GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#3024: Remove!

These with the person heart that the white bones soldier battles very panic-stricken, they want to run, but has many such examples. 那些与白骨战士交战的人内心都十分的惊恐,他们想要跑,可是已经有很多这样的例子了。 The person who these want to escape does not have one to be struck blood fog, sees such fate, their where also dares to escape? 这些想要逃跑的人无一都被击成一片血雾,看到这样的下场,他们哪里还敢逃? If they also want to go on living, feared that was also can only spell hardly. 如果他们还想要活下去,怕是也只能硬拼了。 At this moment they as if realized finally oneself made a how big mistake, now they think no longer is these attractive Immortal Tool, but how is they must go on living. 这一刻他们似乎终于意识到自己犯了一个多么大的错误,他们现在想的不再是那些诱人的仙器,而是他们要如何活下去。 For those not a person of influence, but is many different influences, now everyone regrets very much, but actually does not know how must live to escape. 冲进来的并非是一个势力的人,而是许多不同的势力,现在大家都很后悔,可是却都不知道要如何活着逃出去。 But at this time, had killed their front white bones soldiers actually to draw back the war suddenly. 可就在这个时候,原本已经杀到他们面前的白骨战士却是突然就退战了。 All also living the person think own this time was dead, but saw that these white bones drew back completely, immediately had doubts. 所有还活着的人都以为自己这一次是死定了,可是看到这些白骨全部退回去,顿时就疑惑了。 However when these white bones soldiers return unexpectedly is side that several women, these white bones soldiers crowd around to be one of them them, that appearance did not surround these women like these white bones soldiers, but is more like protecting them. 不过当这些白骨战士回到的竟然是那几个女人身边,这些白骨战士则将她们簇拥在其中,那模样可不像这些白骨战士将这些女人包围了,而更像是在保护她们。 What's all this about? Why don't these savage white bones kill that several women?” Sees this situation, some people have doubts to say. “这是怎么回事?为什么这些凶残的白骨不杀那几个女人?”看到这种情况,有人疑惑道。 „Are these white bones her?” “难道这些白骨都是她的?” „, These people will not seem like the boundary to be the same, like without person of such big ability!” “不会吧,这些人看起来境界一般,可不像有这么大能耐的人!” Yes, will the strengths of these white bones in Loose Immortal, how at least obey the words of these women?” “是啊,这些白骨的实力至少是在散仙,怎么会听从这几个女人的话呢?” „Do you have the attention, their cave entrance, they seemed like from that came out behind before!” “你们有没有注意,她们的身后有一个洞口,之前她们就好像是从那里面出来的!” „Are these people the protector in this underground old city?” “难道这些人就是这座地下古城的守护者?” Said that in that in the hole had the buried treasure?” “这么说那里面洞里面有宝藏了?” This may very be difficult saying that but I thought that this type is likely, these people are very likely the buried treasure protector!” “这可就很难说了,但是我觉得这种可能性很大,这些人很有可能是宝藏的守护者!” But there are these terrifying white bones to defend here, we are impossible to enter in that!” “但是有这些恐怖的白骨守在这里,我们根本就不可能进入那里面!” Everyone sees the danger to relieve, the thoughts were also all of a sudden detachable. 大家一见危险解除,一下子心思又活络出来了。 However even if everyone in the heart also had the idea, but these woman so many white bones protections, they how, even if in the heart to want in the manhole again, actually does not dare really to do that. 不过大家就算心中又有想法了,但是这几个女人有这么多的白骨保护,他们就算是心中再怎么想要进入洞中,却也不敢真的这么做。 Can look at coming out that from the expression of their face high love, these people truly want to go. 只是从他们那脸上流恋的表情就可以看的出来,这些人确实很想进去。 Good intention puts your life, how haven't you walked?” Chen Xinran saw that these people have stared at them to look, shouted loudly. “好心放你们一命,你们怎么还不走?”陈欣然看到这些人一直盯着他们看,不由大声喝道。 The looks of these people looked is not right, is filling greedily, regarding such person, she looks uncomfortable. 这些人的眼神一看就不对劲,充满着贪婪,对于这样的人,她是看着不爽的。 Some people see Chen Xinran are only Unification Late Stage, in the heart are somewhat eager to try, feels such strength, if takes the buried treasure protector, that surrenders something submissively the buried treasure radically. 有些人看到陈欣然只是一个合体后期,心中有些跃跃欲试,觉得这样的实力若是作为宝藏守护者,那根本就是将宝藏拱手让人。 However they also know, these women actually nothing to be afraid, but these white bones are most fearful. 不过他们也知道,这几个女人倒是不足为惧,只是那些白骨才是最可怕的。 How many girls are who? Why can here?” And a delicate-looking man stands to ask to Yang Ruoxue several women. “请问几位姑娘是何人?为何会在这里?”其中一个面容清秀的男子站出来对着杨若雪几个女人问道。 Obviously, they after several people that mysterious cave entrance is very interested, if there is an opportunity, they hope that can go. 显然,他们对几人身后那个神秘的洞口很有兴趣,如果有机会,他们希望能够进去。 They also know, if must come with these people hardly, that absolutely is the dead end. Therefore, he feels in this case, first establishes some friendship with several women would rather, may have the opportunity to go. 只是他们也知道,如果要跟这些人硬来,那绝对是死路一条。所以,他觉得在这种情况下,倒不如先跟几个女人建立一些友情,或许会更有机会进去。 Go away!” But Chen Xinran is impolite. “滚!”可是陈欣然却一点也不客气。 These person obviously anxious good intentions, if not because has these white bones soldiers, they feared that has acted to them. 这些人明显不安好心,如果不是因为有这些白骨战士在,他们怕是早就对他们出手了。 Miss do not misunderstand, we have no evil intention, but saw here to have some strange matters before, therefore comes the examination, but also asked the miss to grant instruction!” That man has not thought obviously this woman is so impolite. “姑娘不要误会,我们并没有什么恶意,只是之前看到这里发生了一些奇怪的事,所以才过来查看而已,还请姑娘赐教!”那个男子显然没有想到这个女人如此不客气。 But, after seeing these white bones, he endured. 可是,看到那些白骨之后,他忍了。 At this time, if gets angry, obviously is not the good deed, only if they do not want to live. 在这个时候若是翻脸,显然不是什么好事,除非他们不想活了。 They have at least been able to determine, these white bones are truly controlled by them, otherwise this woman will not speak these words a moment ago. 至少他们已经可以确定,这些白骨确实是由他们控制的,要不然这个女人刚才不会说那些话。 However, more is, more explained that this place is not simple. 不过,越是如此,就越说明这个地方不简单。 Although the strengths of these women are ordinary, but actually so many white bones soldier protects here, that was another situation. 虽然这几个女人的实力一般,但是却有这么多的白骨战士在这里守护,那就是另外一番情况了。 If you do not think that these white bones soldiers make a move to you again, you hurry to leave, otherwise “如果你们不想这些白骨战士再对你们出手的话,那你们就赶紧离开,否则 The consequence is proud! ” Chen Xinran said. 后果自负!”陈欣然说道。 Although these white bones soldiers also only receive the control of Yang Ruoxue, but she knows that Yang Ruoxue is always tenderhearted, is not willing many taking a life. 虽然这些白骨战士也只受杨若雪的控制,但是她知道杨若雪一向心软,不愿意过多的杀生。 However she does not think, Yang Ruoxue must put their life, she has no objection. However these fellows reach out for a yard after taking an inch, that deserved to be damned! 不过她可不会那么想,杨若雪要放他们一命,她没有什么异议。但是这些家伙得寸进尺,那就是死有余辜了! Cheng Yu they in the secret, how as for them in inside situation, they have been worried outside now very much. 程宇他们现在就在秘室之内,至于他们在里面的情况如何,她们在外面本来就已经很担心了。 But these fellows preserve a life is not actually willing to depart now, must say that they do not have to attempt, she does not believe. 可是这些家伙现在保住了一条命却还不肯离去,要说他们没有所图,她是不相信的。 Therefore, she not to these person of any opportunities, if they have not been willing to walk, that can only make Yang Ruoxue order these white bones soldiers to open the buddhist commandment against taking life again. 所以,她不会给这些人任何的机会,若是他们还不肯走,那就只能让杨若雪命令这些白骨战士再开杀戒了。 However Chen Xinran this saying, everyone changed the complexion, but looks at these in their eyes simply is the devil white bones soldier, in the heart has even does not want, actually does not dare really to go to make war with these white bones soldiers again. 不过陈欣然这话一出,所有人都变了脸色,可是看着那些在他们眼中简直就是魔鬼般的白骨战士,心中就算有万般不愿意,却又不敢真的再去跟那些白骨战士开战。 Remembers these white bones soldiers, they as if saw before , by the pitiful conditions of these people the white bones soldier massacres. 一想起这些白骨战士,他们仿佛就看到了之前被白骨战士杀掉的那些人的惨状。 Moreover, they also lived with great difficulty, they are not willing to go facing such danger again. 而且,他们也是好不容易活了下来,他们也不愿意再去面对这样的危险了。 Perhaps although here really has many buried treasures in inside, but compares in own life, nothing compared with this more important. 尽管这里或许真的有很多宝藏在里面,但是相比于自己的性命,没有什么比这更重要的了。 Buried treasure again many again good, must have the life to enjoy is good. 宝藏再多再好,也要有命享受才行。 This dead territory is so big, even if here cannot obtain any good thing, they can still continue other place to seek! 这死域这么大,就算这里得不到什么好东西,他们也可以继续去别的地方寻找! We walk!” And an influence sees the matter is not possible, then took the lead to lead own person to leave. “我们走!”其中一个势力看到事不可为,便率先带着自己的人离开了。 He was worried the evening that oneself walk, these women really made these white bones soldiers make a move again, that may really court death. 他担心自己走的晚了,这几个女人真的再让那些白骨战士出手,那可就真的是找死了。 We also walk! Living is more important than anything!” Saw that some people take the lead to depart, the people of many influence also started to vacillate, led the person to depart in abundance. “我们也走吧!活着比什么都重要!”看到有人率先离去,不少势力的人也开始动摇了,纷纷带着人离去。 That young man sees several women not to his any opportunity, even a face does not give him, although in the heart is somewhat indignant, actually does not dare to say anything again. 那个年轻男子看到几个女人根本就不给他任何机会,甚至一点面子都不给他,心中虽然有些气愤,却也不敢再说些什么。 Discussed with the leader of their influence, followed everyone to leave together! 跟他们势力的首领商量了一番,还是跟着大家一起离开了! These fellows act recklessly, Ruoxue, do you believe now? If you do not give them a color, they must reach out for a yard after taking an inch. These fellows have saved the life, has not actually been willing to depart, if they do not have to attempt, I do not believe!” Chen Xinran says. “这些家伙真是不知死活,若雪,你现在相信了吧?你若是不给他们一点颜色,他们就要得寸进尺。这些家伙都已经保住性命了,却还不肯离去,要是他们没有所图,我是不相信的!”陈欣然开口说道。
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