GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#2512: Combat teamwork!

Worthily is of Samsara Ghost King Hades Five Great Ghost Kings, this strength truly is not these ordinary Ghost King can compare. However, your strength, although is strong, but wants to hold me, feared that is not easy!” Although Cheng Yu was repelled by Samsara Ghost King, but he also not too many worries. “不愧是冥府五大鬼王之一轮回鬼王,这份实力确实不是那些普通鬼王可以相比的。不过,你的实力虽强,但是想要抓住我,怕也没有那么容易!”程宇虽然被轮回鬼王击退了,但是他也并没有太多的担心。 He acknowledged that oneself somewhat underestimated the Samsara Ghost King strength a moment ago, but this fellow, even if the strength exceeded his imagination, but he still has enough confidence, Samsara Ghost King is impossible to capture alive him. 他承认自己刚才是有些低估了轮回鬼王的实力,但是这个家伙就算是实力超出了他的想象,但是他也有足够的信心,轮回鬼王不可能活捉他。 We wait!” Samsara Ghost King just got the winning side, he naturally was full of confidence with himself. “那咱们就拭目以待吧!”轮回鬼王刚刚占据了上风,他自然是对自己充满了信心。 Moreover compares with Cheng Yu, his boundary must be higher than the Cheng Yu two levels, he does not believe that the Cheng Yu's strength will surpass him. 而且跟程宇比起来,他的境界还要高出程宇两个层次,他不相信程宇的实力会超过他。 Moreover, Cheng Yu had fought with his these Ghost King a moment ago hand/subordinate was so long, he does not believe that this human will not consume Spiritual Qi. 另外,程宇刚才已经跟他的那些鬼王手下大战了这么久,他不相信这个人类不会消耗灵气 Does not have Spiritual Qi in this Nether Yin Realm, without the Spiritual Qi supplies, Cheng Yu not possible to insist the too long time before him absolutely. 在这阴冥界可是没有灵气的,只要没有灵气的补给,程宇就绝对不可能在他面前坚持太久的时间。 Therefore, If nothing else, even Cheng Yu's strength really with oneself equally matched, he can still make Cheng Yu be defeated through the protracted time. 所以,别的不说,就算是程宇的实力真的跟自己不相上下,他也能够通过拖延时间让程宇败下阵来。 Whiz whiz! 嗖嗖! This time, the Samsara Ghost King left hand right hand flings simultaneously, nails on two palm ten hand fingers grow completely instantaneously, flung toward Cheng Yu like ten destroying the hardest defenses clues. 这一次,轮回鬼王左手右手同时甩出,两只手掌十个手指头上的指甲全部瞬间长出,如同十条无坚不摧的线索朝着程宇甩了过去。 I must have a look at your nail really to be able but actually anti- lives in my Dragon Flame!” Cheng Yu has not really believed this evil, although his Dragon Flame does not burn nothing which is not. “我倒要看看你这指甲是不是真的能够抗的住我的龙焱!”程宇还真的不信这个邪,他的龙焱虽然不是无所不焚的。 However in this world, lives in his Dragon Flame that can keep off are really not many. However, a situation, was the strength of opposite party quite even surpassed itself with oneself, Dragon Flame did not have the means like coping with these Ghost King, burning down easily he. 但是在这个世间,能够挡的住他的龙焱的还真的不多。不过,还有一种情况,就是对方的实力跟自己相当甚至是超过了自己,龙焱就没有办法像对付那些鬼王一样,轻易的焚烧到他了。 However, has this Samsara Ghost King strength really been this degree? Or has his strength achieved the young king? 不过,这个轮回鬼王的实力真的已经达到这个程度了吗?或者说他的实力已经达到了小界王? This is Cheng Yu must know now, because looks from the boundary, this Samsara Ghost King truly is Ghost King. However his strength is actually not able to weigh with the boundary, therefore, which degree the Samsara Ghost King strength was, can only understand through the fight. 这是程宇现在还得而知的,因为从境界上看,这轮回鬼王确实是鬼王。但是他的实力却是无法用境界去衡量的,所以,轮回鬼王的实力到底达到了哪个程度,只能通过战斗来了解了。 Whistling! 呼呼! This time, Cheng Yu's Dragon Flame was not the independent fire dragon, but was directly the dragon shape flame is the foundation, the innumerable fire dragons changed into a sea of fire his front in the way of surface. 这一次,程宇的龙焱并不是单独的火龙了,而是直接将龙形火焰为基础,无数条火龙以面的方式将他的面前化为了一片火海。 The innumerable fire dragons are raising head, howling, as if must burn the cinders at this moment to be the same front all, imposing manner quite scary. 无数条火龙仰着头,一声声的吼叫,仿佛这一刻要将面前的所有一切都要焚烬一般,气势相当的吓人。 If this periphery has ghost cultivator(s), that may really be the ruination of wide scope injures. Was good has fallen back on to fight beyond the circle because of this time these ghost cultivator(s), was even so, saw the sea of such big fire dragon, they felt oneself heart is shivering. 这要是周围有鬼修的话,那可就真的是大范围的毁灭性伤害了。好在此时那些鬼修早就退到战圈以外了,可是就算如此,看到这么一大片火龙之海,他们还是感觉到自己的心在颤抖。 How because they see with one's own eyes this flame are easily third-order Ghost King burning down. 因为他们可是亲眼看到这火焰是如何轻易的将一个三阶鬼王给焚烧掉的。 Now they worry for their samsara Sirs, living that such fearful flame, their samsara Sir really can keep off? 现在他们不由为他们的轮回大人感觉担心,这么可怕的火焰,他们轮回大人真的能够挡的住吗? Bam! 啪啪啪! However, quick, their all ghost cultivator(s) started to cheer, the fire dragons of these military might are flushing away toward Samsara Ghost King. 不过,很快,他们所有鬼修就开始欢呼起来了,这些威武的火龙正朝着轮回鬼王冲去。 But, sees only Samsara Ghost King both hands to move, ten nails become specially soft, holds ten advantage whips to be the same like his hand, charged into his fire dragon to give to pat the powder these unexpectedly completely. 可是,只见轮回鬼王双手甩动,十根指甲变得特别柔软,就如同他手执十条利鞭一样,竟然将那些冲向他的火龙全部给拍散了。 In Cheng Yu heart one startled, now he can determine, this Samsara Ghost King strength really has really achieved with his considerable degree. 程宇心中一惊,现在他可以确定了,这个轮回鬼王的实力果然是真的已经达到与他相当的程度了。 Own pill fire to the Yang fire, according to the truth to ghost cultivator(s) of this soul body is the biggest difficult adversary, but Dragon Flame actually cannot restrain him, can only explain that the strength of this fellow is truly strong. 自己的丹火可是至阳之火,按道理来说对这种魂体的鬼修是最大的克星,可是龙焱竟然没能够克制住他,只能说明这个家伙的实力确实挺强的。 Moreover, his nail, perhaps also unusual! 另外,还有他那指甲,或许也不同寻常! However, Cheng Yu has not planned to give up, the thought moves, these are gathered again by the flame that the Samsara Ghost King racket disperses together, throws toward Samsara Ghost King. 不过,程宇也并没有打算就此放弃,意念一动,那些被轮回鬼王拍散掉的火焰再次汇聚在一起,朝着轮回鬼王扑去。 Bam! 啪啪啪! So reciprocation, Samsara Ghost King unceasing is moving own ten unusual nail, but Cheng Yu controls own Dragon Flame to confront with Samsara Ghost King unceasingly. 如此往复,轮回鬼王不断的甩动着自己的十根奇特的指甲,而程宇则不断的控制着自己的龙焱轮回鬼王对阵。 These Ghost King and ghosts protect one's blood bubbles up to the brim that looks, Sir Samsara Ghost King really worthily is one of the Five Great Ghost Kings, can disregard including that terrifying flame unexpectedly, was really powerful. 那些鬼王和鬼卫都看的热血沸腾,轮回鬼王大人果然不愧是五大鬼王之一,竟然连那么恐怖的火焰都可以无视,实在是太强大了。 At this time all Ghost King realized, these was really lucky time had Samsara Ghost King to come personally, otherwise, they may be really annihilated here. 此时所有的鬼王都意识到,这一次是真的多亏了有轮回鬼王亲自来了,要不然,他们可就真的在这里全军覆没了。 However, since they cannot help Sir Samsara Ghost King catch that human, that helps him catch these three human is also the same. 不过,既然他们不能帮助轮回鬼王大人抓到那个人类,那就帮他抓到这三个人类也是一样的。 Compared with Cheng Yu, the strengths of these three human obviously wanted weak many. 程宇相比,这三个人类的实力明显就要弱的多了。 Originally more than 30 Ghost King, but had been seized more than ten by Cheng Yu, now is also left over twenty Ghost King. These Ghost King attack now completely to Chen Hongyuan their three people, their three people feel the pressure on multiply. 原来有三十多个鬼王,可是已经被程宇抓走了十几个,现在还剩下二十几个鬼王。这些鬼王现在全部攻向了陈宏远他们三个人,他们三人顿感压力倍增。 Previously these fellows coped with Cheng Yu completely, let each of them, so long as coped with three Ghost King, they also caught several Ghost King while this opportunity, they think that oneself will be more relaxed. 之前这些家伙全部去对付程宇了,让他们每个人只要对付三个鬼王,他们也趁着这个机会抓到了几个鬼王,他们以为自己会轻松一些的。 However, these Ghost King set aside the hand to come to come toward them now. More than 20 Ghost King are not jokes, this may be bigger than pressure from the beginning. 但是没有想到,现在这些鬼王腾出手来又朝着他们过来了。二十多个鬼王不是闹着玩的,这可比一开始的压力还要大。 They have a look at that side Cheng Yu again, seems not smooth. Especially they hear that Ghost King unexpectedly are of Samsara Ghost House Hades five big government offices master Samsara Ghost King, in their hearts is also shocking speechless. 他们再看看程宇那边,似乎也没有那么顺利了。尤其是他们听到那个鬼王竟然就是冥府五大府之一的轮回鬼府的主人轮回鬼王,他们的心中也是震惊的无以言表。 How they have not thought that these time unexpectedly such great person bringing. 他们怎么都没有想到,这一次竟然会将这样的大人物给引来了。 At this time actually happy does not get up, because Cheng Yu had the opponent, this means that Cheng Yu was very difficult to set aside the hand to save them again. 只是此时却高兴不起来了,因为程宇有对手了,这就意味着程宇很难再腾出手来救他们了。 We must insist, cannot lose to these Ghost King!” Chen Hongyuan is breathing heavily, to Xin Yao and Shi Ji loud saying. “我们一定要坚持住,千万不能输给这些鬼王!”陈宏远喘着粗气,对着心瑶石姬大声的说道。 If in the middle of their three who most relaxed, that should be Shi Ji. Although the Xin Yao strength is good, but the boundary was lower, she is also only Great Ascension Middle Stage, if not because in her hand has Yin Mirror, she feared already anti-. 他们三个当中如果说谁最轻松的话,那就应该是石姬了。心瑶的实力虽然不错,但是毕竟境界低了些,她也只是一个大乘中期,如果不是因为她手上有阴镜,她怕是早就抗不住了。 Moreover, Yin Mirror has the assimilation to these ghost cultivator(s), some weak second-order Ghost King actually easily can be absorbed by her Yin Mirror. 而且,阴镜本身对这些鬼修有同化作用,一些实力弱小的一二阶鬼王倒是轻易的可以被她的阴镜吸收掉。 But these powerful some third-order Ghost King she did not have the means that can only resist reluctantly. 可是那些实力强大一些的三阶鬼王她就没有办法了,只能勉强抵挡了。 Shi Ji is Great Ascension Late Stage, the self-preservation in front of these Ghost King naturally was a quite easy matter. Moreover she also discovered, although here does not have Spiritual Qi, however her colored glaze circle copes with these ghost cultivator(s) to be equally effective. 石姬大乘后期,在这些鬼王面前自保自然是一件比较容易的事了。而且她还发现,这里虽然没有灵气,但是她的琉璃圈对付这些鬼修一样有效。 So long as by her colored glaze circle encircling, them same did not have the means to use Nether Yin Qi. This discovery gave them a very big inspiration, facing such situation, Chen Hongyuan will not naturally miss an opportunity. 只要被她的琉璃圈给圈住了,他们一样是没有办法使用阴冥之气的。这个发现可是给了他们一个很大的鼓舞,面对这样的情况,陈宏远自然是不会错过机会的。 He very intelligent with going hunting soul bag, so long as the Shi Ji colored glaze circle belays Ghost King, he with hunting for soul bag that Ghost King receiving. 他很是聪明的拿出猎魂袋,只要石姬的琉璃圈一套住鬼王,他就用猎魂袋将那鬼王给收了。 Then, they from relying on the respective characteristics, three people are cooperating together, these twenty Ghost King unexpectedly also in tailing off slowly. 就这样,他们从凭借着各自的特点,三个人一起合作,这二十几个鬼王竟然也在慢慢的变少。
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