GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#3136: How to choose?

Can't? In this also has the unusual animals? You did not say that this place leaves these turrets is quite far, will not have the unusual animals?” People surprised saying. “不会吧?这里面也有异兽?你不是说这个地方离那些塔楼比较远,不会有异兽的吗?”众人吃惊的说道。 I am also only the guess, had not said that in this has certainly that fearful unusual animals., This Shuicheng what's the matter, we were not also clear, who knows that what thing in this has? “我也只是猜测而已,并没有说这里面就一定有那种可怕的异兽。再说了,这水城到底是怎么回事,我们并不清楚,谁又知道这里面到底有什么东西呢? Perhaps under this is interlinked, even if somewhat far from that turret, we will return to nearby these turrets finally also perhaps! ” Cheng Yu said. 也许这底下是相通的,哪怕离着那塔楼有些远,咱们最后又会回到那些塔楼附近也说不定!”程宇说道。 „Were that several hundred individuals who if, that before came in this case very dangerous?” Xin Luo said. “要是这样的话,那之前进来的那几百个人岂不是很危险?”心洛说道。 Junior Brother Yu such strength does not dare to contend with that unusual animals, if that several hundred individuals really met such unusual animals, that is the dead end! This, they feared had come out, where will go is so long?” Xin Hai said. “连宇师弟这样的实力都不敢跟那异兽抗衡,那几百个人真要是遇到了那样的异兽,那还是死路一条!要不是这样,他们怕是早就已经出来了,哪里会进去这么久呢?”心海说道。 Now said that this also too early, all guessed, therefore in had a look to say again!” Cheng Yu said. “现在说这个还太早了,一切都只是猜测,所以还是等到里面看看再说吧!”程宇说道。 He is also only the suspicion, after all words from these hole walls, this inside style with before his been stranded that true understanding looks like very much. 他也只是怀疑而已,毕竟从这些洞壁来看的话,这里面的风格跟之前他被困的那条秘道真的很像啊。 Therefore, he also has such suspicion merely, perhaps in the middle of this Shuicheng all secret say/way are such style, cannot completely affirm that in this has such terrifying unusual animals. 所以,他也仅仅是有这样的怀疑而已,也许这水城当中所有的秘道都是这样的风格,也并不能完全肯定这里面就有那样恐怖的异兽。 One group of people unceasing walks along the cavern, discovery that but still had no. 一群人不断的沿着洞窟里面走去,但是仍然没有任何的发现。 Has not thought that in this is so unexpectedly profound, compared with wants deep many that I imagine, does not know that in this has the buried treasure to wait for us, there is only terrifying unusual animals to wait for us.” Xin Hai said. “没有想到这里面竟然有这么深远,比我想象的还要深的多,也不知道这里面到底是有着宝藏等着我们,还是有只恐怖的异兽等着我们。”心海说道。 Hehe, that may very be difficult saying that perhaps front waits for us really to be only terrifying unusual animals!” Xin Luo said with a smile. “呵呵,那可就很难说了,也许前面等着我们的真的只是一只恐怖的异兽!”心洛笑着说道。 That unusual animals that „ Brother Cheng meets are hot attribute, he did not say that unusual animals can't leave the place of lava? If in this also the unusual animals, perhaps are other attribute. 程兄弟遇到的那只异兽是火属性的,他不是说那只异兽并不能离开熔浆之地么?如果这里面也有一只异兽的话,或许是其他属性的。 However, no matter what attribute, they should also be limited by anything. But or their terrifying strengths, feared that is also nothing can surround them, they run away! ” Chen Hongyuan said. 不过,不管是什么属性,它们应该也会被什么限制着。要不然以它们的恐怖实力,怕是也没有什么东西能够困住它们吧,它们早就逃出来了!”陈宏远说道。 That unusual animals are truly terrifying, by our strengths is absolutely possibly is not its opponent. However Brother Hongyuan said right, it truly limited by some reason or the strength. “那只异兽确实很恐怖,以我们的实力是绝对不可能是它的对手的。不过宏远兄说的没错,它确实是被某种原因或者力量限制住了。 Therefore, generally, they are not necessarily able to massacre us. Situation for all that but this type of thing truly is we cannot stir up. 所以,一般情况下,它们未必就能够会杀掉我们。只是,情况虽然如此,但是这种东西确实也是我们惹不起的。 If can not meet them, that naturally was the best matter. After all this thing, if eradicated that limit, we may really help oneself very much difficultly again! ” Cheng Yu reminded the big family fortune. 如果可以不遇到它们,那自然是最好的事了。毕竟这东西,万一破除了那种限制,那咱们可就真的很难再自救了!”程宇提醒大家道。 Although that is only hot the attribute unusual animals does not seem able to leave that piece of lava the region, but is only that ban, made they were unbearable. 虽然那只火属性的异兽似乎无法离开那片熔浆的区域的,但是光是那个禁制,就已经弄的他们够呛了。 Xin Yun they bump into found the mechanism/organization, that ban breaking open, they feared that is really that easily is impossible from there escapes. 要不是心韵他们误打误撞的找到了机关,将那个禁制给破开了,他们怕是还真的不可能那么轻易的从那里逃出来。 Therefore, even if the fellow was limited, Cheng Yu does not want to meet such terrifying unusual animals again. 所以,哪怕那家伙受到限制,程宇也不想再遇到这么恐怖的异兽了。 Because meets these things absolutely not to have the good deed, in the eyes of these unusual animals, their these human is only food. 因为遇到那些东西绝对没有好事,在这些异兽的眼中,他们这些人类不过只是一顿食物而已。 Can not meet well not to meet! 能不遇到最好别遇到! All right, doesn't have that several hundred people to take the lead to us? If they were surrounded in front, in that had terrifying unusual animals most likely. When the time comes the plan that we made farewell speech again was not late!” Xin Luo said. “没事,不是有那几百人给我们打头阵吗?要是他们在前面被困住了,那里面十有八九是有一只恐怖的异兽了。到时候咱们再作别的打算也不迟!”心洛说道。 Cheng Yu, the front white bones soldier stopped probably!” Xin Yao points at the front white bones soldier to say. 程宇,前面的白骨战士好像停下来了!”心瑶指着前方的白骨战士说道。 The people look up, really saw that the front white bones soldier had not walked toward front again, this made Cheng Yu also curious. 众人抬头一看,果然看到前面的白骨战士并没有再往前面走了,这让程宇也好奇起来了。 „Can Junior Brother Yu, have the unusual animals to appear?” Xin Hai asked. 宇师弟,会不会是有异兽出现了?”心海问道。 Is impossible, they met anything probably, we have a look!” Cheng Yu knits the brows to say. “不可能,他们好像是遇到了什么,我们上去看看!”程宇皱眉道。 Cheng Yu, can this have the danger?” Yao Na holds on asking of Cheng Yu's worry. 程宇,这样会不会有危险?”姚娜拉住程宇的手担心的问道。 Relax, I can induce from these white bones soldiers to some situations, they seemed like came across what difficult problem, did not seem like has the danger, you first waited here.” Cheng Yu is comforting to say to several women. “放心吧,我能够从这些白骨战士中感应到一些情况,他们似乎是遇到了什么难题,不像是有危险的,你们先在这里等一等。”程宇对着几个女人安抚道。 You must be careful!” Yang Ruoxue said. “那你也要小心点!”杨若雪说道。 Relax, there are these white bones soldiers, they will protect our!” Cheng Yu nods then brings Xin He their several people to walk toward front. “放心吧,有这些白骨战士在,他们会保护我们的!”程宇点点头便带着心河他们几个人朝着前面走去。 Bifurcation? Junior Brother Yu, their does not know where toward walked?” But when Cheng Yu in front of their several person careful arriving, sees front situation time, is actually suddenly enlighted. “叉路?宇师弟,他们这是不知道往哪边走了呀?”可是当程宇他们几个人小心的走到前面,看到面前的情况的时候,却是恍然大悟。 Originally presented six bifurcations before them, this made one have doubts very much. 原来在他们面前出现了六条叉路,这就让人很疑惑了。 These white bones soldier all obey the Cheng Yu's order, will not independently decide, therefore encounters this situation naturally not to dare to look for a crossroad to go in casually. 这些白骨战士一切都只是听从程宇的命令,不会自作主张,所以遇到这种情况自然是不敢随便找个路口就进去的。 Brother Cheng, here has six channels, which should we go to now?” Chen Hongyuan also has doubts to say. 程兄弟,这里有六条通道,我们现在应该去哪一条呢?”陈宏远也疑惑道。 Cheng Yu has not spoken, passed the road junction to inspect respectively in six, but discovered these entrances and had no special mark and so on clue. 程宇没有说话,分别在六条通道口检查了一遍,但是发现这些入口处并没有什么特殊的标记之类的线索。 This lets Cheng Yu helpless, these six channels had nothing to introduce, seeming like same, this each channel to where, in each channel has anything, they are unable to know now. 这就让程宇也无奈了,这六条通道没有任何介绍,看起来都是一样的,这每条通道是通往哪里,每条通道里面都有什么东西,他们现在都无从知晓。 In this case, making him not know how must choose! 这样的话,让他也不知道要怎么选择了! Or, do we choose a road to go in casually?” Xin He proposed. “要不,我们随便选一条路进去吧?”心河提议道。 „It is not good, this was too dangerous, perhaps these channels have some really to have the buried treasure. But perhaps some are these have the place of unusual animals, therefore, we, if chose mistakenly the place, might make everyone face very danger very much.” Xin He says. “不行,这样太危险了,也许这些通道有一些就是真的藏有宝藏的。而有一些说不定就是那些有异兽的地方,所以,我们若是选错了地方,很有可能让大家面临十分危险的境地。”心河开口说道。 Un, Xin He Senior Brother said right, what I feel strange, that several hundred fellows have not left behind any clue to us unexpectedly, can we find the buried treasure, as if can only look at own luck!” Cheng Yu nods to say. “嗯,心河师兄说的没错,我奇怪的是,那几百个家伙竟然没有给我们留下任何线索,我们能不能找到宝藏,似乎只能看自己的运气了!”程宇点点头说道。 Brother Cheng, we try one's luck actually indifferently. But that several hundred individual we actually do not know where they went, if we elect is different from them, when the time comes we entered other channel, but they actually come out from other channel, did they have the possibility to bring the buried treasure to leave directly?” Chen Hongyuan reminded Cheng Yu to say. 程兄弟,我们碰运气倒是无所谓。可是那几百个人我们却不知道他们去了哪里,我们要是选的跟他们不一样,到时候等到我们进了别的通道,而他们却又从另外的通道出来,那他们岂不是有可能带着宝藏直接离开了么?”陈宏远提醒程宇道。 „Is your meaning we keeps some people to defend here?” Cheng Yu knits the brows to say. “你的意思是我们留一些人在这里守着?”程宇皱眉道。 You not so many white bones soldier? I thought that you can put come out, making them defend here, does not need our to defend here, such is unsafe!” Chen Hongyuan said. “你不是有这么多的白骨战士吗?我觉得你可以放一些出来,让他们守在这里,没有必要让我们其中的人在这里守着,那样也不安全!”陈宏远说道。
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