GLD :: Volume #30

#2955: Enters Evil Gods Universe

Inconceivable.” “不可思议。” Xia Ping big hand grasps, immediately grasps this Chaos Enlightenment Stone in the hand, his simply is wishes one could immediately this wonder stone that came from Chaos appropriates to oneself, rapid refining. 夏平大手一抓,立即将这枚混沌悟道石抓在手里,他简直是恨不得立即将这块来自于混沌的奇石据为己有,迅速炼化 However he endured. 但是他还是忍了下来。 Because this is Chaos Enlightenment Stone, but helps itself sense Laws of Grand Dao, cannot help itself become Creation God. 因为这是混沌悟道石,只是帮助自己感悟大道法则而已,并不是能帮助自己成为创世神 If were ordinary person obtained this Chaos Enlightenment Stone, was impossible to promote Creation God, strengthens the perception at most. 如果是普通人得到了这块混沌悟道石,是不可能晋升创世神的,顶多是增强悟性而已。 Only had to promote the Paragon Realm limit own cultivation base, achieved Paragon Completion, achieved rose not to have the situation that may rise, refining this Chaos Enlightenment Stone, can have biggest effect again. 唯有将自己的修为提升到了主宰境的极限,达到主宰圆满,达到了升无可升的地步,再炼化混沌悟道石,才能有最大的效果 didn't expect this Chaos Enlightenment Stone is so simple falls into my hand.” 没想到混沌悟道石如此简单就落入我的手里。” Xia Ping feeling. 夏平十分的感慨。 If Immortal Universe and Hell Universe God knows that perhaps this matter, each one must angry spit blood, they to compete for this Treasure, paid serious price, both big Universe hit to collapse. 如果仙之宇宙地狱宇宙神明知道这件事的话,恐怕个个都得气得吐血,他们为了争夺这件宝物,付出了惨重的代价,两大宇宙都打得崩塌了。 However even so, they also no one can obtain Chaos Enlightenment Stone, instead returned Perish Together. 但是即使如此,它们也没有谁能得到混沌悟道石,反而还同归于尽了。 But this lets two big Universe destructions wondrous item on such with no difficulty falls into his hand, is really unimaginable. 可这让两大宇宙毁灭的奇物就这样轻而易举的落入他的手里,实在是匪夷所思 However shortly, he was calm, returns to normal own mood. 不过没多长时间,他就冷静了下来,平复自己的心情。 Also was the time attacks Evil Gods Universe.” “也是时候进攻邪神宇宙了。” Xia Ping pinches tightly fist, the eye reveals bright light. 夏平捏紧拳头,眼睛露出一丝精光 to be honest Evil Gods Universe throughout is his scourge, even if he lets off Evil Gods Universe, but these Evil God are impossible to let off itself, is impossible to let off Hell World. 说实话邪神宇宙始终是他的心腹大患,哪怕他放过邪神宇宙,但是那些邪神也不可能放过自己,不可能放过地狱世界 It can be said that the both sides contradiction has been irreconcilable, Irreconcilable. 可以说,双方的矛盾早就是不可调和,不死不休的了。 If possible, that crowd of Evil God want to kill itself absolutely, such being the case, then his who strikes the first blow has the advantage, killed these Evil God entirely said again. 如果有机会的话,那群邪神绝对是想弄死自己,既然如此,那么他就先下手为强,将这些邪神通通弄死再说。 If he can these Evil God killed, swallow these Evil God energy completely, even offered sacrifices entire Evil Gods Universe, can make his cultivation base promote to Paragon Realm Completion realm surely. 而且如果他能将这些邪神全部斩杀了,吞噬了这些邪神身上的能量,甚至献祭了整个邪神宇宙,必定能让他的修为提升到主宰境圆满境界 when the time comes he can refining Chaos Enlightenment Stone, thoroughly comprehend 3,000 Grand Dao laws thoroughly , to promote to Creation God Supreme realm. 到时候他就能炼化混沌悟道石,彻底悟透三千大道法则,晋升到创世神无上境界 Therefore these Evil God must die, must become him to promote the Creation God stepping-stone. 所以这些邪神必须死,必须成为他晋升创世神的踏脚石。 ............ ………… After a few days. 数日后 Xia Ping own strength has promoted the pinnacle, in reality his present strength to strengthen every time, each one second of his formidable point. 夏平已经将自己的力量提升到了极致,事实上他现在的实力每时每刻都在增强,每过一秒的时间他就强大一分。 At this moment is period that his strength progresses by leaps and bounds. 此刻算是他实力突飞猛进的时期 Whiz! 嗖! His figure flashed, arrived in Space-Time channel, this Space-Time channel was Tan Menglu and the others unearths, went to Evil Gods Universe space-time tunnel. 身形一闪,来到了一条时空通道之中,这条时空通道便是贪梦璐等人挖掘出来,前往邪神宇宙时空隧道 This is he in the back door that Evil Gods Universe leaves behind, at present can arrive in the Evil Gods Universe path only. 这就是他在邪神宇宙留下的后门,目前唯一能抵达邪神宇宙的道路。 Before always these Evil God invade Hell World, then is also one's turn him to invade Evil Gods Universe now. 之前总是那些邪神入侵地狱世界,那么现在也轮到他来入侵邪神宇宙了。 Thump! ~ ~ 咚!~~ Xia Ping big hand wields, opened this space-time tunnel instantaneously, through this space-time tunnel, figure flashes, shortly, he arrived in Evil Gods Universe directly. 夏平大手一挥,瞬间就打开了这条时空隧道,通过这条时空隧道,身形一闪,没多长时间,他就直接抵达了邪神宇宙 hōng lóng lóng ~ ~ 轰隆隆~~ Arrives in the Evil Gods Universe instance in him, entire Evil Gods Universe vibrates, the huge Universe source energy steamroll comes, all directions transmits the pinnacle evil intent. 就在他抵达邪神宇宙的瞬间,整个邪神宇宙都震动起来,庞大的宇宙本源能量碾压而来,四面八方都传来极致的恶意 Without a doubt, this is Universe Source evil intent, desirably in view of his outsider, incomparable vigilance. 毫无疑问,这便是宇宙本源恶意,刻意针对他这个外来者,无比的警惕。 After all he is Paragon Rank God, to destruction it is obvious that that Universe creates, therefore Evil Gods Universe treated as the unprecedented powerful enemy Xia Ping instantaneously. 毕竟他可是主宰级神明,对宇宙造成的破坏可想而知,所以邪神宇宙瞬间就将夏平当做了前所未有的强敌。 very powerful pressure.” 好强大压力。” Xia Ping exclaim in astonishment, he is also knows at this moment why other Universe creature enter another universe time was anything felt, this everywhere evil intent, everywhere suppression. 夏平惊叹不已,他此刻也算是知道为何其他宇宙生物进入另外一个宇宙的时候是什么感受了,这种无处不在的恶意,无处不在的压制。 This probably entire Universe source energy steamroll comes general, the all directions package comes, must pull down oneself strength, even wants to become the smashing his steamroll. 这就好像整个宇宙本源能量碾压过来一般,四面八方的包裹而来,要压低自己身上的力量,甚至想将他碾压成粉碎。 Even if can resist this Universe source strength steamroll, however walks in this Universe, will encounter Universe Source Will restraint anytime and anywhere, but actually big mildew, countless Expert(s) will be regarded as the life and death personal enemy you every time. 哪怕是能抵挡住这股宇宙本源力量的碾压,但是在这个宇宙行走,也会遭到宇宙本源意志随时随地的克制,每时每刻都会倒大霉,数之不尽的强者都会将你当做是生死仇人。 Moreover at the late stage of this is also Universe achieves, extremely feeble Universe Source, he is unable to imagine , if at the peak period time, fearfully actually that type suppresses how. 而且这也是宇宙达到末期,极其衰弱的宇宙本源,他都无法想象如果是全盛时期的时候,那种压制究竟是多么的可怕。 It can be said that under the suppression of Universe Source, his strength was weakened 50% at least. 可以说,在宇宙本源的压制之下,他的力量起码被消弱五成 Also Feathered Serpent God was plotted after no wonder arrives at Evil Gods Universe, by many Evil God is besieged dead, was Universe Source is extremely really fierce regarding the suppressions of other creature. 也难怪羽蛇神被暗算来到邪神宇宙之后,会被诸多邪神围攻而死,实在是宇宙本源对于其他生物的压制太过厉害了。 Un, other did Evil God also know?” “嗯,其他邪神也知道了吗?” In this moment, Xia Ping in the heart moves, his sensation to own arrival, alarmed Evil God of various Evil Gods Universe places instantaneously, one by one terrifying Will instantaneous manage to regain consciousness. 就在这一刻,夏平心中一动,他感知到自己的到来,瞬间就惊动了邪神宇宙各处地方的邪神,一个个恐怖的意志瞬间苏醒过来 Obviously his appearance, has not hidden the truth from these formidable Evil God. 显然他的出现,没有瞒住这些强大邪神 However he has not planned to hide the truth from these Evil God, he is open and aboveboard arrival Evil Gods Universe, wants by the upright and frank situation, defeat these Evil God, to capture the Evil Gods Universe source, the thorough sacrifice refining up Evil Gods Universe. 不过他也没打算瞒住这些邪神,他是光明正大的抵达邪神宇宙,想以堂堂正正的态势,击溃这些邪神,夺取邪神宇宙的本源,彻底祭炼邪神宇宙 ............ ………… But in Xia Ping appears in Evil Gods Universe instantly, many Evil God awakened all of a sudden, they also obtained the reminder and warning of Universe Source Will, has the unprecedented powerful enemy to arrive in Evil Gods Universe. 而在夏平出现在邪神宇宙的刹那,诸多邪神一下子就惊醒了,它们也得到了宇宙本源意志的提醒和警告,有前所未有的强敌抵达邪神宇宙 Who? Actually is , the courage is so big, unexpectedly dares to invade my Evil Gods Universe?!” “谁?究竟是谁,胆子这么大,居然敢入侵我邪神宇宙?!” Paragon Rank Evil God flies into a rage. 一尊主宰级邪神勃然大怒。 It can the sensation to invading Evil Gods Universe enemy surely is Paragon, if not Paragon, will not cause Universe Source Will anxiously so. 它能感知到入侵邪神宇宙敌人必定是主宰,如果不是主宰的话,根本不会引起宇宙本源意志如此的紧张。 Lord of Furnace, my sensation to Life that invades Evil Gods Universe is Lord of Furnace!” 熔炉之主,我感知到了入侵邪神宇宙生命乃是熔炉之主!” Evil God of Destiny angrily shouted, its sensation to Xia Ping's body aura. 命运邪神怒喝一声,它感知到了夏平身上气息 Big courage, we have not started to ask him to trouble, this brat delivers to look for our troubles unexpectedly on own initiative, was extremely wild, this Lord of Furnace does in the end want to do?!” “好大的胆子,我们还没开始找他麻烦呢,这小子居然就主动送上门来找我们的麻烦,太过猖狂了,这熔炉之主到底想要干什么?!” "Key of Gates" Jug Sothoth simply is unable to restrain one's anger. “门之钥”犹格索托斯简直怒不可遏 Its this whole life has not looked at so rampant external creature, simply not their Evil God paying attention to, to the extreme, arrived at hostile Universe among extremely arrogantly on own initiative, this is the courting death behavior. 它这辈子没看过如此猖獗的外来生物,简直是不将它们邪神放在眼里,狂妄到了极点,主动来到敌对宇宙当中,这是找死的行为。 However this brat did that he is looking down upon their these Evil God without a doubt, told them with such action, even if his true body arrived in Evil Gods Universe, oneself these Evil God also can't cope with he. 但是偏偏这小子这么做了,毫无疑问他是在看不起它们这些邪神,用这样的举动告诉它们,哪怕他真身抵达邪神宇宙,自己这些邪神奈何不了他。 This bastard in the end wants to belittle what situation to give up their Evil God. 混蛋到底是想将它们邪神小觑到什么地步才善罢甘休啊。 How this Lord of Furnace will promote is so quick, actually when to promote Paragon, before was he not only Half-God?” Evil God was ignorant. “不过这熔炉之主怎么会晋升这么快,究竟是什么时候晋升到主宰的,之前他不仅仅是半神吗?”一尊邪神都懵了。 Before this Lord of Furnace merely was Half-God, although fighting strength formidable, but was not God, when in the end was on Evolution to Paragon Rank such realm among. 之前这熔炉之主仅仅是半神而已,虽然战斗力强大,但是也不是神明,到底是什么时候就进化到了主宰级这样的境界当中 This is really unimaginable. 这实在是匪夷所思
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