵的时候,尽管这两千多人的实力很强,但是面对这么多人突围,还是出现了一些伤亡。 However, he believes that this casualties will not be serious. 不过,他相信这个伤亡不会特别严重。 Several people sacrificed, more than 300 are injured personally, is Great Ascension Stage cultivator. Although several Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator are also injured, but is quite light, no obstructs greatly!” model/pattern Elder said. “有十几个人牺牲了,还有三百多个人受了伤,都是大乘期修士。几个渡劫期修士虽然也受了伤,但是都比较轻,没什么大碍!”范长老说道。 Un!” Cheng Yu nods, thought that some are unhappy. “嗯!”程宇点点头,还是觉得有些不开心。 Although massacred so many enemies, actually only lost more than ten people, this has calculated on was greatly wins. 虽然杀掉了这么多的敌人,却只损失了十几个人,这已经算的上是非常巨大的胜利了。 But he did not think that this is one how the matter that is worth showing off, because these people damn, may merely be because these people are not resigned to be caught up to descend the mountain, but also wants to recover the gathering place, then robs the treasure. 可是他并不觉得这是一件多么值得炫耀的事情,因为这些人本不该死,可仅仅是因为这些人不甘心被赶下山,还想要找回场子,然后抢夺宝物。 Dust turns over to the dust, the earth to turn over to the earth, making these more than ten brothers be laid to rest!” Cheng Yu is low and deep was saying. “尘归尘,土归土,让这十几个兄弟入土为安吧!”程宇低沉着说道。 He does not have the ability to bring back to life, can only do that to make him feel that felt at ease some. 他没有能力让人起死回生,只能这么做或许会让他觉得心安一些了。 Got it!” model/pattern Elder nods, arranging the manpower to bury these more than ten brothers on this immortal mirror mountain. “明白了!”范长老点点头,安排人手将这十几个兄弟埋藏在这仙镜山上。 Although is only a very simple action, person but who was the dynasty regarding these, at heart is actually unusual move. 虽然只是一个非常简单的举动,可是对于这些原本属于王朝的人来说,心里却是非常的感动。 New Young Master that at least their are forced to accept did not treat as the tool and slave them uses, died more than ten brothers, their did not feel better at heart, after all before these brothers, with their living in the same place. 至少他们这个被迫接受的新少爷并不是把他们当作工具和奴隶使用,死掉了十几个兄弟,他们的心里也不好受,毕竟这些兄弟之前还都是跟他们活生生的在一起。 Saw that these more than ten brothers can be laid to rest, even Young Master also bows a bow for them, their felt like that Young Master is the brothers from the heart respect these elapse. 看到这十几个兄弟能够入土为安,甚至少爷还为他们鞠上一躬,他们的心里都觉得少爷是发自内心的尊重这些逝去的兄弟。 Young Master can respect them, their at heart naturally moves, at least can be one type is also honored for such working oneself to death. 少爷能够尊重他们大家,他们的心里自然十分的感动,至少能够为这样的卖命也算是一种荣幸了。 Young Master, tonight or tomorrow evening will have the unusual brightness to appear, were we also this/should shift?” After these people bury, Yang Elder walks to ask. 少爷,今晚或者明晚又会有宝光出现,我们是不是也该转移了?”将这些人安葬好以后,杨长老走过来问道。 Un, tonight the unusual brightness will appear in Northeast, we first pass!” Cheng Yu says. “嗯,今晚宝光会出现在东北方向,我们先过去吧!”程宇开口说道。 This place bloody air/Qi was too heavy, when is not very comfortable in such place. 这个地方血腥气太重了,待在这样的地方并不是很舒服。 Everyone follows Cheng Yu they to depart, but not gentle and mild tight following Cheng Yu, had doubts at heart very much. 所有人跟着程宇他们离去,而莫正平虽然紧紧的跟着程宇,心里却是很疑惑。 Boss, how this fellow knows not the tonight's unusual brightness will appear in Northeast?” slow Yuan with passes message asked. “莫老大,这个家伙怎么会知道今晚的宝光会出现在东北方向呢?”徐元用传音问道。 I don't know either, these people are very not really simple, perhaps they have long known that here will have what treasure to appear, can therefore lead so many experts to come to take the treasure!” don't gentle and mild said. “我也不知道,这些人果然很不简单,或许他们早就知道这里会有什么宝物出现,所以才会带着这么多的高手前来取宝!”莫正平说道。 Has the possibility, the words that spoke, under this immortal mirror mountain will also really have a big treasure to be born!” slow Yuan very curious saying. “有可能,这么说的话,这仙镜山下还真会有一件大宝物要出世了!”徐元十分好奇的说道。 They had also heard under the immortal mirror mountain has an immortal mirror, what treasure but this immortal mirror is, they do not know, because no one has understood this treasure truly. 他们也听说过仙镜山下有一把仙镜,可是这仙镜到底是什么样的宝物,他们并不知道,因为从来没有人真正的了解过这件宝物。 If guesses right, this treasure at least was also the antiquity period remains. 如果猜的没错的话,这件宝物至少也是上古时期留下来的。 Hearsay antiquity period Immortal cultivation can have greatly everywhere, that is the Immortal cultivation best time, can pour forth greatly, various Immortal cultivation cultivation technique were widely known, various Immortal Tool legal are also heard everywhere. 传闻上古时期修仙大能到处都有,那是修仙最好的时代,大能辈出,各种修仙功法盛传,各种仙器法定也是到处都有听说。 Rather than like the present, if where Immortal Tool must be born, that almost can attract entire Cultivation World cultivator. 而不是像现在,若是哪里有一件仙器要出世,那几乎都能够吸引到整个修真界修士了。 Naturally, although this immortal mirror mountain has Immortal Tool to be born, but this merely is only the hearsay. Moreover the time that the treasure reveals itself be is only so long, therefore to immortal mirror mountain too far place, even if some people hear such hearsay, obviously was still without enough time. 当然了,这仙镜山虽然有仙器要出世,但是这仅仅只是传闻。而且宝物出世的时间就只有这么久,所以离仙镜山太远的地方,即使是有人听到这样的传闻,显然也是来不及了。 Also because of this, although the Immortal Tool attraction is very big, but can seize the treasure after all also to this place quite near person. 也正是因为这样,尽管仙器的吸引力很大,但是会来夺宝的毕竟也是离这个地方比较近的人。 However if this immortal mirror mountain really presented extraordinary Immortal Tool when the time comes, when the time comes will definitely raise another one to seize the valuable tide. 不过若是这仙镜山到时候真的出现了一件了不得的仙器,到时候又肯定会掀起另一番夺宝大潮了。 The hearsay is the hearsay, even if there is fierce legal birth, still not necessarily real. 传闻是传闻,即使是有再厉害的法定出世,也未必就是真的。 But if the hearsay became the reality, that was another scene. Since legal were born, that really has such treasure, moreover had been won. 可若是传闻变成了现实,那就是另一番情景了。既然法定出世了,那就是真的有这样的宝物,而且已经被人夺走。 On that day under expert naturally also wanted to win these treasures, therefore after the genuine treasure was born, that really might cause world expert to seize the treasure to fight. 那天下强者自然也想要将这些宝物夺走,所以真正的宝物出世之后,那就真的是有可能引起天下强者夺宝大战了。 Originally slow Yuan they had not thought that Magical Treasure of this immortal mirror mountain is fierce, but sees Cheng Yu they as if to understand that now this treasure situation, this obvious situation somewhat was different. 本来徐元他们倒没觉得这仙镜山的法宝有多么厉害的,可是现在见程宇他们似乎早就了解到这宝物的情况了,这显然情况就有些不一样了。 expert like Cheng Yu came for this immortal mirror mountain treasure, then this treasure feared that was extraordinary. 程宇这样的强者都为这仙镜山宝物而来了,那么这宝物怕是非常的了不得了。 This naturally also made him have the interest in this treasure. 这自然也让他对这宝物更加有兴趣了。 Was only we now is others captives, even if here really had the heavy treasure to appear, did not have to relate with us many greatly.” don't gentle and mild returned said. “只是我们现在已经是人家的阶下囚了,即便这里真的有重宝出现,跟我们也没有多大的关系了。”莫正平回道。 Oh! Their people were too many, otherwise after we can also snatch the treasure, escapes!” slow Yuan looks that this so many people are staring at them, at heart specially moved. “唉!他们人太多了,要不然我们还可以抢了宝物之后再逃!”徐元看着这身边这么多人盯着他们,心里就特别的伤感。 They also arrive at this immortal mirror mountain for this treasure, finally now actually becomes the captive, moreover must own good thing share to others, really be exasperating. 他们也是为了这宝物才来到这仙镜山的,结果现在却成了阶下囚,而且还要将自己的好东西分享给别人,真是气人啊。 Do not think again, by the strength of that person, without these people, we cannot escape even same!” don't gentle and mild said. “你不要再多想了,以那个人的实力,就算没有这些人,我们也一样逃不掉!”莫正平说道。 It can be said that he has seen clearly the situation now completely, so long as there is Cheng Yu, they did not need other idea again. 可以说他现在已经完全看清形势了,只要有程宇在,他们根本就不用再有别的想法了。 Because the Cheng Yu's strength was really immeasurably deep, they in the leeway that the front of this person has not counter-attacked completely, how did this also fight? 因为程宇的实力实在是太深不可测了,他们在这个人的面前完全没有反击的余地,这还怎么斗呢? Said is also, we really can only look with own eyes they do take that treasure?” Although slow Yuan also knows that the fact truly is this, is eventually is at heart unwilling. “说的也是,难道我们真的只能亲眼看着他们将那宝物取走吗?”徐元虽然也知道事实确实是这样,可是心里终究还是不甘心。 If they will really let off us when the time comes, we can also attain the treasure the news to pass on them, when the time comes they also not necessarily can also defend lives in this treasure, perhaps when this treasure can return to our hands!” don't gentle and mild said. “如果他们到时候真的会放过我们,我们也可以将他们拿到宝物的消息传出去,到时候他们也未必还能守的住这宝物,说不定什么时候这宝物又能回到我们手上了!”莫正平说道。 Ok, first did not say that such treasure really can return to our hands, but from me to the understanding of that person, I estimated that he will not easily let off us!” slow Yuan was the optimistic idea does not have regarding the imagination of don't gentle and mild. “算了吧,先不说这样宝物是不是真的能够回到我们手上,但是就从我对那个人的了解来看,我估计他不会这么轻易的放过我们!”徐元对于莫正平的假想却是一点乐观的想法都没有。 Because he always felt Cheng Yu, although always compatible of face, seems like the human and animals harmless appearance, but the starting matter comes, actually elder they also want mean many. 因为他总觉得程宇虽然总是一脸的亲和,看起来人畜无害的模样,但是做起事情来,却比范长老他们还要阴狠的多。 Therefore after them technique of church these people jointly attacking, Cheng Yu whether will really put them to leave, that is really a very indefinite matter. 所以在他们将合击之术教会这些人之后,程宇是否真的会放他们离开,那真的是一件非常不确定的事情。 No matter what, we also can only walk one step to look at one now step!” don't gentle and mild also had no bottom at heart, but the person under the eaves, has to lower the head, they also can only all first obey the Cheng Yu's arrangement. “不管怎么样,我们现在也只能走一步看一步了!”莫正平心里也没有什么底,但是人在屋檐下,不得不低头,他们也只能一切都先听从程宇的安排。 How perhaps finally, only had Cheng Yu and god knows. 结果如何,或许就只有程宇自己和天知道了。 After with Cheng Yu arrives at the northeast direction the destination, everyone then starts stationed. Unlike before, before was Cheng Yu their four people, but more than 2000 person Cheng Yu do not have to take back them to Immortals and Demons Pagoda in now again. 跟着程宇来到东北方向的目的地之后,大家便开始驻扎了。与之前不同,之前都是程宇他们四个人,可是现在这两千多人程宇也没有再把他们收回到仙魔塔里面。 One had gentle and mild not their three bystanders, two were since has put them, he does not want to receive quickly them. 一是有莫正平他们三个外人在,二则是既然已经把他们放出来了,他也不想就这么快把他们收回去。 Moreover, if the real treasure reveals itself when the time comes, they have so many people, there are many advantages. 而且,若是到时候真的宝物出世的时候,他们有这么多人在,还是有不少的优势的。 Because he thought that these cultivator will not be easy to lose heart, judged from the present situation, almost also has one month to treasure true birth. 因为他觉得这些修士不会那么容易死心的,从现在的情况来判断,离宝物真正的出世差不多还有一个月的时间。 In such long time, will it is estimated that have many people to arrive at the immortal mirror mountain. 在这么久的时间里,估计还会有不少人会来到仙镜山。 When the treasure reveals itself, certain meeting person climbs mountains to rob the treasure again. They have the words of so many people, he can also a better arrangement all, not make anybody have the opportunity to win the treasure. 所以在宝物出世的时候,一定会人再次上山来抢夺宝物。他们有这么多人的话,他也能够更好的安排好一切,不会让任何人有机会将宝物夺走。 These three people will have a jointly attacking technique, combines into one strengths of three people, the might increases instantaneously. I thought that this is a very good technique law, therefore I kept them, making our people also study the study this technique of jointly attacking. “这三个人会有一种合击之术,将三个人的力量合而为一,威力瞬间大增。我觉得这是一种非常不错的术法,所以我把他们留下来了,让我们的人也学一学这合击之术。 Now makes them teach you, you start! ” Cheng Yu was they were first explaining to model/pattern elder why they will bring don't gentle and mild, finally was also saying to the gentle and mild three people not. 现在就让他们来教教你们吧,你们开始吧!”程宇先是对着范长老他们解释了一下为什么会把莫正平他们带来,最后又对着莫正平三人说道。 In this jade Jane/simple has the method of technique of jointly attacking, you can pass to them this!” don't gentle and mild seems to have been ready, ejects jade Jane/simple to come to give Cheng Yu directly! “这玉简里面就有合击之术的方法,你可以把这个传给他们!”莫正平似乎早就已经做好了准备,直接就抛出一块玉简来给程宇 txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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