GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#2944: Plays the role of the pig to eat the tiger?

The Cheng Yu's behavior is despising them simply, this may aggravate everyone. 程宇的行为简直就是在藐视他们,这可把大家惹火了。 Originally also plans to let off you, but yourself do not treasure, that no wonder we!” writing angry then rushes over toward Cheng Yu. “本来还打算放过你,不过你自己不珍惜,那就怪不得我们了!”吕文怒气冲冲的便朝着程宇冲了过去。 However Cheng Yu is not flustered, but the young tree on thought summon, hopes it can like the military might, divide minute handling these people a moment ago. 不过程宇并不慌张,而是在意念呼唤手上的小树,希望它能够像刚才一样威武,分分钟就将这些人给搞定了。 The Cheng Yu's wishes are very good, but the reality truly is quite brutal. 只是,程宇的愿望是很美好的,而现实确实是比较残酷的。 Opposite party several sword shades clash, Cheng Yu has to hide the attack of opposite party. However, Cheng Yu still had not chosen to counterattack, but continues to collude with the young tree with the thought that hopes that can awaken it, gives full play of power and strength again. 对方数道剑影冲来,程宇不得不躲掉对方的攻击。不过,程宇仍然没有选择还击,而是继续用意念在跟小树勾通,希望能够把它唤醒,再大发神威。 But opposite person noticed that Cheng Yu only knows the avoidance, thinks that Cheng Yu truly has no skill, this also made everyone feel relieved. 而对面的人看到程宇只知道躲避,以为程宇确实没啥本事,这也让大家放心了。 However, they have doubts very much, these many spirit scorpion corpses what's the matter? 不过,他们很是疑惑,这些么多的灵蝎尸体又是怎么回事呢? Perhaps is that treasure on Cheng Yu is the result!” Thinks it over, everyone's only explanation on that young tree on Cheng Yu. “或许是程宇手上的那个宝贝所致吧!”思来想去,大家唯一的解释就在程宇手上的那棵小树上。 If this treasure is so fierce, can they have the danger? 只是,如果这个宝贝如此厉害,那他们会不会有危险呢? However they noticed that the Cheng Yu avoidance did not act, this made everyone feel relieved temporarily. 但是他们看到程宇一直躲避不出手,这又让大家暂时放心了。 But in the Cheng Yu heart is also very depressed, a moment ago wasn't very good? Such won't one be how good? 程宇心中也很是郁闷啊,刚才不是很牛么?怎么这么一会就不行了呢? You give a response actually!” In the Cheng Yu heart yelled, but this young tree actually still peaceful standing in his hand, basic on does not have any response. “你倒是给点反应啊!”程宇心中大叫,可是这小树却仍然安安静静的立在他的手上,根本就没有任何的反应。 Front writing actually thinks that Cheng Yu is afraid itself, therefore can only hide, therefore intended is also getting more and more swift and fierce. 面前的吕文却以为程宇害怕自己,所以只能躲来躲去,因此出手也越来越凌厉了。 Looked when you can hide?” writing self-satisfied saying. “看你能够躲到什么时候?”吕文得意的说道。 Great Ascension Initial Stage, to take his life, but is the easy matter. 一个大乘初期,若是想要取他性命,不过是轻而易举的事。 He does not worry, found such a opponent with great difficulty, he must play well! 他不着急,好不容易找到这么一个对手,他就要好好的玩一玩! Cheng Yu knows that the opposite party cannot have a liking for himself, even is also playing tricks on itself intentionally. However he does not worry, happen to makes itself study well this young tree what's the matter. 程宇知道对方看不上自己,甚至还故意在戏弄自己。不过他不着急,正好让自己好好的研究一下这小树到底是怎么回事。 If really made him ravel, knows how to control this young tree, after that may also obtain a big boost. 若是真的让他弄明白了,知道如何去控制这小树,那以后自己可就又得到一大助力了。 Still in anything, ended the fight a bit faster, takes carry back the treasure!” But sees one on unceasing hiding, on the unceasing playing tricks on opposite party, executing Linhe some are impatient. “还在等什么,快点结束战斗,把宝贝拿回来!”可是看到一个就不断的躲,一个就不断的戏弄对方,施林河有些不耐烦了。 Heard? Now I give you again an opportunity, if you are not tactful, I may be unable to help you!” writing hears the sound, said to Cheng Yu again. “听到了吗?现在我再给你一次机会,若是你再不识趣,那我可就帮不了你了!”吕文听到声音,不由再次对程宇说道。 Great Ascension Late Stage bullies Great Ascension Initial Stage, cannot be regarded the big face. However oneself played was similar, this fellow who also played if handed over the treasure on own initiative, put his horse also to be possible all. 一个大乘后期去欺负一个大乘初期,算不得多大的面子。不过自己玩也玩的差不多了,这个家伙若是主动交出宝贝,放他一马也无不可。 This treasure, you want not to think, but I am willing to deliver you actually a regulation!” Cheng Yu saw with own eyes that this thing really does not have the means to control, such being the case, no longer accompanied them to play, then took back in the middle of the young tree the finger. “这宝贝,你们想是不别想了,不过我倒是愿意送你们一程!”程宇眼见这玩意实在是没有办法控制,既然如此,也不再陪他们玩下去了,便将小树收回了手指当中。 Bang! 轰! Without the sword, but wields a fist to strike above long sword that in Wenpi comes. 没有出剑,只是挥起一拳就击在吕文劈来的长剑之上。 writing actually does not care Cheng Yu, is saw that he does not use the weapon, but uses own fist, in the heart is despises to Cheng Yu. 吕文却并不把程宇放在心上,更是看到他连武器都不用,只是用出自己的拳头,心中更是对程宇藐视不已。 Is it possible that he thought that own Great Ascension Initial Stage is very great, can disregard Great Ascension Late Stage. 莫非他觉得自己大乘初期很了不起,都可以无视大乘后期了。 ! 噗! But, he made a mistake, he really made a mistake. 可是,他错了,他真的错了。 Originally, Great Ascension Initial Stage really can despise Great Ascension Late Stage. 原来,大乘初期真的可以藐视大乘后期 Was in front of everyone, Wenjing striking to fly by a Cheng Yu fist, his sword also fell on the ground. 当着所有人的面,吕文竟是被程宇一拳给击飞了,就连他的剑也落在地上了。 The blood direct injection in mouth, dyed the red front yellow sand. 口中的鲜血直喷,将面前的黄沙都染成了红色。 writing, you are all right!” Everyone has not thought that originally well turned into this appearance all of a sudden? “吕文,你没事吧!”所有人都没有想到,原本好好的怎么一下子就变成这个样子了呢? Looks that writing is pale, the bloody water that in the mouth flows out incarnadine oneself clothes, the people hurried to support writing. 看着吕文脸色苍白,口中流出的血水染红了自己的衣裳,众人赶紧扶住吕文。 This fellow...... cheats!” writing partly lies down is executing the Linhe bosom, worn out saying. “这家伙......有诈!”吕文半躺在施林河怀里,有气无力的说道。 Although Cheng Yu not fighting with the fists dead writing, is, obviously he at this moment already not again the strength of war. 虽然程宇并没有一拳打死吕文,可是,显然他此刻已经没有再战之力了。 You give on me, the homicide, snatched the treasure!” uses/gives Linhe noticed that writing injury is heavy, in heart not only shock and angry. “你们给我上,把他杀了,将宝贝抢回来!”施林河看到吕文伤势不轻,心中既震惊又愤怒。 This fellow plays the role of the pig to eat the tiger unexpectedly, cannot let off him absolutely. 这个家伙竟然扮猪吃老虎,绝对不能放过他。 But writing are right-hand, every so often needs he to act to help itself handle matters. Although own tagalong, may be his person. 吕文可是自己左膀右臂,很多时候都需要他出面帮自己办事。虽说是自己的跟屁虫,可好歹是他的人。 Now makes into this by Great Ascension Initial Stage unexpectedly, how he must vent anger for writing. 现在竟然被一个大乘初期打成这样,他怎么样也都要替吕文出了这口气。 The people noticed before writing plays tricks on that person some is not impatient intentionally, now hears Senior Brother to give orders, more than ten Great Ascension Late Stage then rush over without delay. 众人之前看到吕文故意戏弄那人早就有些不耐烦了,现在听到师兄发号施令,十几个大乘后期二话不说便冲了过去。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! However, although they want to massacre Cheng Yu, but too has not as if been serious Cheng Yu. Even if writing has poured in their front, they do not want is too many, is only writing is not careful. 不过,他们虽然想要杀掉程宇,但似乎并没有太把程宇当回事。哪怕吕文已经倒在他们的面前,他们也没有想太多,只是吕文自己不小心。 Should lend a hand to solve the opposite party, finally also made the opposite party sneak attacking, how otherwise Great Ascension Initial Stage possible to make into this Great Ascension Late Stage. 早就该出手解决对方了,结果还让对方给偷袭了,要不然一个大乘初期怎么可能将大乘后期打成这样嘛。 But when, they with the hand of Cheng Yu fight, they know that writing was struck such is not unreasonable. 可是,当他们跟程宇交手之手,他们才知道吕文被击成那样并不是没有道理的。 This fellow cheats really!” Solemn one crowd of Great Ascension Late Stage cannot take Great Ascension Initial Stage unexpectedly. “这家伙果真有诈!”堂堂一群大乘后期竟然拿不下一个大乘初期 What is more fearful, this fellow has not put out own weapon, merely by the meat fist relative. Even so, Cheng Yu shuttles back and forth in the middle of more than ten Great Ascension Late Stage cultivator, still struck to fly more than ten people all of a sudden. 更可怕的是,这个家伙并没有拿出自己的武器,仅仅是以肉拳相对。就算如此,程宇在十几个大乘后期修士当中穿梭,一下子就将十几个人也击飞了出来。 Luck good by some internal injuries, but these luck bad unexpectedly by the Cheng Yu direct fist killing. 运气好的受一些内伤,可是那些运气差的竟是被程宇直接一拳给打死了。 Senior Brother, isn't this fellow Great Ascension Initial Stage?” The remaining people are thorough by Cheng Yu shocking, Huaiyuan felt oneself somewhat shivered. 师兄,这家伙不是大乘初期吧?”剩下的人是彻底的被程宇给震惊了,怀远都感觉自己有些颤抖了。 „Did he hide the boundary? It seems like does not look like!” As the expert of boundary of Great Ascension Late Stage Peak, he broke through Great Ascension Late Stage is really only the one pace. “难道他隐藏了境界?看起来不太像啊!”作为大乘后期巅峰之境的高手,他突破大乘后期真的只是一步之遥了。 According to the truth, by his cultivation base, should be able to see whether Cheng Yu has to hide the cultivation base boundary. 按道理来说,以他的修为,应该是能够看出程宇是否有隐藏修为境界的。 But, how he sees the Cheng Yu's boundary truly is Great Ascension Initial Stage, but looks at him to act, particularly his these same side made into such by the opposite party, and what is more was fights with the fists dead by Cheng Yu unexpectedly directly, this very doubtable Cheng Yu's true strength. 可是,他怎么看程宇的境界都确实是一个大乘初期,可是看他出手,尤其是他的这些同门被对方打成那样,更有甚者竟是直接被程宇一拳打死了,这就很让人怀疑程宇的真正实力了。 „Who are you?” Several Great Ascension Late Stage were injured to the dozen dead beating by Cheng Yu remnantly, uses/gives Linhe had not been acted by own person again eagerly. “你到底是什么人?”十几个大乘后期程宇给打死打残打伤,施林河没有再急于让自己的人出手。 In this Saint territory some dangerous numerous, many outstanding experts. 这圣域里面危险重重,不乏有些实力超群的高手。 This person seems like the boundary is not high, can be such an outstanding expert? 这个人看起来境界不高,难道会是这样一个实力超群的高手? However, seems like does not look like, but best be able first to ask the status of opposite party! 不过,看起来可不太像,但最好还是能够先问对方的身份! „To know that my status, did that first say your status?” Cheng Yu patted clapping, as if fought one these people are the light matter. “想知道我的身份,那就先说说你们的身份吧?”程宇拍了拍手,似乎将这些人战斗一场是再平淡不过的事了。 However, the status of Cheng Yu to these people is very curious. 但是,程宇对这些人的身份是真的很好奇。 They said that oneself do not know what Royal Court, he believes that these people should not lie! 他们说自己不知道什么王朝,他相信这些人应该是没有说谎的!
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