GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#3404: Cannot extinguish!

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What Cheng Yu they do not know, but fights one with the Situ Aristocratic Family person, finally major aristocratic families fearful and apprehensive of doing, the feeling of everybody feels insecure. 程宇他们不知道的是,只是跟司徒世家的人打一架,结果就把各大世家的搞的心惊胆战,人人自危之感。 At this time, they have marched on several days of roads, although still in Cultivation World, however their hearts can actually feel clearly, they left Secular World are more and more near. 此时,他们早已经赶了好几天的路了,虽然还在修真界中,但是他们的心却能够清楚的感觉到,他们离世俗是越来越近了。 Since especially several women , their were also as if getting more and more happy for several days, every day is the happy talks and laughters. 尤其是几个女人,这些天以来,她们的心情似乎也越来越好了,每天都是欢声笑语。 In the Cheng Yu heart some feels sad, actually he is very clear, several women actually like treating in Secular World, crossing the convenience is quick, is full of the city life of technical feeling. 程宇心中有些中心酸,其实他很清楚,几个女人其实更喜欢待在世俗,过着方便快捷,充满科技感的都市生活。 But because of him, therefore several women have to follow he to arrive at this Cultivation World together, every day is living the life of tense danger. 可是就是因为他,所以几个女人不得不跟着他一起在来到这修真界,每天过着紧张危险的生活。 It seems like I must become am better, only then makes all stabilize, I can protect them to live the truly worry-free life!” Cheng Yu tightened the fist, he thought that oneself responsibility is very heavy. “看来我还得变得更强才行,只有让一切都安定下来,我才能够保护她们过上真正无忧无虑的生活!”程宇紧了紧拳头,他觉得自己的责任很重。 However, he is a man, is the men of these women, even if the responsibility is heavy, he must protect these women, has the responsibility to help them live the life joyful life. 不过,他是一个男人,是这几个女人的男人,哪怕责任再重,他都要保护好这几个女人,有责任让她们过上更加生活快乐的生活。 Rather than like the present, is fluttering every day everywhere, four seas for the life of family/home. 而不是像现在这样,每天都在四处飘荡,四海为家的生活。 How long we also want to arrive at the recent knot frontier point!” Han Xue somewhat exhausted saying. “我们还要多久才到最近的结界点啊!”韩雪有些疲惫的说道。 For serveral days, to return to Secular World as far as possible, they rarely entered a city, basically was the straight line goes through, saved the time as far as possible. 这些天,为了尽量回到世俗,他们都很少进城,基本上都是直线穿行,尽可能的省下了时间。 Should be quick, insists again!” Cheng Yu said. “应该快了,再坚持坚持!”程宇说道。 Because returning to the knot frontier point understanding of Secular World is limited, they can only find itself recently the most familiar knot frontier point. 因为对回到世俗的结界点了解有限,他们只能找到自己最近又最熟悉的结界点。 However, Nine Great Aristocratic Families is very far from these knot frontier points, therefore did not have a better way. 不过,九大世家离这些结界点都很远,所以也没有更好的办法了。 Before leaving Cultivation World, the Cheng Yu also important matters must do. That is the help day certainly old person puzzling he several thousand years of problem solves. 只是在离开修真界之前,程宇还有一件重要的事要做。那就是帮助天绝老人把困扰他数千年的问题解决。 Initially day certainly old person's trust Cheng Yu, therefore gave Cheng Yu the remnant arm of that personal enemy. However that time Cheng Yu strength was too weak, therefore no means personal enemy directing. 当初天绝老人十分的相信程宇,所以把那个仇人的一支残臂交给了程宇。不过那个时候的程宇实力太弱了,所以没有办法将仇人给引出来。 However is now different, his strength Crossing Tribulation Stage can kill, let alone drew out Great Ascension Stage to come, even if Crossing Tribulation Stage feared that can still bring. 但是现在不同了,他的实力就连渡劫期都能够杀,别说只是引出一个大乘期来了,就算是渡劫期怕是也能够引来吧。 However, 不过, For providing against contingencies, Cheng Yu hopes completes this matter in Cultivation World. After all after returning to Secular World, because of the issue of distance, moreover is away from knot, therefore his method may be affected big. 为了以防万一,程宇还是希望在修真界的时候完成这件事。毕竟回到世俗之后,因为距离的问题,而且还隔着一个结界,所以他的手段可能会受到不小的影响。 Therefore, when has not left Cultivation World, that murderer directs is best. 因此,在还没有离开修真界的时候,把那个凶手引出来是最好的。 Naturally, if can that side the transmission to Kunlun Mountains select directly, the success ratio will be higher. However such words, can only return to Cultivation World from knot of Kunlun Mountains when the time comes, this will definitely make Kunlun Mountains know own trail. 当然,如果能够直接到昆仑那边的传送点去的话,成功率会更高。不过那样的话,到时候就只能从昆仑的结界回到修真界了,这样必然会让昆仑知道自己的踪迹。 Although he does not care about Kunlun Mountains now very much, but this like Situ Aristocratic Family, he does not want to destroy completely the entire Kunlun Mountains because of the sins of certain people. 虽然他现在并不是很在意昆仑,但是这就像司徒世家一样,他不想因为某些人的罪孽而灭掉整个昆仑。 If can avoid Kunlun Mountains knowing that own trail, that evades. 所以如果能够避免昆仑知道自己的踪迹,那就避一避吧。 Although Kunlun Mountains initially again and again sends people to kill him, Kunlun Mountains that always but suffers a loss finally, after such several years, he does not have before Kunlun Mountains that hated. 尽管昆仑当初三番五次的派人来杀他,但是最后吃亏的总是昆仑,经过这么几年的时间,他对昆仑倒也没有之前那么痛恨了。 So long as their Kunlun Mountains no longer look for own trouble, he will not go to driving feeling embarrassed Kunlun Mountains again. 只要他们昆仑不再来找自己的麻烦,那他也不会再去主动的为难昆仑。 He only wants to handle now certainly the day old person's matter, then makes this misunderstanding relieve, as for Kunlun Mountains, once this matter exposed, when the time comes also needs to begin to solve Kunlun Mountains? 他现在只想把天绝老人的事处理掉,然后让这个误会解除,至于昆仑,一旦这件事曝光了,到时候还需要自己动手去解决昆仑吗? Feared that is the saliva of other schools submerges Kunlun Mountains sufficiently, making Kunlun Mountains leave a stink for ten thousand years. Compares in destroys completely Kunlun Mountains directly, making everyone realize that own cruelty, lets the Kunlun Mountains self- destruction would rather. 怕是其他门派的口水都足以淹没昆仑,让昆仑遗臭万年了。相比于直接灭掉昆仑,让大家认识到自己的残忍,倒不如让昆仑自我毁灭吧。 Therefore, he chooses from other knot frontier point returns to Secular World, does not make Kunlun Mountains know. Moreover, if Kunlun Mountains know that he returned to Secular World, when the time comes perhaps will bring to trouble to own family member, this is he does not want to see. 所以,他选择从别的结界点回到世俗,不让昆仑知道。而且,昆仑要是知道他回到了世俗,到时候说不定又会给自己的亲人带来麻烦了,这也是他不想看到的。 Junior Brother Yu, wanted me saying that we why that troublesome shifting blame the day of old person's murderer directed certainly, did we find would rather directly to Kunlun Mountains are not? Let the world people look, what goods Kunlun Mountains are!” Xin Hai said. 宇师弟,要我说,我们何必那么麻烦的把嫁祸天绝老人的凶手引出来,倒不如我们直接到昆仑把人找出来不是更好吗?让天下人都看一看,昆仑到底是个什么样的货色!”心海说道。 We, if really on Kunlun Mountains, that feared that is even if we do not want to take a life is not not possible. Although Kunlun Mountains are hateful, but Kunlun Mountains so many not everyone know the circumstances of the matter, knows that the person of this matter is also only a few. How many people can't we for massacre all the people in Kunlun Mountains? “我们要是真的上了昆仑,那怕是就算我们不想杀生都不可能了。昆仑虽然可恨,但是昆仑那么多人并不是人人都知情,知道这件事的人也只是少数罢了。我们总不能为了几个人而杀掉所有昆仑的人吧? Moreover, if we want to let the scandal exposure of Kunlun Mountains, certainly must call together the people of other schools. When the time comes reveals the truth, will Kunlun Mountains give up? 另外,我们要想让昆仑的丑事曝光,肯定也要把其他门派的人一起叫上吧。到时候真相大白,昆仑会善罢甘休吗? That was not only the we and Kunlun Mountains matters, feared that by crazed of Kunlun Mountains, killed the people of all schools when the time comes, that was our crimes. ” Cheng Yu shakes the head to say. 那就不仅仅是我们跟昆仑之间的事了,怕是以昆仑的丧心病狂,到时候把所有门派的人都杀了,那就是我们的罪过了。”程宇摇摇头说道。 They on sharply are returning to Secular World now, if comes one, first did not say how long time calls Kunlun Mountains to require the people of other schools, even went, that affirmation person are not many. 他们现在就急着回世俗,要是这么来一趟的话,先不说把其他门派的人召集到昆仑要多久的时间,就算去了,那肯定人也不多。 Moreover really exposed the ignominy of Kunlun Mountains, Kunlun Mountains will definitely want to arrive at everyone in Kunlun Mountains to eliminate a potential informant, they naturally are fearless. 而且真的把昆仑的丑行曝光了,昆仑肯定会想要把去到昆仑的所有人灭口,他们自然是无所畏惧。 But others are innocent, he can protect person, is impossible to protect everyone. 可是其他人是无辜的,他可以保护身边的人,却不可能保护所有人。 Therefore, this matter is not possible to go to Kunlun Mountains solution, can only in their 36 peak solution. Moreover now leaves five years of time also some lot of time, they have enough time to prepare, even invited other influences on go together, this can make Kunlun Mountains not have the foothold in Cultivation World forever. UU reads 所以,这件事是不可能去昆仑解决的,只能在他们三十六峰解决。而且现在离五年之期还有不少时间,他们有足够的时间来准备,甚至邀请其他势力一起前去,这样才能够让昆仑在修真界永无立足之地。UU看书 Junior Brother Yu said right, by the disposition of Kunlun Mountains, but also really may make such crazed matter to come, otherwise in the past not possible to shift blame on the day certainly old person the massacre!” Xin He said. 宇师弟说的没错,以昆仑的脾性,还真有可能做出这么丧心病狂的事来,要不然当年也不可能把惨案嫁祸到天绝老人身上了!”心河说道。 Although the Cheng Yu present strength, must destroy completely Kunlun Mountains is not the difficult matter, but everything cannot aim at killing people. 虽然程宇现在的实力,要灭掉昆仑并不是什么难事了,但是凡事不能以杀人为目的。 Because Kunlun Mountains celebrate a holiday with them, can remove the entire Kunlun Mountains? What do they have to distinguish with Kunlun Mountains? 难道就因为昆仑跟他们有过节,就要把整个昆仑都除掉?那他们跟昆仑还有什么区别呢? Instead looks like in me, Kunlun Mountains also few good things, if really extinguished them completely did not have the big matter. However Junior Brother Yu works always safely, all hears your and that's the end!” Xin Hai curls the lip to say. “反正在我看来,昆仑也没有几个好东西,真要是把他们全部灭了也没多大的事。不过宇师弟做事一向稳妥,一切听你们的就是了!”心海撇撇嘴说道。 And has no favorable impression to Kunlun Mountains hatefully, Kunlun Mountains also absolutely not only then that little person. Especially where the Kunlun Mountains disciples arrive are not rampant is not good, before he had suffered Kunlun Mountains. 对昆仑并没有什么好感,昆仑的可恶也绝对不仅仅只有那么一点点人。尤其是昆仑弟子到哪里不是嚣张的不行,以前他就吃过昆仑的亏。 Now if makes him run into these rampant Kunlun Mountains disciples again, he will not let off anyone absolutely. 现在要是再让他遇到这些嚣张的昆仑弟子,他绝对不会放过任何一个人。 One day later, the people arrived at a knot transmission point finally. 一天之后,众人终于到达了一个结界传送点。
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