GLD :: Volume #30

#2953: authority dream

If merely is so, but Xia Ping can the sensation to the terrifying of Paragon strength. 如果仅仅是如此也就罢了,但是夏平能感知到主宰实力的恐怖。 Was too frail.” “太脆弱了。” Xia Ping cannot bear emotionally said. 夏平忍不住感慨道 Before he thinks that perhaps destruction High Grade Hell Plane, needs to use full power, even uses Divine Artifact, but does not need now, merely is gently one finger/refers, he can make High Grade Hell Plane vanishes in a puff of smoke. 之前他想破坏一个高等地狱位面,恐怕还需要倾尽全力,甚至是动用神器,但是现在不需要了,仅仅是轻轻一指,他就能让一个高等地狱位面灰飞烟灭。 Only has Demon God plane(s), can perhaps resist 12, how long but could not resist. 唯有魔神位面,恐怕才能抵挡一二,但是也抵挡不了多长时间。 Entire Hell many matter, under his Paragon Divine Power, are frail sticks general just like the paper. 整个地狱诸多物质,在他的主宰神力下面,都脆弱得宛如纸糊一般。 His breath, can change into the infinite Chaos storm, sweeps away all, disappears all. 他的呼吸,能化为无穷的混沌风暴,横扫一切,泯灭一切。 His vision, can pierce all, place that the eyesight goes, all will change into Void. 他的目光,能洞穿一切,目力所到的地方,一切都会化为虚无 His ear, can listen respectfully to all Life sounds, any creature that discussed his God's name, by sensation, even was locked, left behind the Coordinate. 他的耳朵,能聆听一切生命的声音,凡是谈论到他神名生物,都会被感知到,甚至被锁定,留下坐标。 The spiritual storm that his thought twinkle, can form the terrifying, can make countless Illusion Technique Great Master turn into the lunatic. 他的思维一次闪烁,就能形成恐怖的精神风暴,能让无数幻术大师变成疯子。 Even he can with no difficulty distortion many Laws of Grand Dao, change Laws of Heaven and Earth, any mortal impossible to move before him, will have a liking for one to be crazy continually. 甚至他能轻而易举的扭曲诸多大道法则,改变天地法则,任何凡人都不可能在他面前动弹,连看上一眼都会疯狂。 At this time, he also remembered himself to do the matter of matter in Evil Gods Universe. 这个时候,他也想起了自己在邪神宇宙搞事的事情。 That run luckily quickly, before these Paragon Rank Evil God regain consciousness leaves, otherwise really and other Paragon Rank Evil God regain consciousness, oneself cannot run away, must die without doubt. 幸好那一次自己跑得快,在那些主宰级邪神苏醒之前就离开,否则真的等这些主宰级邪神苏醒,自己根本跑不掉,必死无疑。 However above said basic Ability as Paragon Rank God, what is most important is Paragon God's authority, this is Paragon Rank God strongest big strength. 但是上面所说的就只是身为主宰级神明的基本能力而已,最重要的还是主宰神明的权能,这便是主宰级神明最强大的力量 But authority that this Xia Ping condenses is the dream! 而这一次夏平凝聚的权能便是梦幻! authority: Dream!” 权能:梦幻!” Xia Ping pinches tightly fist, he can feel oneself this Paragon authority the place of formidable. 夏平捏紧拳头,他能感受到自己这个主宰权能强大之处。 Ability one: Body of Illusions, starts the authority dream, can make main body Void and dream, world all attack be able the immunity, the shortcoming to be is unable attack enemy.” 能力一:梦幻之体,发动权能梦幻,能让本体虚无化、梦幻化,世间一切的攻击都能够免疫,缺点是也无法攻击敌人。” Ability two: Clone of Illusion, starts the authority dream, can Split have countless clone, each clone real, each clone is also false, achieved confusing falsehood with the truth Supreme realm, any pupil technique is unable to completely understand.” 能力二:梦幻分身,发动权能梦幻,能分裂无数分身,每个分身都是真的,每个分身也都是假的,达到了以假乱真的无上境界,任何瞳术都无法看透。” Ability three: Wishes Coming True, starts the authority dream, can mix Destiny Law, the matter that so long as in the heart thinks, can achieve surely, among Strength of Destiny just like World will come to assist, as if are Paragon that the destiny cares.” 能力三:心想事成,发动权能梦幻,就能搅动命运法则,只要自己心中所想的事情,就必定能达成,宛如天地之间的命运之力都会来辅助,也仿佛自己是天命眷顾的主宰。” Ability four: Nightmare World, can make countless Life fall asleep in an instant, crashes into Nightmare World, even if Paragon Rank God is inescapable, by seal in dreamland world among.” 能力四:梦魇之界,一念之间就能让无数生命入梦,坠入梦魇世界,哪怕是主宰级神明都无法逃脱,会被封印在梦境世界当中。” Ability five: change false into reality, this Ability already breakthrough the reality and Illusion boundary, can come out the false thing real embodiment, can twist countless law, change false into reality.” 能力五:化假成真,这种能力已经突破了现实和虚幻的界限,能将虚假的东西真实的具象出来,能扭曲无数法则,化假成真。” ............ ………… Worthily is Paragon Rank authority, was too strong.” “不愧是主宰级权能,太强了。” Xia Ping exclaim in astonishment, even if this is Paragon authority that condense, but he was also shocked by oneself this Paragon Rank authority strength. 夏平惊叹不已,哪怕这是自己凝聚出来的主宰权能,但是他也被自己这种主宰级权能力量所震撼。 to be honest this is a bit like to Demon God of Truth's power, but is actually far in excess of Demon God of Truth's power, achieved Transform Illusion into Reality, change false into reality Supreme Realm. 说实话这有点类似于真实魔神的力量,但是却远远超越真实魔神的力量,达到了化虚为实,化假为真无上之境 So long as is the thing that his in the heart thinks, that can the embodiment come out. 只要是他心中所想的东西,那就能具象出来。 Naturally is the inconceivable thing, if thinks that the embodiment comes out, energy that needs to spend is also huger, all are the inequitable exchanges. 当然越是不可思议的东西,如果想具象出来的话,需要花费的能量也就越庞大,一切都是等价交换。 First closes up some time.” “先闭关一段时间。” Xia Ping pinches tightly fist, after promoting to Paragon Realm, his strength does not know that formidable many times, do not need to fear Evil Gods Universe these Paragon Rank Evil God, even he can also give killed the opposite party. 夏平捏紧拳头,晋升到主宰境之后,他实力不知道强大了多少倍,已经不需要惧怕邪神宇宙那些主宰级邪神了,甚至他还能将对方给斩杀了 At this time, perhaps was one's turn these Evil God to fear itself. 这个时候,恐怕轮到那些邪神惧怕自己了。 After he consolidates strength, he goes to Evil Gods Universe, offered sacrifices all Evil God, swallows entire Evil Gods Universe energy. 等他巩固好自己身上的力量之后,他就去邪神宇宙,将所有邪神都献祭了,吞噬整个邪神宇宙能量 Whiz, his figure flashes, immediately goes back to close up cultivation, consolidates cultivation base that rise suddenly. 嗖的一声,他身形一闪,立即回去闭关修炼,巩固自己暴涨的修为 ............ ………… But at this time, Evil Gods Universe among, many Evil God also know matter of Hell World failure, their one by one complexion was dignified to the extreme. 而这个时候,邪神宇宙当中,诸多邪神也知道了地狱世界失败的事情了,它们一个个脸色都是凝重到了极点。 Damn, this in the end what's the matter? Did not dispatch several hundred Evil God to guard that Space-Time channel? But why will be defeated, why all Evil God died, can't escape?” 该死,这到底是怎么回事?不是派遣了数百位邪神去镇守那条时空通道的吗?可是为什么会失败,为什么所有邪神都死光了,一个都逃不回来?” Evil God crack cursed, unable to restrain one's anger. 一尊邪神破口大骂,怒不可遏 originally they plan well, increases energy of Hell World source, after certain extent, all Evil God kill, that Lord of Furnace extinguishing. 本来它们计划的好好的,就是增加地狱世界本源的能量,等到一定程度之后,所有邪神杀过去,将那熔炉之主给灭了。 Now was good, but also without them acted, these cutting edge army Evil God by Lord of Furnace extinguishing. 现在好了,还没等它们出手呢,那些先锋军邪神就被熔炉之主给灭了。 This simply hits their faces, is shaming their Evil Gods Universe, this is the shame that is unable to wash off. 简直就是打它们的脸,在羞辱它们邪神宇宙,这是无法洗刷的耻辱。 According to the Void Monster information that these escape, reason that killed these Evil God, are that Lord of Furnace obtained previous Hell Era to Divine Artifact-- Six Paths of Samsara, therefore these Evil God are unable to escape, at one fell swoop suppress and kill.” “根据那些逃回来的虚空怪物的情报,之所以斩杀了那些邪神,是那熔炉之主获得了上个地狱纪元的至神器——六道轮回,所以那些邪神才无法逃回来,被一举镇杀。” Has Evil God said solemnly. 邪神沉声道 To Divine Artifact Six Paths of Samsara? Did not say that this Divine Artifact has disappeared in war among? Why will fall to the hand of that Lord of Furnace in?” “至神器六道轮回?不是说这件神器早就泯灭在战争当中了吗?为什么会落到那熔炉之主的手里?” „It is not clear, in brief that Lord of Furnace indeed obtained Six Paths of Samsara this to Divine Artifact.” “不清楚,总之那熔炉之主的确是获得了六道轮回这件至神器。” Damn, this fellow obtained Six Paths of Samsara, that simply is even more powerful.” 该死,这家伙得到了六道轮回,那简直就是如虎添翼。” Right adds on him also to have blessing of Hell World source again, how ordinary Evil God is his opponent.” “对啊再加上他还有地狱世界本源的加持,普通邪神如何是他的对手。” But this, did we give up retaliating that Lord of Furnace?” “可难道这样,我们就放弃报复那熔炉之主了吗?” Naturally not, even if we want to give up, that Lord of Furnace won't give up retaliating us? Now entire Evil Gods Universe was Furnace Wizard, Evil Gods Universe had arrived at the most critical moment everywhere.” “当然不会,哪怕是我们想放弃,那熔炉之主也不会放弃报复我们?现在整个邪神宇宙到处都是熔炉巫师,邪神宇宙已经来到了最危急的关头。” Right, I have been able to feel these Furnace Wizard within the body strength more to come more powerful, the degree of being the tail greatly, once kills these Furnace Wizard, entire Evil Gods Universe will be destroyed.” “对啊,我已经能感受到这些熔炉巫师体内力量越来越强大,已经是尾大不掉的程度了,一旦杀死这些熔炉巫师,整个邪神宇宙都会被毁灭掉。” That Lord of Furnace must be killed, otherwise is not he dies, is we dies.” “那熔炉之主必须被杀死,否则不是他死,就是我们死。” Numerous Evil God gnashing one's teeth, simply is resented that the extreme, they wished one could to clash Hell World, Xia Ping to tear the body to thousands of pieces, kills his whole family. 众多邪神咬牙切齿,简直是愤恨到了极点,它们恨不得冲进去地狱世界,将夏平碎尸万段,杀他全家 What a pity now Space-Time channel is destroyed by that brat, within short time their also can’t do anything about it enters Hell World again. 可惜现在时空通道被那小子毁灭了,短时间之内它们也没办法再次进入地狱世界 don't say rubbsih, we established Space-Time channel again, when the time comes Paragon Rank Evil God also go in together, no matter on him also many cards in one's hand, this time must die without doubt.” 别废话了,我们再建立起一条时空通道,到时候主宰级邪神也一起进去,不管他身上还有多少底牌,这次都必死无疑。” Paragon Rank Evil God made a determined effort, to be absolutely safe, even Paragon acts personally, whatever that brat has three heads, six arms, is impossible to survive in this case. 一尊主宰级邪神发狠了,为了万无一失,连主宰都亲自出手,任凭那小子三头六臂,都不可能在这种情况下存活下来。 Numerous Evil God are nodded, they have not so hated such enemy, this matter or first time. 众多邪神都是点点头,它们也从来没如此憎恨过这样一个敌人,这种事还是第一次
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