GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4004: Doesn't Profound Heaven Sect keep words?

The Cheng Yu's words let the day of demon sect people both angry and helpless. 程宇的话让天魔宗众人既愤怒又无奈。 Although they know that Cheng Yu quibbled, but they absolutely did not have the means to refute. 虽然他们知道程宇是强词夺理,可是他们却根本就没有办法反驳。 After all Cheng Yu has not truly said that must massacre them, is in front of so many people to invite them. 毕竟程宇现在也确实没有说要杀掉他们,更是当着这么多人的面邀请他们。 Even if he is threatening them, they have no alternative. 哪怕他在威胁他们,他们也无可奈何。 Old ancestor, this Cheng Yu was really hateful, he did that is disadvantageous to you radically. Or we directly clash, he is busy making war with these desolate ancient giant beasts in any case now, where has the time to pay attention to us?” The divergent day said. “老祖,这个程宇真是太可恶了,他这么做根本就是要对你们不利。要不我们直接冲下去吧,反正他现在正忙着跟那些荒古巨兽开战,哪里有时间注意我们?”歧天说道。 If I do not return to Secular World with the blood beggar with him, feared that was our day demon sect everyone does not have the means to descend the mountain.” Blood flame helpless saying. “如果我跟血化子不跟他回世俗的话,怕是我们天魔宗所有人都没有办法下山了。”血炎子无奈的说道。 Although requests to be very angry to Cheng Yu's, what he is angrier is Yong Ningzi. 虽然对程宇的要求很愤怒,可是他更加愤怒的还是永宁子 This fellow does not want to let off the day of demon sect, therefore disclosed own news intentionally to Cheng Yu, where otherwise Cheng Yu knew him, how also to make them go to Secular World? 这个家伙不想放过天魔宗,所以故意将自己的消息透露给程宇,要不然程宇哪里认识他,又怎么会让他们去世俗呢? Old ancestor, this does not may, the Cheng Yu's intention is very obvious, being to be disadvantageous to two old ancestors. If two old ancestors followed Cheng Yu to return to Secular World, possibly did not come back again, after this let our day demon sect, what to do can?” Divergent day worrying saying. “老祖,这万万不可啊,程宇的意图已经很明显了,就是要对两位老祖不利。若是两位老祖跟着程宇回了世俗,可能就再也回不来了,这让我们天魔宗以后可怎么办?”歧天着急的说道。 Matter that „ this does not have the means that if we do not go, our day demon sect is even impossible to live is leaving Profound Heaven Sect. “这也是没有办法的事,如果我们不去,我们天魔宗甚至都不可能活着离开玄天宗 Also, did not have both of us even, some day demon sect so many old ancestors, they should still also lead the day of demon sect to walk! Cancels the profound child, will give you by the day after tomorrow demon sect. ” Blood flame looks at one of them to say. 再说了,就算没有了我们俩,天魔宗还有这么多老祖,他们也会带领天魔宗走下去的!勾玄子,以后天魔宗就交给你们了。”血炎子看着其中一人说道。 senior martial uncle!” Cancels profound child and the others a sadness of face. 师伯!”勾玄子等人一脸的悲伤。 You do not need so, probably this Cheng Yu not necessarily to massacre us. Therefore we have the opportunity to return to the day of demon sect, but before then, you must protect the fine day demon sect. “你们不必如此,或许这程宇未必是要杀掉我们。所以我们还是有机会回到天魔宗的,而在这之前,你们都要守护好天魔宗。 Although the present day demon sect has been inferior greatly formerly, suffered such big loss, but at least foundation also. 虽然如今的天魔宗已是大不如从前了,遭受了这么大的损失,但是至少根基还在。 After you return to the day of demon sect, then must rest and build up strength, the thorough hidden world, again easily in the Cultivation World exposition status. ” Blood flame to is cancelling the character generation of younger generation injunction to say. 你们回到天魔宗以后,便要休养生息,彻底的隐世,不要再轻易在修真界暴露身份了。”血炎子对着勾字辈的晚辈嘱咐道。 If they left the day of demon sect, on that day the demon sect can only give to cancel a character generation of person. 他们二人若是离开了天魔宗,那天魔宗就只能交给勾字辈的人了。 Although cancels the character generation of person rank to be inferior to their two people, but he actually knows, actually cancels a character generation of strength is not worse than them many. 虽然勾字辈的人辈分不如他们二人,但是他却知道,其实勾字辈的实力也并不比他们差多少。 Even without their two people, so long as there are them , the day demon sect can survive eventually. 即便是没有他们二人,只要有他们在,天魔宗终究还是能够生存下去的。 So long as the day demon sect remains in the world, then they really, them were not put down even. 只要天魔宗还存在于世,那么就算他们真的不在了,他们心里也算是放下了。 senior martial uncle, we in day demon sect and others you!” The eyes of all day of demon ancestors blurred. 师伯,我们在天魔宗等你们!”所有天魔宗人的双眼都模糊了。 They know that perhaps this regarding the day demon sect is the best result, if two old ancestors do not make such choice, then the day demon sect estimate was impossible to exist. 他们知道或许这对于天魔宗来说是最好的结果,如果两位老祖不做出这样的选择的话,那么天魔宗估计再也不可能存在了。 In order to preserve the day of demon sect, two old ancestors chose sacrificed themselves, how such picture did not make him sad! 为了保存天魔宗,两位老祖选择了牺牲自己,这样的画面如何不让他悲伤! Relax, so long as day demon sect all are good, we felt at ease. Even if we really did not come back, when you we flew upwards Immortal World to be good. “放心吧,只要天魔宗一切都好,我们就心安了。哪怕我们真的回不来了,你们就当我们飞升仙界好了。 Moreover we must experience sooner or later such a day, but the time was ahead of time. Therefore do not think this matter, but must try hard to develop the day of demon sect. 而且我们早晚都要经历这么一天的,只是时间提前了而已。所以你们也不要一直想着这件事,而是要努力的发展天魔宗。 If today demon sect, even is entire Cultivation World arrives this step, believes clarity that you have also looked. 如今天魔宗,甚至是整个修真界走到这一步,相信你们也已经看的清清楚楚。 This is takes the strength as to revere the world, without strength, regardless of we are, will become others to prey. Therefore you must try hard, diligently makes the day of demon sect again magnificent, do not reach the present situation again! ” Blood flame to people serious saying. 这便是一个以实力为尊的世界,没有实力无论我们是谁,都将成为别人鱼肉。所以你们一定要努力,努力的让天魔宗再一次辉煌,不要再走到如今的地步了!”血炎子对着众人郑重的说道。 Although they have practiced so many years, but where thinks, some day they will arrive this step, the day demon sect will arrive at this? 虽然他们已经修炼了这么多年,可是哪里又会想到,有一天他们会走到这一步,天魔宗会走到这一步呢? But all these all because of strength. 而这一切的一切都是因为实力。 They think own so many year of strengths have no way to strive again, possibly is because the strength has been close to the apex. 他们原本以为自己这么多年实力都没法再精进,可能是因为实力已经接近顶点了。 Therefore in their consciousness, even thinks that this world's most powerful strength, they have not so needed to dread anybody. 所以在他们的意识当中,甚至以为这个世界最强大的力量也就过如此了,他们无需畏惧任何人。 But since Profound Heaven Sect provokes Cultivation World the beginning of chaos, they realizing slowly, they sat the well view day eventually. 可是自从玄天宗挑起修真界的大乱之始,他们就慢慢的意识到,他们终究还是坐井观天了。 Especially now sees the Cheng Yu terrifying the strength, knows, their where achieved the apex of strength, in others eyes, they radically was worthless. 尤其是现在看到程宇恐怖的实力,才知道,他们哪里是达到了实力的顶点,在别人眼里,他们根本就是一钱不值。 Reason that they, only then such achievement, nothing but is their aptitude is not good, therefore compared with others bad so many. 之所以他们只有这样的成就,无非就是他们的资质不行,所以才会比别人差这么多。 But they are impossible to achieve a higher achievement again, therefore he only hopes, the remaining day demon sect disciples can effort well, be able to make the day of demon sect have a more powerful strength to protect itself. 可是他们已经不可能再达到更高的成就了,所以他只希望,剩下的天魔宗弟子能够好好的努力,可以让天魔宗拥有更加强大的力量来保护自己。 This was also they anticipates to the day demon sect finally. 这也是他们对天魔宗最后的期待了。 Old ancestor, we will certainly try hard!” Saying that everyone vows solemnly. “老祖,我们一定会努力的!”所有人信誓旦旦的说道。 Looks expression that the day of demon sect people are deeply grieved, Yong Ningzi is actually in the heart specially comfortable. 看着天魔宗众人悲痛欲绝的表情,永宁子却是心中特别的舒服。 Not for other, because their Profound Heaven Sect now is thorough by Cheng Yu staring, even also offended Royal Court. 不为别的,就因为他们玄天宗现在是彻底的被程宇给盯上了,甚至还得罪了王朝 Therefore the Profound Heaven Sect later day will not feel better, the person who if lets the day of demon sect left Profound Heaven Sect, perhaps after a long time, the day demon sect will become compared with Profound Heaven Sect more powerful. 所以玄天宗以后的日子不会好过,要是让天魔宗的人就这么离开了玄天宗,说不定经过很长一段时间之后,天魔宗甚至会比玄天宗变得更加强大。 This is he is not willing to see. 这是他不愿意看到的。 Because of this, even prospects are dim of Profound Heaven Sect, he must draw the heaven demon sect. 正因为如此,即便玄天宗的前途暗淡,他也要拉上天魔宗。 Is good has not disappointed him because of Cheng Yu, after him blood flame child two people status exposition, Cheng Yu really stared at the vision on their bodies. 好在程宇并没有让他失望,在他将血炎子两人的身份暴露之后,程宇果然将目光盯在了他们二人的身上。 Day demon sect if did not have these two powerful characters, then the day demon sect naturally cannot by far again with once compared with. 天魔宗若是没有了这两个强大的人物,那么天魔宗自然是远远不能再跟曾经相比了。 Moreover, Cheng Yu took away the two old ancestors of day demon sect, the day demon sect thinks that will also have hated stares on Cheng Yu's. 而且,程宇将天魔宗的两位老祖带走了,天魔宗想必也会一直将仇恨盯在程宇的身上。 As the matter stands, perhaps someday in the future, Cheng Yu will unable to bear this has the influence of hatred extinguishing about him. 这样一来,说不定在未来的某一天,程宇也会忍不住把这一个对他心怀仇恨的势力给灭了。 But other influences actually could not control so many, was not in no mood actually to care about the day of demon sect is lives dies. 而其他势力却管不了那么多了,也没有心情却在意天魔宗是生是死。 They experienced too many fears in Profound Heaven Sect, this thinks that the meeting must die in Profound Heaven Sect, now has this barely managing to maintain a feeble existence opportunity with great difficulty, they are not willing to miss. 他们在玄天宗经历了太多的恐惧,本以为会必死在玄天宗,如今好不容易得到了这个苟延残喘的机会,他们可不愿意错过。 Especially saw Cheng Yu stopping by calling out the day demon sect, when for fear that Cheng Yu also stopped by calling out their influences. 尤其是看到程宇把天魔宗给叫住了,生怕程宇什么时候把他们的势力也叫住了。 Therefore hurries to escape toward the mountain under while this opportunity, in the face of the life and death, opening that no one can look at truly. 所以趁着这机会赶紧往山下逃去,在生死面前,没有人能够真正看的开。 Cheng Family Lord, our Senior Brother younger brother two people are willing to return to Secular World with you, only hopes that do not feel embarrassed other my day demon sect people, gives their way out!” Explains to day demon sect everyone, blood flame is shouting to sky in Cheng Yu loudly. 程家主,我们师兄弟二人愿意跟你们回世俗,只希望你不要为难我天魔宗其他人,放他们一条生路!”跟天魔宗所有人交待一番,血炎子对着天空中的程宇大声喊道。 Ok! So long as you accepted our invitation to be good, as for others, they can descend the mountain now!” Cheng Yu natural saying. “可以!只要你们接受了我们的邀请就行了,至于其他人,他们现在可以下山了!”程宇大方的说道。 Why he must bleed off so many influences, because he is very clear. 为什么他要放掉这么多势力,因为他心里很清楚。 On this day under will never possibly have an influence, like initial Holy City. 这天下永远都不可能只有一个势力,就像当初的圣城 Although the world influence turns over to Holy City, is in fact? 虽说天下势力归圣城,可是实际上呢? The person thoughts of returning home do not turn over to! 人归心不归! Now is also so, big Cultivation World, is impossible only to exist in Cheng Family or Limitless Palace merely. 现在也是如此,偌大一个修真界,也不可能仅仅只存在于一个程家或者无极宫 Therefore he not possible the entire Cultivation World complete annexation, in this case, will take the Holy City's old route sooner or later. 所以他也不可能将整个修真界完全的吞并,这样的话,早晚都会走上圣城的老路。 Because of this, he wants leaving trouble for the future now, making them revive Cultivation World Immortal cultivation Avenue[Grand Dao]. 正因为如此,他现在要“放虎归山”,让他们重振修真界修仙大道 These that but he emits tiger actually trimmed off the fang by him, he allows Cultivation World to have more influences, but will not allow an influence on threaten Cheng Family absolutely, particularly hostile forces, do not allow to be stronger than Cheng Family. 只不过他放出的这些“虎”却都被他剪掉了獠牙,他允许修真界拥有更多的势力,但是绝对不会允许有一个势力威胁到程家,尤其是一个敌对势力,更是不允许比程家更强大。 Naturally, by the Cheng Family present strength, which influence actually also has to topple Cheng Family? 当然,以程家现在的实力,其实又有哪个势力能够扳倒程家呢? Even if Cheng Yu let go day demon sect these two old ancestors, the day demon sect not possible to compare with Cheng Family. 就算程宇把天魔宗这两位老祖都放走了,天魔宗也不可能跟程家相比。 However Cheng Yu this person always does not like existence of hidden danger, although the day demon sect could not compare Cheng Family, however the later matter who also said? 但是程宇这人一向不喜欢隐患的存在,虽然天魔宗比不了程家,但是以后的事谁又说的准呢? Imprisoned these two people, can say that the day of demon sect was equivalent to by Cheng Family is pressed firmly between the fingers the life. 囚禁了这两个人,可以说天魔宗就相当于被程家捏住了命脉。 Even if really has one day of rise by the day after tomorrow demon sect, they will still be restrained Cheng Family. 即便以后天魔宗真的有崛起的一天,他们也将受制于程家 Many thanks Cheng Family Lord!” Blood flame child two people relax finally. “多谢程家主!”血炎子两人总算是松了一口气。 Although possibly do not have the opportunity of returning alive again, but at least preserved the day of demon sect. 虽然可能自己再无生还之机,但是至少保住了天魔宗。 So long as the day demon sect, them had not sacrificed in vain . Moreover, he also hopes that Cheng Yu really invited them to go to Secular World and Limitless Palace several old ancestor talks about old days. 只要天魔宗还在,他们就没有白白牺牲,而且,他也希望程宇真的只是邀请他们前往世俗无极宫的几位老祖叙叙旧。 Just, this hope feared that is very uncertain! 只不过,这个希望怕是很渺茫! Cheng Family Lord, on Profound Heaven Sect other influences are put by us now, Cheng Family Lord should also fulfill your commitment.” Yong Ningzi sees other Cheng Yu really not awkward day demon sect people, although in the heart is somewhat disappointed, but actually does not dare to mind others' business. 程家主,现在玄天宗上其他所有势力都被我们放了,程家主是不是也应该兑现你的承诺了。”永宁子程宇真的没有为难天魔宗其他人,虽然心中有些失望,但却也不敢多管闲事。 Now he only wants Cheng Yu to hurry to leave Profound Heaven Sect, quite makes them feel at ease earlier. 现在他只想要程宇赶紧离开玄天宗,也好让他们早点安心下来。 After all no matter Cheng Yu these desolate ancient giant beasts, they treat the moment on Profound Heaven Sect, they thought that Profound Heaven Sect as if must be ruined momentarily general, was really terrifying. 毕竟不管是程宇还是这些荒古巨兽,他们在玄天宗上多待一刻,他们都觉得玄天宗似乎随时都要被毁掉一般,实在是太恐怖了。 Such being the case, I first said goodbye, the two seniors of day demon sect, I will be inferior you in the mountain, hopes that do not disappoint me!” Cheng Yu has not thought of so many, matter happened now, he was impossible to suppress these desolate ancient giant beasts again. “既然如此,那我就先告辞了,天魔宗的两位前辈,我会在山下等着你们,希望你们不要让我失望!”程宇也没有想到那么多,事情发生到现在,他也不可能再去镇压这些荒古巨兽了。 Even oneself are very interested to these desolate ancient giant beasts, still only then kept the next time. 即便自己对这些荒古巨兽很有兴趣,也只有留到下一次了。 Fire Feather! Hot phoenix! We walk!” Cheng Yu summoned two fellows to rush toward the mountain under. 火羽!火凤!我们走!”程宇召唤着两个家伙就往山下奔去。 However what makes Cheng Yu unexpected is, Profound Heaven Sect has not recalled these desolate ancient giant beasts, is follows they to pursue unexpectedly toward the mountain under! 不过让程宇意想不到的是,玄天宗并没有将这些荒古巨兽召回,竟是跟着他们往山下追去! „Haven't you received them?” The Cheng Yu anger said. “你们还不将它们收回去?”程宇怒道。 Did not do right by Cheng Family Lord, I must notice that you are good far away from Profound Heaven Sect, therefore these desolate ancient giant beasts may pursue your distance!” Yong Ningzi loud saying. “对不住了程家主,我必须要看到你们远离玄天宗才行,所以这些荒古巨兽可能会追你们一段距离!”永宁子大声的说道。 He wants to give to receive actually these terrifying big fellow, but they absolutely do not have this ability. 他倒是想将这些恐怖的大家伙给收回来,但是他们根本就没有这个能力。 Perhaps initially the Profound Heaven Sect old ancestor seal they were also used to take Profound Heaven Sect final trump card forcefully, was Profound Heaven Sect to the life and death time put them to come out to perish together, has not thought must catch again them. 或许当初玄天宗的老祖也只是强行封印了它们用来作为玄天宗最后的杀手锏,也就是玄天宗到了生死存亡的时候放它们出来同归于尽,并没有想过要再将它们抓回去。 Perhaps because the ancestor they did not have this ability! 因为老祖宗他们自己或许都没有这个能力了!
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