GLD :: Volume #28

#2733: Monica Treasure

Was not worried that is best, trivial sand demon, my graces can kill, are not worth mentioning , I worked like this, woman do not say this and that here, obediently does looks at and that's the end, know?” “不担心那就最好,区区沙魔罢了,我举手投足就能杀死,不值一提,就这样了,我做事,女人别在这里说三道四,乖乖看着就是了,知道吗?” Xia Ping crosses the hands behind the back to stand, very saying of overbearing. 夏平负手而立,很是霸道的说道。 Un un, others knew.” “嗯嗯,人家知道了。” although tone very overbearing, but Monica is actually the appearance that a face enjoys, the elegant face is red, nod(ded) such as mashes up garlic, the looks at Xia Ping's appearance, that is even more infatuated. 虽然语气很是霸道,但是莫妮卡却是一脸受用的样子,俏脸通红,点头如捣蒜,看着夏平的样子,那是越发的痴迷。 Her elegant face is red, the innermost feelings are shouting wildly , Sir Austin is really overbearing, was too charming, worthily is the man who I have a liking, really had charm. 她俏脸通红,内心在狂喊,啊,奥斯汀大人真是太霸道,太迷人了,不愧是我看上的男人,真是太有魅力了。 This!” “这!” surroundings maid sees this, their face is speechless, does not know that said any good, after all they may not have Monica such mood, they thought that this Flower Demon Austin thorough was insane. 周围侍女看到这一幕,她们一脸无语,都不知道说些什么好,毕竟她们可没有莫妮卡这样的情绪,她们都觉得这花魔奥斯汀彻底疯了。 Obviously only then the Immortal Realm strength, dares to receive this pursuit Early Antiquity Realm sand demon Mission unexpectedly, this pretty boy was shuts out itself to live the time to be long, thinks courting death?! 明明只有不朽境的实力,居然还敢接下这个追杀近古境沙魔的任务,这个小白脸难道是嫌弃自己活得时间太长了,是想找死?! However this is also good, if sand demon this Austin killing, then Sir Monica can return to the original condition, will not be played this appearance by this bastard Austin. 不过这样也好,若是沙魔将这奥斯汀给杀了,那么莫妮卡大人就能恢复原状了,不会被这混蛋奥斯汀耍成这个样子。 Right, Sir Austin, although my can’t do anything about it meddled your Mission, but on me also had many Treasure, these can you, believe that can cut to kill the sand demon to bring very big help for you.” “对了,奥斯汀大人,虽然没办法插手你的任务,但是我身上还有很多宝物,这些都可以给你,相信能为你斩杀沙魔带来很大的帮助。” This moment Monica as if remembered anything, her big hand wields, immediately pulled out nine Treasure from the body, each Abyss Treasure emits has unusual aura. 此刻莫妮卡似乎想起了什么,她大手一挥,立即就从身上掏出了九件宝物,每一件深渊宝物散发出非同一般的气息 My God, this is the nightmare vine!” “我的天,这是噩梦藤!” One crowd of maid cannot bear stare big eyes, simply cannot believe that because above each Abyss Treasure is priceless, that cannot buy richly. 一群侍女都是忍不住瞪大眼睛,简直是不敢相信,因为上面每一件深渊宝物都是价值连城的,有钱都买不到的那种。 Abyss Treasure nightmare vine, this is from Abyss most deep place extremely fearful plant, kills the demon like the hemp, can grow the millions and millions strip root hair, all-conquering, has the strength of immortal. 深渊宝物噩梦藤,这是来自深渊深处一种极其可怕的植物,杀魔如麻,能生长出亿万条根须,无坚不摧,拥有不朽之力。 Once by the nightmare vine entanglement, its automatic emits will have nightmare Demon Qi, held prey will fall into nightmare among unable to extricate oneself instantaneously, automatic deep sleep. 一旦被噩梦藤纠缠上,它会自动散发噩梦魔气,被抓住的猎物瞬间会陷入噩梦当中无法自拔,自动沉睡。 Then the nightmare vine will swallow prey of deep sleep thoroughly, changes into the nourishment that oneself grow. 接着噩梦藤就会将沉睡的猎物彻底吞噬,化为自己成长的养料。 Abyss among does not know that had many Demon dead in the nightmare vine subordinate. 深渊当中都不知道有多少妖魔死在了噩梦藤手下。 However this nightmare vine is also Peak Pet, once refining the soul of nightmare vine, can make the nightmare vine change into the most faithful guard, can control the nightmare vine to cut to kill many Demon. 但是这噩梦藤也是顶尖宠物,一旦炼化噩梦藤的魂魄,就能让噩梦藤化为自己最忠实的护卫,能操控噩梦藤斩杀诸多妖魔 Even if under the attack, nightmare vine also active protection Host. 甚至如果遭遇到袭击,噩梦藤还会主动保护宿主 It can be said that this is great Treasure, does not know that many Demon want to obtain a nightmare vine, because this simply is defense and attack supreme treasure, an attack and defense body. 可以说,这是一等一的宝物,都不知道多少妖魔想得到一株噩梦藤,因为这简直就是防御攻击至宝,攻防一体。 But this is also Sir Night Demon King for own daughter, picks from Abyss Secret Realm among, to give the daughter Monica self-defense. 而这也是夜魔王大人为了自己的女儿,从一处深渊秘境当中采摘出来,就是为了送给自己女儿莫妮卡防身的。 However now Sir Monica must bestow the nightmare vine to this pretty boy unexpectedly, if this is cracking a joke, then this joke may open in a big way. 但是现在莫妮卡大人居然要将噩梦藤赠送给这小白脸,如果这是开玩笑的话,那么这个玩笑可就开大了。 If by other Demon is known perhaps this matter, they will envy to result in the intestines to be green. 若是被其他妖魔知道这件事的话,恐怕它们会嫉妒得肠子都绿了。 to be honest, they also know that this Austin is in good graces, but didn't expect was actually loved this degree by Sir Monica, even this Treasure is willing to take. 说实话,她们也知道这奥斯汀得宠,但是没想到却是被莫妮卡大人宠爱到这种程度,连这种宝物都舍得拿出来。 This is the ice punctures the demon fruit!” “这是冰刺魔果!” maid also screamed one, she saw second Treasure, that was one all over the body snow white, just like the crystal clear fruit, above is growing the densely packed demon thorn. 一个侍女又尖叫一声,她看到了第二件宝物,那是一颗通体雪白,宛如水晶一般的果实,上面生长着密密麻麻的魔刺。 to be honest this Treasure although fame does not have the nightmare vine to be big, but also is great maintaining life Treasure. 说实话这件宝物虽然名气没有噩梦藤大,但是也是一等一的保命宝物 Such fruit is punctured Demon King to condense by the renowned ice, if punctures the demon fruit to pound this ice, immediately can detonate this ice to puncture all strength of demon fruit. 这样的果实是由大名鼎鼎的冰刺魔王凝聚而成的,如果将这冰刺魔果砸出去的话,立即就能引爆这颗冰刺魔果的所有力量 But this ice punctures strength of demon fruit extremely is also fearful, once explodes, will erupt the internal millions and millions demon thorn. 而这冰刺魔果的力量也极其可怕,一旦爆炸,就会爆发出内部亿万颗魔刺。 These demon thorns have all-conquering might, even Space-Time Law is unable to resist, space barrier can also bombardment become the smashing, with no difficulty pierces many Early Antiquity Demon body. 这些魔刺具备着无坚不摧威力,即使是时空法则也无法抵挡,空间障壁也能轰击成粉碎,轻而易举的洞穿许多近古妖魔身躯 Even these demons puncture bombardment on enemy, split second can freeze the ice sculpture enemy, fearful cold aura all of a sudden on smashing enemy's soul. 甚至这些魔刺轰击敌人身上,一瞬间就能将敌人冻结成冰雕,可怕的寒冷气息会一下子就粉碎敌人的灵魂 It can be said that this is destructive power extremely powerful one-time Treasure. 可以说,这是一件杀伤力极强一次性宝物 If encounters what danger, can definitely puncture the demon fruit to pound this ice, can strike to kill the powerful enemy instantaneously. 若是遇到什么危险,完全能将这颗冰刺魔果砸出去,瞬间就能击杀强敌。 to be honest that sand demon strength is very terrifying, but this ice punctured the words of demon fruit, it is estimated that is also more unfortunate than fortunate, will be frozen die without a whole corpse instantaneously. 说实话那沙魔实力十分恐怖,但是中了这一颗冰刺魔果的话,估计也是凶多吉少,会被瞬间冻结起来死无全尸 „The boots of Abyss Demonic Artifact-- Shadow!” 深渊魔宝——暗影之靴!” Another maid holds breath cold air, the shock, they see this pair of valuable boots are also dumbstruck, was almost insane, this is Sir Night Demon King bestows to another precious Treasure of Sir Monica. 又一个侍女倒吸一口凉气,震惊不已,她们看到这一双宝靴也是目瞪口呆,几乎都疯了,这是夜魔王大人赠送给莫妮卡大人的又一件珍贵宝物 It is said this shoes are by 108 Abyss precious material refine, above engraved Sir Night Demon King personally plan all kinds Law's Pattern, contain dark law, law of shadow wait/etc.. 据说这一双鞋子是由一百零八深渊珍贵的材料炼制而成,上面镌刻了夜魔王大人亲自绘制的各种法则纹路,蕴含着暗之法则,影之法则等等。 If wore this shoes, immediately can obtain the strength of Shadow. 若是穿上了这一双鞋子,立即就能获得暗影之力。 Once uses the strength of this Shadow, can without speaking merging Void deep place, change into Shadow, invisible does not have the shadow, flees calmly, overwhelming majority strength are unable attack to the main body. 一旦动用这暗影之力,就能无声无息融入虚空深处,化为暗影,无形无影,从容遁走,绝大部分的力量都无法攻击到本体。 Without a doubt, wore this shoes, maintains life Ability simply to strengthen ten times. 毫无疑问,若是穿上了这一双鞋子,保命能力简直是能增强十倍。 So long as wants, encounters the big danger, can flee calmly. 只要愿意的话,遇到再大的危险,都能从容遁走。 originally this is Sir Night Demon King, for the daughter security considers, therefore gives to Sir Monica, now unexpectedly gives this pretty boy Austin, simply was insane. 本来这是夜魔王大人为了自己女儿的安全着想,所以才赠送给莫妮卡大人的,现在居然送给了这小白脸奥斯汀,简直是疯了。 to be honest, let alone is other male Demon envies the envy to hate, now their these personal maid envy, why this pretty boy can obtain Sir Monica to love like this, even such Treasure is willing to bestow. 说实话,别说是其他的雄性妖魔羡慕嫉妒恨,现在她们这些贴身侍女都嫉妒得不行,凭什么这小白脸能得到莫妮卡大人这样的宠爱,连这样的宝物都舍得赠送出来。 But besides these three Treasure, other six Treasure is also serious, with the words, will make Demon Palace many Demon make the brain fluid absolutely that. 而除了这三件宝物之外,其他六件宝物也是不得了,拿出去的话,都绝对会让妖魔殿诸多妖魔打出脑浆的那种。 This!” “这!” Sees these Treasure, even Xia Ping this vision is extremely sinister and tall Deren, still knows Abyss Treasure that Monica takes is very unusual, that is even Late Antiquity Saint sufficiently coveting over that. 看到这些宝物,即使是夏平这种眼光极其毒辣和高的人来说,也知道莫妮卡拿出来的深渊宝物很是不同寻常,那是连远古圣人都足以垂涎三尺的那种。 Complete can imagine, this Monica in the end is what kind of rich and overbearing. 完全可以想象,这莫妮卡到底是何等的财大气粗 Meanwhile he also very speechless, this is when pretty boy advantage? So long as hugging the thigh of rich woman, perhaps this whole life did not need to worry, does not need trying hard, anything prepared. 同时他也十分的无语,这就是当小白脸的好处吗?只要抱上了富婆的大腿,恐怕这辈子都不用愁了,根本不需要努力,什么东西都准备好了。 Other this also Demon see this situation no wonder, will wish one could to give to get rid of this pretty boy Demon Austin, it is estimated that any Demon sees this, metropolis/can psychology not balance. 这也难怪其他妖魔看到这种情况,会恨不得将这小白脸妖魔奥斯汀给干掉,估计任何一个妖魔看到这一幕,都会心理十分的不平衡 Envies the envy to hate to be not enough to describe these Demon feelings. 羡慕嫉妒恨都不足以形容那些妖魔的心情啊。
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