GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#2767: Did not have the opportunity!

„Before no wonder two pieces of jade put together, for hundred changed side of fan to portray the design, now looks like, he was not does not want to carve, but was his spirit strength was insufficient, this may trouble!” Several elders became are all of a sudden more tense. “怪不得珏儿之前只是为百变扇的一面刻画了图案,现在看来,他不是不想刻,而是他的灵力不足了,这可就麻烦了!”几个长老一下子变得更加紧张起来了。 Nangong Jue made such big move a moment ago, is the giant beast portrays the design, the spirit strength that these two methods consume compares to pass/test Zhixin consumption still many many even. 南宫珏刚才弄出这么大的动静,又是巨兽又是刻画图案的,这两个手段所消耗的灵力就算是比起关志信的消耗也多的多。 Therefore, in their opinion, present Nangong Jue does not have the possibility of spirit strength to be enormous. Before they had not thought of so many, now thinks of here, their let alone had at heart worries. 所以,在他们看来,现在的南宫珏没有灵力的可能性是极大的。之前他们没有想到这么多,现在想到这里,他们的心里别说有多着急了。 After all without the spirit strength approaching body, that Nangong Jue situation was very dangerous. Is good is also entangled by these giant beasts because of present pass/test Zhixin, does not have the means directly to attack Nangong Jue. 毕竟没有灵力傍身,那南宫珏的处境就很危险了。好在现在关志信还被那些巨兽缠着,并没有办法直接去攻击南宫珏 Without impediments of these giant beasts, Nangong Jue feared that must lose this showdown directly, that Nangong Aristocratic Family was really finished. 要是没有这些巨兽的阻挡,南宫珏怕是要直接输掉这场对决了,那南宫世家就真的完蛋了。 You look at two pieces of jade put together the manner, all free, this explained that his time situation not necessarily has bad that we imagine, therefore sharply do not draw the conclusion! “你们看珏儿的神态,一切自如,这说明他此时的情况未必有我们想象的那么糟糕,所以你们也不要急着下定论! Although the consumption of two pieces of jade put together spirit strength somewhat was truly big, but I believe that two pieces of jade put together was a confident person. He not possible to hit not to have the weaponry of preparation, how he consumes the spirit strength even again, is impossible to exhaust all spirit strength all of a sudden. 虽然珏儿刚才的灵力的消耗确实有些大,但是我相信珏儿是一个有把握的人。他不可能去打没有准备的仗,他就算是再怎么消耗灵力,也不可能一下子将自身所有的灵力都耗尽。 Moreover he has swallowed before then restored pill massively, believes that even these time still make him restore to be able to fight high below sufficiently with pass/test Zhixin the degree! ” Saw that everyone starts becomes irritable, at this time Nangon Chengye opens the mouth said. 而且他在这之前已经吞服了大量的恢复丹,相信就算是这些时间也足以让他恢复到可以跟关志信一战高下的程度!”看到大家开始变得急躁起来,这个时候南宫承业不由的开口说道。 His saying, the people tasted carefully, thought that head of household's words have several truth. Nangong Jue is their Nangong Aristocratic Family first talent, the aspect that before he faced has not arrived at time as a last resort obviously, therefore Nangong Jue absolutely not possible to display beast soul secret art and portray design, but consumed own spirit strength, crossed the rubicon by oneself. 他这话一出,众人仔细回味了一番,觉得家主的话有几番道理。南宫珏可是他们南宫世家的第一天才,之前他所面临的局面显然还没有到万不得已的时候,所以南宫珏断不可能为了施展兽魂诀和刻画图案而将自己的灵力消耗一空,让自己破釜沉舟。 Such a thinks, everyone has a look at Nangong Jue to stand in the arena again at this time tranquil the expression, thought that seemed like everyone truly somewhat to act with undue haste, in the heart of Nangong Jue feared that has own answer. 这么一想,大家再看看南宫珏此时站在擂台上平静的表情,觉得似乎大家确实是有些操之过急了,南宫珏的心中怕是早已经有了自己的答案了。 Actually, this time Nangong Jue also truly thinks that therefore he such calm. 其实,此时的南宫珏也确实是这么想的,所以他才会这么的淡定。 He swallowed so many restoration Medicinal Pill(s) to get down before, although is impossible to make him have massive spirit strength all of a sudden, but, so many Medicinal Pill(s) associations make him restore some spirit strength in the shortest time. 他之前吞服了那么多的恢复丹药下去,虽然不可能让他一下子就拥有大量的灵力,但是,这么多的丹药总会在最短的时间内让他恢复一些灵力。 Therefore, saw that pass/test Zhixin is so domineering, he has not worried on the contrary. 所以,看到关志信还那么强势,他反倒并没有那么着急了。 Actually, person worry of Nangong Aristocratic Family naturally is also was that worried whether their Nangong Aristocratic Family can enter the round of four, smooth possession competition first three. 其实,南宫世家的人那么着急自然也是担心他们南宫世家是否能够晋级四强,顺利的拿到大比前三。 Because Ji Family some people have been promoted four, this showdown they cannot lose in any event. Otherwise Ji Family wins, Nangong Aristocratic Family routs inevitably, even might be suppressed by Ji Family in the following 500 years very much. 因为姬家已经有人晋级四强了,这一场对决他们是无论如何都不能输的。否则姬家大胜,南宫世家就必然大败,甚至在接下来的500年时间里面很有可能被姬家打压。 However, present Ji Family, although some people have been promoted four, they actually truly want to let pass/test Zhixin also smooth being promoted. 不过,现在的姬家虽然已经有人晋级四强了,他们却确实很想让关志信也顺利的晋级。 Although this Nangong Jue is very fierce, but pass/test Zhi letter/believes to be able in his hand to insist such for a long time, must say that they do not have the idea and anticipation to pass/test Zhixin, that is absolutely impossible. 虽然这个南宫珏很厉害,但是关志信能够在他的手上坚持这么久,要说他们对关志信没有想法和期待,那是绝对不可能的。 Especially pass/test Zhixin currently has to cut the demon sword in the hand, that sweeps away all obstacles, in their hearts was higher to his anticipation. 尤其是关志信现在有斩魔剑在手,那更是所向披靡,他们心中对他的期待就更高了。 Originally in seeing Nangong Jue suddenly when draws the folding fan for his, their was also worried at heart very much he will act to pass/test Zhixin immediately. 本来在看到南宫珏突然在为他那把折扇画图的时候,他们的心里还很担心他会马上就向关志信出手。 But, saw that the time passed was so long, but Nangong Jue was static standing has not actually begun there, this let the Ji Family person on the contrary became is at heart more anxious. 可是,看到时间都过去这么久了,但是南宫珏却是静静的站在那里迟迟没有动手,这反倒让姬家人的心里变得更加的不安了。 Nangong Jue this fellow always cannot withstand slyly, meaning that but he has not actually acted now, I do not believe that this fellow is wants frankly and uprightly with will letter/believes one-to-one battle, he definitely has what conspiracy!” A Ji Family elder said. 南宫珏这个家伙一向狡猾不堪,可是他现在却一直没有出手的意思,我不相信这家伙是想要光明正大的跟志信一对一的开战,他肯定是有着什么阴谋的!”姬家的一个长老说道。 The Nangong Jue method were too many, since has battled with pass/test Zhixin, the initiative of almost this showdown has grasped in the hand of Nangong Jue. 南宫珏的手段太多了,自从跟关志信交战以来,几乎这场对决的主动权就一直掌握在南宫珏的手上。 pass/test Zhixin the strength is not as they expected, takes to their enough pleasant surprises repeatedly, 11 insist the difficult problem that Nangong Jue creates, they have lost this competition. 要不是关志信的实力出乎他们的预料,一再带给他们足够的惊喜,将南宫珏所造成的难题都一一坚持下来,那他们早就输掉这一场大比了。 Therefore, now Nangong Jue more is anything does not do, they felt this person danger on the contrary. 所以,现在南宫珏越是什么都不做,他们反倒觉得此人更加的危险了。 If before, they thought that this showdown lost also lost. But pass/test Zhi letter/believes to insist that the present is not really easy, in addition this showdown significance is great, if made pass/test Zhixin win, the opportunity that not only can be promoted Nangong Aristocratic Family seized thoroughly, can make Ji Family over the following 500 years in a level higher, therefore they do not want to make pass/test Zhixin lose this showdown. 如果是之前,他们觉得这一场对决输了也就输了。可是关志信能够坚持到现在着实不易,再加上这一场对决意义重大,要是让关志信赢了,不仅能够将南宫世家晋级的机会彻底夺走,也能够让姬家在接下来的500年里面更上一层楼,所以他们都不想让关志信输掉这一场对决。 I do not think actually!” Another elder said. “我倒是不这么认为!”另外一个长老说道。 Why?” “为何?” I thought actually Nangong Jue seems to be restoring the spirit strength at this time.” “我倒是觉得南宫珏此时似乎又在恢复灵力了。” Restores the spirit strength?” “恢复灵力?” I think that should be this, although I do not understand this Nangong Jue very much, but on the Nangong Jue all sorts of performance, his consumption may be big, feared that is even if compares with the will letter/believes, still goes beyond. “我想应该是这样,虽然我不是很了解这个南宫珏,但是就南宫珏刚才的种种表现来看,他的消耗可不小,怕是就算跟志信比起来,也有过之而无不及啊。 Therefore, now he should be the spirit strength consumption was similar. But or his slyness, feared that had acted to the will letter/believes, how when hasn't begun now? ” 所以,现在他应该是灵力消耗的差不多了。要不然以他的狡猾,怕是早就向志信出手了,又怎么会等到现在还迟迟不动手呢?” This has the possibility actually, aiya, if is really this, that may be really a pity. At this time if the will letter/believes no longer went with these * the war greatly, acted to Nangong Jue directly, that can easily won?” Elder sudden face regrettable saying. “这倒是有可能,哎呀,如果真的是这样,那可就真的是可惜了。这个时候志信要是不再去跟那些巨*战,直接向南宫珏出手,那岂不是可以轻易的就获胜了吗?”一个长老突然一脸遗憾的说道。 This saying actually right, but the will letter/believes wants to bypass these giant beasts to act to Nangong Jue now directly, this radically is the not possible matter.” An elder shakes the head to say. “这话倒是没错,可是现在志信想要绕过这些巨兽直接向南宫珏出手,这根本就是不可能的事。”一个长老摇摇头说道。 If this time Nangong Jue truly is because the spirit strength exhausts does not dare to act to pass/test Zhixin, that at this time regarding pass/test Zhixin truly is an opportunity of best acquired victory. 如果此时的南宫珏确实是因为灵力耗尽不敢向关志信出手,那此时对于关志信来说确实是一个最佳的获得胜利的机会。 But the issue is, the goals of these giant beasts only have one, that is pass/test Zhixin. Even if pass/test Zhixin does not kill these giant beasts, these giant beasts are impossible to let off him. 但问题是,这些巨兽的目标就只有一个,那就是关志信。就算关志信不去杀这些巨兽,这些巨兽也不可能放过他。 Therefore, he even if at this time knows the Nangong Jue spirit strength exhausted, he absolutely does not have the means to cope with Nangong Jue! 所以,他此时就算知道了南宫珏的灵力耗尽了,他也根本就没有办法去对付南宫珏 Oh! Therefore said that was a pity, this is an once in a thousand years good opportunity, if made this Nangong Jue restore the spirit strength, slow this vigor had come, that will letter/believes may on danger very!” Many elders also thought that this opportunity missed was truly a pity. “唉!所以才说太可惜了,这可是一个千载难逢的好机会,要是让这个南宫珏恢复了灵力,缓过了这个劲来,那志信可就十分的危险了!”很多长老也都觉得这个机会错过了确实可惜。 You want is too many, even if remembers the letter/believes to know that the Nangong Jue spirit strength exhausted, he did not have this opportunity to act! You looked, Nangong Jue that fellow seemed like must act!” In everyone in the sigh, Ji Xian points at Nangong Jue on arena to say! “你们想太多了,就算志信知道南宫珏的灵力耗尽了,他也没有这个机会出手了!你们看,南宫珏那个家伙似乎是又要行动了!”就在大家都在叹息的时候,姬贤指着擂台上的南宫珏开口说道!
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