GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#2059: The consequence is proud!

Petitioned to the remote antiquity elder?” The scarlet Yuan child one stares! “向太上长老请愿?”赤元子一愣! Right! Now our scarlet blood pledge died these many Great Ascension Stage masters, these murderers we must hold. Otherwise to make other schools come to see our jokes? Let alone, had such big matter, we should also make the remote antiquity elder know this matter!” Huang Elder said. “没错!现在我们赤血盟了死了这么多大乘期的高手,这些凶手我们必须要抓住。否则岂不是让其他门派都来看我们的笑话吗?更何况,出了这么大的事,我们也应该让太上长老知道这件事!”黄长老说道。 Leader, Huang Elder said is reasonable, this matter is too big to our scarlet blood pledge influence, we truly should make the remote antiquity elder know this matter. If there are our these many people to petition, believes that remote antiquity elder assembly agreed sends out 30 Great Ascension Late Stage masters to arrest the murderer!” Several other elders also nod to say. “掌门,黄长老说的有道理,这件事对我们赤血盟影响太大,我们确实应该让太上长老知道这件事。如果有我们这么多人请愿的话,相信太上长老会同意派出30个大乘后期的高手去抓捕凶手的!”其他几位长老也点点头道。 Good! Such being the case, that together goes the back side of the mountain to petition with the remote antiquity elders with me!” The scarlet Yuan child nods sets out to leave the main hall directly. “那好吧!既然如此,那诸位就跟我一起去后山跟太上长老们请愿吧!”赤元子点点头直接起身离开了大殿。 Each has accumulation school, will open the practice cave mansion in back side of the mountain, these are the residences of qualifications highest. But scarlet blood pledge is no exception, in the back side of the mountain of scarlet blood pledge, is the fellow remote antiquity elders institute of practice. 每一个有积累的门派,都会在后山开辟修炼洞府,这些都是资历最高者的居所。而赤血盟也不例外,在赤血盟的后山,就是各位太上长老们的修炼之所。 However, after they arrive at the back side of the mountain , the whole person starts to be tense. 不过,他们来到后山之后整个人都开始紧张起来。 After all scarlet blood pledge had such big matter, the leaders in their these schools need to shoulder these responsibility unavoidably. 毕竟赤血盟发生了这么大的事,他们这些门派的领导者难免需要承担这些责任。 Anything! Was Ding Wei they killed?” Sure enough, after these remote antiquity elders heard Ding Wei they were killed, immediately got angry. “什么!丁伟他们被杀了?”果不其然,当这些太上长老听说丁伟他们被杀之后,顿时就怒了。 In the scarlet blood pledge, Great Ascension Late Stage disciple that may be the true main force of school. The remote antiquity elder who although their these year to year do not make an appearance will usually not manage the matter of school, but Ding Wei's such Great Ascension Late Stage school disciple, they have understood. 在赤血盟,大乘后期的弟子那可都是门派的真正的主力。虽然他们这些常年不露面的太上长老平时都不会管门派的事,但是丁伟这样的大乘后期的门派弟子,他们还是有所了解的。 But now, their scarlet blood pledge the disciples of six Great Ascension Late Stage such had been killed unexpectedly, how this does not make the person lose one's temper. 可是现在,他们赤血盟的六个大乘后期的弟子竟然就这么被人杀了,这如何不让人动怒。 What's all this about? Why will have such big matter? How does your this leader work as?” Proclaimed the witch child to curse angrily to the scarlet Yuan. “这是怎么回事?为什么会发生这么大的事?你这个掌门是怎么当的?”宣灵子对着赤元子怒骂道。 Returns to the remote antiquity elder, this everything sends suddenly, may be related with the personal gratitude and grudges of school disciple!” The scarlet Yuan child the face was saying painstakingly. “回太上长老,这件事事发突然,有可能跟门派弟子的私人恩怨有关!”赤元子苦着脸说道。 At this time, he was really scolds four gentleman hearts in has spread surely, they have believed that this matter because of four gentlemen. 此时,他真是把四君子心中骂了千万遍,他们已经相信,这件事就是因为四君子而起。 If not four gentlemen they please exit to help Ding Wei, how their scarlet blood pledge will have such matter. Matter that as for that fontanel extinguished, they believe that these murderers will not look for their scarlet blood pledge absolutely with no reason at all, definitely is personal gratitude and grudges between four gentlemen. 如果不是四君子将丁伟他们请出去帮忙,他们赤血盟怎么会发生这样的事。至于那天门被灭的事,他们相信那些凶手绝对不会无缘无故找上他们赤血盟,肯定是四君子之间的私人恩怨。 Personal gratitude and grudges? Why will the personal gratitude and grudges involve school?” Proclaimed the witch is obviously unsatisfied to the scarlet Yuan child reply. “私人恩怨?私人恩怨为何会牵扯到门派?”宣灵子显然是对赤元子的回答并不满意。 The school disciple will have the personal gratitude and grudges is very normal matter, particularly in Dong Chau such chaotic place. But, these personal gratitude and grudges not only implicate in which the school, meanwhile made the school suffer the so big loss, this let him to this leader simply is disappointed. 门派弟子会有私人恩怨是很正常的事,尤其是在东洲这样的混乱之地。可是,这些私人恩怨不仅把门派牵连其中,同时还让门派蒙受了如此大的损失,这让他对这个掌门简直是失望之极。 This...... The matter is this.” The scarlet Yuan child looks bitter color, has to four gentlemen to say their speculations. “这......事情是这样的。”赤元子面露苦色,只好将他们对四君子的推测说了出来。 If the whole story of their matter has not investigated, that feared that was these remote antiquity elders must open this leader at the scene. 如果他们连事情的原委都没有调查出来,那怕是这些个太上长老当场就要拆了他这个掌门了。 Really is one crowd of waste, gives the school to cause such big trouble unexpectedly. Luckily they died, otherwise I must cut to kill them surely at the scene! You usually tolerated disciple, now knew the consequence?” Heard that this is four gentlemen annoys, proclaimed the witch to wish one could to cut to kill them really at the scene. “真是一群废物,竟然给门派惹出这么大的祸。幸亏他们已经死了,要不然我定要当场斩杀了他们!你们就是平时太纵容弟子了,现在知道后果了吧?”听说这是四君子惹出来的,宣灵子真是恨不得当场将他们斩杀。 Four gentlemen in scarlet blood pledge, although is well known, however in proclaiming witch eyes, ten Great Ascension Initial Stage cannot compare Great Ascension Late Stage. Now because of their four people, lost six Great Ascension Late Stage all of a sudden, how not to make homicide intent rise from all directions! 四君子在赤血盟虽然名气不小,但是在宣灵子眼中,十个大乘初期都比不上一个大乘后期。如今因为他们四个人,一下子就损失了六个大乘后期,如何不让他杀意四起! Things have gotten to this point did not have his law, whether you did investigate thoroughly the murderer?” Thunder Lingzi asked. “事已至此也无他法了,你们是否已经查清楚凶手?”雷灵子问道。 Elder, we have discovered one group of suspects, but, to provide against contingencies, our preparation sends out 30 Great Ascension Late Stage masters to arrest these suspects. Therefore comes to ask for instructions to fellow elders especially, hopes that can obtain the agreement of elder!” The scarlet Yuan child one clenches teeth, opens the mouth to say. “长老,我们已经发现了一群可疑的人,不过,为了以防万一,我们这一次准备派出30个大乘后期的高手去抓捕这些嫌疑人。所以特来向各位长老请示,希望能够得到长老的同意!”赤元子一咬牙,开口说道。 Arrived in this share in any case, if he can find these murderers, that also sufficiently recovers the scarlet blood pledge reputation but actually, can leave this foul odor. 反正都已经到了这个份上了,若是他能够将这些凶手找到,那倒也足以挽回赤血盟的名誉,同时也能够出了这口恶气。 30 Great Ascension Late Stage? You know that what this does mean?” Xuan Lingzi gets angry once more said. “30个大乘后期?你们知道这意味着什么吗?”宣灵子再次怒道。 Their scarlet blood pledge these many accumulations, until now Great Ascension Late Stage master also trivial hundred people of numbers. How many suspects this fellow to arrest plans to send out 30% Great Ascension Late Stage masters, is this wants to reimburse the scarlet blood pledge these many years accumulations completely? 他们赤血盟这么多的积累,到现在为止大乘后期的高手也不过区区百人之数。这家伙为了抓捕几个嫌疑人就打算派出三成大乘后期的高手,这是想将赤血盟这么多年的积累全部报销吗? If no accident, what accident if these 30 Great Ascension Late Stage have, they will lose 30% accumulations, this? 如果不出意外也罢,但是一旦这30个大乘后期出点什么意外,那他们就将损失三成积累,这怎么可以? Moreover, other three Great Sects have eyed covetously to the scarlet blood pledge, if makes them know that had 30% Great Ascension Late Stage Expert to leave the scarlet blood pledge, they might encounter killing of these three Great Sects. 而且,其他三大门派一直对赤血盟虎视眈眈,如果让他们知道有三成大乘后期高手离开了赤血盟,他们这些人有可能会遭到这三大门派的杀害。 Obviously this sends out these 30 Great Ascension Late Stage masters all of a sudden to some scarlet blood pledge tremendous influences. 可见这一下子派出这30个大乘后期的高手对赤血盟有多大的影响。 Elder, I knows that you are worried about anything. But we had investigated, this time murderer may have several. If not send out these many masters, we radically impossible these murderers grasping! We cannot make the murderer ramble outside, does that disciple let other school jokes?” The scarlet Yuan child said. “长老,我知道你们在担心什么。可是我们已经调查过了,这一次的凶手有可能有十几个。如果不派出这么多高手的话,我们根本就不可能将这些凶手给抓回来!我们总不能让凶手逍遥在外,那岂不是徒让其他门派笑话吗?”赤元子说道。 Like this, he must strive in any case vigorously. After all, their scarlet blood pledge has not eaten such big owing, these many masters died, must always restrain according to the law the murderer. 反正都已经这样了,他一定要极力争取一下。毕竟,他们赤血盟还没有吃过这么大的亏,这么多高手死了,总是要将凶手绳之以法。 The complexions of several remote antiquity elders are not quite attractive, because of the personal gratitude and grudges of disciple, needs to assign these many Great Ascension Late Stage Expert to save the face merely unexpectedly now, said that is really disgraced. 几个太上长老的脸色都不太好看,仅仅因为弟子的私人恩怨,竟然现在需要调派这么多的大乘后期高手来挽回颜面,说出去实在是丢人。 They are also very clear, if the matter such as they said, then the strengths of these murderers are not truly simple. The person who if sends were too few, that delivers the number of people to others simply. 只是他们也很清楚,如果事情真的如他们所说,那么这些凶手的实力确实也不简单。如果派的人太少了,那简直就是给人家送人头。 But sends too many risk regarding the scarlet blood pledge was bigger, will affect the scarlet blood pledge the foundation. If more than 30 Great Ascension Late Stage had any accident, if makes other three Great Sects obtain the news, their scarlet blood pledge feared that might probably by their three influences be removed. 可是派的太多对于赤血盟来说风险就更大了,甚至会影响到赤血盟的根基。万一这30多个大乘后期发生了什么意外,若是让其他三大门派得到消息,他们赤血盟怕是有可能要被他们三个势力除名了。 Therefore, this choice makes them also very hesitant. 所以,这个选择让他们也很犹豫。 Good! We promise you! Can allow you to assign 30 Great Ascension Late Stage disciples. However you must safely has these 30 people, if had an accident, you know that our scarlet blood pledge will face any consequence!” Several remote antiquity elders had considered, finally decided that must retrieve the scarlet blood pledge the face countenance, but does not forget to remind scarlet Yuan child them. “好!我们答应你!可以允许你们调派30个大乘后期的弟子。不过你们一定要安然的将这30人带回来,若是出了什么事,你知道我们赤血盟将面临什么后果!”几个太上长老考虑了一番之后,最后还是决定要找回赤血盟的颜面,但是也不忘记提醒赤元子他们。 After all this matter is too big, once 30 Great Ascension Late Stage lose, their scarlet blood pledge will face the extremely dangerous region. Other three schools may get rid to their scarlet blood pledge anytime! 毕竟这事太大,30个大乘后期一旦损失,他们赤血盟就将面临极其危险的境地。其他三个门派随时都有可能对他们赤血盟出手! Yes! We will not disappoint remote antiquity elder!” In scarlet Yuan child heart one tight, but did not have the means to him at this time, can only brace oneself to vouch. “是!我们不会让诸位太上长老失望的!”赤元子心中一紧,但是到了这个时候他也没有办法了,只能硬着头皮打包票了。
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