GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4342: The general situation is heavy!

Has saying that Saint Court is very big at the move that the purple maple tree alliance makes, in capturing half a month after cam wood city, they successful attacked and occupied purple Yecheng. 不得不说,圣朝在紫枫联盟弄出的动静很大,在攻下紫木城之后的半个月,他们又成功的攻占了紫叶城。 However, all these had not finished, then Saint Court attacked and occupied two cities in purple maple tree alliance neighboring being popular of near the alliance in continuously. 不过,这一切并没有结束,接下来圣朝又在紫枫联盟相邻的兴临联盟之内连续攻占了两座城池。 What is more important, this was popular near the alliance and Cheng Family was also near one step, but it was still the painting outer court sphere of influence. 更重要的是,这个兴临联盟与程家又近了一步,但是它仍然是属于丹青外朝的势力范围。 The bystander, noticed that Saint Court arrived was popular near the alliance, this may scare many people. 只是外人并不懂而已,看到圣朝又来到了兴临联盟,这可吓坏了不少人。 However, in this time clear river Alliance suddenly announced that pledged allegiance to Cheng Family. 然而,就在这个时候清河联盟却突然宣布归顺了程家 When this key, clear river Alliance made such decision unexpectedly, this regarding other these alliances is unusual is unusual. 在这个关键的时候,清河联盟竟然做出了这样的决定,这对于其他那些联盟来说是非常的不寻常的。 Many alliances even send people to go to clear river Alliance, wants to clarify this to them what's the matter, why will submit Cheng Family suddenly. 很多联盟甚至纷纷派人前往清河联盟,想要向他们弄清楚这到底是怎么回事,为何会突然归附程家 How clear river does city lord the cooperation between them and Cheng Yu tell other alliances? 只是清河城主又岂会把他们与程宇之间的合作告诉其他联盟呢? Although everyone had had the cooperation before, but their cooperation and have no substantive effect. 虽然之前大家有过合作,可是他们的合作并没有什么实质性的效果。 Moreover, except for everyone has the common interests time, even if everyone is not an enemy, but is still the opponent, no one hopes who the opposite party develops are good. 而且,除了大家有共同利益的时候,大家就算不是敌人,但也算是对手,谁也不希望对方发展的比自己好。 Therefore regarding envoy who these alliances send, clear river city lord also sent casually, has not told them too many useful news. 所以对于这些联盟派来的使者,清河城主也是随便打发了,并没有告诉他们太多有用的消息。 Let alone, this clear river Alliance, although submitted Cheng Family, but they have not obtained the Cheng Family duty. 更何况,这一次清河联盟虽然归附了程家,但是他们却并没有得到程家的任务。 Cheng Family told them merely, after submitting Cheng Family , after them , will then give priority. 程家仅仅只是告诉他们,归附了程家之后他们以后便会优先考虑。 Regarding this point, clear river Alliance was unsatisfied. 对于这一点,本来清河联盟是并不满意的。 Never expected that this Saint Court is but threatening, these had no city to insist day by the city of Saint Court caring. 可是没有想到这个圣朝来势汹汹,那些被圣朝惦记的城池没有哪座城池可以坚持一天的时间。 Moreover now Saint Court is approaching in their directions, this makes them not have the security sense very much. 而且现在圣朝在朝着他们的方向靠近,这让他们很没有安全感。 If they, when the Saint Court attack prays for rescue from Cheng Family again, at the Saint Court current situation and speed, that obviously is the not possible matter. 如果他们等到圣朝来袭再向程家求救,以圣朝目前的情况和速度来看,那显然是不可能的事情。 Therefore, these time after Chancellor Zhao inquired repeatedly, then underwent the contact with week city lord, week city lord pledged that they will truly not participate in the internal affairs of clear river Alliance. 所以,这一次经过赵主事的多次打听之后,然后又经过与周城主的接触,周城主承诺他们确实不会参与清河联盟的内务。 Moreover, considering the threat of this Saint Court, so long as they are willing to submit Cheng Family, Cheng Family is then willing to provide the protection for Qinghecheng. 而且,考虑到这一次圣朝的威胁,只要他们愿意归附程家,程家便愿意为清河城提供保护。 Although clear river Alliance so many cities, are the Cheng Family military are also limited, is impossible to protect all cities. 虽然清河联盟有那么多的城池,可是程家的兵力也有限,不可能保护所有的城池。 Therefore, they also can only provide the protection for Lord city Qinghecheng of clear river Alliance, this is Cheng Family gives their biggest support. 所以,他们也只能为清河联盟的主城清河城提供保护,这已经是程家给予他们的最大支持了。 But clear river city lord also reassigned half to return to Qinghecheng the military of other cities. 而清河城主也将其他城池的兵力抽调了一半回到清河城。 After all Qinghecheng is most important of clear river Alliance, so long as Qinghecheng is all right on the line. Moreover, by the strength of clear river Alliance, is impossible to protect so many cities simultaneously. 毕竟清河城才是清河联盟的重中之重,只要清河城没事就行。而且,以清河联盟的实力,也不可能同时保护这么多的城池。 Although cannot affirm that Saint Court will launch the attack to Qinghecheng, but the appearance of Saint Court has made many alliances now flustered. 虽然不敢肯定圣朝就会对清河城发起攻击,但是现在圣朝的出现已经让不少联盟变得人心惶惶。 If Saint Court has not arrived at their domains, that naturally is good. 如果圣朝没有来到他们的地盘,那自然是再好不过的了。 But if they did appear? 可是万一他们出现了呢? If not ready now, that moment when Saint Court really comes out, they regret and opportunity of regret do not have. 要是现在不做好准备,那等到圣朝真的出来的那一刻,那他们连遗憾和后悔的机会都没有。 Also because of this, although Cheng Family has not complied to give them the duty clear river Alliance, so long as Cheng Family is willing to lend a hand to help protect Qinghecheng, clear river city lord also complied reluctantly. 也正是因为这样,虽然程家并没有答应将任务交给他们清河联盟,但是只要程家肯出手帮助保护清河城,清河城主也勉强答应了。 At least Cheng Family also said that if later will also give others the duty, after clear river Alliance absolutely is the second alliance following Baicheng Alliance. 至少程家也说了,如果以后还会将任务交给其他人的话,清河联盟绝对是继白城联盟之后的第二个联盟。 Therefore, he did not need to be worried about this matter temporarily. 所以,他暂时也不用去担心这件事情了。 black city! 乌城! Never expected that clear river Alliance turned to Cheng Family unexpectedly quickly!” black city lord said. “没有想到清河联盟竟然这么快就投靠了程家!”乌城主说道。 Actually I thought actually this point at the expected matter, thinks initially we went to clear Yangcheng time, at that time hadn't clear river Alliance opened all important passes? “其实我倒是觉得这一点是在意料之中的事情,想想当初我们前往清阳城的时候,那时候清河联盟不是就已经开放了所有的关口了吗? Perhaps at that time they had reached the agreement of submitting with Cheng Family. ” Chancellor Zou said. 说不定当时他们就已经跟程家达成了归附的协议了。”邹主事说道。 Un, said is also reasonable, what is hateful is that fellow pretends to a Cheng Family discontented appearance!” Saying that black city lord disdains. “嗯,说的也有道理,可恨的是那个家伙装作对程家一副不满的样子!”乌城主不屑的说道。 Now clear river Alliance takes the lead to submit Cheng Family, was a model to us actually. Moreover at least proved initially my speculation wrong not. “不过现在清河联盟率先归附了程家,倒是给我们做了一个表率。而且至少证明了当初我的猜测并没有错。 Convenes clear river Alliance, although submitted Cheng Family, but Cheng Family has not actually given them the duty, obviously even we still chose to join Cheng Family, met with the clear river Alliance's same treatment. 召集清河联盟虽然归附了程家,可是程家却也并没有将任务交给他们,可见就算我们也选择加入了程家,也会是跟清河联盟一样的待遇。 We still cannot change the condition that the population drained! ” Chancellor Zou somewhat self-satisfied saying. 我们仍然改变不了人口流失的状况!”邹主事有些得意的说道。 Obviously, he thought that oneself strongly opposed initially joins Cheng Family to be correct. 显然,他觉得自己当初极力的反对加入程家是正确的。 On the contrary, he thinks that looks for the Saint Court cooperation is the best way. Has a look at now their region, because of the appearance of Saint Court, brought the tremendous impact on everyone. 相反,他认为找圣朝合作才是最好的办法。看看现在他们这片区域,就因为圣朝的出现,给大家带来了多大的影响。 Although Cheng Family is the strength is truly strongest in this region, is in the Saint Court front, they obviously saw somewhat trivial. 虽然程家在这片区域确实是实力最强的,可是在圣朝的面前,他们显然就显得有些微不足道了。 Let alone, now is also anxious Cheng Family, is afraid Saint Court to appear in their domain. 更何况,现在连程家自己也紧张不已,害怕圣朝会出现在他们地盘上。 As far as I know, this clear river Alliance submitted Cheng Family, although Cheng Family has not given them to issue the duty, but actually one group of Cheng Family experts went to Qinghecheng. “据我所知,这一次清河联盟归附了程家,虽然程家并没有将任务交给他们发布,但是却有一批程家高手前往了清河城。 Moreover, clear river city lord had recalled clear river city lord other city half of military. 另外,清河城主已经将其他各个城池一半的兵力调回了清河城主 This also explained that they are preventing the attack of Saint Court. 这也说明他们是在防止圣朝的袭击。 Now they have the protection of Cheng Family, but we have not actually conducted any measure, city lord, we must go into action are good. 现在他们有程家的保护,可是我们却还没有进行任何的措施,城主,我们也得行动起来才行啊。 Otherwise, when Saint Court appears when our black City Alliance, we feared that is incapable of resisting completely! ” Chancellor Tang said. 要不然真的等到圣朝出现在我们乌城联盟的时候,我们怕是完全无力抵挡啊!”唐主事说道。 Chancellor Tang thought how we should do? Must like that clear river city lord, recalls half the military of each city? “那唐主事觉得我们应该怎么做呢?难道要像那清河城主一样,也将各个城池的兵力调回一半吗? In this case, how if Saint Court does appear in other city that these city results can? Complete rejection? ” Chancellor Zou asked. 这样的话,万一圣朝出现在其他城池那这些城池结果又会怎么样?全部舍弃吗?”邹主事问道。 Although does that to other city some are possibly unfair, but this does not have the matter of means. “虽然这么做对其他的城池可能有些不公平,但是这却是没有办法的事情。 Now the purple maple tree alliance and was popular near the situation of alliance you also saw, if Saint Court appeared, living that then who can keep off? 现在紫枫联盟和兴临联盟的情况你也看到了,如果圣朝出现在了,那么谁能挡的住? The present situation is very clear, no matter we whether recalls black city the military of other cities, if Saint Court appears in these cities, these cities same cannot preserve. 如今的情况已经很清楚了,不管我们是否将其他城池的兵力调回乌城,若是圣朝出现在这些城池,这些城池一样是保不住的。 But if all recalls black city so many military, at least black Chenggeng has the safeguard. 可若是把这么多的兵力全部调回乌城的话,至少乌城更有保障。 Moreover, our black city is the Lord city of entire black City Alliance, if our black city by Saint Court occupying, how that result can? 而且,我们乌城是整个乌城联盟的主城,如果我们乌城被圣朝给占了,那结果会怎么样呢? When the time comes even if Saint Court attacked and occupied black city merely, after when Saint Court walked, the other cities of that this black City Alliance may probably fall to others' hand in! 到时候就算圣朝仅仅只是攻占了乌城,那等到圣朝走了以后,那这乌城联盟的其他城池可就要落到别人的手上了! Therefore city lord, but also please in general situation for heavy, preserving the black city is important! ” Chancellor Tang was saying to the city lord reminder! 所以城主,还请在大局为重,保住乌城要紧啊!”唐主事对着城主提醒道! txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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