GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#3108: The leg is soft!

Here thing also gathered in any case, we first had a look. However we cannot make an appearance immediately, must first have a look at the situation to say again!” Wu Tianyuan thinks to say. “反正这里的东西也收取完了,那咱们就先去看看。不过咱们不能马上露面,得先看看情况再说!”吴天元想了想说道。 If there is a buried treasure, no matter there are how can try dangerously. 如果有宝藏,不管有多么危险都可以去试试。 Un, if really has the danger, we do not need to make an appearance!” The peasants nod to say. “嗯,如果真的有危险,那咱们就没有必要露面了!”庄民点点头说道。 They are the smart people, in without the absolute assurance obtains under the premise of benefit, they possible to take risk? 他们都是聪明人,在没有绝对的把握得到利益的前提下,他们怎么可能去冒这个险呢? Cheng Yu these people seemingly ordinary, but their strengths are to make one dreaded extremely. Without enough assurance, he is not willing to go to fight with Cheng Yu such expert. 程宇那些人看起来一个个普通的很,可是他们的实力却是令人极其忌惮。如果没有足够的把握,他是不愿意去跟程宇那样的高手交手的。 Therefore, they lead the person also to hurry to toward the square. 于是,他们带着人也朝着广场赶去。 However, they are quite careful, has not made other teams see. Otherwise their hiding quietly in the hidden place, were discovered by others, these people may also be like them, want to hide in the hidden place come unaware of the oriole behind. 不过,他们比较小心,并没有让其他队伍看到。要不然他们悄悄的躲在暗处,被别人发现,那些人也有可能跟他们一样,想要躲在暗处来个黄雀在后 Actually, has the people of their idea also and is not infrequent. 其实,有他们这种想法的人也并不在少数。 Like Elder Qian they, they is also same, although rushes toward the square, but has not looked like other influences so impulsive, appeared in the square directly. 就像钱长老他们,他们也一样,虽然朝着广场奔去,但是并没有像其他势力那么冲动,直接就出现在广场了。 But is only thinking the buried treasure influence and team regarding these, when they stand in the square, on thorough was ignorant. 而对于那些只想着宝藏的势力和队伍来说,当他们站在广场上的时候,就彻底的懵了。 Looks at present the dense and numerous white bones, everyone stands there to/clashes does not draw back is not! 看着眼前密密麻麻的白骨,所有人站在那里冲也不是退也不是! When they noticed that these white bones struck the blood fog front person one move, everyone's complexion all of a sudden became pale, the whole person foot was soft. 只是当他们看到那些白骨将面前的人一招就击成了血雾,所有人的脸色一下子就变得惨白,整个人都脚软了。 What thing are these white bones?” “这些白骨到底是什么东西?” Was too fearful, the Great Ascension Late Stage expert could not insist that unexpectedly a move, this was really terrifying!” “太可怕了,大乘后期的高手竟然坚持不了一招,这真是太恐怖了!” Why? Will so many white bones appear here? Moreover, why don't these white bones attack these people?” Some people point at white bones central Cheng Yu they to say. “为什么?这么多的白骨怎么会出现在这里的?而且,这些白骨为什么不攻击那些人?”有人指着白骨中央的程宇他们说道。 These white bones with these people are one group?” “难道这些白骨跟那些人是一伙的?” „Very likely this, then what to do? We were impossible to snatch the buried treasure from these manpower again!” Felt much own perspiration braves outward. “很有可能是这样,这下怎么办?咱们不可能再从那些人手上抢到宝藏了!”不少感觉自己的身上的汗往外冒。 They were really frightened, even if they came before, met so many ominous beasts, without is still so terrifying. 他们是真的被吓到了,就算之前他们进来的时候,遇到了那么多的凶兽,也没有这么恐怖。 Although these white bones seem like very ordinary white bones, but the strength is actually so terrifying, is really makes one unable to believe. 这些白骨虽然看起来只是很普通的白骨,但是实力却是如此恐怖,真的是让人不敢相信。 Without guessing wrong, the strengths of these white bones have at least achieved true Loose Immortal level!” Some person of serious saying. “如果没有猜错的话,这些白骨的实力至少已经达到了真正的散仙级别!”有人严肃的说道。 True Loose Immortal? We what to do?” Some both legs are trembling. “真正的散仙?那咱们怎么办?”有些双腿都在发颤。 What to do? Run, if not run, feared the opportunity of continually running did not have!” Looks that these white bones see the person to kill, their where also dares to stop, the response enough quick person smells there is something wrong, turns around to run! “怎么办?快跑吧,要是再不跑,怕是连跑的机会都没有了!”看着这些白骨见人就杀,他们哪里还敢多作停留,一些反应够快的人见势不妙,转身就跑! Bang! 轰! However, some people responded quickly, some people were quite lucky. However many people unexpectedly are the silly preparation these white bones ruining. 不过,有些人反应快,有些人比较幸运。但是还有不少人竟是傻愣愣的准备将这些白骨给毁掉。 However, greeted their actually died. 但是,迎接他们的却是死亡。 But these white bones soldiers real Crossing Tribulation Stage, moreover they also obtained a chance a moment ago, in this foundation, their strengths increases again. 这些白骨战士可是货真价实的渡劫期,而且他们刚才还得到了一场机缘,在这个基础上,他们的实力可是再一次大增。 Did not say that their strengths have achieved immortal level, but also wanted fearful many compared with these Crossing Tribulation Stage experts. 不说他们的实力已经达到仙人级别,但是比起那些渡劫期的高手还要可怕的多了。 In this case, these Great Ascension Late Stage cultivator, that really anything is not. 在这种情况下,这些大乘后期修士,那真的什么都不是。 In the front of these white bones soldiers, that with cutting cabbage anything had no difference. 在这些白骨战士的面前,那就跟切白菜什么没有什么区别了。 With cultivator that these white bones soldiers fight, no can live, even if even if these strengths endure compared with the Loose Immortal expert, in their front, still collapses at the first blow, the ease turned into the blood fog. 跟这些白骨战士交手的修士,没有一个能够活下来,哪怕就算是那些实力堪比散仙的高手,在他们的面前,也是不堪一击,轻而易举就化成了血雾。 Sees such fearful situation, they also dare to clash toward front unexpectedly, can only say that they really do not fear death. 看到这么可怕的情况,他们竟然还敢往前面冲,只能说他们是真的不怕死。 Also there is much a person who wants to escape, the speed that but the speeds of these white bones soldiers actually by far escape them is faster. Therefore, they can only say that is unfortunate, even if their responses are quick, but the power gap was too big, finally cannot escape from the destiny of death. 也有不少想要逃跑的人,但是这些白骨战士的速度却远远要比他们逃跑的速度要快。所以,他们只能说是不幸的,哪怕他们的反应很快,但是实力差距太大了,最终也没能够逃出死亡的命运。 Do not kill us! Asked you, do not kill us!” When died at present, even if they practice the expert who did not know many years, collapsed thoroughly. “不要杀我们!求求你们,不要杀我们啊!”当死亡就在眼前的时候,他们哪怕是修行了不知道多少岁月的高手,也都彻底的崩溃了。 Who doesn't fear death? 谁人不怕死呢? Although they in the front of average person, are really common like the deity. However before a more powerful expert, they seemed very mean. 虽然他们在普通人的面前,真的如同神仙一般。但是在更加强大的高手面前,他们就显得很低微了。 Their lives also became worthless. 他们的性命也就变得不值一钱了。 In every, no matter which world, actually must train Great Ascension Late Stage is not an easy matter. 在凡界,不管是哪个世界,其实要培养出一个大乘后期都不是一件容易的事。 Moreover, can represent own influence on enter the person in dead territory, actually their strengths are very good. 而且,能够代表自己的势力进入死域的人,其实他们的实力都是非常不错的。 Perhaps their talents are not best, but the strength compares to general Great Ascension Late Stage to be stronger absolutely, because only then this can guarantee that they obtain more resources in the dead territory. 或许他们的天赋不是最好的,但是实力绝对比起一般的大乘后期都要强,因为只有这样才能够保证他们在死域里面得到更多的资源。 In other words, not any Great Ascension Late Stage is qualified for this dead territory. 也就是说,并不是任何大乘后期都有这个资格进入死域的。 Your talent can not be high, but the strength actually cannot be too low absolutely. 你的天赋可以不高,但是实力却绝对不能太低。 But these people are also so, their strengths with outside many Great Ascension Late Stage, the strength are powerful. 而这些人也正是如此,他们的实力跟外面的很多大乘后期来说,实力算是强大的了。 But even this, they still are always only Great Ascension Late Stage. Even if the strengths of some people have endured to compare Loose Immortal, but is still only a few. 可就算是这样,他们也始终只是一个大乘后期。即便有些人的实力已经堪比散仙了,但也只是少数而已。 It is not everyone can like Cheng Yu, although is only Great Ascension Stage, but the strength the bracelet has actually had the Great Ascension Stage range. 不是每一个人都能够像程宇一样,虽然只是大乘期,但是实力却早已经跳脱出大乘期的范围了。 Naturally, in the front of these graceful soldiers, Cheng Yu such anomaly, actually does not have the means to live even. 当然,在这些仙骨战士的面前,就算是程宇这样的变态,其实也没有办法活下来。 Because this disparity was really big, even if the Cheng Yu's strength has no difference from true Loose Immortal. 因为这个差距实在是太大了,哪怕程宇的实力已经跟真正的散仙没有什么区别了。 If these Crossing Tribulation Stage do not use an immortal Yuan strength, perhaps Loose Immortal can also support several rounds, but can also insist. 如果这些渡劫期不使用仙元之力的话,或许一个散仙还能够支持几个回合,但是也只是能够坚持而已。 After all Crossing Tribulation Stage within the body had had the qualitative change, because their within the body have an immortal Yuan strength, even if has usually not used the immortal elementary force, but the immortal elementary force has taken root in their within the body. 毕竟渡劫期的体内已经发生了质的变化,因为他们的体内已经拥有了仙元之力,哪怕平时并没有使用仙元力,但是仙元力已经在他们的体内扎根了。 Even their mortal bodies because of the immortal elementary force unceasing transformation, making their physicals be close to the immortal. 甚至他们的肉身都在因为仙元力不断的改造,让他们的体质更加接近仙人。 In this case, even if they did not use an immortal Yuan strength, Loose Immortal also always lowered a scale. 在这种情况下,哪怕他们不使用仙元之力,散仙也始终低了一个档次。 A same fist, under the different physicals, this strength is also naturally different. 同样的一拳,在不同体质下,这力量自然也是不同的。 Therefore, in the Crossing Tribulation Stage front, if not use an immortal Yuan strength, Loose Immortal can also insist several rounds. 所以,在渡劫期的面前,如果不使用仙元之力的话,散仙也就能够坚持几个回合而已。 If Crossing Tribulation Stage used an immortal Yuan strength, that must die matter without doubt. 要是渡劫期使用了仙元之力,那就是必死无疑的事了。 On a white bones soldier like previous Cheng Yu was cursed, although that white bones soldier grown stronger under the strength of curse, but has not used an immortal Yuan strength, living where otherwise Cheng Yu and his several women keep off, feared that was one move on direct instant kill! 像上一次程宇手上的一个白骨战士被诅咒了,虽然那个白骨战士在诅咒的力量下变强了,但是并没有使用仙元之力,要不然程宇和他的几个女人哪里挡的住,怕是一招就直接秒杀了!
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