GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#2510: Draws back to me!

Samsara Ghost King ghost language Cheng Yu their four people naturally cannot understand, but these Ghost King hear his words, actually obeyed the Samsara Ghost King words immediately, Chen Hongyuan their front was only left over three Ghost King all of a sudden, other Ghost King rush over toward Cheng Yu completely. 轮回鬼王的鬼语程宇他们四个人自然是听不懂,可是那些鬼王一听到他的话,却是马上听从了轮回鬼王的话,陈宏远他们三人的面前一下子都只剩下三个鬼王了,其他的鬼王全部朝着程宇冲了过去。 Sees such situation, Chen Hongyuan and the others are not only at the same time of relaxing was Cheng Yu is worried, coming that so many Ghost King Cheng Yu can also deal with? 看到这样的情况,陈宏远等人既是松了口气的同时又不免为程宇担心起来了,这么多鬼王程宇还能够应付的过来吗? However, their worries are obviously unnecessary, even more than 20 Ghost King, Cheng Yu same accomplishes a task with ease. 不过,他们的担心显然是多余的,就算是二十多个鬼王,程宇一样游刃有余。 But such situation is to make Samsara Ghost King frown, this human also is really not as he expected, this strength are not as if weak. 可是这样的情况却是让轮回鬼王皱起了眉头,这个人类还真是出乎他的预料,这份实力似乎已经不比自己弱了。 „Did he achieve such achievement in such several years? Was this too also quick?” How Samsara Ghost King cannot believe such fact. “难道他在这么短短几年的时间就达到了这样的成就?这也太快了吧?”轮回鬼王怎么都不敢相信这样的事实。 But, sees Cheng Yu's this appearance, he can affirm oneself cannot absolutely the admitting mistakes person. This intruded Nether Yin Realm to steal Sacred Relics that human absolutely initially. 可是,看到程宇的这副模样,他敢肯定自己绝对不会认错人的。这绝对是当初闯入阴冥界盗走圣物的那个人类。 However Cheng Yu this practicing speed was really astonishing, in several years, his cultivation base basic on does not have any big breakthrough, was this human boy is similar to oneself, this was also too inconceivable. 但是程宇这个修行速度实在是太惊人了,短短几年的时间里,他的修为根本就没有什么大的突破,可是这个人类小子却已经跟自己差不多了,这也太不可思议了。 Do not make him use Magical Treasure!” Samsara Ghost King saw that so many Ghost King cannot take Cheng Yu, hurries to remind these Ghost King to say. “不要让他使用法宝!”轮回鬼王看到这么多鬼王都没能够拿下程宇,赶紧提醒那些鬼王道。 Where has this fellow seen probably?” Cheng Yu hears the sound that in the sedan chair broadcasts again, he looks in that direction, actually saw that seems somewhat familiar Ghost King. “这个家伙好像在哪里见过?”程宇再次听到轿子里传来的声音,他往那个方向一望,却看到一个看似有些熟悉的鬼王 But in the Cheng Yu heart somewhat had doubts, he is certain, this Ghost King absolutely is not Ming Luo Ghost King. However he always thought where has seen this Ghost King. 可是程宇心中就有些疑惑了,他可以肯定,这个鬼王绝对不是溟罗鬼王。但是他总觉得在哪里见过这个鬼王 However, in his heart, although has doubts, but he so many thoughts have not actually cared about these at this time. 不过,他的心中虽然疑惑,但是此时他并没有那么多的心思却在意这些。 More than 20 Ghost King to him were also a big opponent, but depended on such several Ghost King to take him, that some underestimated him. 二十多个鬼王对于他来说也算是一个不小的对手了,但是就凭这么几只鬼王要拿下他,那就有些太小看他了。 This more than 20 Ghost King put together, although is powerful, but, this is also far from the means with Loose Immortal or compared with a young king. 这二十多只鬼王加在一起虽然实力强大,但是,这还远远没有办法跟一个散仙或者小界王相比。 Moreover, facing so many Ghost King, he has not used the Immortals and Demons Pagoda opportunity even, but, he did not have other method. 而且,面对这么多的鬼王,就算他没有使用仙魔塔的机会,但是,他并不是就此没有别的手段了。 Whiz! 嗖! Suddenly, a fire dragon braved from his body, this fire dragon circles in his body unceasing roaming Zhuan. 突然,一条火龙从他的身体上冒了出来,这火龙绕在他的身上不断的游转。 Sees only the Cheng Yu thought to move, this fire dragon flew directly. 只见程宇意念一动,这条火龙直接就飞了出去。 Roar! 吼! dragon cry, has a scare all Ghost King, they have listened to Dan Luo Ghost King saying that this human can release one type to the Yang flame. 一声龙吟,把所有鬼王吓了一跳,他们早就听澹罗鬼王说过了,这个人类能够释放出一种至阳火焰。 Without guessing wrong, this fire dragon should be that he said to the Yang flame. 如果没有猜错的话,这火龙就应该是他所说的那种至阳火焰了。 However although everyone had been reminded, but is each Ghost King has that good luck, can avoid the attack of Cheng Yu's Dragon Flame promptly. 不过大家虽然早就被提醒过了,但是不是每一只鬼王都有那么好的运气,能够及时的避开程宇的龙焱的攻击。 Stands is not keen in the rear Ghost King response, when they see the fire dragon, the fire dragon had arrived at their front. 站在后方的鬼王反应根本就没有那么灵敏,当他们看到火龙的时候,火龙已经到达了他们的面前。 ! 啊! That Ghost King in such time, the first response resists this fire dragon with own fist. However, he only leaves behind a pitiful yell, oneself by this fire dragon swallowing. 鬼王在这样的时刻,第一反应就是用自己的拳头去抵挡这只火龙。但是,他只留下一声惨叫,自己就被这条火龙给吞噬了。 Such situation scared all Ghost King, third-order Ghost King unexpectedly by this fire dragon swallowing, the dregs had not even remained, was this too also terrifying? 这样的情况更是把所有的鬼王都吓坏了,一个三阶鬼王竟然就这么被这只火龙给吞噬了,连渣都没剩,这也太恐怖了吧? Do not be bumped into the body by this flame!” Exclaiming of Dan Luo Ghost King complexion big change. “不要被这火焰碰到身体!”澹罗鬼王脸色大变的吼道。 Although he before has listened to high Yin to say can burn down the soul body this type to the Yang flame, but he has not thought that this type of flame is so unexpectedly terrifying, third-order Ghost King so collapses at the first blow continually, was easily swallowed. 他之前虽然早就听隗阴说过这种至阳火焰可以焚烧魂体,但是他没有想到这种火焰竟然如此恐怖,连三阶鬼王都如此不堪一击,轻易就被吞噬了。 If a moment ago were bumped into this flame, with his same fate, to think of here, he somewhat was unexpectedly absolutely terrified! 刚才如果是自己碰到了这火焰,岂不是跟他一样的下场,想到这里,他竟然有些毛骨悚然! All Ghost King dispersed in this moment completely, does not dare to look like these to sphere Cheng Yu a moment ago. 所有的鬼王在这一刻全部散开了,再也不敢像刚才那些将程宇围住了。 Cheng Yu sees this situation, the corners of the mouth showed several points of happy expression. Because these Ghost King he also needs, he goes out to the direct firing Dragon Flame directly in all directions. 程宇看到这种情况,不由嘴角露出了几分笑意。要不是因为这些鬼王他还需要,他就直接将龙焱向四面八方直接烧出去的。 Because Chen Hongyuan also needs these Ghost King to be used to break through, therefore his not under extreme methods, but massacred Ghost King, making them know fierce of his Dragon Flame , these Ghost King do not dare in this case again so unscrupulous acted to oneself, frequently must guard against own Dragon Flame. 只是因为陈宏远还需要这些鬼王用来突破,所以他并没有下死手,只是杀掉了一个鬼王,让他们知道他的龙焱的厉害,这样的话,这些鬼王就不敢再如此肆无忌惮的对自己出手了,时刻得提防着自己的龙焱了。 But now this situation Cheng Yu is glad to see, these Ghost King obviously by oneself Dragon Flame frightening, do not dare to approach to oneself. 而现在这种情况正是程宇乐意看到的,这些鬼王明显是被自己的龙焱给吓到了,再不敢离自己那么靠近了。 In this case, Cheng Yu did not need to be worried unable to use the method. Looks at these to become Ghost King of some fraughts with uncertainty, Cheng Yu sneers, rapid near several third-order Ghost King toward right hand killed. 这样的话,程宇就不用担心施展不开手脚了。看着这些变得有些畏首畏尾的鬼王,程宇冷笑一声,迅速的朝着右手边的几个三阶鬼王杀了过去。 Even does not use Immortals and Demons Pagoda, does not use Dragon Flame, by his strength, still coped with these third-order Ghost King sufficiently. 就算不使用仙魔塔,不使用龙焱,以他本身的实力,也足以对付这些三阶鬼王了。 However, the Cheng Yu's goal is to capture alive these third-order Ghost King, therefore has to use Immortals and Demons Pagoda finally. In addition, he can only massacre these Ghost King, because does not have Immortals and Demons Pagoda to suppress these Ghost King, he is impossible to capture alive these fellows. 不过,程宇的目标是要将这些三阶鬼王活捉,所以最后不得不还是会用到仙魔塔。除此之外,他就只能将这些鬼王杀掉了,因为没有仙魔塔镇压这些鬼王,他不可能活捉这些家伙。 Therefore, after Cheng Yu strikes these Ghost King flies, Cheng Yu fast put out Immortals and Demons Pagoda to give the suppression these Ghost King. 所以,当程宇将这些鬼王击飞之后,程宇飞快的拿出仙魔塔将这些鬼王给镇压了。 Saw that the Cheng Yu's method is so intrepid, suppresses the Ghost King speed quickly is to make one be flabbergasted, this made these Ghost King face the Cheng Yu's time flustered and dreads. 看到程宇的手段如此强悍,镇压鬼王的速度之快更是令人咋舌,这不由让这些鬼王在面对程宇的时候就更加的慌张和畏惧了。 More than 20 Ghost King quick only had half of quantities under the method of Cheng Yu's defeat in detail, moreover their Ghost King morale reduced again and again, they felt at this time Cheng Yu simply devil from hell, may probably be more fearful compared with their these Ghost King. 二十多个鬼王程宇的各个击破的手段下很快就只剩下一半的数量了,而且他们鬼王的士气一减再减,他们此时感觉程宇简直就是来自地狱的恶魔,比起他们这些鬼王可要可怕多了。 Dan Luo Ghost King somewhat regretted at this time, he has thought before Ming Luo exaggerated the fact intentionally, said this human was extremely fierce. 就连澹罗鬼王此时都有些后悔了,他之前一直觉得溟罗就是故意夸大了事实,把这个人类说的太过厉害了。 But now, he realized finally why Ming Luo persuasion repeatedly must make the samsara ghost five go into action personally. At this moment, he unexpectedly some felt grateful Ming Luo, he luckily succeeded convinced Samsara Ghost King to come personally. 可是现在,他终于体会到了为什么溟罗一再的劝说要让轮回鬼五亲自出马了。这一刻,他竟然有一些感激溟罗了,幸好他成功的说服了轮回鬼王亲自前来。 Must otherwise, according to such situation get down, Cheng Yu must here Ghost King suppressing is not possible. 要不然的话,按照这样的情况下去,程宇非要将这里的鬼王给镇压完不可。 You draw back entirely to me!” But, when Dan Luo Ghost King also starts to be worried was feared, as if the sound from heaven spread to the ear of Dan Luo Ghost King together. “你们统统给我退下!”可是,就在澹罗鬼王也开始担心受怕的时候,仿佛一道来自天堂的声音传入了澹罗鬼王的耳朵里。 Samsara Ghost King planned finally oneself acted! 轮回鬼王终于打算自己出手了! These Ghost King such as the Mongolian pardon, they have thought the withdrawal from combat. This human is really their ghost cultivator(s) difficult adversary, his any method they do not have the means to resist, if fights again with him, feared that was remaining these more than ten Ghost King must be suppressed by him. 这些鬼王如蒙大赦,他们早就想退出战斗了。这个人类真的是他们鬼修的克星,他的任何一种手段他们都没有办法抵挡,如果再跟他战斗下去,怕是就连剩下的这十几个鬼王也要被他镇压了。 They have hoped that Samsara Ghost King acted, but how do they dare to say? Samsara Ghost King does not act, this human even again dangerous, they still on! 他们早就希望轮回鬼王出手了,可是他们怎么敢这么说呢?轮回鬼王不出手,这个人类就算是再危险,他们也得自己上啊!
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