GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4000: Begs for mercy on own initiative?

Yong Ningzi knows that Royal Court is not a good person, if he they laid cards on the table with Mr. Song directly, that will encounter their obstructions absolutely. 永宁子知道王朝也并不是什么好人,如果他直接跟宋先生他们摊牌的话,那绝对是会遭到他们的阻挠的。 Therefore he with passes message the way and Yong Hezi exchange. 所以他才会用传音的方式与永和子交流。 Now, they must hurry to leave here. 现在,他们必须赶紧离开这里。 No matter they and Cheng Yu's negotiated to succeed, they must go separate ways with the person of Royal Court now. 不管他们与程宇的谈判会不会成功,他们现在都必须要与王朝之人分道扬镳了。 Moreover, in his idea, Mr. Song these people cannot make them leave Profound Heaven Sect again. 而且,在他的想法当中,宋先生这些人是不能再让他们离开玄天宗了。 Otherwise, they naturally know that their Profound Heaven Sect is the choice betrays Royal Court. 否则的话,他们自然知道他们玄天宗是选择背叛王朝的。 If he cooperated with Cheng Yu's successfully, then Royal Court these people must die. If they and Cheng Yu's negotiated to be defeated, even if that he put to massacre Cheng Yu the remaining wild ancient giant beasts. 如果他跟程宇的合作成功了,那么王朝的这些人必须要死。如果他们与程宇的谈判失败了,那么就算他把剩下的荒古巨兽放出来杀掉了程宇 When Mr. Song they returned to Royal Court, believes that Mr. Song will not cash in absolutely again now to their commitments, even might also white Yang Outer King belt/bring to destroy completely Profound Heaven Sect. 等到宋先生他们回到王朝,相信宋先生也绝对不会再兑现现在对他们的承诺了,甚至还有可能让白阳外王带人来灭掉玄天宗 Therefore, no matter the success or failure or not, Royal Court these people cannot remain. 所以,不管成败与否,王朝这些人都不能留了。 ! 咔嚓! At this time, Yong Hezi suddenly the mechanism/organization rotation secret room, was opening stone door suddenly starts to close. 就在这个时候,永和子突然将密室的机关转动,原本开着的石门突然开始关闭。 Senior Brother!” 师兄!” Meanwhile, Yong Ningzi also seized the chance to flash. 与此同时,永宁子也趁机闪了出去。 Damn! Blocks them!” Mr. Song has been waiting for the decision of Yong Ningzi. “该死!拦住他们!”宋先生一直在等着永宁子的决定。 But how he thinks that these two fellows will escape from here, discovered that two people is not right, Mr. Song first charged into the secret room exit|to speak. 可是他又怎么会想到这两个家伙会逃出这里,发现两人的不对,宋先生第一时间冲向了密室出口。 Bang! 砰! However Mr. Song was slow one step, when he achieves the exit|to speak, stone door was happen to closed. 然而宋先生还是慢了一步,当他达到出口时,石门正好关闭了。 Song Deacon, mechanism/organization here!” A Royal Court high hand points at the mechanism/organization that beforehand Yong Hezi is opening to say. “宋执事,机关在这里!”一个王朝高手指着之前永和子打开的机关说道。 Opens quickly!” Mr. Song urgently said. “快打开!”宋先生急道。 Since Yong Ningzi and Yong Hezi make such action, has represented their choice. 既然永宁子永和子做出这样的举动,已经代表了他们的选择。 Obviously, these two fellows were want to reconcile with Cheng Yu. 显然,这两个家伙是想要去跟程宇和解去了。 This is he is absolutely unacceptable, so long as Cheng Yu is really willing to reconcile with them, they possibly only had the dead end. 这是他绝对不能接受的,只要程宇真的愿意与他们和解,那他们可能就只有死路一条了。 Therefore, they must prevent these two fellows. 所以,他们必须要阻止这两个家伙。 But now perhaps they already late, but no matter how, they must hurry to leave this place is apt to get into trouble now. 可是现在他们或许已经晚了,但是不管如何,他们现在都必须要赶紧离开这个是非之地。 ! 咔嚓! What accidental/surprised is, that Royal Court expert rotates the mechanism/organization, the exit|to speak has not opened. 只是让人意外的是,那个王朝高手将机关转动,出口并没有打开。 What's all this about?” Mr. Song knit the brows to say. “这是怎么回事?”宋先生皱眉道。 Does not know!” That Royal Court expert continued to rotate several mechanism/organization, but exported still had not opened. “不知道!”那个王朝高手又继续将机关转动了几下,但是出口仍然没有打开。 These two bastards, dare to betray us unexpectedly, if this I can live time am leaving Profound Heaven Sect, in the future will certainly the Profound Heaven Sect whole families destroy completely!” Mr. Song angry shouting. “这两个混蛋,竟然敢出卖我们,若是这一次我能够活着离开玄天宗,日后必将玄天宗满门灭掉!”宋先生愤怒的喝道。 Deacon, we now what to do?” Some Royal Court experts have started to be somewhat hurried. 执事,那我们现在怎么办?”有些王朝高手已经开始有些慌了。 Here is not the Royal Court domain, has such condition, unavoidably makes people somewhat tense. 这里不是王朝的地盘,出现这样的状况,难免让人有些紧张。 Let alone, outside the secret room also has that terrifying human cultivator as well as several terrifying wild ancient giant beasts at this time. 更何况,此时密室之外还有一个那么恐怖的人类修士以及数只恐怖至极的荒古巨兽。 Now the Profound Heaven Sect two old ancestors run to cooperate with Cheng Yu, then they will quickly isolate by Cheng Yu and Profound Heaven Sect. 现在玄天宗的两位老祖跑去跟程宇合作,那么他们很快就会被程宇玄天宗所孤立了。 Once they really achieved the cooperation, Cheng Yu and Profound Heaven Sect will even possibly massacre them. 一旦他们真的达成了合作,程宇玄天宗甚至可能会将他们杀掉。 Naturally, what is most fearful, they are stranded in this secret room now, even to escape unable to escape. This was equal to that they wait for Cheng Yu to butcher them. 当然,最可怕的是,他们现在被困在这个密室,就算是想逃也逃不出去。这就等于是他们等待着程宇来宰割他们。 No matter with what method, must break open to me this secret, we must leave here as soon as possible!” Mr. Song angry saying. “不管用什么方法,一定要将这个秘室给我破开,我们必须要尽快离开这里!”宋先生愤怒的说道。 In order to stand firm Profound Heaven Sect, even to let Profound Heaven Sect can stand with them in the same front, he seduces them with these advantage specially, but never expected that Yong Ningzi these two fellows finally chose cooperated with Cheng Yu. 为了稳住玄天宗,甚至为了让玄天宗能够与他们站在同一战线,他特意用那些好处来诱惑他们,可是没有想到永宁子这两个家伙最终还是选择了与程宇合作。 These two fellows are not so tactful, if made him live, he will be will not let off these two fellows absolutely. 这两个家伙如此不识趣,如果让他活下来了,他是绝对不会放过这两个家伙的。 Now they were actually meet bothersomely. 只是现在他们却是遇到烦了。 If cannot flee from this secret room, they really can only wait for death. 如果不能逃离这个密室的话,那他们就真的只能等死了。 He does not believe that also Yong Ningzi these two fellows after Cheng Yu cooperates will let off him, isn't that leaves trouble for the future? 他不相信永宁子这两个家伙跟程宇合作之后还会放过他,那不是放虎归山吗? Rumbling! 轰轰轰! More than 80 Royal Court experts are shelling stone door of secret room full power, but entire secret room, although has the feeling of tremor, unceasing has the earth-gray to fall from above, is this stone door actually slightly not gate, had not been destroyed. 八十多个王朝高手全力轰击着密室的石门,但是整个密室虽然有颤动之感,也不断的有土灰从上面落下来,可是这石门却丝毫未门,也没有遭到破坏。 Attacks again!” Mr. Song saw this situation, the mood sank a section. “再攻!”宋先生见到这种情况,心情更是下沉了一截。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Deacon, in this secret room covered entirely the strategy and ban, we feared that does not have the means to break open this place forcefully!” 执事,这个密室里面布满了阵法和禁制,我们怕是没有办法强行破开这个地方!” One group of people storm a wave, but actually still cannot give to break open that say/way stone door, many people despaired. 一群人又强攻了一波,但是却仍然没有能够将那道石门给破开,不少人都绝望了。 Yong Ningzi these two bastards!” Mr. Song an angry boxing above stone wall, the stone wall is a dent does not have unexpectedly, obviously the strategy and ban of this place truly. 永宁子这两个混蛋!”宋先生愤怒的一拳击在石壁之上,石壁竟是一点凹痕都没有,可见这个地方的阵法和禁制确实了得。 May be so, this let his anger. 可越是如此,这就让他更加的愤怒了。 Can they really be stranded here, then wait for Cheng Yu to kill? 难道他们真的要被困在这里,然后等着程宇来杀? Deacon, you look!” At this time, the Royal Court high hand pointed at that to see that on Profound Heaven Sect the situation tiny channel said. 执事,你看!”就在这个时候,有一个王朝高手指着那个可以看到玄天宗上情况的细小通道说道。 Mr. Song collected to look, really saw Yong Ningzi and Yong Hezi two people appeared outside. 宋先生凑过去一看,果然看到永宁子永和子两人出现在外面。 These two fellows, I must have a look at Cheng Yu to be able but actually with you to work, wait for Cheng Yu to slaughter to you you knew the regret!” Mr. Song only hopes that at this time Yong Ningzi and Yong Hezi two people hope failed. “这两个家伙,我倒要看看程宇会不会跟你们合作,等程宇对你们大开杀戒的时候你们就知道后悔了!”宋先生此时只希望永宁子永和子两人的希望落空。 So long as Cheng Yu does not reconcile with them, even massacres them, his was at heart happy. 只要程宇不跟他们和解,甚至将他们杀掉,那他的心里就痛快了。 Deacon, if Cheng Yu rejected their cooperation, perhaps they will come back to cooperate with us!” Saying that a Royal Court expert anticipates. 执事,若是程宇拒绝了他们的合作,或许他们就会回来与我们合作了!”一个王朝高手期待的说道。 Snort! Feared that they did not have this life!” Mr. Song also somewhat anticipated at heart. “哼!就怕他们没有这个命了!”宋先生的心里也有几分期待。 If Cheng Yu does not work with them, he naturally hopes that Yong Ningzi they can come back, at least must come back to let out them. 如果程宇不跟他们合作,他自然还是希望永宁子他们能够回来,至少也要回来把他们放出去吧。 Otherwise everyone must be finished! 要不然大家都得完蛋! At this time, outside secret room, in profound jade peak. 此时,密室之外,玄玉峰上。 Cheng Family Lord, I am Profound Heaven Sect old ancestor Yong Ningzi, the old man have the matter to consult, can be accommodating?” Yong Ningzi looks that Cheng Yu is refusing to compromise with that first ancestor giant bird, aura actually terrifying that but the first ancestor giant bird sends out utmost, in heart not only worry and admires to Cheng Yu. 程家主,我乃玄天宗老祖永宁子,老夫有事相商,能否行个方便?”永宁子看着程宇在与那只始祖巨鸟僵持着,但是那始祖巨鸟散发出来的气息却恐怖之至,心中既担心又对程宇佩服不已。 Although Cheng Yu has not fought with the first ancestor giant bird now directly, has been refusing battle, but he has suppressed two desolate ancient giant beasts. 虽然程宇现在并没有跟始祖巨鸟正面战斗,一直在避战,但是他已经镇压了两只荒古巨兽。 Even so, he can also withstand the desolate ancient giant beast so terrifying aura, saw Cheng Yu's to be powerful sufficiently. 即便如此,他还能够承受住荒古巨兽如此恐怖的气息,也足以看出程宇的强大了。 Is so, he more believes oneself do that is right. 越是如此,他就越坚信自己这么做是对的。 How as for the result, can only bet one, hopes that Cheng Yu should not be ruthless to them, can give them a seeking livehood opportunity. 至于结果如何,就只能赌一把了,希望程宇不要对他们赶尽杀绝,能够给他们一个求生的机会。 Cheng Yu sees the two people on profound jade peak, in the heart some doubts, these two fellows brave suddenly, is plans to beg for mercy on own initiative? 程宇看到玄玉峰上的两个人,心中有些疑惑,这两个家伙突然冒出来,难道是打算主动求饶?
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