GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4086: Withdraw quickly!

Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The people of six elders continuous attacks to the strategy beyond Gao Residence, what is shocking, this strategy of Gao Residence also is really powerful, so many people attack simultaneously this strategy not breaking through. 六位长老的人源源不断的向高府外的阵法进行攻击,可是让人震惊的是,这高府的阵法还真是强大,这么多人同时攻击都没将这阵法给攻破。 The strategy of Gao Residence is never so expected that powerful, can resist the attacks of so many people unexpectedly?” Sees such situation, several elders somewhat are also shocked. “没想到高府的这个阵法如此强大,竟能抗住这么多人的攻击?”看到这样的情形,几位长老也有些震惊。 How Gao Residence this strategy feels compared with the strategy of my Wei Residence powerful many?” Wei Chenfei has doubts to say. “高府这阵法怎么感觉比我魏府的阵法强大的多呢?”魏尘飞疑惑道。 Some of my also this feelings, although lacks the person in Gao Residence, was our also all assembled six schools of people, here may have several hundred thousand people, so many people also attacked, that might was inconceivable absolutely. “我也有这种感觉,虽然缺少高府的人,可是咱们好歹也聚齐了六派的人,这里可有几十万人,这么多人同时攻击,那威力绝对是难以想象的。 If trades to do is my Wu Residence, I want to fear that cannot support fiercely attacking of so many people! ” witch strength said. 如果换作是我的巫府的话,我想怕是撑不住这么多人的猛攻!”巫力说道。 Several people as various mansion elders, to the strategy might of oneself your family place are the understanding. 几人作为各府长老,对自己府上的阵法威力最是了解。 No elder dares to say the strategy of own your family place can block the entire outer court the strength. 没有哪个长老敢说自己府上的阵法能够挡住整个外朝的力量。 Looks that six schools of armies attack Gao Residence simultaneously, their thinking putting oneself in another's place, what if so many people attack is their mansion, they may not dare to say absolutely break through the formation instantaneously, but is absolutely impossible to insist such long time. 看着六派大军同时进攻高府,他们自己设身处地的想一想,若是这么多人攻打的是他们自己的府邸,他们可绝对不敢说瞬间破阵,但是绝对不可能坚持这么久的时间。 Now their so many people have attacked were so long, has not actually broken through big, this was too inconceivable. 现在他们这么多人已经攻了这么久,却没有攻破大阵,这太不可思议了。 It seems like this inside was disclosing perhaps many strange aura, all these in these people with Gao Residence have the relations.” Great Elder said. “看来这里面透露着许多古怪的气息,也许这一切都跟高府里面的那些人有关系。”大长老说道。 Perhaps we must make everyone include us also to intend to be good personally, will otherwise give that unusual animals this way sooner or later!” Luo may say. “或许我们得让所有人包括我们也亲自出手才行,否则这样下去迟早会把那只异兽给等来的!”罗可雅说道。 Everyone acts together, must break open this strategy as soon as possible.” Great Elder said that then leads some side ordinary elders and consecrates toward that strategy rushes over. “大家一起出手,要尽快将这阵法破开。”大长老说完便带着身边一些普通长老和供奉朝着那阵法冲了过去。 Walks!” Other five people also lead all people to follow to rush. “走!”其他五人也带着所有的人跟着冲了上去。 Keeps side six big chancellor elders these people, absolutely was various mansion strength strongest people. 留在六大主事长老身边的这些人,绝对是各府实力最强的人了。 So many experts make a move together, attacked a person to before, absolutely was very big help. 这么多高手一起出手,给之前攻阵的人来说,绝对是非常大的帮助。 Moreover, after these experts make a move, obviously felt the strategy had not the steady situation. 而且,这些高手出手之后,明显感觉到阵法出现了不稳的情况。 Strategy must break quickly, everyone tries hard to attack!” Great Elder loudly exclaimed. “阵法很快就要破了,所有人努力攻阵!”大长老大吼道。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Such situation made everyone more excited, all completely maximum efforts attacked to the strategy. 这样的情况让每个人心里更加激动了,所有尽自己最大的努力向阵法攻去。 At this time, the people actually saw that a golden pagoda flew from Gao Residence. 就在这个时候,众人却看到一个金色的宝塔从高府飞了出来。 What is that?” Some people have doubts to say. “那是什么?”有人疑惑道。 That is that person suppresses outside Magical Treasure of king, the speed breaks through the formation, receiving to rescue outside the king that Magical Treasure.” Great Elder excited loudly exclaiming. “那是那个人镇压外王的法宝,速度破阵,将那个法宝给收起来就可以救出外王了。”大长老激动的大吼道。 Before they had person of the time of breaking through outside the palace, happen to saw that Cheng Yu's this Magical Treasure outside the king will suppress. 之前他们带人攻破外王府的时候,正好看到程宇的这件法宝将外王镇压了。 He is very clear, outside the king was stranded in this Magical Treasure. So long as takes this Magical Treasure, they can directly outside the king rescuing, this is also their trip most important goal. 他很清楚,外王就被困在这个法宝里面。只要将这个法宝弄到手,他们就可以直接将外王给救出来了,这也是他们此行最重要的目的。 Heard outside king in that Magical Treasure, everyone is going all out attacks toward the strategy. 一听说外王就在那个法宝里面,所有人更是拼命的朝着阵法攻去。 How can like this?” Those but who make everyone puzzled is, how they felt that this strategy did become thicker? “怎么会这样?”可是让所有人不解的是,他们怎么感觉这阵法又变得更加厚实了? They felt a moment ago obviously this strategy became more and more unstable, might the broken through sign anytime. 刚才他们明明感觉到这个阵法变得越来越不稳定,随时都有可能被攻破的迹象。 But now, this strategy not only a situation of dot flicker did not have, but also is disclosing some golden color, obviously felt this strategy became more and more stable. 可是现在,这阵法不仅一点闪烁的情形都没有了,而且还透露着些许金色,明显感觉到这个阵法变得越来越稳定了。 Is that Magical Treasure, that Magical Treasure may hold this strategy in in addition!” Luo may say. “是那个法宝,那个法宝有可能在加持这个阵法!”罗可雅说道。 „Is this possible? This is the strategy of Gao Residence, how can it add holds the strategy of Gao Residence?” to endanger thousand said softly. “这怎么可能呢?这是高府的阵法,它怎么能够加持高府的阵法?”危千柔说道。 Nothing is impossible, outside this Magical Treasure even/including the kings can suppress, showed sufficiently its is not simple. Perhaps before the high elder is unable to close the strategy, due to its reason.” Great Elder said. “没有什么不可能的,这件法宝连外王都能够镇压,足以证明它的不简单。或许之前高长老无法关闭阵法,也正是由于它的原因。”大长老说道。 If so, we were very difficult to break through this big!” manor Min said. “如果是这样的话,那我们就很难攻破这个大阵了!”庄闵说道。 That what to do? Can retreat at this time? That really fell short!” Wei Chenfei some unwilling saying. “那怎么办?难道要在这个时候撤退?那就真的功亏一篑了!”魏尘飞有些不甘心的说道。 After all everyone mobilized the strength of entire outer court, for this action, if the opportunity, everyone has not wanted to finish eventually. 毕竟大家发动了整个外朝的力量,就为了这一次行动,若是还有机会,大家终究还是不希望就此结束。 According to the present situation, we , to break open this big need some time, such long time, feared that will be that unusual animals will come back.” Great Elder said. “可是依现在的情况来看,我们若是想要破开这个大阵需要一定的时间,这么久的时间,怕是那只异兽就会回来了。”大长老说道。 I help your helping hand!” When everyone felt the strength is insufficient, tall Ruyuan led his person to arrive in front of the people suddenly. “我来助你们一臂之力!”就在大家觉得力量不够的时候,高如远突然带着他的人来到了众人面前。 High elder!” Sees tall Ruyuan, the people great happiness. “高长老!”看到高如远,众人大喜。 „Hasn't high elder, you walked?” to endanger thousand said softly. “高长老,你不是已经走了吗?”危千柔说道。 „ The exit|to speak of this outer court was being defended by the unusual animals, where can I arrive go? Although you are unkind to me, but I actually cannot to your non- righteousness. “这外朝的出口都被异兽守着,我能走到哪里去?虽然你们对我不仁,但我却不能对你们不义。 If you ended, I cannot leave the outer court same, therefore I can only help your one, helped me! ” tall Ruyuan indifferently said. 如果你们完了,我也一样离不开外朝,所以我只能帮你们一把了,也算是帮了我自己!”高如远淡淡的说道 High elder, was we wrongly accused you, I to your solemn apology!” Saying of witch strength apology. “高长老,是我们错怪了你,我向你郑重道歉!”巫力歉意的说道。 I also apologized to you!” Wei Chenfei said. “我也向你道歉!”魏尘飞说道。 With everyone so many years friendship, in addition the present situation, tall Ruyuan truly not too possibly unites with these people. 以大家这么多年的交情,再加上现在的情况来看,高如远确实不太可能与那些人联合。 Moreover, if tall Ruyuan is really a rebel, that at this time, he should not be supports them, but evil behind-the-scenes manipulator under back. 而且,如果高如远真的是叛徒,那么在这个时候,他不应该是来支援他们,而是在背后下黑手。 Let alone, they were also unfair to him before, but he has not haggled over, still chose with them stood. 更何况,他们之前还冤枉了他,但是他并没有计较,仍然选择了与他们站在一起。 This indicated, tall Ruyuan truly takes the larger situation into account, is their partners, rather than enemy. 这说明,高如远确实是以大局为重,是他们的伙伴,而不是敌人。 Ok, only hopes that we can come out outside king Jiu, everyone can the safe/without matter!” tall Ruyuan said. “算了,只希望我们能够把外王救出来,大家都能够无事!”高如远说道。 But this strategy seemed like by Magical Treasure in addition of opposite party is held now, even if there is your person to assist, we feared that was still not necessarily able to break open. “可是现在这个阵法似乎是被对方的法宝加持了,就算有你的人相助,我们怕是也未必能够破开。 What is more important, was so long, that unusual animals feared that will be quick will come back, we broke through the formation radically without enough time! ” Second Elder manor Min said. 更加重要的是,这么久了,那只异兽怕是很快就会回来了,我们根本就来不及破阵了!”二长老庄闵说道。 Relax, I had left behind one team of troops outside the forbidden area. So long as that unusual animals came back, they will lead away the unusual animals. We have enough time to break through the formation!” tall Ruyuan said. “放心吧,我已经在禁区外留下了一队人马。只要那异兽回来了,他们会将异兽引开的。我们有足够的时间破阵!”高如远说道。 Good, so long as gives our enough time, this big must break!” Great Elder happy saying. “太好了,只要给我们足够的时间,这大阵必破!”大长老高兴的说道。 High elder far-seeing!” People pleasantly surprised say/way. “还是高长老有远见!”众人惊喜道。 Do not say, breaks through the formation importantly, everyone breaks through the formation immediately!” tall Ruyuan the big hand wields, is exclaiming to own these people. “不要多说了,破阵要紧,所有人立刻破阵!”高如远大手一挥,对着自己的那些人大吼道。 Everyone continues to break through the formation!” Six chancellor elders feel the confidence to increase immediately, is exclaiming to all people. “所有人继续破阵!”六位主事长老顿时感觉信心大增,对着所有人大吼道。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The troops of seven big chancellors get together again, everyone's confidence obtained the large promotion, attacks innumerably unceasingly goes to the big bang. 七大主事的人马再一次齐聚,所有人的信心都得到了大幅提升,无数攻击不断的向大阵轰去。 Young Master, big is not steady!” In Gao Residence, the Nine Great Aristocratic Families person noticed that the strategy starts becomes not quite stable, was at heart anxious. 少爷,大阵又不稳了!”高府内,九大世家的人看到阵法又开始变得不太稳定起来,心里急了。 Although they do not know how Young Master controls Gao Residence big, but he knows, present Gao Residence big is being truly controlled by Young Master. 虽然他们并不知道少爷是如何控制高府大阵的,但是他知道,现在的高府大阵确实是由少爷在控制着。 Big broken, that Young Master can definitely try to find the new solution. 大阵要破,那少爷肯定会想新的办法的。 Right? That lets they taste oneself kill again!” The Cheng Yu corners of the mouth bend gently, leads the attack of entire outer court regarding seven big chancellor elders, as if does not care. “是吗?那就再让他们尝尝自己的杀阵!”程宇嘴角轻轻弯起,对于七大主事长老带领整个外朝的袭击,似乎并不在意。 Sees only the Cheng Yu voice to fall, hung Immortals and Demons Pagoda above Gao Residence to revolve suddenly speedily. 只见程宇话音一落,原本悬在高府之上的仙魔塔突然疾速旋转起来。 Meanwhile, in the strategy of Gao Residence brings some golden light, is now, in the strategy suddenly are also many some black rays. 与此同时,原本高府的阵法上带着一些金色的光,可是现在,阵法上突然又多出一些黑色的光线。 I felt that some are not quite wonderful!” Is attacking tall Ruyuan to say. “我感觉有些不太妙!”正在攻阵的高如远开口说道。 What do you mean?” Wei Chenfei said. “什么意思?”魏尘飞说道。 Everyone should understand, the protecting government offices of our your family places big and incessantly. I do not know how inside these people control the strategy of my Gao Residence, if they can control this defense big, then they should control other strategies!” tall Ruyuan the facial expression is somewhat dignified. “大家应该明白,我们各府上的护府大阵并不止一个。我不知道里面的那些人是如何控制住我高府的阵法的,如果说他们能够控制这个防御大阵,那么他们应该也能够控制其他阵法!”高如远神情有些凝重。 Looks at that speedily revolving Immortals and Demons Pagoda, black ray that as well as in the strategy are many, his at heart very not wonderful feeling. 看着那疾速旋转的仙魔塔,以及阵法中多出的黑色光线,他的心里有一种很不妙的感觉。 „Is your meaning...... they may also start attacks big?” Although tall Ruyuan has not taken the worst situation saying that but hears tall Ruyuan such a to raise, as if also understood the meaning of opposite party as them of chancellor elder. “你的意思是......他们还有可能启动攻击大阵?”虽然高如远并没有把最糟糕的情况说出来,可是听到高如远这么一提,作为主事长老的他们似乎也明白了对方的意思。 Palace of seven as well as outside in the chancellor elder mansion protect mansion big incessantly. 七在主事长老府以及外王府都不止一个护府大阵。 The palace that because Cheng Yu sneaks secretly, these big of palace have therefore not started. 由于程宇是偷偷潜入的王府,所以王府的这些大阵根本都没有启动。 After the palace has an accident, everyone in the palace, even start big was still useless. 而当王府出事以后,大家都在王府之中了,就算启动大阵也没用了。 I want unable, but I felt that Gao Residence attacked the big fluctuation!” Saying that tall Ruyuan is worried about very much. “我希望不会,但是我感觉到高府攻击大阵的波动了!”高如远很是担心的说道。 „Can you first control to attack big now?” Great Elder asked. “那你现在能不能先控制住攻击大阵?”大长老问道。 „It is not good, now in Gao Residence all strategies I cannot control, can only have some inductions!” tall Ruyuan shakes the head to say. “不行,现在高府内所有的阵法我都控制不了,只能有一些感应!”高如远摇摇头道。 Attacking big is extremely lethal, this we mobilized the strength of entire outer court time, if these people really started attack big of Gao Residence, our losses feared that is inestimable, do we want to retreat?” witch strength said. “攻击大阵杀伤力极大,这一次我们发动了整个外朝的力量,若是那些人真的启动了高府的攻击大阵,那我们的损失怕是难以估计,我们是不是要撤退了?”巫力说道。 It seems like the expert strength unusual terrifying of opposite party, we, if storm Gao Residence, even if broke through big, it is estimated that is still mutually wounded, moreover is not necessarily able to rescue outside the king. “看来对方的高手实力非常的恐怖,我们若是强攻高府,就算攻破了大阵,估计也是两败俱伤,而且也未必能够救出外王。 I thought that we cannot act again, must retreat is good, I had felt that Gao Residence big is having the momentous change! ” Luo may elegant serious saying. 我觉得我们不能再行动了,必须要撤退才行,我已经感觉到高府大阵在发生巨大变化了!”罗可雅一脸严肃的说道。 Draws back! Everyone withdraws from the forbidden area immediately!” The Great Elder complexion changes, clearly, he also felt that the Gao Residence big dangerous aura hurried to exclaim to all people. “退!所有人立即退出禁区!”大长老脸色一变,很明显,他也感觉到高府大阵的危险气息了赶紧对着所有人大吼道。 Draws back! Luo Residence everyone returns the forbidden area!” “退!罗府所有人退回禁区!” Draws back!” “退!” Rapidness of too changing situation, no longer said with anybody at this moment, they had felt Gao Residence big change, several elders after issuing warning, rapid rushes to the forbidden area. 情况变化的太快,这一刻不再用任何人说,他们都已经感觉到了高府大阵的变化,几位长老在发出警告之后,迅速的向禁区奔去。 Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! Others do not know obviously what happened, is to them, no matter what happened, since fellow chancellor elders have issued the warning, they naturally must immediately carry out. 其他人显然并不知道发生了什么事情,可是对于他们来说,不管发生什么事,既然各位主事长老已经发出了警告,他们自然要立即执行。 But some people as if also discovered some are not right, first rushes toward the forbidden area outside. 而有些人似乎也发现了一些不对劲,第一时间就往禁区外奔去。 Meanwhile, everyone rapid draws back backward! 与此同时,所有人迅速的向后退! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! But, as if some, the person closest to Gao Residence took the lead to exude the pitiful yell sound late unceasingly! 可是,似乎还是有些晚了,离高府最近的人率先不断的发出了惨叫声! High-speed writing hits the god level student entering in midterm chapter list 高速文字手打神级插班生章节列表
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