GLD :: Volume #28

#2728: The female of Night Demon King

Rock Demon City, Demon Palace, a mansion. 岩魔城,妖魔殿,一处府邸。 At this moment, Xia Ping light carriage ripe returned to itself in Demon Palace mansion among, this is one occupies a land area of Surface area to surpass hundred mu luxurious mansion. 此刻,夏平已经轻车驾熟的回到了自己在妖魔殿的府邸当中,这是一处占地面积超过百亩的奢华府邸。 Inside has dozens guest rooms, swimming pool, garden, all kinds cultivation practice room wait/etc., even maid takes care, the guard protects, simply is the Royal Palace mansion is ordinary, is to the utmost luxurious. 里面有着数十间客房,还有游泳池,花园,各种修炼练功房等等,甚至还有侍女服侍,侍卫保护,简直王宫府邸一般,极尽奢华。 Even such house, in Demon Palace among Rank is still extremely high. 即使这样的房子,在妖魔殿当中等级也是极高的。 ordinary Immortal Demon is impossible to live in such house, the house in three-bedroom two living-room is good, the treatment can also be is very high. 普通不朽妖魔不可能住得上这样的房子,有一间三室两厅的房子已经算是不错了,待遇也算得上很高。 Normal Flower Demon Austin merely is Immortal Realm Demon, just joined Demon Palace shortly , the small achievement has not stood, is impossible to live in such house. 正常来说花魔奥斯汀仅仅是个不朽境妖魔,刚刚加入妖魔殿没多长时间,寸功未立,不可能住得进去这样的房子。 However who made him gang up with Rock Demon City Demon Palace Branch Hall Hall Master's daughter Monica, is relying on Monica relationship, his openly and legally lived in this place. 但是谁让他勾搭上了岩魔城妖魔殿分殿殿主的女儿莫妮卡,凭借着莫妮卡关系,他就堂而皇之的住进去了这个地方。 in reality such mansion, Monica altogether ten, she granted such a mansion to give Austin merely. 事实上这样的府邸,莫妮卡一共有十间,她仅仅是赐予了一座这样的府邸给奥斯汀而已。 Why this moment Xia Ping was also knows Austin so by the person envy and hate, small Immortal Demon, without performing what merit, enjoyed such treatment in Demon Palace unexpectedly. 此刻夏平也算是知道为何奥斯汀如此遭人忌恨了,一个小小的不朽妖魔,又没有立下什么功劳,居然就在妖魔殿享受这样的待遇。 Resenting as well as discontented of other it is obvious that Demon. 可想而知其他妖魔的愤恨以及不满。 Especially these think Demon that oneself perform high service through hard work, sees Austin such treatment, perhaps all wished one could to live to rip this fellow, thinks that this fellow was pretty boy, gangs up with on woman merely, unexpectedly had to exceed their treatments, can be convinced has ghost. 特别是那些自认为自己劳苦功高的妖魔,看到奥斯汀这样的待遇,恐怕都是个个恨不得将这家伙生撕了,认为这家伙不过是个小白脸而已,仅仅是勾搭上一个女人而已,居然就拥有超越它们的待遇,能服气才有鬼呢。 Master.” 主人。” Many maid and guards of this mansion see Xia Ping to come back, is each one startled, because they hear the news, said that Austin has died outside, the dissemination must have the nose to be perforated, they also accept as true. 这座府邸的诸多侍女和护卫见到夏平回来,也是个个大吃一惊,因为它们听到消息,说奥斯汀已经死在外面了,传播得有鼻有眼,它们也信以为真。 However now is also living unexpectedly, is really makes them unbelievable. 但是现在居然还活着回来了,实在是让它们难以置信。 May the professional quality as servant, still make them suppress the shock of innermost feelings, does not dare to reveal that any mood, for fear that causes Master's is not quick. 可身为下人的职业素质,依然让它们压制了内心的震惊,都不敢表露出来任何的情绪,生怕引起主人的不快。 After all Master has the power that lives to kill to seize to them, other Demon can underestimate Austin, but they, did not reveal is only impossible. 毕竟主人可是对它们有着生杀夺予的权力,其它妖魔可以小看奥斯汀,但是唯独它们不可以,连表露出来都不可能。 Un.” “嗯。” Xia Ping nodded, is very proud, without the plans and these guards and maid spoke. 夏平点点头,无比自傲,没打算和这些侍卫和侍女说话。 However regarding these retinues this is also the natural matter, Austin is such Demon, they had become accustomed, even thinks that this is very normal matter. 但是对于这些仆从来说这也是理所当然的事情,奥斯汀就是这样的妖魔,它们早就习以为常了,甚至认为这是很正常的事。 Austin!” 奥斯汀!” At this time, mansion out of the door broadcast a clear sound, then a group of Demon walked from the mansion, majestic and grandiose, was regarded as the family/home to be the same probably. 就在这个时候,府邸门外传来一阵清脆的声音,接着一大群妖魔就从府邸外面走了进来,浩浩荡荡,好像当做是自己家一样。 Hmm?!” 嗯?!” Xia Ping raised the eyebrow, he sees one height one meter immediately nine, figure selects high, perfect hot woman walked, woman should have the spot that she to have, moreover is extremely outstanding, whole body high and low emits has strong female aura. 夏平挑了挑眉,他立即就看到一个身高一米九,身材高挑,完美火辣的女人走了过来,女人该有的部位她都有,而且极其优秀,浑身上下都散发出浓烈的雌性气息 She is growing perfect face, as if has such as the spring water common eye, on the head steadily pair of devil horns, as if body covers under moonlight, aura deep and unmeasurable. 她长着一张完美的脸蛋,似乎有着如泉水一般的眼睛,脑袋上长着一对恶魔角,似乎身体笼罩在月华之下,身上的气息深不可测 This is Immemorial Realm peak Demon! 这是一尊太古境巅峰妖魔 Moon Demon Monica! 月魔莫妮卡 He recognizes this beautiful to result in the bubbling all of a sudden Demoness is legend among Moon Demon Monica, she is Rock Demon City the flower of Takarei, countless male Demon longs for rose that a belt/bring obtained punctures. 他一下子就认得出这美得冒泡的女妖魔便是传说当中月魔莫妮卡,她乃是岩魔城的高岭之花,无数雄性妖魔都渴望得到的一朵带刺的玫瑰。 Meanwhile she is also Rock Demon City Branch Hall Hall Master, Demon Palace Elder Night Demon King only daughter. 同时她也是岩魔城分殿殿主,妖魔殿长老夜魔王唯一的女儿 This a series of reputations make Monica Rock Demon City most famous Demoness, does not know that many Demon want to prostrate oneself under her pomegranate skirt. 这一系列的名头都让莫妮卡成为岩魔城最负盛名的女妖魔,不知道多少妖魔都想拜倒在她的石榴裙之下。 But such Demoness was actually taken by Austin, actually it is obvious that Austin caused resenting of many Demon, as well as envies the envy to hate. 而这样的女妖魔却是被奥斯汀拿下,可想而知奥斯汀究竟是引起了多少妖魔的愤恨,以及羡慕嫉妒恨。 However in Flower Demon Austin memory among, although it and Monica becomes male girlfriend, the time of however being together are actually not much, even his have guts felt, Austin is only Monica collection in which toy. 不过在花魔奥斯汀记忆当中,虽然它和莫妮卡成为了男女朋友,但是相处的时间其实并不多,甚至他有种感觉,奥斯汀只是莫妮卡收藏的其中一个玩具而已。 Likes naturally being able to like seriously, but if despising, will perhaps be discarded conveniently. 喜欢自然会喜欢得不得了,但是如果厌恶了,恐怕就会被随手丢弃。 However Flower Demon Austin has also prepared, in reality regarding his such realm of love prodigal son, when the spare tire, with treats as the spare tire other woman, is the matters of potluck. 不过花魔奥斯汀也早就有所准备,事实上对于他这样的情场浪子来说,当备胎,和将别的女人当做备胎,都是家常便饭的事。 Everyone comes out to play, so to be why earnest. 大家只是出来玩玩而已,何必这么认真。 Good, you had not really died, before I heard the news, said that you died outside, now saw that you were all right that to be good.” Monica sees Xia Ping, immediately relaxes. “太好了,你果然没死,之前我听到消息,说你死在了外面,现在看到你没事那就好。”莫妮卡看到夏平,顿时松了一口气。 Then her a pair of beautiful eyes is sizing up Xia Ping up and down, as if inexplicable strength covers Xia Ping body high and low, as if in the sensation anything thing: This news is not the rumor, did you really encounter what yesterday evening?” 接着她一双美眸上下打量着夏平,似乎一股莫名的力量笼罩夏平身体上下,仿佛在感知一些什么东西:“不过这个消息并非是空穴来风,难道你昨天晚上真的遭遇到了什么?” Her eyes flashed, vaguely reveals murderous aura. 眼神闪烁,隐约之间露出一丝杀气 Because entire Rock Demon City who does not know that Austin is her man, currently unexpectedly also has other Demon to dare to Austin to start, isn't that hits the face of her Monica?! 因为整个岩魔城谁不知道奥斯汀是她的男人,现在居然还有别的妖魔敢对奥斯汀下手,那不就是打她莫妮卡的脸吗?! She female as the Night Demon King, cannot tolerate this matter to happen absolutely. 她身为夜魔王之女,绝对不能容忍这种事发生。 This is king's daughter's dignity! 这是王之女的尊严! woman, other meddling in other people's business, this is the things between our men, you leave meddle carelessly.” 女人,别多管闲事,这是我们男人之间的事情,你别胡乱插手。” Xia Ping crosses the hands behind the back to stand, light was saying to Monica. 夏平负手而立,淡淡的对着莫妮卡说道。 What?! 什么?! Hears this saying, mansion many guard maid, followed more than ten maid that Monica comes also stares big eyes, cannot believe that completely this Austin dares to say such words unexpectedly. 听到这话,原本府邸诸多护卫侍女,还有跟随莫妮卡而来的十几位侍女也是瞪大眼睛,完全不敢相信这奥斯汀居然敢说出这样的话。 to be honest in their impression among, this Austin is living off a woman pretty boy, entire regarding side Monica, the pug dog same spoke the joke probably, flatters Monica unceasingly, for fear that Monica vitality │ angry. 说实话在她们的印象当中,这奥斯汀不过是个吃软饭小白脸而已,整条围绕在莫妮卡身边,好像哈巴狗一样说笑话,不断讨好莫妮卡,生怕莫妮卡生气 Naturally they also most despise such pretty boy same man, each one waits to watch the good play, when waits to look at Monica despising this pretty boy, thus tramples this pretty boy. 当然她们也是最鄙视这样小白脸一样的男人,个个都是等着看好戏,等着看莫妮卡什么时候厌恶小白脸,从而将这小白脸一脚踹开。 What meaning but now this fellow in the end is, unexpectedly also dares speaks with such tone and Sir Monica, was this fellow thoroughly insane? Was the mental illness confused?! 可现在这家伙到底是什么意思,居然还敢用这样的语气和莫妮卡大人说话,这家伙是彻底疯了吗?还是神经病错乱了?! This!” “这!” Monica was a little also ignorant, because this whole life is also first time hears a man to dare to speak to oneself like this, after all is the female of Night Demon King, Innate Noble, from childhood no one dares to provoke her. 莫妮卡也有点懵了,因为她这辈子也是第一次听到一个男人敢这样对自己说话,毕竟身为夜魔王之女,天生高贵,从小就没人胆敢招惹她。 Who dares and speaks with such tone, even her Father not this and spoke, but this Austin first such as audacious in the extreme man. 谁又敢用这样的语气和自己说话,连她的父亲都没有这样和自己说话,但是这奥斯汀还是第一个如胆大包天的男人。 This what this, can't you understand? This matter you, had no relationship with you leave alone, this is the war, woman gets out of the way.” Xia Ping frowned, tone very serious is speaking to Monica, such tone simply scolded. “这什么这,难道你听不懂吗?这件事你就别管了,和你没什么关系,这是战争,女人走开。”夏平皱了皱眉,语气很是严肃的对着莫妮卡说话,这样的语气简直就是呵斥。
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