GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#2430: Strength of spirit!

The Chen Qiuhan hissing angry roaring sound strongly made Cheng Yu Xin Luo they be shocked all of a sudden, was this fellow's response somewhat extreme. 陈秋寒嘶声竭力的怒吼声让程宇心洛他们一下子愣住了,这家伙的反应是不是有些过激了。 They the first time were not snatched others' soul, but has not seen like Chen Qiuhan, the mood fluctuated so intensely. On the Chen Qiuhan current expression, can definitely describe with the crazy two characters. 他们也不是第一次抢别人的阴魂了,可是还没有见过像陈秋寒这样,情绪波动如此强烈的。就陈秋寒目前的表情来说,完全可以用疯狂两个字来形容。 „Is this fellow to Xinran really a foolishness?” In the Cheng Yu heart stares, thinks that Chen Qiuhan is regarded as the life to be equally important these souls , because he was too foolish to Chen Xinran? “这家伙难道对欣然真的是一片痴心?”程宇心中一愣,以为陈秋寒把这些阴魂当作是性命一样重要,难道是因为他对陈欣然太痴心了? However, even so, he not possible tenderhearted. Perhaps Chen Qiuhan really likes Chen Xinran very much, this not wrong, because love not to wrong. 不过,就算如此,他也不可能心软的。或许陈秋寒真的很喜欢陈欣然,这本没有错,因为爱情是没有对错的。 However, Xin Luo two people came with Chen Xinran is two sentiments likes each other, he naturally was not possible to make Chen Qiuhan hand over the soul on such giving up. 但是,心洛陈欣然两人本来就是两情相悦,他自然是不可能就这样放弃让陈秋寒交出阴魂了。 However, what they do not know, is actually not because his Chen Qiuhan has love how to read to Chen Xinran, unreasoning passion how. But after because he enters this hunts for the soul field, by others is snatched excessively twice. 然而,他们不知道的是,其实不是因为他陈秋寒陈欣然有多么的爱念,多么的痴情。而是因为他进入这猎魂场之后,已经被其他人抢过两次了。 Thinks with great difficulty Cheng Yu they are weakest one team of troops, finally can snatch others' soul, but, Cheng Yu unexpectedly also is so powerful, he must be snatched the third time. 好不容易以为程宇他们是最弱的一队人马,终于可以抢到别人的阴魂了,但是没有想到,程宇竟然也这么强大,他又要被抢第三次。 Such dropping variance lets his is really unbearable at heart, he felt that oneself must collapse, was insane. 这样的落差让他的心里实在是难以承受,他感觉自己要崩溃,要疯了。 This world is really unfair to him, he sought more than 600 souls in these days time with great difficulty, so many souls must surrender something submissively now unexpectedly, how he accepted? 这个世界对他实在是太不公平了,他好不容易在这几天的时间里面猎取到了中六百多只阴魂,这么多的阴魂现在竟然要拱手让人,他心里怎么接受的了? The major rises come was too quick, in some time ago, him also thinks oneself have been sure of success, can steady took the victory of this competition, but this joyful was really short. 大起大落来的太快了,就在不久前,他还以为自己已经是稳操胜券,可以稳稳的拿下这次比试的胜利了,但是这份喜悦实在是太短暂了。 He refuses to accept! He does not recognize! 他不服!他不认! Whiz! 嗖! Suddenly, going crazy Chen Qiuhan no matter also whether has been injured, but at least he currently also has the strength of again war. He does not believe that Cheng Yu's is so powerful, the opportunity that he counter-attacks unexpectedly does not have. 突然,发狂的陈秋寒也不管自己是否已经受了伤,但是至少他现在还有再战之力。他不相信程宇的这么强大,竟然他连反击的机会都没有。 Therefore, he initiate an attack. Wish makes him hand over the soul, that is absolutely the not possible matter. 所以,他主动出击了。想要让他交出阴魂,那是绝对不可能的事。 Has saying that if not because Cheng Yu is too abnormal, actually Chen Qiuhan own strength is good. Even if inferior to Jiang Yunmu and Ji Yang and the others, but the strength differs is not too still far. 不得不说,如果不是因为程宇太变态的话,其实陈秋寒自身的实力还是不错的。就算是不如姜云幕姬阳等人,但是实力相差也并不算太远。 What a pity is the Cheng Yu's strength really cannot judge with the common sense, Jiang Yunmu and Ji Yang such fierce jumping the ranks fight expert lost to Cheng Yu easily, the Chen Qiuhan disastrous defeat naturally is also natural. 可惜的是程宇的实力实在是不能用常理去判断,就连姜云幕姬阳这样厉害的越级战斗强者都轻而易举的输给了程宇,陈秋寒的惨败自然也就是理所当然的了。 Sees only Chen Qiuhan acts quickly , is very swift and fierce, has a Cheng Yu sword greatly puts in the deathtrap the stance. 只见陈秋寒的出手很快,同时也很凌厉,大有将程宇一剑置于死地的架势。 However, he too underestimated that the Cheng Yu's strength, in the face of the absolute strength, all patterns was a paper tiger. 不过,他实在是太低估程宇的实力了,在绝对的实力面前,一切的花样不过都是纸老虎。 Facing the Chen Qiuhan sudden crazy attack, Cheng Yu cannot draw back, stands there meat fist merely wields, came a head confrontation with Chen Qiuhan Low Grade Soul Tool unexpectedly. 面对陈秋寒突然的疯狂攻击,程宇不退不进,仅仅只是站在那里肉拳一挥,竟然是跟陈秋寒下品魂器来了个正面交锋。 Bang! 砰! Chen Qiuhan complexion big change, Chen Liang and Chen Cai two people also by the Cheng Yu's method frightening. Before although the Cheng Yu's strength was extremely powerful, all of a sudden striking to fly three people, matter that but their three people had not thought at that time obviously. 陈秋寒面色大变,就连陈良陈才两人也被程宇的手段给吓到了。之前虽然程宇的实力太过强大,一下子就将三人给击飞了,但是那个时候他们三人显然是没有想到的事。 However now, they see with one's own eyes the attack of Chen Qiuhan, but Cheng Yu also therefore counterattacks. The strength that but he displays is really makes their two people be flabbergasted. 但是现在,他们二人是亲眼看到陈秋寒的攻击,而程宇也是因此而还击。可是他所表现出来的力量真的是让他们二人乍舌。 „The strength of this fellow is really very powerful big, what Young Master use is Low Grade Soul Tool, but this fellow unexpectedly is the meat fist relative, moreover Young Master repelling, this person of basis does not seem like Great Ascension Initial Stage!” Chen Cai is Great Ascension Late Stage, but he does not dare to meet Soul Tool with the meat palm. “这家伙的实力真的是好强大,少爷使用的是下品魂器,但是这家伙竟然是肉拳相对,而且还将少爷给击退了,这人根本不像是大乘初期!”陈才大乘后期,但是就连他都不敢用肉掌去接魂器 However Cheng Yu not only did that what also does is quite neat, unexpectedly with the meat fist Chen Qiuhan repelling, such strength really stemmed from their imagination. 然而程宇不仅这么做了,而且做的是相当的干净利落,竟是用肉拳将陈秋寒给击退了,这样的力量实在是出乎了他们的想象。 Their at heart is really very depressed, the weakest Limitless Palace three people of strength they have thought really have the so powerful strength. 他们的心里实在是很郁闷,就连他们一直以为的实力的最弱的无极宫三人竟然也有如此强大的力量。 At this moment, all of them felt that this competition is such desperate, perhaps they are during these competition the weakest team. 这一刻,他们所有人感觉这一次的比试是那样的令人绝望,或许他们自己才是这些比试当中最弱的队伍。 You are not my opponent, I urged you to hand over the soul, at least like this you did not need to receive this physical suffering!” A Cheng Yu fist strikes to fly Chen Qiuhan, opens the mouth to persuade. “你不是我的对手,我劝你还是交出阴魂吧,起码这样你就不用受这番皮肉之苦了!”程宇一拳将陈秋寒击飞,开口劝说道。 After all he not possible to kill people like this, if can persuade him to hand over on own initiative the soul is the best result. 毕竟他又不可能去这样杀人,如果能够劝说他主动将阴魂交出来是最好的结果。 Snort! Also wants my soul depending on you, you do not match!” The corners of the mouth blood of Chen Qiuhan flows out, he wipes the blood conveniently, actually does not care. “哼!就凭你也想要我的阴魂,你不配!”陈秋寒的嘴角鲜血流出,他随手擦去鲜血,却是一点也不在乎。 Perhaps he had acknowledged that the strength of this fellow truly many that he is more powerful, but, he will be will not hand over the soul absolutely. 或许他已经承认这家伙的实力确实比他强大的多,但是,他是绝对不会交出阴魂的。 It is not other, for own dignity. 不为别的,就为了自己的尊严。 He already, for the means of livelihood accepted twice the trampled humiliation, this time, he cannot accept again. 他已经为了自己活路接受了两次被人践踏的屈辱,这一次,他不能再接受了。 It seems like you also really refuse to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality, I do not want to offend somebody, since you must compel me, you may no wonder I!” Cheng Yu is cold the face to say. “看来你还真是不见棺材不掉泪啊,我本不想伤人,但是既然你要逼我,那你可就怪不得我了!”程宇冷着脸说道。 He has not thought that this Chen Qiuhan really also has the strength of spirit, but is this, he will not be happier. If he really wants to attain the Chen Qiuhan soul, that can only use the conventional method. 他没有想到这个陈秋寒竟然还如此有骨气,可是越是这样,他越是不会高兴。如果他真的想要拿到陈秋寒的阴魂,那就只能使出常规手段了。 You came although, my Chen Qiuhan will not fear you absolutely!” Hears the Cheng Yu gloomy and cold sound, Chen Qiuhan felt that own body entered the cave to be common, penetrating body coldly. “你尽管来好了,我陈秋寒绝对不会怕你!”听到程宇阴冷的声音,陈秋寒感觉自己的身体进入了地窖一般,彻身寒冷不已。 To be honest, met Cheng Yu such expert, his innermost feelings must say that not frightened is not possible. Moreover Cheng Yu took to his shock is really powerful, he felt in front of Cheng Yu's, he had almost no opportunity of resistance. 说实话,遇到了程宇这样的强者,他的内心要说不恐惧是不可能的。而且程宇带给他的震撼实在是太强大了,他感觉在程宇的面前,他几乎没有任何反抗的机会。 Even in Jiang Yunmu and Ji Yang front, he not no use. 就算是在姜云幕姬阳的面前,他都不曾无助过。 However, he has not admitted defeat, is clenching teeth also to insist. 但是,他还是没有认输,咬着牙也要坚持下来。 Very good! Since you have the strength of spirit, I help your strength of spirit!” Cheng Yu no longer is also polite, the figure flashes again, was a fist rumbles toward Chen Qiuhan. “很好!既然你这么有骨气,那我就成全你的这份骨气!”程宇也不再客气,身形再次一闪,朝着陈秋寒就是一拳轰了出去。 ! 噗! Although Chen Qiuhan is prepared, when Cheng Yu raids again, he was afraid. Both hands make an effort to keep off, the whole person such as the kite of broken line, fluttered directly, the blood sprinkled half sky, in this on the gloomy environment, seems especially miserable. 陈秋寒虽然早已经有了准备,可是当程宇再次袭来的时候,他还是害怕了。双手用力一挡,整个人如断线的风筝,直接就飘了出去,鲜血洒了半个天空,在这样本身就阴暗的环境下,显得格外凄凉。 Young Master!” Chen Liang and Chen Cai hurry Chen Qiuhan that will overrun to catch will soon fall to the ground, in the heart will not only be the anger is helpless. 少爷!”陈良陈才赶紧冲过去接住即将落地的陈秋寒,心中既是愤怒又是无奈。 Cheng Yu was really powerful, they radically were the opponents, now Cheng Yu must make a move to offend somebody, they could not block! 程宇实在是太强大了,他们根本就是对手,现在程宇要出手伤人,他们根本就拦不住啊! Hands over?” Cheng Yu walks to go forward two steps, asked again. “交不交?”程宇走上前两步,再次问道。 Does not hand over!” The Chen Qiuhan mouthful is the bloody water, but is not willing to relent. “不交!”陈秋寒满嘴是血水,但是就是不肯松口。 Very good!” The Cheng Yu voice falls, acted toward Chen Qiuhan again. “很好!”程宇话音一落,再次朝着陈秋寒出手了。 Blocks him!” This Chen Cai and Chen Liang in the Chen Qiuhan front, as accompanying of Chen Qiuhan, they want to enable horizontally at this time to let! “拦住他!”这一次陈才陈良横在陈秋寒的面前,作为陈秋寒的随从,这个时候他们就是想让也不能让啊!
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