GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#3101: Is this buried treasure?

What thing is that? How to suddenly present white bones?” “那是什么东西?怎么会突然出现一具白骨?” You looked on this white bones takes Immortal Tool probably, is this Shuicheng buried treasure protector?” “你们看这白骨手上拿着的好像是仙器,难道这就是水城宝藏的守护者?” Protector? If this is the buried treasure protector, it shouldn't be the person who massacres these to take away the buried treasure? Why can charge into us?” “守护者?如果这是宝藏守护者,难道它不应该是杀掉那些拿走宝藏的人吗?为什么要冲向我们?” Sees this white bones soldier, outside everyone was shocked. However feels very odd about the behavior of this white bones soldier. 看到这一具白骨战士,外面所有人都震惊了。但是对于这白骨战士的行为却感到十分的奇怪。 Such strange thing is a bit like the buried treasure protector actually, but it does not protect the buried treasure, to/clashes to do toward them? 这么稀奇古怪的东西倒是有点像宝藏守护者,可是它不守护宝藏,朝着他们冲过来干什么呢? However is good because of this barrier is very powerful, otherwise light/only looked that the imposing manner of this white bones soldier is very scary. 不过好在这屏障还真的很强大,要不然光是看这白骨战士的气势就挺吓人的。 What?” But then, they were shocked again. “什么?”可是接下来,他们就再一次震惊了。 Sees only in that one after another appearance more and more white bones soldiers, however, these white bones soldier they have not acted to Cheng Yu, toward flushes away completely in all directions. 只见那里面接二连三的出现越来越多的白骨战士,然而,这些白骨战士没有一个向程宇他们出手的,全部都是朝着四面八方冲去。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! A series of flies upon, but that barrier was also only the unceasing twinkle several finished up, these white bones soldiers cannot flush. 一连串的猛烈攻击,但是那屏障也只是不断的闪烁几下就完事了,这些白骨战士根本就冲不出来。 This what's the matter?” Everyone was ignorant, is not only outside these people, Xin Hai they also somewhat were ignorant. “这到底是怎么回事?”所有人都懵了,不光是外面的那些人,就连心海他们也有些懵了。 Even the graceful soldiers are unable to break these barriers, can they really be closed here for a lifetime? 连仙骨战士都无法冲开这些屏障,难道他们真的要被关在这里一辈子吗? Junior Brother Yu, you put all white bones soldiers, these white bones soldier strengths are insufficient!” Xin Luo was anxious. 宇师弟,你还是把所有的白骨战士都放出来吧,这些白骨战士力量不够啊!”心洛急了。 These white bones soldier any are equivalent to the Crossing Tribulation Stage expert of human, but so many white bones soldiers are unable to strike this barrier, the present situation became very serious. 这些白骨战士任何一个都是相当于人类的渡劫期高手的,可是这么多的白骨战士都无法将这屏障击开,现在的情况变得很严重了。 If I have not guessed that wrong, these white bones soldiers could not help us!” Cheng Yu is actually shakes the head to say. “如果我没猜错的话,这些白骨战士帮不了我们了!”程宇却是摇摇头说道。 Although he emits several hundred graceful soldiers, but strikes 1 response in this barrier does not have, seeing only this is not the quantity many useful. 虽然他只是放出几百仙骨战士,可是击在这屏障上一点反应都没有,只见这并不是数量多就有用的。 To untie this ban, must have the correct method to be good. 想要解开这道禁制,必须要有正确的方法才行了。 What situation however now he has not ravelled this is, did he possibly find breaks open the means of ban correctly? 但是现在他根本都没有弄明白这到底是什么情况,他又怎么可能找到正确破开禁制的办法呢? „Couldn't we go out again?” Everyone this may be anxious. “那我们岂不是再也出不去了?”大家这可都急了。 Who hopes were oneself stranded in such a small place? 谁会希望自己被困在一个这么小的地方呢? Bang! 轰! But at this time, above transmitted a loud sound! 可就在这个时候,上面传来一声巨响! What's the matter? Wasn't will want to massacre us?” Feels this giant sound, Xin Luo Dongfang Feibai anxious saying. “怎么回事?不会是想要杀掉了我们了吧?”感觉到这巨大的动静,心洛东方飞白紧张的说道。 ! 呼! However everyone has not responded, saw the above Djinn crystal stopped rising finally. But also at this time, after a loud sound, sprinkled the colorful ray from this Djinn crystal. 不过大家还没有反应过来,就看到上面的巨灵晶终于停止上升了。而也就在这个时候,一声巨响过后,从这巨灵晶里面洒下了五颜六色的光芒。 What is this?” Inside and outside sends out the same doubts simultaneously. “这是什么?”里面和外面同时发出一样的疑惑。 What thing is that?” Outside person looks radically does not understand that in exactly had anything. “那是什么东西?”外面的人根本就看不明白里面到底是发生了什么。 One will emit so many white bones soldiers, but another side emits so many colorful rays. 一会冒出这么多的的白骨战士,而另一边又冒出这么多五颜六色的光芒。 You look at their expressions, was buried treasure opening?” Some people point at Cheng Yu their expression to say. “你们看他们的表情,难道是宝藏开启了?”有人指着程宇他们的表情说道。 What a pity is, this barrier thorough isolated the sound, they could not have heard the words that Cheng Yu they spoke. 可惜的是,这屏障已经彻底的将声音隔绝了,他们已经听不到程宇他们所说的话了。 But at this time, Cheng Yu they truly are joyful extremely. 而此时,程宇他们确实是欣喜万分的。 Because they discovered, this colorful ray unexpectedly is a special energy, but this energy can directly enter in their bodies unexpectedly. 因为他们发现,这五颜六色的光芒竟然是一种特别的能量,而这种能量竟然可以直接进入他们的身体之内。 This is Transfer Cultivation! Everyone sits down quickly, this was our chances to!” Cheng Yu first responded, hurried to ask everyone to sit. “这是传功!大家快坐下,这是我们的机缘到了!”程宇最先反应过来,赶紧叫大家坐下来。 Transfer Cultivation? Is this true buried treasure of Shuicheng? Then may gain in a big way!” Xin Hai also felt that energy in unceasing flooding into to own within the body, immediately is pleasantly surprised, sits cross-legged to cultivate on the ground. 传功?这难道就是水城的真正宝藏?这下可赚大了!”心海也感觉到能量在不断的涌入到自己的体内,顿时惊喜不已,盘坐在地上修炼起来。 Inside everyone responded, sat cross-legged to sit in meditation completely in inside. 里面的所有人都反应过来了,全部盘坐在里面打坐起来了。 This may really be a big chance! 这可真是一场大机缘了! Looks that this colorful energy is also swamping into the bodies of these white bones soldiers, in the Cheng Yu heart moves, no matter also so many, unexpectedly also put Chen Xinran and Ning Wushuang and black and white parents, as well as all Demon Pet and more than 20,000 graceful armies, put completely together. 看着这五颜六色的能量也在涌入这些白骨战士的身上,程宇心中一动,也不管那么多了,竟是把陈欣然宁无霜以及黑白二老也放了出来,以及身上所有的魔宠和两万多仙骨大军,全部都一起放了出来。 Can ignore the shock of outside these people, they consider are only absorbing these energies unceasingly, he was feeling that oneself strength is raised. 顾不得外面那些人的震惊,他们只顾不断的吸收着这些能量,他正在感觉自己的力量在提升。 Bang! 轰! Chen Xinran and Ning Wushuang strength is weakest, sees only two people to come out not long, boundary actually in unceasing rises upward, two people combination several boundaries, rushed to Unification Initial Stage all of a sudden unexpectedly all of a sudden. 陈欣然宁无霜的实力最弱,只见两人出来没有多久,境界却在不断的往上升,两人一下子竟然连跳好几个境界,一下子就冲到了合体初期 But their boundaries also in unceasing promotion! 可是她们的境界还在不断的提升! Breakthrough! They are breaking through! This what's the matter?” Outside person more looks is more anxious. “突破!他们在突破!这到底是怎么回事?”外面的人是越看越急啊。 They do not know why this why will present so many bewildered people all of a sudden the beast. 他们不知道为什么这一下子为什么会出现这么多莫名其妙的人啊兽啊的。 But after they see Chen Xinran and Ning Wushuang situation, everyone responded, their where was surrounded, their was obtains the big chance! 可是当他们看到陈欣然宁无霜的情况之后,大家都反应过来了,他们哪里是被困住了,他们这是得到大机缘了啊! How can like this? Are they in breakthrough fast, how this unexpectedly possible?” Sees this situation, outside everyone felt insane. “怎么会这样呢?他们竟然在里面飞快的突破,这怎么可能?”看到这种情况,外面所有人都感觉要疯了。 They also think that Cheng Yu they were surrounded, is now their strength actually in the unceasing promotion, this may really be anxious. 他们还以为程宇他们是被困住了,可是现在他们的实力却在不断的提升,这可真是急死人了。 „It is not good! Cannot make them monopolize absolutely these chances! Our also strategic place goes in!” These people were really crazy, no matter so many. “不行!绝对不能让他们独享这些机缘!我们也要冲进去!”这些人是真的疯狂了,不管那么多了。 No matter Cheng Yu their strengths whether to massacre them, no matter also this barrier is fierce, but they saw the chance. 不管程宇他们的实力能否将他们都杀掉,也不管这屏障到底有多么厉害,但是他们看到机缘了。 That chance in this barrier, no matter how their strategic place goes in! 那机缘就在这屏障里面,不管如何他们都要冲进去! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! These people erupted in a flash all strengths, unceasing striking in these barriers, but these barriers are also glittering unceasingly various rays. 这些人一瞬间将所有的力量都爆发出来了,不断的击在这些屏障上,而这些屏障也不断的闪烁着各种光芒。 However, they are very disappointed. No matter their attacks are fierce, is this barrier actually that hard, they cannot attack. 但是,他们很失望。不管他们的攻击有多么猛烈,可是这道屏障却还是那么的坚硬,他们怎么也攻不进去。 Saw that Chen Xinran and Ning Wushuang strength still in the unceasing breakthrough, arrived at Unification Middle Stage suddenly, everyone was then more anxious. 眼看着陈欣然宁无霜的实力还在不断的突破,眨眼间又到了合体中期了,这下大家更急了。 No one knows how long this chance will continue, they only want to hurry to clash, shares these chances together. 谁也不知道这机缘会持续多久,他们只想赶紧冲进去,一起分享这些机缘。 What thing is this? Why? Why!” Everyone not only worries and angry. “这到底是什么东西?为什么?为什么!”所有人既着急又愤怒。 They arrived at this Shuicheng obviously, why they actually cannot share these chances, why is these people? 明明他们都来到了这水城,为什么他们却不能分享到这些机缘,为什么偏偏是这些人呢? But Cheng Yu they are actually peaceful sitting cross-legged in inside, absorbs the energy on the Djinn crystal unceasingly releasing unceasingly. 程宇他们却还是安安静静的盘坐在里面,不断的吸收着巨灵晶上不断释放出来的能量。 Such chance missed that to be really a pity, but all that outside had, they could not hear, they at this time only then a world that was full of the energy. 这样的机缘错过了那可就真的是太可惜了,而外面所发生的一切,他们都听不到,他们此时只有一个充满能量的世界。 Quick that although they not the boundary like Chen Xinran and Ning Wushuang break through, however their strengths truly also in promotion of flying upwards! 虽然他们不像陈欣然宁无霜那样境界突破的很快,但是他们的实力确实也在飞升的提升!
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