GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#3399: Is hard to choose!

Welcome your presence, please remember the home station address:, The cell phone read, with the aim of reading the novel «God Level Student entering in midterm» latest chapter momentarily... 欢迎您的光临,请记住本站地址:,手机阅读,以便随时阅读小说《神级插班生》最新章节... The first round and domain name, please remember _ . The writing renews / speed most kuai 首发、域名、请记住_..文字更新/速度最駃 So many years, their Nine Great Aristocratic Families had not been controlled, they said from the innermost feelings, is not naturally willing to become others' slave, controlled for others. 这么多年了,他们九大世家都没有被人所掌控,他们从内心讲,自然是不愿意成为别人的奴隶,为别人所控制。 But, Holy City to them not only mysterious, actually and some seductions. 可是,圣城对于他们来说既神秘,却又有些诱惑。 Thinks six Yuan gods who Saint city lord has, even if it is said cuts the immortal is still a cinch. But real, they do not know. 想一想圣城主拥有的六个元神,据说就算是斩仙也不在话下。可是到底是不是真的,他们也不知道。 After all they can understand that the Holy City's information, the safety relies on their own ancestors to these few words that they leave behind. 毕竟他们能够了解到圣城的信息,安全就凭借他们自家的老祖宗给他们留下的那些只言片语。 Therefore to the Holy City's understanding is also quite limited, in the past after Holy City ruined, turned into what appearance, past Holy City where, actually they do not know. 所以对圣城的了解也是相当有限的,当年圣城毁掉之后,又变成了什么样子,当年的圣城在什么地方,其实他们都不知道。 Now suddenly emits Holy City to come, even may probably make them present him for the lord, such matter at least makes them be also hard to accept suddenly. 现在突然冒出一个圣城来,甚至有可能要让他们奉他为主,这样的事情至少一时间让他们还难以接受。 However, they information that also since the ancestor keeps, understood that was lively about Holy City's initially. 不过,他们也从老祖宗留下来的信息当中,也了解到一些关于当初圣城的繁华。 But Holy City at that time the center of the world, the world presented him for the lord, does not know that is having many wealth and resources, the talent between world performed uses. 圣城当时可是世界的中心,天下奉他为主,不知道掌握着多少财富与资源,天地间的人才尽为之所用。 It can be imagined then Holy City was powerful, these aristocratic families counter-, perhaps now under this day are also Holy City's. 可想而知当时的圣城有多么强大,要不是那些世家反了,或许现在这天下还都是圣城的吧。 Now Holy City stages a comeback, does not know some big energy. 现在圣城卷土重来,也不知道有多大的底气。 If the present Holy City strength is very strong, they pour did not mind that presents him for the lord. But if present Holy City is just barely managing to maintain a feeble existence, they take the life of aristocratic family to wrestle, some were too adventurous. 要是现在的圣城实力很强的话,他们倒也不介意奉他为主。可要是现在的圣城只不过是苟延残喘的话,他们拿着世家的命去搏,这就有些太冒险了。 Be that as it may, but Chen Family may also be is forced. After all even if present Holy City remains, actually still not necessarily was past Holy City, therefore followed they is also not necessarily have what advantage! “话虽如此,可是陈家也有可能是被逼迫的。毕竟现在的圣城就算还存在,却也未必是当年的圣城了,所以跟着他们也未必会有什么好处! Must otherwise, why he not inform our Nine Great Aristocratic Families directly, but can control Chen Family with this common way? ” Feng Kaiji said. 要不然的话,他为何不直接通知我们九大世家,而要用这种不起眼的方式来掌控陈家呢?”风开霁说道。 Now what to do therefore we don't know to? Said to each aristocratic family this matter, how then inquired Holy City's news. “所以我们现在才不知道要怎么办?是不是把这件事跟各个世家说一下,然后打听一下如何圣城的消息。 Even if we refuse to accept Holy City now, but Holy City, since knows that our existences, are actually not necessarily able the ignores we, no matter! ” Jiang Wuya said. 就算我们现在不服圣城了,但是圣城既然知道我们的存在,却未必会放任我们不管!”姜无涯说道。 Actually I am very worried!” Feng Kaiji somewhat anxious saying. “其实我挺担心的!”风开霁有些忧虑的说道。 What is worried about?” “担心什么?” If caused Royal Court initially contradictory is the Holy City's words, if we present Holy City for the lord, we can conflict with Royal Court directly?” Feng Kaiji said. “如果当初引起王朝矛盾的就是圣城的话,那我们要是奉圣城为主,那我们岂不是就要跟王朝正面冲突了?”风开霁说道。 Thinks carefully, in the past the world was Holy City's, but present Cultivation World all were controlled by Royal Court. This seized the Holy City's benefit radically, therefore this is dealing with the Royal Court person ten to have in secret is Holy City!” Jiang Wuya thinks to say. “仔细一想,当年天下都是圣城的,可是如今的修真界一切都被王朝所掌控。这根本就是抢占了圣城的利益,所以这暗中在对付王朝的人十有就是圣城了!”姜无涯想了想说道。 Boundless, you feel a possibility! In the past Holy City is running the world influence, finally part betrayed Holy City. Afterward Holy City did not have, influences of that these betrayals? Didn't have?” Feng Kaiji said. “无涯,你觉得有没有一种可能!当年圣城掌管着天下势力,结果其中一部分背叛了圣城。后来圣城没了,那那些背叛的势力呢?也没了?”风开霁说道。 „Did you mean...... Royal Court?” By a Feng Kaiji such reminder, Jiang Wuya was awakened suddenly, as if thought of anything. “你的意思是说......王朝?”被风开霁这么一提醒,姜无涯猛然惊醒过来,似乎想到了什么。 Right, don't you find it strange? Since they have ruined Holy City, they definitely won, was impossible to follow Holy City to vanish. “没错,难道你不觉得奇怪吗?既然他们已经毁掉了圣城,那他们肯定就是赢了,不可能跟着圣城消失了。 Now Cultivation World is also strongest on the Royal Court strength, the sphere of influence is broadest, perhaps they held the Holy City's domain initially! Therefore now Holy City will cope with Royal Court! ” Feng Kaiji said. 现在修真界也就王朝的实力最强,势力范围最广,也许他们就是当初占据了圣城的地盘!所以现在圣城才会对付王朝!”风开霁说道。 Un, you said also somewhat truth, was initially their traitors with a Holy City war, might perish together, therefore they not. Afterward just right Royal Court seized the chance to rise, had the present influence domain, this also had the possibility!” Jiang Wuya said. “嗯,你说的也有几分道理,可是当初他们那些背叛者跟圣城一战,也有可能同归于尽了,所以他们也不在了。后来又正好王朝趁机崛起,才有了现在的势力版图,这也是有可能的!”姜无涯说道。 How Royal Court rises, Holy City appears in any case now, that will definitely become the Holy City's enemy. If Holy City wants to rise, naturally must take carry back these again.” Feng Kaiji said. “不过王朝是怎么崛起的,反正现在圣城出现了,那肯定都会成为圣城的敌人。圣城若是想要崛起的话,自然也要把这些再拿回来。”风开霁说道。 Truly is this, therefore Holy City is doomed to become the enemy with Royal Court!” “确实是这样,所以圣城王朝注定要成为敌人!” In this case, we did not have look for the Royal Court cooperation again. If makes Holy City know that we gave to betray him, our results definitely not!” Feng Kaiji said. “这样的话,那我们就不有再去找王朝合作了。要是让圣城知道我们把他给出卖了,那我们的结果肯定不会好!”风开霁说道。 Before they planned, attacking the Royal Court back influence looked, then traded their aristocratic family to enter some quotas of dead territory with this news. 之前他们计划,把攻击王朝的背后势力找出来,然后用这个消息换得他们世家进入死域的一些名额。 Now but knows that this secret influence ten have Holy City, this situation completely changed. 可是现在知道这幕后势力十有有可能是圣城,这情况就完全变了。 This matter truly cannot do again, although we now will not present Holy City for the lord, but cannot betray Holy City, or then really will be very serious, moreover we cannot abandon the ancestor to teach!” Jiang Wuya nods to say. “这件事确实不能再做了,我们现在虽不会奉圣城为主,但是也不能出卖圣城,要不然后果真的会很严重,而且我们也不能背弃祖训!”姜无涯点点头说道。 Oh! It seems like under this day really wanted chaotically, our can Nine Great Aristocratic Families also stay out now?” Feng Kaiji helpless saying. “唉!看来这天下真的要乱了,我们九大世家现在还能够置身事外吗?”风开霁无奈的说道。 Has not thought that vanished does not know many years Holy City reappeared, on this day bet to decide will not be peaceful. 没有想到消失了不知道多少年的圣城又重新出现了,这天下注定不会太平了。 Holy City's appears, will cause the change of Cultivation World pattern absolutely once again. But they once were the Holy City's influences, this made them very awkward. 圣城的出现,绝对会再次引起修真界格局的变化。而他们又曾经为圣城的势力,这让他们很为难啊。 Perhaps Chen Family has become the Holy City's foot soldier attendant now! We told several other aristocratic families this news, everyone studied the Holy City's issue well, after all the ancestor taught absolute!” Jiang Wuya said. 陈家现在说不定都已经成为圣城的马前卒了!我们还是把这个消息告诉其他几个世家,大家好好的研究一下圣城的问题吧,毕竟祖训不可违啊!”姜无涯说道。 Good!” “好!” …… …… Several days later, Situ Aristocratic Family! 几天之后,司徒世家 Situ hero just returned to Situ Aristocratic Family one day, Situ Yongkang also to return to Situ Aristocratic Family, his complexion seems like may be poor. 司徒雄刚刚回到司徒世家一天,司徒永康也回到了司徒世家,不过他的脸色看起来可不怎么好。 Moreover at that time Situ hero sent so many guards to him, comes back actually only then such several, protect his old ancestor's complexion extremely is also bad in secret, seems like appearance that is injured. 而且当时司徒雄给他派了那么多护卫,回来却只有那么几个,就连暗中保护他的老祖的脸色也极差,看起来像是受了伤的样子。 Old ancestor, what's all this about? Who injures this you?” Situ hero sees this situation, immediately being startled say/way. “老祖,这是怎么回事?谁把你伤成这样?”司徒雄看到这种情况,顿时惊道。 First do not ask so many, finds a safe place, I had the words to tell you!” The old men beckon with the hand to say. “先别问这么多了,找个安全的地方,我有话跟你说!”老者摆摆手说道。 Although his present complexion is also not very good, however his body actually not too major problem, but needed to restore for a long time. 虽然他现在的脸色还不是很好,但是他的身体却并没有太大的问题,不过需要很长时间来恢复了。 Good!” Situ hero does not know this what's the matter, UU reads “好!”司徒雄不知道这到底是怎么回事,UU看书 However has an inexplicable worry at heart. 不过心里却是有种莫名的担心。 Because Situ Yongkang led his person to ambush Cheng Yu before, although he thought that Situ Yongkang is unlikely to meet Cheng Yu, but at heart some worries. 因为之前司徒永康可是带着他的人去伏击程宇了,虽然他觉得司徒永康不太可能遇到程宇,但是心里还是有些担心。 Yongkang also comes together!” The old men were saying to Situ Yongkang. “永康也一起来!”老者对着司徒永康说道。 Yes!” Situ Yongkang is now more honest, after Cheng Yu fights, he finally understands oneself absolutely do not have the proud capital. “是!”司徒永康现在老实了许多,经过程宇一战之后,他终于明白自己根本就没有骄傲的资本。 Compared with Cheng Yu, he was really weak, weak even does not have with the qualifications that Cheng Yu fought. 程宇比起来,他实在是太弱了,弱的甚至连跟程宇交手的资格都没有。 Without a while, the Situ hero three people arrived at a room. 没一会儿,司徒雄三人就来到了一间房间。 Old ancestor, is your wound really all right?” Situ hero looks at saying of some old man worries. “老祖,你的伤真的没事吗?”司徒雄看着老者还是有些担心的说道。 Relax, cannot die!” The old men shake the head to say! “放心吧,死不了!”老者摇摇头说道! m . 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