GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#3397: Holy City also in?

Welcome your presence, please remember the home station address:, The cell phone read, with the aim of reading the novel «God Level Student entering in midterm» latest chapter momentarily... 欢迎您的光临,请记住本站地址:,手机阅读,以便随时阅读小说《神级插班生》最新章节... Boundless brother, you said really right, this Cheng Yu is not very really simple, even the Situ Aristocratic Family old ancestors defeated!” Feng Kaiji reads the letter/believes on hand to say. “无涯兄,你说的果然没错,这个程宇真的很不简单啊,连司徒世家的老祖都败了!”风开霁看着手上的信说道。 Snort! I had said this inside has the secret. However without thinking of this Situ Aristocratic Family is hateful, is they have a grudge with Cheng Yu obviously, actually drags down us together, I said how they transferred the nature all of a sudden!” Although Jiang Wuya in the heart shocks, what is more annoying was by Situ Aristocratic Family deceiving. “哼!我早就说过这里面有秘密。不过没有想到这个司徒世家更是可恨,明明是他们跟程宇有仇,却是把我们一同拉下水,我说他们怎么一下子转了性!”姜无涯虽然心中震惊,但是更加可气的是被司徒世家给骗了。 Before Situ Aristocratic Family invited they dispatched troops, said that Cheng Yu was the lackey of that secret secret influence, must therefore first remove him, made that secret influence not dare to begin to Nine Great Aristocratic Families again. 之前司徒世家请他们出兵的时候,说程宇就是那个秘密的幕后势力的爪牙,所以要先把他除掉,也让那个秘密势力不敢再对九大世家动手。 But who thinks, originally Situ Aristocratic Family has known this Cheng Yu, moreover there is gratitude and grudges, this did not clarify is the person who is drawing their aristocratic family actually Situ Aristocratic Family revenges? 可是谁会想到,原来司徒世家早就认识这个程宇,而且还有恩怨,这不是摆明了拉着他们两个世家的人却为司徒世家报仇吗? What is hateful, these people also died, is the Situ Aristocratic Family person lives on the contrary several. 可恨的是,这些人还都死掉了,反倒是司徒世家的人活下来几个。 After he has early, sending for quietly is staring at them, feared that is they also continuously by ignorant/veiled in the bone. 要不是他早有后的,悄悄的派人盯着他们,怕是他们还一直被蒙在骨里。 Situ Aristocratic Family is truly hateful, but Limitless Palace presents such a fearful person, in this is not truly simple. Thinks to look, Limitless Palace possibly does have such fierce person? You did not think that this Cheng Yu may very much is really some secret influence sends?” Feng Kaiji said. 司徒世家确实可恨,不过无极宫出现这么一个可怕的人,这里面确实没有那么简单。想想看,一个无极宫怎么可能有这么厉害的人呢?你不觉得这个程宇很有可能真是某个秘密势力派来的吗?”风开霁说道。 You were said that this Cheng Yu in fact could be the Royal Court person?” Jiang Wuya said. “你是说这个程宇实际上有可能是王朝的人?”姜无涯说道。 Before this issue him, considered in the Chen Family's time, because is worried about this point, will therefore request Chen Hongyuan to make them see Chen Tianxing. 这个问题他之前在陈家的时候就考虑到了,也正是因为担心到这一点,所以才会要求陈宏远让他们见一见陈天行 However, the Chen Hongyuan attitude was too pitifully strong, he did not determine that Chen Hongyuan frightens them, Chen Family really does not have the matter. 不过可惜了,陈宏远的态度太强硬了,他也不确定陈宏远到底是吓他们,还是陈家真的没有事。 However now emits status suspicious Cheng Yu suddenly, this makes them very difficult not be worried. 但是现在突然冒出一个身份可疑的程宇,这让他们很难不担心。 I thought that Cheng Yu is not necessarily able is the Royal Court person, may be on the contrary annoys the Royal Court person!” Feng Kaiji shakes the head to say. “我觉得程宇未必会是王朝的人,反倒有可能是惹王朝的人!”风开霁摇摇头说道。 You were said previous time you have said that matter?” Jiang Wuya is startled at heart. “你是说上次你说过的那事?”姜无涯心里一惊。 Right, Cultivation World now only then so many strong influences. But our Nine Great Aristocratic Families does not dare to annoy Royal Court, but also who dares to go?” “没错,修真界现在只有那么多强大的势力。可是就连我们九大世家都不敢去惹王朝,还有谁敢去呢?” Yes, wanted the strong these families and influences compared with our Nine Great Aristocratic Families before us the hidden world, they should not be possible to annoy Royal Court suddenly are! “是啊,比我们九大世家还要强的那些家族和势力早在我们之前就已经隐世了,他们应该不可能突然去惹王朝才是! Who however this is Cheng Yu? Has courage, 但是这个程宇到底是什么人?有这个胆子, Dares to annoy Royal Court? ” Jiang Wuya takes secret letter/believes to say. 敢去惹王朝?”姜无涯拿着秘信说道。 Therefore this is we need to investigate, perhaps this is also our opportunities. Before we did not say that wanted to find with the opportunity that Royal Court cooperated? If this person really caused Royal Court civil war the person of secret influence initially, we were also contributed to the great merit for Royal Court. When the time comes perhaps they will really enter the dead domain name volume to us, our two rose is just round the corner.” Feng Kaiji more said that was more excited, as if had seen that the excellent opportunity arrived at present. “所以这才是我们需要调查的,或许这也是我们的机会。之前我们不是说想要找到跟王朝合作的机会吗?要是这个人真的是当初引起王朝内战的幕后势力的人,那咱们也算是为王朝立了大功吧。到时候说不定他们真的会给我们一些进入死域名额,那我们两家崛起就指日可待了。”风开霁却是越说越兴奋了,仿佛已经看到大好的机会来到了眼前。 Boundless brother? Boundless brother?” Words Jiang Wuya that but Feng Kaiji said is a response does not have, therefore shouted continually several, Feng Kaiji has not responded, until he swung the opposite party, Jiang Wuya recovers. “无涯兄?无涯兄?”可是风开霁说的话姜无涯却是一点反应也没有,于是连喊了几声,风开霁还是没有反应过来,直到他摇了摇对方,姜无涯才回过神来。 Boundless brother, you how?” Feng Kaiji is somewhat discontented. “无涯兄,你怎么了?”风开霁有些不满。 Oneself just said was just happy that is obviously, can know from the response of Jiang Wuya, he has not perceived oneself words. 自己刚刚说的正高兴呢,可是显然,从姜无涯的反应就可以知道,他根本就没有把自己的话听进去。 „Has clearing weather brother, you heard Holy City?” Suddenly, Jiang Wuya incomparably serious looks at Feng Kaiji to ask. “霁兄,你有没有听说过圣城?”突然,姜无涯无比严肃的看着风开霁问道。 Holy City? Where this word has truly listened probably, but I actually could not think for a while!” The Feng Kaiji doubts said. 圣城?这个词好像确实在哪里听过,可是我一时却想不起来了!”风开霁疑惑道。 Has seen right in front of one in your Feng Family's inheritance ancient book?” Jiang Wuya said. “是不是在你们风家的传承典籍里面见过?”姜无涯说道。 How you...... you know!” A Feng Kaiji face with amazement looks at Jiang Wuya. “你......你怎么知道!”风开霁一脸骇然的看着姜无涯 Inheritance ancient book inside content only then aristocratic family every time and specially important a small number of talents has the opportunity to see for the head of household, even if these not necessarily know this matter compared with his position high old ancestors! 传承典籍里面的内容只有自己世家的每代家主以及特别重要的少数人才有机会看到,就算是那些比他地位高的老祖都未必知道这事! So long as because crossed the tribulation, no matter result, so long as lived, can become the old ancestor of aristocratic family. 因为只要渡过劫,不管成功与否,只要活下来了,都可以成为世家的老祖。 As the matter stands, the old ancestor position of each aristocratic family also has very big difference. Some people were not prominent in aristocratic family inside position initially, afterward became the old ancestor, the position is not naturally honored, they protect the aristocratic family safety one strength. 这样一来,每个世家的老祖地位也是有很大的区别的。有些人当初在世家里面的地位并不显赫,后来成为了老祖,地位自然也没有那么尊贵,他们只是保护世家安危的一种力量而已。 But some old ancestors, before they become the old ancestor, may be the head of household, may be other important status, therefore they can contact the secret that other aristocratic family people cannot contact. 可是有一些老祖,在他们成为老祖之前,有可能是家主,也有可能是其他重要的身份,所以他们可以接触到世家其他人不能接触到的秘密。 Obviously, the aristocratic family inherits the ancient book is such a secret, the person who even if these ancient book inside contents Feng Family knows are not many, but how Jiang Wuya actually knows? 显然,世家传承典籍就是这样一种秘密,这些典籍里面的内容就算是风家知道的人也不多,可是姜无涯却是怎么知道的呢? Had Jiang Family bought over the Feng Family extremely important person? But these people are the people of Feng Family most core, not possible to be bought is. 难道说姜家已经收买了风家极其重要的人?可是这些人都是风家最为核心的人,不可能被收买才是。 You left thought blindly, I guessed!” Jiang Wuya shakes the head the forced smile, saw that the complexion of opposite party knows he is thinking anything. “你别瞎想了,我是猜的!”姜无涯摇头苦笑,看到对方的脸色就知道他在想什么。 Person who can examine the aristocratic family ancient book content, is not possible to be bought, therefore he is absolutely impossible to notice that their Feng Family's aristocratic family inherits the ancient book. 能够查看世家典籍内容的人,是不可能被收买的,所以他是绝对不可能看到他们风家的世家传承典籍的。 Really?” Feng Kaiji some do not believe. “真的?”风开霁还是有些不相信。 After all this type of thing is so secret, he himself does not remember inside content very much, but Jiang Wuya actually knows, this matter was too serious. 毕竟这种东西如此秘密,连他自己都不是很记得里面的内容,可是姜无涯却知道,这事真的太严重了。 Because our Jiang Family also has such record, you also left reckless Cai to let one's thoughts wander here, you first had a look at this!” Jiang Wuya without delay, suspends that to seal/confer Mixin to the Feng Kaiji front, points at the above paragraph of writing to say. “因为我们姜家也有这样的记载,你也别在这里胡猜乱想了,你先看看这个吧!”姜无涯二话不说,把那封秘信摆到风开霁的面前,指着上面一段文字说道。 This...... is this real?” But after seeing this paragraph of writing, UU reads “这......这是真的?”可是看到这段文字之后,UU看书 Feng Kaiji just like the thunder strike to be the same, the whole person dumbfounded. 风开霁犹如雷击一般,整个人都呆住了。 Now understands that I was what meaning!” The Jiang Wuya look is somewhat dignified. “现在明白我是什么意思了吧!”姜无涯的神色有些凝重。 „Is this possible? According to my Feng Family's ancient book record, even Holy City's city lord still only then six Yuan gods, but on this secret letter/believes actually said that Cheng Yu has nine Yuan gods, is this not possible?” Feng Kaiji is not calm right now, stands to walk back and forth in the room, looked coming out, his present is very irritated. “这怎么可能呢?据我风家的典籍记载,就算是圣城的城主也只有六个元神,可是这秘信上面竟然说程宇拥有九个元神,这不可能吧?”风开霁这下子也不淡定了,站起来在房间里面走来走去,看的出来,他现在情绪十分急躁。 First did not say that this Cheng Yu has the relations with Holy City, but several years ago, I had not become the Feng Family's head of household at that time, but I learn of a news, presented a person in the death forest, he has seven Nascent Soul!” Jiang Wuya discloses to say again. “先不说这个程宇到底跟圣城是不是有关系,但是早在几年前,当时我还没有成为风家的家主,但是我得知一个消息,在死亡森林里面出现了一个人,他有七个元婴!”姜无涯再次爆料道。 Seven Nascent Soul, then, once enters Divided Spirit Stage, that isn't seven Yuan gods?” Feng Kaiji shocking saying. “七个元婴,这么说来,一旦进入分神期,那不就是七个元神吗?”风开霁震惊的说道。 Right, I do not know that person does have the relations with Cheng Yu. However, from this secret letter/believes content, Holy City has the possibility really also in!” Jiang Wuya said. “没错,我不知道那人跟程宇有没有关系。不过,从这秘信的内容来看,圣城有可能真的还在!”姜无涯说道。 Holy City also in? We......” 圣城还在?那我们岂不是......”
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