GLD :: Volume #30

#2949: Six Paths of Samsara, suppress and kill Evil God

Escapes, escapes quickly, this is previous Hell Era strongest Divine Artifact-- Six Paths of Samsara!” “逃,快逃,这是上个地狱纪元最强神器——六道轮回!” Evil God as if remembered anything, cannot bear yell panic-stricken, panic-stricken desire certainly: This is even Demon God can the suppression of with no difficulty, became flesh and blood residual terrifying Divine Artifact by the steamroll, it is said contain Universe samsara | reincarnation Supreme mighty power, a revolution, is producing strength that universe era changes unceasingly.” 一尊邪神似乎想起了什么,忍不住惊恐大叫起来,惊骇欲绝:“这是连魔神都能轻而易举的镇压,被碾压成血肉残渣的恐怖神器,据说蕴含宇宙轮回无上伟力,一次运转,就产生宇宙纪元不断更替的力量。” It thinks Six Paths of Samsara all sorts of legend, simply frightens courage entirely cracks. 它想到了六道轮回的种种传说,简直是吓得肝胆俱裂。 Is impossible, did not say that Six Paths of Samsara the disintegration, how this Divine Artifact may have, will also appear, this is in the end cracking a joke?” “不可能的,不是说六道轮回早就崩碎了,这件神器怎么可能还会有,还会出现,这到底是在开什么玩笑?” Evil God simply cannot believe that because it heard this Divine Artifact already, when had the war with Immortal Universe the disintegration, vanished in eternal Chaos among. 一尊邪神简直是不敢相信,因为它听说这件神器早就在和仙之宇宙发生大战的时候崩碎了,消失在永恒的混沌当中 Divine Artifact where such easy disintegration, even if the disintegration can also restore, certainly was this brat obtained Hell strongest Divine Artifact Six Paths of Samsara, so arrogant and despotic.” 神器哪里这么容易崩碎,哪怕崩碎了也能恢复,肯定是这小子得到了地狱最强神器六道轮回,才如此嚣张跋扈。” Damn, was swindled, was really swindled, no wonder this brat secure in the knowledge that one has backing, depended this Divine Artifact might.” 尼玛,上当了,真的上当了,难怪这小子有恃无恐,原来是仗着这件神器威力。” Retreats, immediately retreats, returns to Evil Gods Universe, this brat is not our these High God can cope, only has Paragon Rank Evil God to act personally, can exterminate this liao.” “撤退,立即撤退,返回邪神宇宙,这小子不是我们这些上位神能对付的,唯有主宰级邪神亲自出手,才能诛灭此獠。” Many Evil God panic-stricken. 诸多邪神惊恐不已。 They can feel this Six Paths Millstone terrifying might, has not appeared obviously, they feel oneself flesh and blood, own soul, even was own Godhood is obliterated. 它们能感受到这六道磨盘的恐怖威力,明明还没有出现,它们就觉得自己的血肉,自己的灵魂,甚至是自己的神格都被磨灭了。 sōu sōu sōu!!! 嗖嗖嗖!!! fighting intent that Evil God have does not have any again, their simply is wishes one could the parents to live many two legs to oneself, immediately wants to escape Evil Gods Universe from here. 一尊尊邪神再也没有任何的战意,它们简直是恨不得爹妈给自己生多两条腿,顿时就想从这里逃回去邪神宇宙 Words that however they want to escape, is too late. 但是它们想逃的话,也已经太晚了。 Because under the Xia Ping's control, this Six Paths Millstone direct steamroll gets down, Celestial Path, Beast Path, Evil Ghosts Path, Asura Path, Human Path and other Strength of Six Paths revolved unceasingly, produced Life and Death Nirvana, the strength of Yin-Yang samsara | reincarnation. 因为在夏平的操控之下,这六道磨盘直接碾压下来,天人道,畜生道,恶鬼道,修罗道,人间道六道之力不断旋转,产生了生死寂灭,阴阳轮回之力。 Even gushes out the terrifying from this Six Paths Millstone among Chaos qi flow, as if must obliterate all things myriad things thoroughly, returns to Chaos, simply disappears all. 甚至从这六道磨盘当中涌出恐怖的混沌气流,仿佛要将万事万物都彻底磨灭,回归混沌,简直是泯灭一切。 hōng lóng lóng ~ ~ 轰隆隆~~ Shortly, Six Paths Millstone is relentless, the direct steamroll gets down, pounding ruthlessly on these Evil God. 顷刻间,六道磨盘毫不留情,直接碾压下来,狠狠的砸在这些邪神身上。 Aaah!!!” 啊啊啊!!!” Immediately these Evil God send out the sad and shrill pitiful yell immediately, like kills the pig general, they felt oneself body to encounter obliteration of Six Paths of Samsara. 顿时这些邪神立即发出凄厉的惨叫,如同是杀猪一般,它们感受到自己身体遭到了六道轮回的磨灭。 Is a contact, that terrifying the strength of steamroll of Six Paths of Samsara comes, all Lesser God died instantaneously, was shaken one group of blood mist all of a sudden, vanishes in a puff of smoke. 仅仅是一接触,那恐怖的六道轮回之力碾压而来,所有的下位神瞬间就死了,一下子就被震成了一团血雾,灰飞烟灭。 But Middle God can resist some time slightly. 中位神稍微能抵挡一段时间。 However Six Paths Millstone revolves one time, just like Universe samsara | reincarnation is alternately ordinary, the strength of terrifying samsara | reincarnation revolves unceasingly, fearful Chaos aura obliterates all. 但是六道磨盘旋转一次,宛如是宇宙轮回交替一般,恐怖的轮回之力不断运转,可怕的混沌气息磨灭一切。 Then several time of breath, Middle God also became one group of hashed meat residuals by the steamroll. 然后几个呼吸的时间,中位神也被碾压成了一团碎肉残渣。 Remaining High God can resist reluctantly, they were at cost of the life, revolution within the body Divine Power, even tries to escape. 剩下的上位神能勉强抵挡,它们拼了老命,运转体内神力,甚至试图从中逃跑。 However does this is also unproductive. 但是这样做也是徒劳的。 huā lā lā ~ ~ 哗啦啦~~ Sees only Six Paths Millstone to have an intermittent terrifying Devouring Power, swallowed to enter Six Paths Millstone among these High God instantaneously, entered internal deep place. 只见六道磨盘产生一阵阵恐怖的吞噬之力,瞬间就将这些上位神吞噬进入了六道磨盘当中,进入内部深处 This is similar to rubs soybean milk, internal produces Strength of Chaos, the strength of samsara | reincarnation, obliterates these High God Grand Dao Strength of Law, and strength of countless technique law. 这就如同是磨豆浆似的,内部产生混沌之力,轮回之力,磨灭这些上位神身上的大道法则之力,以及无数术法之力。 Nooooo, forgave me, forgave us.” 不不不,饶了我,饶了我们吧。” Does not dare, we do not dare, lets off us.” “不敢了,我们再也不敢了,放过我们吧。” We complied not to invade Hell World, forgave our poor life.” “我们答应再也不会入侵地狱世界了,饶了我们一条小命吧。” Evil God pitiful yell repeatedly, their simply was panic-stricken to the extreme, after oneself were swallowed entered Six Paths Millstone, knows that this in the end was how terrifying Divine Artifact. 一尊尊邪神惨叫连连,它们简直是惊恐到了极点,自己被吞噬进入六道磨盘之后,才知道这到底是多么恐怖的一件神器 They enter, that Six Paths Millstone revolves, steamroll, infinite Chaos qi flow crushes all. 它们进入其中之后,那六道磨盘旋转,一次次碾压,无穷的混沌气流粉碎一切。 Even directly is when they are sober, they became the residual by the Six Paths of Samsara strength steamroll forcefully. 甚至直接就是在它们清醒的时候,它们硬生生被六道轮回力量碾压成残渣。 This simply is more painful than world any torture. 简直世界任何的酷刑都还要痛苦。 Death!” “死吧!” Xia Ping may have no meaning of showing mercy, he draws support from blessing of Hell World source now, can make Six Paths Millstone display this terrifying strength. 夏平可没有任何手下留情的意思,他现在只是借助地狱世界本源的加持,才能让六道磨盘发挥出这种恐怖的力量 Once he lost Hell's Source blessing, then strength by the striking back primary form, at all possibly is not these High God opponents. 一旦他失去了地狱本源加持,那么本身的力量就会被打回原形,根本不可能是这些上位神的对手。 Therefore while their small and weak time, complete to catch everything in one net is the best plan, moreover these Evil God words cannot believe that my clan his heart cannot different. 所以趁着它们弱小的时候,全部一网打尽才是上策,而且这些邪神的话根本不能相信,非我族类其心必异。 hōng lóng lóng ~ ~ 轰隆隆~~ Under the Xia Ping's full power stimulation of movement, the Six Paths Millstone crazy revolution, had the strength of extremely fearful samsara | reincarnation, Strength of Chaos, revolving of Kāchā Kāchā. 夏平的全力催动之下,六道磨盘疯狂运转,产生了极其可怕的轮回之力,混沌之力,咔嚓咔嚓的旋转起来。 Thump, the next second, these High God cannot resist completely, suddenly became the fragment by the steamroll, even soul was obliterated cleanly. 咚的一声,下一秒,这些上位神就完全抵挡不住,一下子就被碾压成了碎片,连灵魂都被磨灭得干干净净。 But Void among is also floating bunch of Evil God flesh and blood, as well as after they die, Godhood that leaves behind. 虚空当中也漂浮着一团团邪神血肉,以及它们死后遗留下来的神格 Worthily is Six Paths Millstone, was too strong.” “不愧是六道磨盘,太强了。” The Xia Ping incomparable feeling, he felt that own body produces an intermittent feebleness, in reality, if did not obtain entire Universe Source blessing, he is unable to stimulate to movement Six Paths Millstone complete strength. 夏平无比感慨,他感到自己身体产生一阵阵的衰弱,事实上如果不是得到了整个宇宙本源加持,他也无法催动六道磨盘的全部力量 Moreover after stimulating to movement such a time, he lost 90% above Magic Power, feels the unprecedented weak feeling. 而且催动这么一次之后,他就失去了九成以上的法力,感到前所未有的虚弱感。 If comes again one time, perhaps he was not necessarily able to support. 若是再来一次的话,他恐怕就未必能支撑得住了。 However said no matter how, all Evil God that invades Hell World were cut to kill, within the short time estimated that will not have Evil God to dare to invade Hell World. 不过不管怎么说,所有入侵地狱世界邪神都被斩杀一空,短时间之内估计再也不会有邪神敢入侵地狱世界了。 How possibly? Did Sir Evil God die completely?” “怎么可能?邪神大人全部都死了?” This in the end what's the matter? This Hell World devil how possible terrifying to this degree?” “这到底是怎么回事?这地狱世界恶魔怎么可能恐怖到这种程度?” Runs, run, Hell World was unable to treat.” “跑,快跑,地狱世界已经是不能待了。” Goes back, immediately goes back, goes back to report Paragon, immediately this information transmit, Hell World presented terrifying God, battle strength is dreadful.” “回去,立即回去,回去禀报主宰,立即将这个消息传递回去,地狱世界出现了一尊恐怖的神明,战力滔天。” At this moment, numerous Void Monster see this, simply frightens courage entirely cracks. 此时此刻,众多虚空怪物看到这一幕,简直是吓得肝胆俱裂。 Strikes merely, unexpectedly numerous Evil God were obliterated thoroughly, escapes continually no means that actually this is what kind of terrifying fighting strength. 仅仅是一击而已啊,居然众多邪神就被彻底磨灭了,连逃跑都没任何办法,这究竟是何等恐怖的战斗力啊。 Even Evil God so with no difficulty was killed by this devil, then their these small sun-dried shelled shrimp, do divide minute being run over and dying by this devil?! 邪神都如此轻而易举的被这恶魔杀死,那么它们这些小虾米而已,岂不是分分钟就被这恶魔给碾死?! sōu sōu sōu!!! 嗖嗖嗖!!! in a flash, these Void Monster frighten immediately runs away, does not dare to stay in same place, had retreating condition, one after another ran Nest among. 瞬息之间,这些虚空怪物顿时就吓得逃窜,根本就不敢停留在原地,发生了溃逃的状态,纷纷跑回去老巢当中 Then their simply cannot choose the exact way because of flurry, intruded directly Space-Time channel that connects Hell World and Evil Gods Universe. 然后它们简直是慌不择路,直接就闯入了连接地狱世界邪神宇宙时空通道 These Void Monster do not return, one after another runs Evil Gods Universe among. 这些虚空怪物头也不回,纷纷跑回去邪神宇宙当中 However at this moment under the Xia Ping's order, all devil starts to attack this Void Monster Nest, must crush this Space-Time channel that connects Hell. 但是此刻在夏平的命令之下,所有恶魔都开始攻打这虚空怪物老巢,要粉碎这一条连接地狱时空通道
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