GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#3885: Insists again!

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Cheng Yu will not kill them, therefore naturally cannot shines the complete strength and card in a hand. 程宇不会杀他们,所以自然不会把自己全部的实力和底牌都亮出来。 However his impossible performance was too bad, otherwise these fellows are will not drop absolutely. 但是他也不可能表现的太差了,要不然这些家伙是绝对不会放手的。 If wants to make them never drop to oneself, that must make them to strike to kill own false appearance. 若是想让他们对自己始终不放手,那就要造成一种他们能够击杀自己的假象。 As the matter stands, they will not request reinforcements to the dynasty lord again, because they believe that oneself are capable of catching oneself. 这样一来,他们就不会再向王朝主上求援了,因为他们相信自己是有能力抓到自己的。 Therefore, Cheng Yu has some restraints, has not exposed the Great Ascension Late Stage status. 所以,程宇有一些克制,更是没有暴露自己大乘后期的身份。 Makes war with eight dynasty experts, why Cheng Yu also realized various Cultivation World Great Sects to be able finally so rout easily. 与八个王朝高手开战,程宇也终于意识到了为什么修真界大门派会如此轻易的溃败。 By his present strength, must massacre these eight experts naturally to achieve. 以他现在的实力,要杀掉这八个高手当然是可以做到的。 How many people however under does this day have to have his such strength? 但是这天下又有几个人有他这样的实力呢? Initially he is Great Ascension Middle Stage time brought the disciples extinguishing Kunlun Mountains, by words that Cultivation World these influences came to see, besides Limitless Palace and day demon sect, the strengths of other influences also like Kunlun Mountains. 当初他还是大乘中期的时候就带着众弟子把昆仑给灭了,以修真界的这些势力来看的话,除了无极宫和天魔宗,其他一些势力的实力还如昆仑。 But the strengths of these eight people compared with oneself extinguished Kunlun Mountains initially the time perhaps is slightly weaker. 可是这八个人的实力比起自己当初灭昆仑的时候或许还是稍微弱一些。 However eight such experts want to destroy completely an influence actually are also very easy matters. 但是八个这样的高手想要灭掉一个势力却也是很容易的事。 Therefore Mount Shu they were not easily are also defeated, their old ancestors will die in Mount Shu are also nothing unusual. 所以蜀山他们还不是轻易就被击败了,他们的老祖会死在蜀山也不足为奇了。 Few days ago the day demon sect also turned to Profound Heaven Sect, because obviously had existences of these eight experts, expert also incessantly eight that perhaps this dynasty sent out. 前些日子天魔宗也投靠了玄天宗,显然正是因为有这八个高手的存在,也许这一次王朝派出的高手还不止八个。 At least he knows that the person has not appeared, was discarded a that fellow of leg by him. 至少他就知道还有一个人没有出现,就是被他废掉一条腿的那个家伙。 Therefore now Cultivation World cannot resist the Profound Heaven Sect influence is also very normal. 因此现在修真界没有能够抵挡住玄天宗的势力也是很正常的。 However, he is actually glad very much the present Cultivation World upheaval. 不过,他却是很乐意现在的修真界变乱。 Because only then the Cultivation World upheaval, he has the opportunity to make the Cheng Family influence bigger and bigger. 因为只有修真界变乱,他才有机会让程家的势力越来越大。 Therefore, said that he must thank Profound Heaven Sect. 所以,说起来他还要感谢玄天宗 They kill and burn to plunder in Cultivation World, will Mount Shu their so many influences run up to Secular World to turn to him? 要不是他们在修真界烧杀抢掠,蜀山他们那么多势力又怎么会跑到世俗去投靠他呢? Now the Cultivation World influence can be said as is divided into three, Profound Heaven Sect swallowed part, part arrived at Secular World to turn to them, but Cultivation World also had part. 现在修真界的势力可以说是一分为三,玄天宗吞掉了一部分,一部分来到世俗投靠了他们,而修真界还剩下一部分。 If according to the present situation, Secular World also has the opportunity to gather to part of influences. 若是按照现在的情况来看,世俗还有机会招揽到一部分势力。 Naturally, in these cards in a hand by his hand, wants to prevent Profound Heaven Sect is not a difficult matter, such Cultivation World easily can subside. 当然,以他手上的那些底牌,想要阻止玄天宗也并不是难事,这样修真界轻易就可以平息下来了。 However, he will not do that because this does not conform to his anticipation. 不过,他不会这么做,因为这不符合他的预期。 If he all of a sudden the calamity of Profound Heaven Sect stilling, that these influences will also be glad to run up to Secular World to ask him? 要是他一下子就把玄天宗之祸给平定了,那这些势力还会乐意跑到世俗去求他吗? They naturally must return to the Cultivation World heavy Lishan gate. 他们自然是要回到修真界重立山门的。 If that is right, his gain does not equal the loss. 若是如此,他岂不是得不偿失。 Therefore Cheng Yu has said oneself are not the hero, he does not want to work as any hero. 所以程宇一直都说自己不是什么英雄,他也不想当什么英雄。 On him shoulders rebuilds the heavy responsibility of Holy City, therefore he needs to accumulate the sufficient strength, needs to expand the Cheng Yu's influence unceasingly. 他身上肩负重建圣城的重任,所以他需要积累足够的实力,也需要不断的扩大程宇的势力。 He receives so many attached influences now, but this absolutely is not the final result, this merely is only a start. 他现在收了这么多的附属势力,但这绝对不是最后的结果,这仅仅只是一个开始。 The Cheng Yu's influence must expand unceasingly, even must expand to affects sufficiently to the strength of dynasty. 程宇的势力还要不断的扩大,甚至要扩大到足以影响到王朝的力量。 Therefore at this time, he cannot expand with the dynasty absolutely fights, today puts these fellow horses, serves his benefit truly. 因此在这个时候,他绝对不能跟王朝扩大战斗,今天放这些家伙一马,才是真正符合他的利益的。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Of present Cheng Yu fist strength makes people be inconceivable, such a fist gets down, drove back three experts unexpectedly simultaneously. 如今的程宇一拳力量之强让人难以想象,就这么一拳下来,竟是同时逼退了三个高手。 This Cheng Yu's strength is really terrifying!” Gu Zijin also asked for advice Cheng Yu's to be powerful finally. “这个程宇的实力果然恐怖!”顾子瑨也终于领教到了程宇的强大。 However, Cheng Yu's strength, although is powerful, but powerful enough to has not posed the life threat to their eight people. 不过,程宇的实力虽然强大,但是还并没有强大到对他们八个人造成生命威胁。 Everyone does not permit to flinch!” Gu Zijin loudly exclaimed. “所有人不准退缩!”顾子瑨大吼道。 Originally their nine people, if Meng Gaoyang, they definitely will be in addition easier to hold Cheng Yu. 原本他们有九个人,若是加上一个孟高阳,他们肯定会更加容易抓住程宇 What a pity is, Meng Gaoyang that fellow has not obeyed own advice, must run to look for Cheng Yu alone, finally was abandoned a leg, now also implicates their plan. 可惜的是,孟高阳那个家伙没有听从自己的劝告,一定要单独跑去找程宇,结果被废了一条腿,现在还连累了他们的计划。 Thinks of here, he has the belly fire. 想到这里,他就有肚子火。 Has saying that even was short of a person, the strengths of their eight people truly are still very strong. Otherwise on the lord will not make them grasp Cheng Yu. 不得不说,就算少了一个人,他们八个人的实力也确实很强。要不然主上也不会让他们来抓程宇了。 Obviously on the lord to them is very confident. 可见主上对他们还是很有信心的。 However, they also too underestimated Cheng Yu. Cheng Yu for the general situation, these fellows feared will not have now is so relaxed. 不过,他们也太低估了程宇。要不是程宇为了大局,这些家伙怕就不会有现在这么轻松了。 Hong Tianhua is experiences him to act, therefore weakness of too Cheng Yu impossible performance. 洪天华是见识过他出手的,所以程宇不可能表现的太弱。 Therefore shortly after then wounded two people, but he does not dare to continue to offend somebody again, but the revolutions attacks to defend, lets their unceasing attacks. 因此没多久便击伤了两个人,但是他也不敢再继续伤人了,而是转攻为守,让他们不断的进攻。 Under eight people of storms, Cheng Yu can only unceasing being repulsed. 在八人的强攻之下,程宇只能不断的败退。 Originally your strength is also mediocre, looked where you toward run away today!” vermilion Yufei noticed that Cheng Yu can only defend unceasingly, moreover at the unceasing drawing back tribulation, war intent in heart was more abundant. “原来你的实力也不过如此,看你今天往哪里逃!”朱羽飞看到程宇只能不断的防御,而且在不断的退劫,心中的战意更盛了。 By a Cheng Yu fist wounding, this to him simply is the great shame. 之前被程宇一拳给击伤了,这对于他来说简直就是奇耻大辱。 Since achieving the present strength and achievement, had not been struck to defeat. 自从达到了现在的实力和成就之后,还从来没有被人一击击败的。 Cheng Yu is the first person, because on the lord also wants live Cheng Yu, he is absolutely impossible to make Cheng Yu live. 程宇是第一个人,要不是因为主上还想要活的程宇,他是绝对不可能让程宇活下来的。 Although eight people are very fierce, actually misses such roll-call Cheng Yu to defeat, this makes eight people of consumptions also very big. 只是八个人虽然很猛,却总是差那么一点将程宇击败,这让八人的消耗也非常的大。 Moreover, Cheng Yu small eruption, will also conduct one to counter-attack to eight people occasionally happily. 而且,程宇偶乐也会小小的爆发一下,对八人进行一个反攻。 The result nine people have projected on at dusk from the morning, this fight had not ended. 结果九个人一直从上午打到傍晚时分,这场战斗还没有结束。 This fellow what's the matter? Resists our nine people to insist unexpectedly the present hasn't exhausted the spirit strength?” vermilion Yufei got angry. “这个家伙到底是怎么回事?对抗我们九个人竟然坚持到现在还没有耗尽灵力?”朱羽飞怒了。 This thinks, so long as they insist, can quick took Cheng Yu. 本以为只要他们坚持下去,就可以很快的将程宇拿下了。 But hit day, they have not taken Cheng Yu unexpectedly. They really do not know some Cheng Yu many spirit strength, but they know how long time oneself spirit strength actually could not insist. 可是打了一天的时间,他们竟然还没有将程宇拿下。他们实在不知道程宇到底有多少灵力,但是他们知道自己的灵力却是坚持不了多久的时间了。 „ The child jin brother, this Cheng Yu was too sly, he knows that hits our eight people to consume will be very big. Therefore he has been defending, our consumptions obviously many that he is bigger, moreover his defense is so also strong, we feared that did not have the means to take him again. “子瑨兄,这个程宇太狡猾了,他知道一个打我们八人消耗会很大。所以他一直都在防御,我们的消耗明显要比他大的多,而且他的防御又这么强,我们怕是没有办法再拿下他了。 Instead like this consumes to us also and disadvantageous, if the spirit strength of this fellow are more than us, the words when the time comes we exhaust, could turn defeat into victory by him! ” Hong Tianhua passes on the sound said to Gu Zijin. 反而这样耗下去对我们自己也并不利,万一这个家伙的灵力比我们还要多,到时候我们耗尽的话,可能就要被他反败为胜了!”洪天华对顾子瑨传音道。 Although has long known that Cheng Yu is very strong, but he can insist now, really made one admire. 虽然早就知道程宇很强,可是他能够坚持到现在,是真的令人佩服了。 He knows, if not for this time their eight people appear together, perhaps finally will be like current Meng Gaoyang. 他知道,这一次若不是他们八个人一起出现,说不定结果会跟当前孟高阳一样。 Therefore he does not dare to tow again, if otherwise makes Cheng Yu really to counter-attack, that may be too dangerous. 所以他不敢再拖下去了,否则要是让程宇真的进行反攻的话,那可就是太危险了。 Insists again, even if his spirit strength also has, will not compare us to be many many, we have eight people, opportunity!” Gu Zijin also knows that the fight projected on to become some dangers now. “再坚持坚持,他的灵力就算还有,也不会比我们多多少,我们有八个人,还有机会!”顾子瑨也知道战斗打到现在变得有些危险起来了。 But he is unwilling, with great difficulty Cheng Yu directing, moreover he, after such opportunity, was very difficult to have again. 可是他也并不甘心,好不容易才将程宇给引了出来,而且还是他一个人,这样的机会以后很难再有了。 God level student entering in midterm 神级插班生
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