GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#3110: The law of maintaining life!

With Elder Qian them, before being many, hides in the hidden place prepares a unaware of the oriole behind person, saw that the situation in square scared completely. 钱长老他们一样,不少之前就躲在暗处准备来一个黄雀在后的人,看到广场上的情况全部都吓坏了。 Everyone prepares first to flee from the square, finds a safe place to hide. 所有人都准备先逃离广场,找一个安全的地方躲起来。 Before these people, hears the sound in square, but also thinks profitably, but no one has thought that the final result unexpectedly is this. 这些人之前听到广场上的声响,还以为有利可图,可是谁也没有想到最后的结果竟然是这样。 Therefore, at this moment, they did not want what buried treasure, they only wanted to preserve a life. 所以,这一刻,他们也不想要什么宝藏了,他们只想要保住自己一条命。 Clash/To time they are very excited, is very excited, thinks that this time can give full play, took a big buried treasure. 冲过来的时候他们很兴奋,很激动,以为这一次可以大展身手,将一个大宝藏抢到手了。 But now, they actually can only say flee to the wilderness, makes a move not to dare. 可是现在,他们却只能说是落荒而逃,连出手都不敢了。 Sees these terrifying white bones, their where also dares to act? 看到这些恐怖的白骨,他们哪里还敢去出手呢? Others have not acted toward them, is the extremely lucky matter! 人家没有朝他们出手,就已经是极其幸运的事了! Senior Brother, these people may really be the terrifying, who are they? Why will have these terrifying white bones?” The peasants also doing to fear by square in all. 师兄,这些人可真是恐怖,他们到底是什么人?为什么会拥有这些恐怖的白骨?”庄民也是被广场上的一切给搞怕了。 At this moment, what to do he did not know to. 此刻,他都不知道要怎么办了。 If we had known is this, he did not convince Wu Tianyuan to come to here with them. 早知道是这样,他就不说服吴天元跟他们来这里了。 Now sees this, he thought that the entire life had no chance. 现在看到这一幕,他觉得整个人生都没有希望了。 I have not seen such thing, these white bones look very ordinary, but their strengths are actually not lower than Loose Immortal, “我从来没有见过这样的东西,这些白骨看起来很普通,可是他们的实力却不低于散仙, Moreover kills people, but does not have hesitant, that simply is the killing machine, was too terrifying! ” Wu Tianyuan shakes the head to say. 而且杀起人来可是没有一点犹豫,那简直就是杀人机器,太恐怖了!”吴天元摇摇头说道。 If we had known we should not come to here, used such big effort, died so many brothers, finally actually ends up such fate. Can we die here?” Saying that the peasants are afraid. “早知道我们就不该来这里了,费了这么大的劲,死了这么多的兄弟,最后却落得这样的下场。我们会不会死在这里?”庄民害怕的说道。 Oh! These really raised time more unfortunate than fortunate, we were mistaken. This thinks that is only ordinary youngster, but never expected that he unexpectedly is terrifying such, does not know where he makes these white bones!” Wu Tianyuan is also resigned-looking saying. “唉!这一次真提凶多吉少了,我们真是看走眼了。本以为那只是一个普通的年轻人,可是没有想到他竟是这么的恐怖,也不知道他是从哪里弄来这些白骨的!”吴天元也是一脸无奈的说道。 Before the seashore, he also thought that a Cheng Yu person was too weak, even wanted to mediate, the reminder opposite party of good intention. 之前在海边的时候,他还觉得程宇一个人太弱了,甚至想要做个好人,好心的提醒一下对方。 But, the strength of opposite party is actually such fearful. 可是没有想到,对方的实力却是这么可怕。 Especially these white bones, really do not know that is what thing, how these white bones become such powerful? 尤其是这些白骨,真的不知道是什么东西,这些白骨又是怎么变得这么强大的呢? He really does not ravel, but, he is interested in the Cheng Yu's status. 他实在是弄不明白,不过,他更对程宇的身份感兴趣。 Naturally, at this time what was most important is finds the way to save own life to be important! 当然,这个时候最重要的还是想办法保住自己的性命要紧! Senior Brother, you said that if we asked him on own initiative, we can have the opportunity to live?” Looks at one crowd of white bones middle Cheng Yu, the peasants says. 师兄,你说如果我们主动去求求他,我们会不会有机会活下来?”看着一群白骨中间的程宇,庄民开口说道。 Before the Wu Tianyuan good intention reminded the Cheng Yu's time, he also somewhat looked down upon Cheng Yu. Only thought that this youngster is too rampant, was too arrogant, wants to rush to the sea area depending on a person, that courts death radically. 之前吴天元好心提醒程宇的时候,他还有些看不起程宇。只觉得这个年轻人太嚣张,太高傲了,凭一个人就想要闯过海域,那根本就是找死。 But afterward Cheng Yu person of the time of massacring two ominous beasts, he knows oneself wrong odd. 可是后来程宇一人杀掉两只凶兽的时候,他才知道自己错的有多离谱。 Can massacre two ominous beasts depending on him, can look, the Cheng Yu's strength is powerful compared with their anyone. 就凭他一个人能够杀掉两只凶兽,就可以看出来,程宇的实力比起他们那里任何一个人都要强大。 At that moment he discovered, is really outside the mountain has the mountain, outside the person has the person. 那一刻他才发现,真的是山外有山,人外有人。 However, when they spend many vigor arrived in Shuicheng, actually saw that Cheng Yu they were stranded in that ban. 然而,当他们费了不少的劲才到达了水城的时候,却又看到程宇他们被困在那禁制当中。 Although also presented some white bones at that time, but they also thought that Cheng Yu they were banned to surround, in heart also some joyful. 虽然那个时候也出现了一些白骨,但是他们也只是觉得程宇他们只是被禁制困住了,心中还有一些欣喜。 After all the strength strong person, they always has the Innate hostility. 毕竟比自己实力强的人,他们总是有着天生的敌意。 Because they are come to the Saint territory to treasure hunt, but here has such powerful person, to them, that absolutely is not the good deed. 因为他们是来圣域寻宝的,可是这里有这么强大的人,对于他们来说,那绝对不是好事。 If Cheng Yu forever was stranded in this ban, they were short of a powerful enemy. 如果程宇永远的被困在这禁制当中了,那他们就少了一个强大的敌人。 They looked for one day and one night buried treasures, finally obtained some small harvests, this made them project on Cheng Yu their bodies the idea again. 只是,他们找了一天一夜的宝藏,最后却只是得到了一些小小的收获,这就让他们再一次把主意打到程宇他们的身上了。 In addition at that time in square unceasing transmitting loud sound, they think that these people hit with Cheng Yu, they were also good while this opportunity fish in troubled waters. 再加上那个时候广场上不断的传来巨响,他们都以为那些人跟程宇打起来了,他们也好趁着这个机会浑水摸鱼 But he has not thought, this youngster white bones are so unexpectedly terrifying. 可是他怎么也没有想到,这个年轻人身边的白骨竟然这么恐怖。 Naturally, he does not think that these white bones is a Cheng Yu person put, perhaps is these people of his side puts together. 当然,他并不认为这些白骨都是程宇一个人放出来的,说不定就是他身边的那些人一起放出来的。 Although does not know this what's the matter, but saw these white bones have not injured Cheng Yu the time, he believes that these white bones took orders in their. 虽然不知道这到底是怎么回事,但是看到这些白骨并没有伤害程宇他们的时候,他就相信这些白骨是听命于他们的了。 But, he thinks does not understand how Cheng Yu they control these white bones, these white bones are so fierce, how is also they to be controlled by Cheng Yu? 可是,他怎么也想不明白程宇他们到底是如何控制这些白骨的,这些白骨这么厉害,又是怎么被程宇他们控制的呢? Thinks that does not understand these, they did not have the means with Cheng Yu for the enemy. 想不明白这些,他们也就没有办法跟程宇为敌了。 Now, he only has an idea, they sought the plea with Cheng Yu, perhaps Cheng Yu will also keep their means of livelihood, will not massacre them. 现在,他只有一个想法,跟程宇他们求求情,或许程宇还会留他们一条活路,不会将他们杀掉。 Asked favor to could to him, but he is still sitting in meditation now, let alone, we absolutely did not have means nearly their bodies.” Wu Tianyuan also shakes the head to say. “向他求情或许可以,只是他现在还在入定中,更何况,我们根本就没有办法近他们的身。”吴天元也摇摇头说道。 We overrun, so long as our speeds are fast, we should be able to overrun!” The peasants think to say. “那我们就冲过去,只要我们的速度快,我们应该是可以冲过去的!”庄民想了想说道。 This is not good!” Wu Tianyuan shook the head directly the rejection. “这不行!”吴天元直接摇头拒绝了。 Why isn't good? Perhaps this was our last chances!” The peasants said. “为什么不行?说不定这是我们最后的机会了!”庄民说道。 If we overran to them at this time, they only think that we must attack to them. You have a look at these white bones, that youngster looks like their masters to be the same, these white bones protect them in the middle, this protects the lord. “如果我们在这个时候向他们冲过去,他们只会以为我们是要向他们袭击的。你看看那些白骨,那个年轻人就像是他们的主人一样,这些白骨将他们守护在中间,这就是护主啊。 If we overrun like this, feared that has not arrived in front of that youngster, we first by these white bones killing! ” Wu Tianyuan said. 要是我们这样冲过去,怕是还没有到那个年轻人面前,我们就先被那些白骨给杀了!”吴天元说道。 Actually, depended on him initially the well-meaning reminder Cheng Yu, he felt, if asked favor on own initiative, Cheng Yu could let off their life. 其实,就凭他当初善意的提醒了程宇一句,他觉得若是自己主动求情的话,程宇或许可以放过他们一命。 Therefore, he also truly approves of this idea. 所以,他也确实赞同这个想法。 But, Cheng Yu so many white bones, they absolutely do not have means near body. 可是,程宇身边有那么多的白骨,他们根本就没有办法近身。 Naturally, Cheng Yu they are still the most important thing is sitting in meditation now, if they have not sat in meditation, he even can open the mouth to shout Cheng Yu directly. 当然,最重要的是现在程宇他们还在入定,如果他们没有入定,他甚至可以直接开口喊程宇 However this is also very adventurous matter, if Cheng Yu is not that the person who is good to speak, his shouted that was equal to exposing itself without doubt. 不过这也是很冒险的事,万一程宇并不是那么好说话的人,那他这一声喊,那无疑就等于暴露了自己。 Therefore he is also very puzzled, not only wants Cheng Yu to hurry from sitting in meditation wakes, does not want him to wake. 所以他也挺纠结的,既希望程宇赶紧从入定中醒过来,又不想要他醒过来。 We what to do? These white bones were too terrifying, if not make that youngster make these white bones stop on own initiative, we radically are the dead ends!” The peasants are anxious. “那我们怎么办?这些白骨太恐怖了,如果不让那个年轻人主动让这些白骨停下来,那我们根本就是死路一条!”庄民心里急啊。 This is not that is not, this Shuicheng is so in any case big, by the abilities of these white bones, where they escapes to goes is the dead ends. 这也不是那也不是,反正这水城就这么大,以这些白骨的能力,他们逃到哪里去都是死路一条。 We first find a place to hide, when that youngster woke, we try to find the solution again close to him, could preserve a life!” Wu Tianyuan thinks to say! “我们还是先找个地方躲起来吧,等到那个年轻人醒过来了,我们再想办法靠近他,或许可以保住一命!”吴天元想了想说道!
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