GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4328: Will they be late?

Week city lord leads some people after clear Yangcheng purchased a number of commodities, then returned to Nanmenwai. 城主带着一些人在清阳城采购了一批物资以后,便又回到了南门外。 Week city lord, does our treat here the last one and half months?” White city lord arranges the camp own person, looks that week city lord asked. “周城主,我们就这样在这里待上一个半月吗?”白城主手下将自己的人都安排好营地,看着周城主问道。 If you want first to return to Baicheng Alliance, this matter I naturally can help you process!” Week city lord said. “如果你想要先回白城联盟的话也可以,这件事情我自然会帮你们处理好!”周城主说道。 Clear Yangcheng that although he by helping the name of Baicheng Alliance arrives, but these alliances truly had actually had the influence on Cheng Family. 虽然他是以帮助白城联盟的名义来到的清阳城,但其实这些联盟确实已经对程家造成了影响。 Even if the present influence is not very big, but this actually gave many alliances or city lord made the proof plate. 哪怕现在的影响并不算很大,但是这却给了许多联盟或者城主做出了样版。 Had clear river Alliance they to do that later will have more alliances to do that. 有了清河联盟他们这么做,以后就会有更多的联盟这么做。 Now clear river Alliance they block the exit|to speak of Baicheng Alliance merely, in other words the exits of other Cheng Family directions are normal. 现在清河联盟他们仅仅只是封锁了白城联盟的出口,也就是说程家其他方向的出口都还是正常的。 But if these alliances jointly catch up to take Cheng Family as the object of suppression, gave to block directly all Cheng Family accesses, then the effect on Cheng Family was big. 但若是这些联盟联合赶来把程家作为打压的对象,直接就将所有程家的出入口都给封锁起来了,那对程家的影响就非常的大了。 The strength that even if these alliances join up is also very ordinary, but such matter will definitely cause a stir in entire Cultivation World, letting Cheng Family becomes everyone's focus. 哪怕这些联盟联合起来的实力也很一般,但这样的事情肯定会轰动整个修真界,让程家成为所有人的焦点。 Cheng Family naturally does not hope that the situation arrives this step, therefore they now for Baicheng Alliance over, in fact also to remove the future trouble to Cheng Family. 程家自然不希望形势走到这一步,所以他们现在为白城联盟出头,实际上也是在为了给程家除掉后患。 So long as Cheng Family gave to shock these alliances, later naturally also no one dares to do that again. 只要程家将这些联盟都给震慑了,以后自然也就没有人再敢这么做了。 Therefore, white city lord they, even if went back, he will still remain. 因此,白城主他们就算回去了,他也会留下来。 However this matter he will definitely not say on own initiative, at least must make white city lord know, their Cheng Family to Baicheng Alliance is very good. 不过这种事情他肯定不会主动说出来,起码也要让白城主知道,他们程家对白城联盟可是非常不错的。 Week city lord where words, you so help our Baicheng Alliance, how can I lead the person to leave at this time? Was I too bitterly disappointing?” White city lord hurries to say. “周城主哪里话,你们如此帮助我们白城联盟,我又怎能在这个时候带着人离开呢?那我岂不是太令人寒心了吗?”白城主赶紧说道。 Has saying that regarding the week city lord present performance, his at heart unusual grateful. 不得不说,对于周城主如今的表现,他的心里还是非常的感激的。 At least week city lord they not, because this issue is very troublesome, therefore disregarded directly, even if also takes the one and half months to solve, they are also willing to stay in clear Yangcheng. 至少周城主他们并没有因为这个问题很麻烦,所以就直接不管不顾了,哪怕还需要一个半月才能够解决,他们也愿意留在清阳城。 But their Baicheng Alliance as the most direct victim of this matter, week city lord they solves the difficulty for them here, where do they have the truth that now leaves? 而他们白城联盟作为这件事情的最直接的受害者,周城主他们在这里为他们解决困难,他们又哪里有现在离开的道理呢? You did not fear that your Baicheng Alliance does have an accident?” Week city lord said with a smile. “你就不怕你那白城联盟出了什么事?”周城主笑道。 What matter can this have? Moreover I have arranged all things. What is more important, my Baicheng Alliance may belong to Cheng Family now. “这能出什么事情?而且我早就已经把所有的事情安排好了。更重要的是,我白城联盟现在可已经归入了程家了。 Therefore Baicheng Alliance is not only only my Baicheng Alliance, is Cheng Family Baicheng Alliance. 所以白城联盟已经不仅仅只是我的白城联盟,也是程家的白城联盟。 I think, if Baicheng Alliance has an accident, Cheng Family won't always sit by and do nothing, stands by? ” White city lord also said with a smile. 我想若是白城联盟出了事,程家总不会坐视不理,袖手旁观吧?”白城主也笑着说道。 This, to the person on one's own side, Cheng Family is always actually impossible to stand by!” Week city lord nods to say. “这倒是,对自己人,程家从来都不可能袖手旁观!”周城主点点头说道。 Therefore I stay here also to have no worry!” White city lord natural saying. “所以我留在这里也就没有什么好担心的了!”白城主理所当然的说道。 You are willing to remain, that is also good. After all but your Baicheng Alliance litigant, if the people of other alliances came when the time comes, you, truly did not say!” Week city lord thinks to say. “你们愿意留下来,那也不错。毕竟你们白城联盟可是当事人,若是到时候其他联盟的人都来了,你不在的话,确实也不太好说!”周城主想了想说道。 Week city lord spoke discreetly, so long as there is week of city lord to act, these alliances have even are again discontented, how do they dare? “周城主言重了,只要有周城主出手,那些联盟就算有再多不满,他们又敢怎么样? Like this clear river city lord, was not has not dared to say one in front of week city lord, they have been de-archiving all exits now! ” White city lord happy saying. 就像这清河城主,在周城主面前还不是不敢多说一句,想必他们现在已经在解封所有的出口了!”白城主开心的说道。 Today looks that these people of clear river Alliance in week city lord in front of them not only unwilling appearance that and has no alternative, his is very at heart happy. 今天看着清河联盟的那些人在周城主他们面前既不甘心又无可奈何的样子,他的心里就很开心。 These fellows depend oneself influence big compared with Baicheng Alliance, finally joins up to suppress them, this made them be angry. 这些家伙仗着自己的势力比起白城联盟要大,结果联合起来打压他们,这本就让他们十分生气。 Cannot fight them, will he make Baicheng Alliance submit Cheng Family? 要不是斗不过他们,他又怎么会让白城联盟归附到程家呢? However now he has gotten over an emotion, he thought that submits Cheng Family also truly is not the misdemeanor. 不过现在他已经释怀了,他觉得归附程家也确实不是什么坏事。 He is city lord of Baicheng Alliance, Cheng Family will not meddle the internal affairs of their Baicheng Alliance in any case, only if he himself applies to Cheng Family on own initiative, needs them to lend a hand to help. 反正他还是白城联盟的城主,程家也不会插手他们白城联盟的内务,除非他自己主动向程家申请,需要他们出手帮助。 Therefore, present Baicheng Alliance does not have much difference from beforehand Baicheng Alliance. However, they now are of many a protection Cheng Family, had the security sense compared with before. 所以,现在的白城联盟跟以前的白城联盟并没有太大的区别。但是,他们现在却多了一个程家的保护,比起以前还更有安全感。 Before they submitted Royal Court, they will even worry that was given the annexation frequently by the nearby strong influence. 以前他们归附了王朝,他们甚至经常会担心被附近强大的势力给吞并。 Now but does not use, Cheng Family other ignores alliance like Royal Court will not do that even if even if has turned to Cheng Family these cities. 可是现在不用了,程家不会像王朝一样放任别的联盟这么做,哪怕就算是已经投靠了程家的那些城池。 Therefore, they can definitely develop itself safely. 所以,他们完全可以安安心心的发展自己。 Although he also once wanted big of Baicheng Alliance developing, but he thinks that now this is also good. 虽然他也曾经想要将白城联盟发展的更大,但是现在他觉得就这样也挺好。 Baicheng Alliance is not perhaps big, but actually also big, so long as there is Cheng Family to protect their securities, even if the present sphere of influence, enough they still have gained was full. 白城联盟或许不大,但是却也不小,只要有程家保护他们的安全,哪怕就算是现在的势力范围,也已经够他们赚的盆满钵满了。 After week city lord the problem solves of these alliances, his Baicheng Alliance will definitely rise again, moreover at that time no one dares to suppress them, only if they dare to oppose with Cheng Family. 等到周城主把这些联盟的问题解决以后,那他的白城联盟必然会再次崛起,而且那个时候再也没有人敢打压他们了,除非他们敢跟程家作对。 For all that but will start me to send some people to examine tomorrow to each city. “虽然如此,不过明天开始我还是会派一些人到各个城池去查看一下。 These people cannot be too polite to them absolutely, otherwise they think that our Cheng Family is only the ha-ha they! ” Week city lord says. 这些人就绝对不能对他们太客气,要不然他们会以为我们程家只是吓吓他们而已!”周城主开口说道。 Now to the severity of clear river Alliance, actually is also to demonstration of authority of other alliances. When they arrive at clear river Alliance time knows, clear river Alliance has made regressing, has opened all general accesses. 现在对清河联盟的严厉,其实也是对其他联盟的一个下马威。等到他们来到清河联盟的时候就会知道,清河联盟已经做出了退步,将所有的通行出入口已经开放了。 At that moment Cheng Family has not appeared even, their has started to dread Cheng Family at heart. 想必那一刻就算是程家还没有出现,他们的心里就已经开始畏惧程家了。 Therefore, now while the people of other alliances have not arrived at the time, he cannot certainly make clear river Alliance get by under false pretences. 所以,现在趁着其他联盟的人还没有到来的时候,他一定不能让清河联盟蒙混过关。 Week does city lord need me to send people to follow these seniors?” White city lord said. “周城主需要我派人跟着那些前辈吗?”白城主说道。 Week city lord this bringing person may have dozens individuals is the Crossing Tribulation Stage expert. Even if even also more than 100 people are only Great Ascension Stage cultivator, many people compared with white city lord strong many. 城主这一次带来的人可有几十个人都是渡劫期的高手。哪怕就算还有一百多人只是大乘期修士,都还有很多的人要比白城主强的多。 Therefore regarding white city lord, truly many people are the seniors. 所以对于白城主来说,确实很多人都是前辈。 This does not use, making them have a look to be good, this was also more convenient!” Week city lord shakes the head to say. “这就不用了,让他们自己去看看就行了,这样也更方便一些!”周城主摇摇头说道。 Regarding clear river Alliance, these people truly were also the experts. 对于清河联盟来说,这些人确实也都是高手了。 Moreover these people have the Cheng Family status token, if really had what accident/surprise in these cities, so long as reveals these status tokens, not only the city lord government offices of these cities do not dare to offend them, even must well the protection they. 而且这些人都有程家的身份令牌,若是真的在这些城池发生了什么意外,只要亮出这些身份令牌,那些城池的城主府就不仅不敢得罪他们,甚至还要好好的保护他们。 Because these people, if had an accident in clear river Alliance, Cheng Family will not make them feel better, they naturally do not dare to feel embarrassed these people. 因为这些人若是在清河联盟出事了,程家可不会让他们好过,他们自然不敢为难这些人。 Furthermore because these person of oneself strengths are good, therefore round trip is also conveniently more free. 再者因为这些人自己的实力不错,所以来去也更加自由方便。 On clear river Alliance these 28 cities, distributes the different people to go out, believes that can all come back in less than half a month. 就清河联盟这二十八座城池,分派出不同的人出去,相信用不了半个月就可以全部回来了。 Then, week city lord they have then remained to settle Yangcheng Nanmenwai, sometimes is all right they to enter a city to take a stroll with white city lord. 接下来,周城主他们便一直都留在了清阳城南门外,有时候没事就和白城主他们一起进城溜达溜达。 So long as they appear in clear Yangcheng, heavy that they frightens clear river city lord, always thinks that they entered a city to look for their troubles. 只是他们只要一出现在清阳城内,就把清河城主他们吓的不轻,总以为他们进城又要找他们的麻烦了。 However week city lord they have not actually looked for them, slowly, clear river city lord they also on be used to it, obtained the news that they entered a city again, did not care. 不过周城主他们却从来都没有找过他们,慢慢的,清河城主他们也就习惯了,再得到他们进城的消息,也就不那么在乎了。 A half month later, week city lord sent to clear river Alliance each city the person who examined the important pass situation also to come back. 半个多月以后,周城主所派出去到清河联盟各个城池去查看关口情况的人也都回来了。 Possibly is clear river city lord is also a smart person, had greeted with these cities, therefore these people have not met block the situation in important pass again. 可能是清河城主还算是一个聪明人,早就已经跟这些城池打过招呼了,所以这些人倒也没有遇到再次封锁关口的情况。 This made week city lord satisfy actually. 这倒是让周城主满意了许多。 Then several days, then city lord of several alliances first arrived at clear river Alliance, where clear river city lord has not told week city lord them this news, but week city lord own person also obtained this news. 而后几天,便有几位联盟的城主首先来到了清河联盟,哪里清河城主并没有将这个消息告诉周城主他们,但是周城主自己的人却也得到了这个消息。 However week city lord does not plan to see these people now, pouring is not anxious. 不过周城主也并不打算现在就去见这些人,倒也不急。 These altogether will have city lord of twenty alliances to arrive at clear river Alliance time, the first wave that these take the lead to rush to merely. 这一次总共会有二十几个联盟的城主会来到清河联盟,这几个仅仅只是率先赶到的第一波罢了。 Since this matter must be solved, that naturally must be solved together, some words he does not want to say that cannot come several people to tell them, that radically is the waste time. 既然这件事情要解决,那自然是要一起解决了,有些话他也不想多说,总不能来几个人就跟他们讲一番,那根本就是浪费时间。 Moreover, before city lord of other alliances have not arrived, these people will not definitely make the decision quickly. 而且,在其他联盟的城主没有到来之前,这些人肯定也不会这么快就做决定。 Therefore week city lord when anything does not know how gives their enough time to find the way to deal with Cheng Family to their difficult problem! 所以周城主就当什么都不知道,给他们足够的时间去想办法怎么应对程家给他们的难题吧! Following some time, city lord of these alliances also one after another arrives settles Yangcheng. 接下来的一段时间里,那些联盟的城主也都陆陆续续的来到了清阳城。 Only has three days to the deadline that week city lord gives, but the people of five alliances have not appeared, has arrived at these city lord of clear Yangcheng to know whether the people of these five alliances can rush to clear Yangcheng in three days. 离周城主所给出的期限只剩下三天的时间了,但是却还有五个联盟的人并没有出现,已经来到清阳城的那些城主们都想知道这五个联盟的人是否能够在三天的时间内赶到清阳城。 However, many people for the person worries of these five alliances. 不过,很多人都在为这五个联盟的人担心。 If they have not really arrived at clear Yangcheng in the deadline of week city lord stipulation, how that Cheng Family can? 如果他们真的没有在周城主规定的期限内来到清阳城,那程家又会怎么样呢? Really can make a move to these five alliances? 难道真的要对这五个联盟出手吗? Some people may have some wishful thinkings, wants to have a look at Cheng Family really to dare to do that. 有些人或许会有一些小心思,想要看看程家是不是真的敢这么做。 However also has many city lord from the general situation, after all now they may be person on a ship. 不过也有不少的城主还是从大局出发的,毕竟现在他们可都是一条船上的人了。 If these five alliances really first by Cheng Family processing, them may be short of five allies. 如果这五个联盟真的就先被程家给处理了,那他们可就少了五个盟友了。 To them, five allies are important, after all they altogether also twenty individuals, minus five allies, this component is very heavy. 对于他们来说,五个盟友可是非常重要的,毕竟他们一共也才二十几个人,少掉五个盟友,这份量还是很重的。 clear river city lord, you determined that these five allies have received the message?” An old man looks that clear river city lord said. “清河城主,你确定这五个盟友都已经收到消息了吗?”一个老者看着清河城主说道。 He is city lord of Sea City Alliance, he is also first wave of one of the several city lord arriving at clear Yangcheng. 他是海城联盟的城主,他也是第一波来到清阳城的几个城主之一。 Because Sea City Alliance leaves clear river Alliance is not far, itself only requires several days. 因为海城联盟离清河联盟并不远,本身就只需要几天的时间而已。 txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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