GLD :: Volume #28

#2723: Demon Lord

Several in the future, Rock Demon City. 十几日后,岩魔城 This city is the surrounding area several hundred light year biggest cities, numerous Demon gathering place, is the liveliest prosperous place, countless Demon passes in and out here, carry out a transaction. 这座城池乃是方圆数百光年最大的城池,众多妖魔聚集之地,也是最为繁华昌盛的地方,无数妖魔都在这里进进出出,进行交易 But they are also common just like human, lives in this city, systematic. 而它们也宛如人类一般,在这座城池生活,井然有序。 It seems like Abyss really and past was entirely different.” “看来深渊真的和以往截然不同了。” At this moment, Xia Ping treats in tavern among, rice wine that is drinking from Abyss brewing alone, just like lava general boiling hot, simultaneously has fearful Abyss corrosive power. 此刻,夏平待在一间酒馆当中,独自一个喝着来自深渊酿造的米酒,宛如熔浆一般滚烫,同时具备着可怕的深渊侵蚀之力 If All Heavens and Myriad Clans' Life drinks one, perhaps shortly will degenerate Abyss creature. 若是诸天万族的生命喝一口,恐怕顷刻间就会堕落成深渊生物 However he is different, within the body Hell's Golden Crow Bloodline can with no difficulty swallows refining these strong liquor contain Strength of Abyss instantaneously, appropriates to oneself. 但是他不一样,体内地狱金乌血脉轻而易举的就将这些烈酒蕴含深渊之力瞬间就吞噬炼化,据为己有。 Meanwhile his within the body Magic Power as if also obtained the growth. 同时他体内法力似乎也得到了增长。 His looks at tavern surroundings is drinking Abyss Demon that boasted, was really the incomparable feeling, if he did not place in Abyss, thinks own present also treats in present universe among. 看着酒馆周围正在喝酒吹牛的深渊妖魔们,实在是无比感慨,如果他不是身处在深渊的话,都还以为自己现在还待在现世宇宙当中 According to the beforehand impression, he thinks that this Abyss continent should flood the fearful fight, is the flames of war, countless Abyss Demon dies to fight everywhere continuous, is the beacon rises from all directions everywhere, the flames of war set the prairie afire. 按照之前的印象,他认为这块深渊大陆应该充斥着可怕的战斗,到处都是战火,无数深渊妖魔死斗不休,到处都是烽烟四起,战火燎原。 The building thing should also be primitive, the rock composes was even advanced with city wall and house that general Demon should live in cave is right 建筑物也应该是原始的,用岩石组成的城墙和房屋就算是先进了,一般的妖魔应该生活在山洞里面才对 Now but arrives at this city, he is actually discovered that all are systematic, technique of building thing is also quite advanced, is flooding barbaric Life Force, differs not many with human society. 可是现在来到这座城池,他却是发现一切都是井然有序,建筑物的技巧也极为先进,充斥着野蛮的生命力,和人类社会相差不多。 From the beginning Xia Ping did not understand why Abyss will have such change, but he treated ten several days time here, inquired the news unceasingly, understood some truth finally. 一开始夏平不理解为何深渊会发生这样的变化,但是他在这里待了十几天的时间,不断打听消息,也终于明白了一些真相。 All these changes come from mysterious Demon, its named Demon Lord! 这一切的变化是来自于一个神秘妖魔,其名为魔主 In Immemorial Era, the Abyss Demon disastrous defeat, massive higher Demon were cut to kill, all Abyss Demon by seal, were not cut to kill, or returns to Abyss distressedly. 太古时代,深渊妖魔惨败,大量高等妖魔被斩杀,所有深渊妖魔不是被封印,就是被斩杀,或者狼狈逃回深渊 Even All Heavens and Myriad Clans' Invincible Saint also kills Abyss most deep place jointly, wantonly destruction, killed many Invincible Realm Demon, causing Abyss World vitality / origin qi to damage severely, casualty countless. 甚至诸天万族的无敌圣人还联手杀进来深渊深处,大肆破坏一番,斩杀了不少无敌境妖魔,导致深渊世界元气大伤,死伤无数 Simultaneously Abyss went to present universe most Void channel to get up by seal, their again also can’t do anything about it unbridled turnover present universe. 同时深渊前往现世宇宙大部分的虚空通道都被封印起来了,它们再也没办法肆无忌惮的进出现世宇宙 Moreover they in the event in present universe, seem target of disdain to be common immediately, by everywhere pursuit, till death, gradually, did not have many Abyss Demon to dare to leave Abyss again. 而且它们一旦出现在现世宇宙,立即就好像过街老鼠一般,被到处追杀,直到死亡为止,久而久之,就再也没多少深渊妖魔敢离开深渊了。 Each one is obediently treats in Abyss among, does not dare to leave, after all thinks it over the Abyss comparison security, will not be killed by present universe All Heavens and Myriad Clans' Saint. 个个都是乖乖待在深渊当中,不敢离开,毕竟想来想去还是深渊比较安全,不会被现世宇宙诸天万族的圣人杀死。 During that time, simply is the Abyss most dark(ness) day, the talent was on the wane, casualty countless. 那一段时间,简直深渊最为黑暗的日子,人才凋零,死伤无数 Their each one was attacked to lose the confidence, just like stray dog, even has no Demon to dare to say counter-attacks present universe such words. 它们个个都被打击得失去了信心,宛如丧家之犬,甚至都没有任何妖魔胆敢说出反攻现世宇宙这样的话。 Even if faced with such humiliation, they still can only endure, destroys the tooth to swallow in the belly. 即使面临这样的屈辱,它们也只能忍了,打碎牙齿都得吞进去肚子里面。 But at this moment, that mysterious Demon-- Demon Lord appeared. 而这一刻,那个神秘妖魔——魔主出现了。 As soon as it appears to show the Wudi(Invincible) strength, subdued Half God Level Demon, draws in them under oneself, gradually forms one to the strong influence. 它一出现就展现出无敌的实力,收服了一尊尊半神级妖魔,将它们收拢在自己旗下,逐渐形成一股至强的势力。 Shortly, it incorporated the entire Abyss influence, no matter before how unruly exist(ence), in front of Demon Lord, low head of Noble. 没多长时间,它就收编了整个深渊的势力,之前不管是多么桀骜不驯的存在,在魔主面前,都低下了高贵的头颅。 Later Demon Lord then told many Abyss Demon, the failure of this war, was not only because had a low opinion of the enemy, was because they did not have the discipline, without the system, did not unite, was in a state of disunity. 之后魔主便告诉诸多深渊妖魔,这一场战争的失败,不仅是因为轻敌了,同时也是因为它们没有纪律,没有制度,不团结,是一盘散沙。 Even their science and technology are extremely also backward, is ordinary just like the primitive man, the backwardness will then come under attack, if like this does not lose the war, simply is unreasonable. 甚至它们的科技也极度落后,宛如原始人一般,落后便会挨打,这样如果不输掉战争,简直是没有道理。 Also because of this, under the leadership of Demon Lord, these higher Demon secretly infiltrate present universe. 也因为这样,在魔主的带领之下,这些高等妖魔偷偷潜入现世宇宙 However this they have not chosen destruction time, but changes into ordinary person, merging present universe, starts to study present universe all sorts modestly, studies the All Heavens and Myriad Clans' system, studies All Heavens and Myriad Clans' science and technology, studies all useful things. 但是这一次它们并没有选择破坏,而是化为普通人,融入现世宇宙,开始虚心学习现世宇宙的种种,学习诸天万族的制度,学习诸天万族的科技,学习一切有用的东西。 But if this happens then, entire Abyss sent the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down. 这样一来,整个深渊就发了翻天覆地的变化。 First they got rid of the system of tribe system directly, directly entered the Kingdom system, is centered on Half God Level Demon, composed one by one formidable Demon Kingdom. 首先它们直接就摆脱了部落制的制度,直接进入了王国制,以半神级妖魔为中心,组成了一个个强大妖魔王国 But Half God Level Demon is this Kingdom king, therefore they said that is Abyss King. 半神级妖魔便是这个王国的国王,所以它们才自称为深渊王者 Then, they made cities, enfeoffs Feudal Vassal, making countless Demon gather at city among, making them observe here custom, can not kill one another again. 接下来,它们就建造了一座座城池,分封诸侯,让无数妖魔聚集在城池当中,让它们遵守这里的规矩,不得再自相残杀。 From the beginning, such system is not certainly able to carry out, was not familiar with the custom, is not familiar with the Demon opposition of restraint. 一开始,这样的制度当然无法执行,被不习惯规矩,不习惯束缚妖魔反对。 They expressed the law of the jungle, unbridled slaughter was true Demon, got up by restraint, detains in shackles among, that did not have tiger of tooth. 它们表示弱肉强食,肆无忌惮杀戮才是真正的妖魔,被束缚起来,关押在牢笼当中,那就是没有了牙齿的老虎 Does this will only weaken Demon strength, rather than will strengthen. 这样做只会消弱妖魔力量,而不是会增强。 However in Demon Lord, as well as under the support of many Half God Level Demon, all oppositions was killed, completely eradicates, only has support Demon to live. 但是在魔主,以及诸多半神级妖魔的支持之下,所有反对派都被杀,彻底铲除,唯有支持的妖魔才能活下来。 Gradually, entire Abyss had the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down. 久而久之,整个深渊就发生了翻天覆地的变化。 Because reduced killing one another, had the restraint of system, Abyss World strength simply was restoring by speed of geometric series, countless tyrannical Demon is born unceasingly. 因为减少了自相残杀,有了制度的约束,深渊世界力量简直是以几何级数的速度在恢复,无数强横的妖魔在不断诞生。 By the present, they not only restored Immemorial Era strength, even also even better. 到了现在,它们不仅恢复了太古时代力量,甚至还更胜一筹。 However their moment learn / master the scheme, learn / master bearing patiently, learn / master the stratagem decided that but rear drive. 但是它们此刻学会了计谋,学会了隐忍,学会了谋定而后动。 Even if has such strength, these Abyss Demon still have not chosen on a grand scale, but is concealing, waits for the opportunity of displaying fatally strikes. 即使拥有这样的力量,这些深渊妖魔也依然没有选择大张旗鼓,而是隐匿,等待着施展致命一击的机会。 Obviously they become fearful, conforms to the Demon mean deceitful characteristics. 显然它们变得更加的可怕,更加符合妖魔阴狠狡诈的特性。 Demon Lord? Actually is this what exist(ence)?” 魔主?这究竟是什么样的存在?” Xia Ping narrowed the eye, all changes of Abyss have greatest relationship with this Demon Lord without a doubt, if not this Demon Lord, Abyss strength not tyrannicalally to this degree. 夏平眯了眯眼睛,毫无疑问深渊发生的所有变化都和这魔主有着莫大的关系,如果不是这位魔主的话,深渊力量不会强横到这种程度。 Moreover he discovered that countless Abyss Demon incomparably respects about this Demon Lord, seems like all Abyss King's kings, stands erect absolute King above all Demon. 而且他发现无数深渊妖魔对这位魔主都无比尊敬,似乎是一切深渊王者的王,屹立于所有妖魔之上的绝对王者 Worship and respect of each Abyss Demon to this Demon Lord is thorough bone marrow. 每一头深渊妖魔对这位魔主的崇拜和尊敬都是深入骨髓的。 Without this Demon Lord words, then Abyss is in a state of disunity, no one will take anyone. 没有这位魔主的话,那么深渊就是一盘散沙,谁也不会服谁。 Like this lets his a little trembled with fear frantically. 这样的狂热让他都有点胆战心惊 As if the Human Race's information among this Demon Lord information, not hiding was really deep.” “似乎人族的情报当中并没有这位魔主的情报,隐藏得实在是太深了。” Xia Ping pinched fist. 夏平捏了捏拳头 If he were not infiltrate Abyss, does not know that Abyss had such change, if anything did not understand, waited to have the war time, the All Heavens and Myriad Clans' life will eat up surely owes greatly. 如果他不是潜入深渊的话,都不会知道深渊发生了这样的变化,若是什么都不了解,等发生战争的时候,诸天万族的生灵必定会吃下大亏。
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