GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4445: The Heavenly Dao penalty cannot stir up!

Four Outer King heard so long as oneself are willing to follow him, then really can leave here, and returns to own outer court to become Outer King again, immediately is pleasantly surprised. 四个外王听说自己只要愿意追随了他,便真的可以离开这里,并且回到自己的外朝再成为外王,顿时惊喜不已。 But nearby thousand peak Outer King see this situation, somewhat vacillated at heart. 而一旁的千峰外王见到这种情形,心里也不由有些动摇起来了。 Originally everyone is altogether draws back, but everyone goes separate ways with him now, moreover their four people not only can live well, but can also go back, when their Outer King. 本来大家是共退进的,但是现在大家都与他分道扬镳了,而且他们四个人不仅可以活的好好的,还能够回去当他们的外王 But he? 可是他呢? After they leave, feared that was also his time of death! 等到他们离开之后,怕也就是他的死期了! Thinks of here, his naturally did not hate dead at heart more and more like this. 一想到这里,他的心里自然是越来越舍不得就这样死去了。 The people fear the contrast, without contrast time, he felt actually oneself do that very meaningful. 人就是怕对比,没有对比的时候,他倒是觉得自己这么做挺有意义的。 But looks at the results of these four people, he felt oneself made as if really does not have any significance. 可是看着这四个人的结果,他就觉得自己这么做似乎真的没有什么意义了。 I, since promised you, will naturally fulfill the commitment, but should you also fulfill your commitments now?” Cheng Yu looks that these four people said. “我既然答应了你们,自然就会兑现承诺,不过你们现在也该兑现你们的承诺了吧?”程宇看着这四个人说道。 We understand!” Four people nod, starts to establish the Heavenly Dao blood oath to Young Master. “我们明白!”四个人点点头,纷纷开始向少爷立下天道血誓。 When above the forehead of everyone has a signature of Heavenly Dao blood oath appears, they then know after oneself, really betrayed the present person very much difficultly. 当每个人的额头之上都有一个天道血誓的印迹显现的时候,他们便知道自己以后就真的很难去背叛眼前的人了。 Although they also know that the Heavenly Dao blood oath can relieve, but this thing actually also never has really to hear that some people have relieved, therefore this matter they basically can not need to consider. 虽然他们也知道天道血誓是可以解除的,但是这玩意却还从来没有真的听说有人解除过,因此这事他们基本上可以不用考虑。 However, the exalted lord strength is so powerful, perhaps is capable of relieving this Heavenly Dao blood oath is not uncertain. 不过,主上的实力那么强大,或许有能力解除这天道血誓也不一定。 The risk that does that is also very big, because Young Master also said a moment ago, if their Heavenly Dao blood vowed are relieved, Young Master met first knows. 只是这么做的风险也是很大的,因为刚才少爷也说了,如果他们的天道血誓被解除了,少爷会第一时间知道。 Then, even if exalted lord will not blame their crimes of betrayal, but Young Master will still look for them again, therefore they will be instead more dangerous. 如此一来,就算主上不会怪罪他们的背叛之罪,但是少爷也会再找上他们的,所以他们反而会更加危险。 Although they betray Royal Court now, but this matter, so long as they did not say, that Royal Court and exalted lord are impossible to know. 虽然现在他们背叛了王朝,可是这件事情只要他们自己不说的话,那王朝主上也都不可能知晓。 As the matter stands, they instead relieving the Heavenly Dao blood vowed are safer. 这样一来,他们反而要比解除了天道血誓更加安全。 Let alone they now are Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator, now is also only one day is one day, perhaps they can cultivate/repair greatly completely in less than many years, flew upwards Immortal World. 更何况他们现在都已经是渡劫期修士了,现在也不过只是过一天是一天,也许用不了多少年他们就能够修得大圆满,飞升仙界了。 So long as flew upwards Immortal World, this Heavenly Dao blood oath also does have to use to them? Was definitely useless. 只要飞升了仙界,这天道血誓对他们还有用吗?肯定是没用了。 Therefore, they betray Royal Court now even, will not make the matter that anything does a disservice to Royal Court to come, words that such thinks, feeling of guilty at heart is not deep, can accept to follow this new Young Master. 所以,他们现在就算背叛了王朝,也不会做出什么对不起王朝的事情来,这样一想的话,心里的罪恶感也就没有那么深了,更加能够接受追随这个新少爷了。 „Do you think now? Is the choice like them, has own all, is the choice the Royal Court loyalty dies?” Obtained four recent Heavenly Dao blood oath signatures, Cheng Yu will look at the bodies of thousand peak Outer King again. “你现在想好了吗?是选择像他们一样,重新拥有属于自己的一切,还是选择为王朝的忠义而死呢?”得到了四个新的天道血誓印迹,程宇再次将目光放到了千峰外王的身上。 Has saying that he admires thousand peak Outer King very much. 不得不说,他还是很佩服千峰外王的。 After all Outer King that he has now had to do also had much, Outer King that but insisted like thousand peak Outer King, truly is at present most rigid one. 毕竟他现在打过交道的外王也有不少了,可是像千峰外王这么坚持的外王,确实是目前最执着的一个了。 However, he hopes this person can see clearly the reality, although he himself actually also hates others' betrayal very much. 不过,他还是希望这个人能够看清现实,尽管他自己其实也很痛恨别人的背叛。 But if these people do not betray him, he how rapid disintegrates and weakens the Royal Court influence! 但是如果这些人都不背叛他的话,他又怎么迅速的去瓦解和削弱王朝的势力呢! Let alone, not only weakened the Royal Court strength through such method, simultaneously was equal to enhancing their strength, this made him give up doing that very much difficultly. 更何况,通过这样的方法不仅仅是削弱了王朝的实力,同时又等于是提升了他们的实力,这让他很难去放弃这么做啊。 I...... I......” thousand peak Outer King truly hesitated, his innermost feelings had vacillated, he wants to insist oneself loyalty, but wants to go on living. “我......我......”千峰外王确实犹豫了,他的内心已经动摇了,他想坚持自己的忠义,但是又想要活下去。 Since old times loyalty difficult entire, the fish and bear's paws cancould have both , he now is very awkward! 自古忠义两难全,鱼与熊掌不可兼得也,他现在是真的很为难啊! Thousand peak Outer King, this was your last chance, since Royal Court could not save us, why we didn't make other plan?” Hong magnificence Outer King reminder said. “千峰外王,这可是你最后的机会了,既然王朝救不了我们,我们为什么不另作打算呢?”洪华外王提醒道。 Yes, following Young Master at least to save your life. You thought that is Royal Court dies like this is very honorable? “是啊,追随少爷至少可以保住你的性命。你觉得为王朝这样而死很光荣吗? I think, even if you for the Royal Court loyalty, but the matter of death passes to these Outer King ears of other outer court, they feared that still laughs at your stupidity and blindly devoted! ” Tianxing Outer King also persuaded. 我想就算把你为王朝忠义而死的事情传给其他外朝的那些外王耳朵里,他们怕是也笑话你的愚蠢和愚忠吧!”天兴外王也劝说道。 After all their two and thousand peak Outer King the time of contact are also longer, moreover relations of their three outer court also good. 毕竟他们两个与千峰外王的交往的时间也更久一些,而且他们三个外朝的关系也都还不错。 Now their two had betrayed Royal Court, took a road of no return. Regarding their betrayed people, they actually hope more people make the same choice with them. 现在他们两个已经背叛了王朝,也算是走上了一条不归路。对于他们这种已经背叛的人来说,他们其实更希望有更多的人跟他们做出一样的选择。 If everyone chose to betray Royal Court, they did not use so many guilty conscience, because everyone was the same. 如果每个人都选择背叛了王朝的话,那他们也就不用有那么多的负罪感了,因为大家都是一样的。 But if entire Royal Court several thousand outer court, actually only then their these people betrayed Royal Court, their unavoidable association/will felt oneself is a thorough rebel. 可是如果整个王朝数千外朝,却只有他们这几个人背叛了王朝,他们难免总会觉得自己就是一个彻彻底底的叛徒。 Let alone thousand peak Outer King are their friends, if he can also betray Royal Court together, then everyone later can also help each other. 更何况千峰外王还是他们的朋友,如果他也能够一起背叛王朝,那么大家以后还能够互相帮助。 Even if Royal Court knows this matter, at least their three outer court can also sit on a ship eventually, was still crosses a river in a boat together. 就算是王朝知道了这件事情,至少他们三个外朝终究还能够坐在一条船上,也算是同舟共济了。 Thousand peak Outer King, actually think we also and have nothing to be unfair to Royal Court. We every has not lacked to the Royal Court taxes and tribute one time, for these years, we protected such long territory for Royal Court. “千峰外王,其实想一想我们也并没有什么对不起王朝的。我们每一次给王朝的贡税可是从来都没有缺少过,这么多年来,我们为王朝守护了这么久的疆土。 Now our life difficult insurance, we to maintain a livelihood the choice protects oneself this is the way things should be. If Royal Court is really worth protecting, they should also be able to understand our difficulties. 如今我们性命难保,我们为了活命选择自保这本是人之常情。如果王朝真的值得我们去守护的话,他们也应该能够明白我们的苦衷。 If they do not understand that this truth, they can not you lose oneself life for them! ” Dongning Outer King said. 如果他们不明白这个道理的话,那他们就更加不得你为了他们而丢掉自己的性命了!”东宁外王说道。 This......” thousand peak Outer King knitting the brows heads, thought the heart of own vacillation was heavier. “这......”千峰外王皱了皱眉头,不由觉得自己的动摇之心更加沉重了。 Thousand peak Outer King, you may, if wants, we, although is Crossing Tribulation Stage cultivator, is this life actually eventually only then such. “千峰外王,你可要想好了,我们虽然已是渡劫期修士,可是这性命却终究只有这么一条。 If you choose now are Royal Court die, that may really not have the opportunity to come again, I thought that the person must consider for oneself! ” seaside Outer King said. 如果你现在选择了为王朝而死,那可就真的再也没有机会重来了,我觉得人还是要为自己考虑考虑!”临海外王说道。 Good! I am willing to follow to you in you, but you cannot request me to make war to Royal Court!” Thousand peak Outer King final hearts sink, look at Cheng Yu to say. “好吧!我愿意向你追随于你,不过你不能要求我向王朝开战!”千峰外王最后心一沉,看着程宇说道。 Hehe, you thought that you do have the qualifications to discuss the condition with me? Since you must follow me, that you must listen from now on my. “呵呵,你觉得你有资格跟我谈条件吗?既然你要追随我,那从今往后,你们就得听我的。 Moreover you must be clear, you from betraying Royal Court this moment, you become the Royal Court enemy. 而且你们要清楚一点,你们从背叛王朝的这一刻开始,你们就成为了王朝的敌人。 Archaism clouds, loyalty difficult entire, you not only want to save your life, actually does not want to be the evil person, this is not quite realistic. 古语云,忠义两难全,你既想要保住自己的性命,却又不想做恶人,这可不太现实。 Moreover in this case, you did not think that is unfair to me? ” Cheng Yu sneers to say. 而且这样的话,你们不觉得对我是不是也太不公平了呢?”程宇冷笑道。 You are compelling me!” Thousand peak Outer King complexions change said. “你这是在逼我了!”千峰外王脸色变道。 This is not I am compelling you, if your really such principle of righteousness, then you can choose are Royal Court die, I also respect you am person of the loyalty. “这可不是我在逼你,如果你真的这么大义,那么你可以选择为王朝而死,我也敬你是一个忠义之人。 If you want to maintain a livelihood, you receive to me your principle of righteousness. Since you chose living on dishonorably, what loyalty but also discussed with me? 如果你想要活命,那你就把你的那些大义都给我收起来。你既然都选择了苟活,还跟我谈什么忠义? Moreover I must tell all of you, our Saint Court and Royal Court itself/Ben is a mountain does not accommodate two tigers, we and Royal Court must have a war. 而且我要告诉你们所有人,我们圣朝王朝本就是一山不容二虎,我们与王朝也必有一战。 Therefore each of you do not want to evade all these, if you sneak away at a critical juncture when the time comes, that is betraying me. 所以你们每个人都不要想逃避这一切,如果你们到时候临阵脱逃,那就是在背叛我。 Since betrayed me, you will be shouldering the penalty of Heavenly Dao, you thought that you can also fly upwards Immortal World? ” Cheng Yu looks that these people said. 既然背叛了我,那你们就将背负着天道的惩罚,你们觉得自己还有可能飞升仙界吗?”程宇看着这些人说道。 Any cultivator has a flying upwards dream, these people are no exception obviously. 任何一个修士都有一个飞升梦,这些人显然也不例外。 Flies upwards Immortal World, that complies with the Heavenly Dao order, but if were punished by Heavenly Dao, that wants to fly upwards matter that may not be that easy. 飞升仙界,那是顺应天道秩序,但若是被天道惩罚,那想要飞升可就不是那么容易的事情了。 What is this?” The people stare! “这是什么意思?”众人一愣! I can be clear told you, if you do not want with Royal Court for the enemy, the only means in my Saint Court has not made war before Royal Court flew upwards Immortal World, this you might be separated from the limit of Heavenly Dao blood oath. “我可以明确的告诉你们,如果你们不想与王朝为敌,唯一的办法就是在我圣朝还没有与王朝开战之前飞升仙界,这样的话你们才有可能脱离天道血誓的限制。 If you have not flown upwards before then Immortal World, after our Saint Court and Royal Court make war, you chose the betrayal, you will be punished by Heavenly Dao. 如果你们在这之前没有飞升仙界,在我们圣朝王朝开战之后,你们选择了背叛,那你们将会受到天道的惩罚。 Everything has the Heavenly Dao penalty in the person of body, even the spirit strength of your within the body transforms as the strength of immortal spirit completely, the gate of Immortal World will not open to you, because you have violated the meaning of Heavenly Dao. 凡是有天道惩罚在身之人,即便你们体内的灵力全部转化为仙灵之力,仙界之门也不会向你们打开,因为你们已经违背了天道之意。 Person who violates the meaning of Heavenly Dao, you thought that the gate of Immortal World will also open to you? If the gate of Immortal World will never open to you, how you do enter Immortal World? ” Cheng Yu sneers to say. 一个违背天道之意的人,你们觉得仙界之门还会向你们打开吗?如果仙界之门永不向你们打开的话,你们又如何进入仙界呢?”程宇冷笑道。 As an once immortal, regarding such matter naturally was the purity of understanding. 作为一个曾经的仙人,对于这样的事情自然是了解的一清二楚。 If they want to enter Immortal World, either relieves own Heavenly Dao blood oath, either do not betray him. 他们若是想要进入仙界的话,要么将自己的天道血誓解除,要么就不要背叛他。 Once they chose the betrayal, that will shoulder the name of Heavenly Dao penalty, was equal to being abandoned by Heavenly Dao. 一旦他们选择了背叛,那就会背负天道惩罚之名,等于是被天道所抛弃了。 This......” people stare, obviously they do not know such matter. “这......”众人一愣,显然他们都不知道这么一回事。 They know that violated the Heavenly Dao blood oath to be punished by Heavenly Dao, but they do not know that what penalty the Heavenly Dao penalty was. 他们知道违背了天道血誓会遭到天道的惩罚,可是他们并不知道天道惩罚到底是什么样的惩罚。 If this is the penalty of Heavenly Dao, that this penalty may too be heavy. Therefore do not think that the Heavenly Dao blood oath sets up a pledge casually, since you made Heavenly Dao vowing, then Heavenly Dao has been staring at you. 如果这就是天道的惩罚的话,那这惩罚可就真的太重了。所以你们不要以为天道血誓只是随便立个誓言,既然你们立下了天道誓言,那么天道就一直在盯着你们。 So long as you do not betray me, you will naturally be equal to complying with the meaning of Heavenly Dao, Heavenly Dao will not naturally abandon you, therefore you then can not by any influence. 只要你们不背叛我,那你们自然就等于是遵从了天道之意,天道自然也不会抛弃你们,所以你们便可以不受任何的影响。 So long as the spirit strength in within the body transforms as the strength of immortal spirit completely, the gate of Immortal World will naturally open wide to you, you can also smoothly enter Immortal World! ” Cheng Yu said. 只要体内的灵力全部转化为仙灵之力,仙界之门自然会向你们敞开,你们也就可以顺利的进入仙界了!”程宇说道。 Why Young Master can know is so clear?” seaside Outer King doubts said. 少爷为何会知道的这么清楚?”临海外王疑惑道。 Because these things they have not heard, they only know that violated the penalty of Heavenly Dao blood oath is very terrifying. 因为这些事情他们从来都没有听说过,他们只知道违背了天道血誓的惩罚会很恐怖。 But terrifying, what penalty is also, has not actually heard to cross. 可是到底有多恐怖,又是什么样的惩罚,却是从来都没有听人说起过。 „The matter that I know were many, naturally, you can choose do not believe, looked at you to have the having courage quantity.” Cheng Yu does not want excessively to explain again, some words points arrive then, this to him is also the good deed! “我知道的事情多了,当然,你们可以选择不相信,就看你们有没有这个胆量了。”程宇也不想再过多解释,有些话点到即可,这对他也是好事! txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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