GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4330: Argue strongly based on reason!

Three days of speaking of arrived, late five city lord finally also only then two city lord rushed promptly, three city lord have not appeared. 三天的时间说到就到了,迟到的五位城主最终也只有两位城主及时赶到了,还有三位城主并没有出现。 city lord of these alliances gather in the clear Yangcheng city lord mansion, is waiting for the appearance of week city lord. 这些联盟的城主们汇聚在清阳城城主府,一个个都在等着周城主的出现。 Meanwhile they also hope that three have not played city lord of clear Yangcheng to appear as scheduled. 同时他们也希望那三个还没有起到清阳城的城主能够如期出现。 Although many of them thought that this was almost impossible, however for everyone's interest, they hopes these three city lord can appear promptly. 虽然他们当中很多人都觉得这几乎不太可能了,但是为了大家的利益,他们还是希望这三位城主能够及时出现。 city lord, week city lord came!” In everyone in intertwining, passed on a message the disciple to walk into the main hall to say to clear river city lord suddenly. 城主,周城主来了!”就在大家都在纠结的时候,传讯弟子突然走入大殿向清河城主说道。 Is only such a, lets entire main hall the heart in city lord all of a sudden immediately one tight, became anxious. 仅仅只是这么一句,一下子就让整个大殿内的各位城主的心头顿时一紧,都变得紧张起来了。 Although everyone was expressing various dissatisfaction over Cheng Family for these days, even does not pay attention to Cheng Family. 虽然这几天大家都在表达着对程家的各种不满,甚至不把程家放在眼里。 Now but really must face the Cheng Family expert time, their moods were entirely different. 可是现在真的要面对程家的高手的时候,他们的心情却是大不相同了。 Very is actually clear because of Cheng Family powerful everyone, but in some people surfaces is not willing to acknowledge. 因为程家的强大其实大家心里都很清楚,只是有些人表面上不愿意承认罢了。 Please come in a big hurry!” clear river city lord loud saying. “快快请进来!”清河城主大声的说道。 Yes!” The disciple draws back immediately. “是!”那弟子立即退下。 But at this time, these city lord actually obviously felt that somewhat was at heart flustered. 可是这个时候,那些城主却都明显感觉到心里有些慌张了。 But clear river city lord also watches all these, at heart were many for several points to worry. 而清河城主也是把这一切看在眼里,不由心里多了几分担忧。 If these people really such as this period of time display that is courageous, their perhaps also somewhat right to speak. 如果这些人真的如这段时间表现的那么有胆量,那他们或许还有几分话语权。 Said that feared these people usually boasted, arrived at the critical moment to fall the person of chain. 说怕这些人平时都是吹吹牛,一到关键时刻就掉链子的人。 If they do not have the least bit to be dignified in front of Cheng Family, they not possible with the Cheng Family equal dialog. 如果他们在程家面前没有半点威严的话,那他们根本就不可能与程家平等对话。 If so, they can only choose to give up revolting. 若真是如此,那他们就只能选择放弃反抗了。 Do not forget our everyone's bottom lines, hope everyone saw that week of city lord when the time comes on the change idea!” The clear river city lord direct reminder said. “诸位可不要忘记了我们的大家的底线,希望大家到时候见到那周城主就改变主意了!”清河城主不由直接提醒道。 After all this is an important matter, initially he wants to use this opportunity and Cheng Family cooperates, can like Baicheng Alliance, if can the Cheng Family duty, then their clear river Alliance and Baicheng Alliance and Cheng Family contradiction was also naturally easily solved. 毕竟这可是一件大事,当初他想利用这个机会与程家进行合作,也能够像白城联盟一样,若是能够得到程家的任务,那么他们清河联盟与白城联盟以及程家的矛盾自然也就迎刃而解了。 Pitifully Cheng Family to his opportunity, he has not only known that is completely because their clear river Alliance is insufficient in Cheng Family front weight/quantity. 只可惜程家并没有给他这个机会,他知道,那完全是因为他们清河联盟在程家面前的分量还不够。 However now is different, if so many alliances come to confront with Cheng Family together, that result was different. 但是现在就不同了,如果有这么多的联盟一起来跟程家对质的话,那结果就不一样了。 But now only worry these people do not know that is credible. 而现在唯一的担心这些人也不知道到底靠谱不靠谱。 What words is clear river city lord this? clear river doesn't city lord believe us? “清河城主这是什么话?难道清河城主这么不相信我们? If I right, in the middle of our so many alliance, as if only then clear river Alliance compromised to Cheng Family, all important pass unblocking? ” black city lord somewhat discontented saying. 如果我记的没错,咱们这么多联盟当中,似乎只有清河联盟向程家妥协了,将所有的关口都解除封锁了吧?”乌城主有些不满的说道。 My clear river Alliance, although truly is first alliance that lifts the important pass blockade, but black Alliance should also understand our clear river Alliance's then situation and situation. “我清河联盟虽然确实是第一个解除关口封锁的联盟,但是乌联盟应该也了解我们清河联盟当时的情况和处境。 I think, if traded to make your any alliance at that time, will make the same choice. 我想若是当时换作你们任何一个联盟,也会做出一样的选择。 Let alone, I open each important pass even now, but this did not represent me to compromise to Cheng Family. 更何况,就算我现在开放了各个关口,但是这并不代表我就已经向程家妥协了。 If I really compromised to Cheng Family, I also stay here to stand what significance with you have? ” clear river city lord response said. 如果我真的向程家妥协了,那我还留在这里跟你们站在一起有什么意义?”清河城主回应道。 Snort! Who knows!” black city lord said. “哼!谁知道呢!”乌城主说道。 Others have not spoken, because they know, said fundamentally these at this time on does not have any significance. 其他人并没有说话,因为他们知道,在这个时候说这些根本就没有任何的意义。 Whether clear river city lord has completely opened each important pass is not actually unimportant. 清河城主是否已经完全开放了各个关口其实已经不重要了。 The most important thing is, the Cheng Family person must come now, they must grasp now are the kingly ways. 最重要的是,现在程家人就要来了,他们要把握住现在才是王道。 If they cannot blow the Cheng Family imposing manner, they could fall short. 如果他们不能镇住程家的气势的话,那他们大家可能就要功亏一篑了。 Quick, a face dignified old man then led several people to arrive at the main hall entrance. 很快,一个一脸威严的老者便带着几个人来来到了大殿门口。 Although some people have not seen week city lord, but at this moment, they guessed correctly at present the status of this old man in any event. 虽然有些人并没有见过周城主,不过这一刻,他们无论如何都猜到眼前这老者的身份了。 Week city lord, in requests personally!” At this time, week city lord went forward personally, very polite saying. “周城主,里面请!”这时,周城主亲自上前,非常客气的说道。 Un!” Week city lord nods, in everyone's the vision in the main hall, arrives at forefront the main hall unexpectedly directly, sat the master place in palace! “嗯!”周城主点点头,在大殿内所有人的目光中,竟是直接走到大殿最前面,坐上了殿上的主人座! Sees the week city lord behavior, clear river city lord somewhat is stunned, particularly records vice- city lord and several other important personages of clear river Alliance, at heart unusual disaffection. 看到周城主的行为,就连清河城主都有些错愕,尤其是纪副城主和清河联盟的另外几个重要人物,心里都非常的不满。 Turns over to discontentedly discontentedly, actually no one dares to stand accusation week city lord. 只是不满归不满,却没有一个人敢站出来指责周城主 But these city lord of other alliances, see week city lord to their demonstration of authority , was at heart more anxious. 而其他联盟的那些城主们,看到周城主给他们的这个下马威,心里也更是紧张起来了。 At this moment, they understood all of a sudden, decided the meeting of time and Cheng Family, feared that has not really imagined is so simple. 这一刻,他们一下子就明白过来了,定次与程家的见面,怕是真的没有想象中那么简单。 clear river city lord please sit down!” Week city lord was saying there clear river city lord to awkward standing. “清河城主请坐吧!”周城主对着一脸尴尬的站在那里的清河城主说道。 „...... Many thanks week city lord!” clear river city lord first stares, but quick was responds, tactful sitting to originally for week city lord arrangement position. “呃……多谢周城主!”清河城主先是一愣,不过很快却是反应过来了,识趣的坐到了原来为周城主安排的位置上。 That position itself/Ben is among all guests is also most honored, now clear river city lord sits there, pouring is not too awkward. 那个位置本也是所有客人当中最尊贵的,现在清河城主坐在那里,倒也不算太尴尬。 If in own domain, he actually sits in the final position, that may really very be awkward. 要是在自己的地盘上,他却是坐在最后的位置上,那可就真的很尴尬了。 White city lord and the others have not taken a seat, but stands in the week city lord side. 城主等人并没有落座,而是站在周城主的身旁。 clear river city lord, the one and half months deadlines have arrived now, did I make these alliance city lord that you informed arrive in full?” Week city lord asked. “清河城主,如今一个半月的期限已到,我让你通知的那些联盟城主都已经到齐了吗?”周城主问道。 Meanwhile, his look took a fast look around back and forth several in the entire main hall, the vision stopped a meeting on everyone, the frightened these people sat on the chair move do not dare to move, for fear that oneself moved, must be found an excuse to get rid of to be the same by week city lord. 同时,他的眼神在整个大殿之中来回扫视了几圈,目光在每一个人身上都停顿了一会,吓的这些人坐在椅子上一动也不敢动,生怕自己一动,就要被周城主找个借口干掉一样。 Week city lord, but also misses city lord of three alliances not to rush!” clear river city lord opens the mouth to say. “周城主,还差三个联盟的城主没有赶到!”清河城主开口回道。 He does not know that week city lord is clear about all these alliances, but he does not dare to talk nonsense, if in others hearts has known how things stand, he lies now, doesn't that look to oneself happily? 他不知道周城主是否清楚所有的这些联盟,不过他不敢瞎说,万一人家心中早就有数,他现在撒个谎,那不是给自己找不痛快吗? Which three alliances?” Week city lord asked. “哪三个联盟?”周城主问道。 Week city lord, is the stability alliance, the high side alliance and azure prestige alliance.” clear river city lord honest saying. “周城主,是安定联盟、高方联盟和青威联盟。”清河城主老老实实的说道。 You whether has to inform these three alliances the news?” Week city lord asked again. “你是否有将消息通知到这三个联盟?”周城主再次问道。 Week city lord, 106 alliances, has not been short, I had given the message to them. “周城主,二十八六个联盟,一个都没有少,我都已经向他们传递了消息。 Now only then these three alliances, I believe that is not our news will not have delivered absolutely, I think them possibly in catching up on road. 现在就只有这三个联盟,我相信绝对不会是我们的消息没有送到,我想他们可能就在赶来的路上了。 After all their alliance leaves clear Yangcheng is very truly far, therefore also asked week city lord to be patient, stretched the rules again for several days, perhaps they can rush to clear Yangcheng to come. ” clear river city lord hurries to answer to week city lord. 毕竟他们的联盟离清阳城确实挺远的,所以还请周城主稍安勿躁,再通融几天,或许他们就能够赶到清阳城来了。”清河城主赶紧向周城主解释道。 clear river city lord, if I have not remembered that wrong, initially I had told you were very clear. “清河城主,如果我没有记得错的话,我当初就已经跟你说的很清楚了。 No matter I they leave clear Yangcheng far, no matter also they already on road. 我不管他们离清阳城有多远,也不管他们是不是已经在路上了。 One and half months, I had said in any event they must rush to clear Yangcheng. 一个半月的时间,我说过无论如何他们都要赶到清阳城来。 Since they have not come in time now, then I naturally must live up to one's words. 既然现在他们没有如期而至,那么我自然也要说到做到。 These three alliances I have written down, after we handle the matter, I naturally can lead the person to go to these three alliances to visit personally. ” Week city lord indifferently said. 这三个联盟我已经记下来了,等我们把事情处理以后,我自然会带人亲自去这三个联盟拜访拜访。”周城主淡淡的说道 Week city lord, doesn't your feel embarrassed the person intentionally? These three alliances leave clear Yangcheng is so far, one and half months is so anxious, they do not have to rush promptly are also very normal things, your so to be why aggressive, didn't speak the favor? “周城主,你这样不是故意为难人吗?这三个联盟离清阳城如此远,一个半月的时间这么急,他们没有及时赶到也是很正常的事情,你的何必如此咄咄逼人,不讲人情呢? Moreover threatens us with this way, even your Cheng Family influence is huge, but still undoable goes too far? ” The black elders see Cheng Family the week of city lord is so rampant, originally at heart flustered vanishes all of a sudden does not see, displacing is in the heart the extreme disaffection. 而且还用这种方式来威胁我们大家,就算你们程家势力庞大,但是也不能做的太过分吧?”乌长老见程家的这周城主如此嚣张,原本心里的慌张一下子就消失不见,取而代之的则是心中极度的不满。 Originally everyone was very discontented with Cheng Family, but saw that Cheng Family is so arrogant, living where endures at heart? 本来大家就对程家很不满了,可是看到程家这么盛气凌人的,心里又哪里忍的住呢? „Are you?” Week city lord but actually also not, because the intense accusation of black city lord gets angry, but looks at black city lord, complexion very neither cold nor hot asking. “你是?”周城主倒也并没有因为乌城主的这番强烈的指责而发怒,而是看着乌城主,面色十分不冷不热的问道。 „Below black clear(ly), is city lord of black City Alliance!” black city lord was also ready for any sacrifice, loud saying. “在下乌明,乃是乌城联盟的城主!”乌城主也是豁出去了,大声的说道。 At this moment, many city lord unexpectedly are to this black city lord incomparable admired. 这一刻,很多的城主竟是对这乌城主无比的佩服起来了。 In this atmosphere extremely depressing situation, black city lord also dares to speak, can only say that guts really big, does not fear death! 在这种气氛极为压抑的情况下,乌城主还敢这么说话,只能说胆是真的大,不怕死啊! black city? That black City Alliance of direction southeast Baicheng Alliance?” Zhoucheng thinks to ask. “乌城?是不是在白城联盟东南方向的那个乌城联盟?”周城想了想问道。 Week city lord said right, that my black City Alliance!” black city lord opens the mouth to say again. “周城主说的没错,那正是我乌城联盟!”乌城主再次开口道。 „Very good, has the courage and wisdom very much!” Week city lord takes a look at the opposite party to say with a smile. “很不错,也很有胆识!”周城主打量着对方笑道。 Many thanks praise of week city lord, but I think that week city lord called clear Yangcheng us, absolutely is not only to say these to us! “多谢周城主的夸奖,不过我想周城主把我们所有人都叫到清阳城来,绝对不会是只为了跟我们说这些吧! Now since we should come also had come, cannot come will not appear again, that also asked week city lord to tell us well! ” black city lord truly is in the middle of these people guts biggest one, said after week city lord several, is not afraid. 既然现在我们该来的也已经来了,来不了的也不会再出现了,那还请周城主跟我们好好说一说!”乌城主确实是这些人当中胆量最大的一个,跟周城主说了几句之后,更是已经一点都不害怕了。 Good! I also like having to do with the refreshed person, since everyone is the refreshed person, I also on coming straight to the point told everyone. “好!我也喜欢跟爽快的人打交道,既然大家都是爽快人,那我也就开门见山的跟大家说了。 This my Cheng Family is time Baicheng Alliance acts , because of everyone's extreme suppression to the Baicheng Alliance, therefore I hope that everyone present can like clear river city lord, immediately opens all the important passes of blockade, resumes normally! ” Week city lord indifferently said. 这一次我程家为白城联盟出面,正是因为大家对白城联盟的极端打压,所以我希望在座的各位能够像清河城主一样,马上将所有封锁的关口打开,恢复正常通行!”周城主淡淡的说道 Week city lord, below cloud to come alliance city lord, I thought that this matter feared is not quite appropriate?” q cloud to come city lord also stood the speech to say at this time. “周城主,在下云来联盟城主,我觉得这件事情怕是不太合适吧?”q云来城主这时也站出来说话道。 Having too to be why not appropriate?” Week city lord asked. “有何不太合适的?”周城主问道。 We have not suppressed Baicheng Alliance, the most important thing is, I know that Baicheng Alliance has submitted Cheng Family now. “我们可从来没有打压过白城联盟,最重要的是,我知道白城联盟现在已经归附了程家 However, we have not submitted Cheng Family, but these important passes are our domains, we choose are block or pass through, is that our things? 但是,我们并没有归附程家,而这些关口都是我们自己的地盘,我们选择是封锁还是通行,那都是我们自己的事情吧? Cheng Family is even powerful, but can't meddle our things casually? Is this not quite appropriate? ” cloud to come city lord is also emboldening to argue strongly based on reason. 程家就算实力强大,但也不能随便插手我们的事情吧?这是不是不太合适呢?”云来城主也壮着胆子据理力争道。 txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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