GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#2746: Also eliminates one!

Situ Yongwen successful defeated the Nangong Aristocratic Family Nangong to subdue|grams, means that Situ Yongwen becomes first to be promoted four strong people. 司徒永文成功的击败了南宫世家的南宫克,也意味着司徒永文成为了第一个晋级四强的人。 Several other aristocratic families saw that Situ Aristocratic Family some people have been promoted, the mood obviously becomes anxious. Especially Nangong Aristocratic Family, Nangong to subdue|grams has been defeated, then their Nangong Aristocratic Family only had a Nangong Jue person. 其他几个世家看到司徒世家已经有人晋级,心情明显变得焦急起来。尤其是南宫世家,南宫克已经败下阵来了,那么他们南宫世家就只剩下南宫珏一个人了。 If Nangong Jue defeated again, then Nangong Aristocratic Family thorough was eliminated, first three did not have the fate with competition, did not have the fate with the dead territory. 如果南宫珏再败了,那么南宫世家就将彻底的被淘汰掉,跟大比前三没有缘分了,也跟死域没有缘分了。 What is more important, now Nangong Jue is in the deadlock stage with pass/test Zhixin the fight, this made them worry. 更加重要的是,现在南宫珏跟关志信的战斗又进入了僵持阶段,这就让他们更加的着急了。 However, showdown on No. 3 arena, as soon as finished, this also makes the participants in another three arenas start to worry. 不过,三号擂台上的对决一结束,这也让另外三个擂台的参赛者开始着急起来。 Because they do not want to be eliminated, but they actually know, in each arena can only have being promoted, remaining that definitely will be eliminated. 因为他们自己都不想被淘汰,可是他们却又知道,每一个擂台上只能有一个晋级者,剩下的那个必然会被淘汰掉。 The rule is the rule, it not because you, although lost in this arena, but the strength actually compares winner on another arena also to make you be promoted strongly. 规则就是规则,它不会因为你虽然在这个擂台上输了,但是实力却比另外一个擂台上的胜出者还要强而让你晋级。 No matter your strength is much strong, so long as you lost in this arena, you will be eliminated, becomes the loser, even does not have the opportunity to conduct competition again. 不管你的实力多强,只要你在这个擂台输了,你就会被淘汰,成为失败者,甚至没有机会再进行大比 Because of the limit of age, everyone life, only then one time the opportunity of participating in nine generations competition, missed this time, will not have the opportunity to recall again. 因为年龄的限制,每一个人一生只有一次参加九族大比的机会,错过了这一次,就将再也没有机会挽回了。 Therefore almost every participates in the nine generations competition person, hopes oneself can insist in this arena finally, becomes in Nine Great Aristocratic Families admired that. 所以几乎每一个来参加九族大比的人,都希望自己能够在这个擂台上坚持到最后,成为九大世家中被人仰慕的那一个。 However, because everyone thinks that but finally success actually only then such several. If they do not have this strength and luck, must be eliminated eventually. 不过,也正是因为人人都是这么想的,但是最后成功的却只有那么几个。他们若是没有这个实力和运气,终究是要被淘汰的。 Now remains on the stage still also the people of five aristocratic families, respectively was the Ji Family Ji day and pass/test Zhixin, the Situ Aristocratic Family Wucheng outline, Nangong Aristocratic Family Nangong Jue and Chen Family's Chen Hongyuan and Jiang Family ginger overwhelming. 如今剩在台上的仍然还有五个世家的人,分别是姬家的姬天和关志信,司徒世家的武成纲,南宫世家南宫珏陈家的陈宏远姜家的姜浩然。 However, the situations on these three arenas are also the showdowns on unpredictable, many arena, although had not finished, but has basically been able to look that who will win who will be eliminated. 但是,这三个擂台上的情况也是变化莫测,很多擂台上的对决虽然还没有结束,但是基本上已经能够看出来谁会胜出谁会出局了。 Bang! 轰! At this time, in No. 2 arena transmitted a loud sound suddenly, the people looked at No. 2 arena. 就在这个时候,二号擂台上突然传来一声巨响,众人把目光投向了二号擂台。 Actually saw that in Ji heaven hand suddenly presented simultaneously innumerably the sword, lets dazzling that the person looks. But was also at this time, the Jiang Family ginger overwhelming did not beat Ji heaven, all of a sudden by Ji day repelling. 却见到姬天的手上突然同时出现了无数把剑,让人看的眼花缭乱。而也就是这个时候,姜家的姜浩然不敌姬天,一下子就被姬天给击退了。 The ginger overwhelming swordsmanship takes the speed as to grow perceptibly, when Ji day suddenly changed the method, simultaneously presents sword such, he also divides was clear the sword that unclearly these come out is the empty sword or the solid sword, but said no matter how, the opposite party causes so many swords, even his speed is fast, still lets his double fist difficult enemy four, a move is then defeated. 姜浩然的剑法以速度为见长,可是在姬天突然改变了手段的时候,同时出现这么的剑,他也分不明清楚那些多出来的剑到底是虚剑还是实剑,但不管怎么说,对方弄出这么多的剑来,就算他的速度再快,也让他双拳难敌四手,一招便败下阵来。 When he prepares to crawl from the ground, prepares to insist again the time, Ji heaven has appeared in his front, a sword punctures, imitates, if ten thousand sword attacks, making him unprepared. 当他准备从地上爬起来,再准备坚持下去的时候,姬天已经出现在他的面前,一剑刺来,仿若万剑来袭,让他毫无准备。 Bang, he by the opposite party was knocked down again! “砰”的一声,他再次被对方击倒在地! But Ji heaven actually rise with a jump at this time, both hands instead grasp the long sword, falls from the day, overwhelming punctured toward the ginger. 可是姬天这个时候却一跃而起,双手反握长剑,从天而落,朝着姜浩然刺了下去。 At this moment, a huge sword shadow packages the long sword on Ji heaven hand in inside, the people see is Ji Tianna a huge sword shadow is puncturing from the midair, that imposing manner, as if must put on general land. 这一刻,一把巨大的剑影将姬天手上的长剑包裹在里面,众人看到的便是姬天拿着一把巨大的剑影从半空之下刺下来,那气势,似乎要将大地都扎穿一般。 I admit defeat!” Sees this sword, the ginger overwhelming complexion big change, facing a domineering sword, he does not have any ability of resisting. “我认输!”看到这一剑,姜浩然脸色大变,面对如此强势的一剑,他已经没有了任何抵挡的能力。 In this critical moment, he quickly shouted three characters that oneself most do not want to say! 就在这紧要的关头,他急忙喊出了自己最不想说的三个字! Ji heaven heard the opposite party to admit defeat, hurried to take back sword qi, that wrapped his huge sword shadow of long sword then to vanish all of a sudden does not see. 姬天听到对方已经认输了,赶紧收回剑气,那原本包裹着他的长剑的巨大剑影一下子便消失不见。 However, Ji heaven has not taken back the long sword directly, but will still not have the sword qi long sword to puncture, the place that but is apart from the ginger overwhelming forehead first half inch stopped. 不过,姬天并没有直接收回长剑,而是仍然将没有剑气的长剑刺了下去,只是在姜浩然的额头前半寸之距的地方停了下来。 Because he entirely does not believe the ginger overwhelming, in this world, the person of meaning what he says may in not a few. Although he does not want in the place murder of nine generations competition, but the heart of guard must have. 因为他并不完全相信姜浩然,这个世界上,说话不算数的人可在不少数。虽然他并不想在九族大比的地方杀人,但是防范之心还是要有的。 If by some chance the ginger overwhelming reneges on a promise, he did not worry at least the opposite party acts to him suddenly. 万一姜浩然反悔,他起码并不担心对方突然向他出手。 Ginger overwhelming, although was desperate under shouted that three characters a moment ago, but saw at this moment the sword of opposite party referred to own forehead, he knows that oneself these really did not have the opportunity time. 姜浩然虽然刚才是情急之下才喊出了那三个字,但是此刻看到对方的剑就指在自己的额头,他知道自己这一次是真的没有机会了。 Although in his heart has many being unwilling, but he is very clear, in a moment ago that situation, if he does not admit defeat, that sword gets down, if oneself do not die, definitely is also the severe wound. 虽然他的心中有很多的不甘,但是他心里很清楚,在刚才那种情况下,如果他不认输的话,那一剑下来,自己如果不死,肯定也是重伤的。 Arrived this situation, took risk is not quite obviously wise again. 到了这个地步,再去冒这个险显然是不太明智的。 Before Situ Yongwen on arena defeated Nangong to subdue|grams on the 3rd, making him all of a sudden impatient. But he has not thought, is absent-minded of such small meeting, making the fight rhythm that he found with great difficulty be disrupted all of a sudden. 之前三号擂台上的司徒永文战胜了南宫克,让他一下子变得心急起来。可是他没有想到,就是那么一小会的失神,让他好不容易才找到的战斗节奏一下子就被打乱了。 He has not clarified what condition completely, he has been defeated thoroughly. 以至于他自己还没有完全弄清楚什么状况,他就已经彻底的失败了。 Regarding present this, in his heart also only had to regret and sigh, he was radical losing. 对于现在这个局面,他的心中也唯有遗憾和叹息了,他是彻底的输了。 I lost!” Jiang Haoran again definite saying. “我输了!”姜浩然再一次确定的说道。 He knows that oneself was impossible to have the opportunity again . Moreover, even he did not have that nonchalant absent-minded a moment ago, he still living Ji heaven that attack that was not necessarily able to keep off, because he has made contribution. 他知道自己不可能再有机会了,而且,就算他刚才没有那么不经意的失神,他也未必能够挡的住姬天的那番攻击,因为他已经尽力了。 This was the been doomed result!” Ji day indifferently said. “这是早已注定的结局!”姬天淡淡的说道 Facing this result, he too many joy, as if all these have not been expected the matter. 面对这一结果,他并没有太多的欣喜,似乎这一切都是预料之中的事。 Although can have some twists and turns, however the final result actually throughout has not changed. In his eyes, his enemy is Situ Aristocratic Family Situ Yongwen, but now looks like, as if were also many Nangong Jue. 虽然其中可以发生了一些波折,但是最后的结果却始终没有变。在他的眼中,他的敌人是司徒世家司徒永文,不过现在看来,似乎又多了一个南宫珏 Naturally, this, when Nangong Jue won their Ji Family pass/test Zhixin to say again. 当然,这也得等到南宫珏打赢他们姬家的关志信再说。 Regarding pass/test Zhi on Immortal Tool, he is also actually quite surprised at fingertips. He naturally does not know that is the cutting demon sword that their Yellow Emperor ancestors handed down from generation to generation, he actually had Immortal Tool to be surprised regarding pass/test Zhixin. 对于关志信手上的仙器,他其实也感到很意外。他自然不知道那是他们的黄帝老祖宗传下来的斩魔剑,他只是对于关志信竟然拥有仙器感到意外。 However, even so, even two people now or tie, but he still thinks the hope that Nangong Jue wins have wants to be bigger. 不过,就算如此,甚至两人现在还是平局,但是他依然认为南宫珏出的希望要大一些。 For all that he hopes pass/test Zhi letter/believes to have the good showing, if he can defeat Nangong Jue, that naturally was the best matter. 虽然如此,他还是希望关志信能够有更好的表现,如果他能够将南宫珏击败,那自然是最好的事了。 After all pass/test Zhixin is the Ji Family person, if he were promoted, Nangong Jue was eliminated, he was not only short of a strong opponent, but also Ji Family attained the first three opportunities is the matter of fait accompli. 毕竟关志信是姬家人,如果他晋级了,南宫珏被淘汰了,他不仅少了一个强劲的对手,而且姬家拿到前三的机会是铁板钉钉的事了。 Moreover, if pass/test Zhi letter/believes to win a person again, he can also in first three gain a footing, in that case, their Ji Family in first three occupied two quotas, this naturally is the double joy matter. 而且,如果关志信能够再赢一个人,那他也能够在前三占据一席之地,那样的话,他们姬家就在前三占据了两个名额,这自然是喜上加喜的事。 Therefore, although he believes that the Nangong Jue strength must be higher, but in the heart naturally hopes that the person on one's own side can win. 所以,他虽然相信南宫珏的实力要更高一些,但是心中自然还是希望自己人能够胜出的。
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