GLD :: Volume #27

#2609: Promotes Late Antiquity Saint

Finally stepped into Late Antiquity Saint realm.” “终于踏入远古圣人境界了。” Xia Ping pinches tightly fist, although his Sea of Consciousness deep place is born merely wisp of Creation Qi, but this was represents him to step into Late Antiquity Saint realm without a doubt, grasped Creation Law. 夏平捏紧拳头,虽然意识海深处仅仅是诞生一缕造物之气,但是毫无疑问这就是代表他踏入了远古圣人境界,掌握了造物法则 Hmm?!” 嗯?!” However at this moment his body as if also transmitted an intermittent warning, as if body each cell transmits the extremely hungry feeling, as if must swallow huge energy. 不过此刻他的身体似乎也传来了一阵阵的警告,仿佛身上每一颗细胞都传来极度饥饿的感觉,似乎要吞噬庞大的能量 If can’t do anything about it satisfies, perhaps will make cultivation base back up. 如果没办法满足的话,恐怕就会让修为倒退回去。 To promote to Late Antiquity Saint realm, grasps Creation Law thoroughly, must swallow massive energy, only has to extreme energy boundless, can support this promotion. 想要晋升到远古圣人境界,彻底掌握造物法则,就必须吞噬大量的能量,唯有磅礴到极点的能量,才能支持这一次的晋升。 However Xia Ping is actually not worried about this point. 但是夏平却不担心这一点。 First did not say before , his killed many Middle Antiquity Saint and Late Antiquity Saint, solely said after entering Demon God Ruins, is relying on taking advantage of a mistake, he saw many Late Antiquity Devil skeletons, even the Immemorial Devil skeleton has. 先不说之前他斩杀了多少中古圣人远古圣人,就单单说进入魔神遗迹之后,凭借着捡漏,他都见到了不少远古恶魔的尸骸,甚至太古恶魔的尸骸都有。 These devils skeletons had also been given World's Tree to swallow by him, had Creation Fruit and World Fruit, such World Strange Fruit each contain devils lifetime blood essence essence. 这些恶魔们的尸骸也早就被他交给了世界之树吞噬,结出了一颗颗造物果世界果,这样的天地异果每一颗都蕴含恶魔们的毕生精血精华 It can be said that such energy simply is much huger, compared with these sacred medicine medicinal power huge dozens times. 可以说这样的能量简直是庞大得吓死人,比起那些圣药药力都庞大数十倍。 Even Xia Ping's Martial Dao Foundation is quite deep, energy that nine big Violet Palace space, need to consume is common Late Antiquity Saint dozens over a hundred times continues. 即使夏平的武道根基极为深厚,还有九大紫府空间,需要消耗的能量是寻常远古圣人的数十上百倍不止。 However this regarding Xia Ping at all is not the issue, his rich and overbearing. 但是这点对于夏平来说根本不是问题,他财大气粗得很。 huā lā lā ~ ~ ~ 哗啦啦~~~ not saying anything further, Xia Ping puts out Creation Fruit from the body immediately, even is World Fruit, he all of a sudden swallowed these Creation Fruit and World Fruit, entrance. 二话不说,夏平立即从身上拿出一颗颗的造物果,甚至是世界果,他一下子就将这些造物果世界果都吞了进去,入口即化。 Suddenly, for several days Strange Fruit gushes out huge Universe source energy immediately, is ordinary like Great Thousand Worlds, energy of crazy tyrant comes in turbulently. 瞬息间,这些天异果立即涌出庞大的宇宙本源能量,如同一座座大千世界一般,狂霸的能量汹涌进来。 Perhaps if the common Saint's words, had been exploded by this energy brace, but regarding Xia Ping, so huge energy is actually just right. 若是寻常圣人的话,恐怕早就被这股能量撑爆了,但是对于夏平来说,如此庞大的能量却是恰到好处。 His countless cell greedy swallows these energy, Magic Power is also increasing by visible speed crazily, probably is promoting by speed of geometric series. 他身上无数细胞都是贪婪的吞噬这些能量,身上的法力也以肉眼可见的速度在疯狂增加,好像以几何级数的速度在提升。 The promotion, the promotion , to promote again! 晋升,晋升,再晋升! Suddenly, then passed for seven days and seven nights. 眨眼之间,便过去了七天七夜的时间。 Xia Ping swallows for several days Strange Fruit energy all, but his Magic Power also rises dramatically crazily, promoted enough ten times to continue compared with before, body each cell is flooding boundless energy. 夏平这些天异果能量尽数吞噬,而他身上的法力也疯狂飙升,比之前提升了足足十倍不止,身上每一颗细胞都充斥着磅礴的能量 He pinched fist, feels the within the body terrifying strength, as if by the body brute force, can a fist tear into shreds this piece of Void merely, hits to explode Space-Time millstone. 他捏了捏拳头,感受到体内恐怖的力量,似乎仅仅是凭借身体的蛮力,都能一拳撕碎这片虚空,打爆时空磨盘 divine consciousness also strengthened.” 神识也增强了。” Also obtained the enormous promotion the Xia Ping sensation to own Soul Strength, his divine consciousness range expanded realm of two hundred thousand light years, if passed on, perhaps does not know that scared many Late Antiquity Saint. 夏平感知到自己的灵魂力量也得到了极大的提升,他的神识范围扩大到了二十万光年的境界,若是传出去的话,恐怕不知道吓坏多少远古圣人 As if so long as he thought moves, soul can Void live the electricity, the full house ties white, each wisp of strength of divine consciousness infiltrates Void each corner, with no difficulty communication Universe Source. 似乎他只要意念一动,灵魂就能虚空生电,满堂结白,每一缕神识之力都渗透虚空每一处角落,轻而易举的沟通宇宙本源 Even strength of divine consciousness can communicate countless Dimensional World continuously, connects not to know multi- distant dimension, with no difficulty swallows huge Dimensional World energy. 甚至一缕缕神识之力都能沟通无数次元世界,连接到不知道多遥远的次元,轻而易举的吞噬庞大的次元世界能量 Naturally, increase of divine consciousness and Magic Power is only child's play, what is more important is his Sea of Consciousness deep place increase of Creation Qi, this on behalf of his grasped Creation Law. 当然,神识法力的增加只是小儿科罢了,更重要的是他意识海深处造物之气的增加,这代表他掌握了造物法则 Creation Qi.” 造物之气。” The Xia Ping eye reveals bright light, wisp of Creation Qi from the beginning, in the past seven days and seven nights later, his Sea of Consciousness deep place had/left on million wisp of divine creative force aura. 夏平眼睛露出一丝精光,从一开始的一缕造物之气,过去了七天七夜之后,他意识海深处多出了上百万缕造物气息 Moreover this Creation Qi also in increase of by geometric series, until flooding body each corner. 而且这造物之气还在以几何级数的增加,直到充斥了身体每一处角落。 He also starts to feel fierce of this Creation Qi. 他也开始感受到这造物之气的厉害。 Creation Qi fiercest then changes the matter shape, with the Life shape. 造物之气最厉害的便是改变物质形态,和生命形态。 This!” “这!” Xia Ping big hand grasps, on a stone Earth grasps in the hand, body Creation Qi instills into, as if infiltrated this stone slightest atom condition, as if grasped its basis. 夏平大手一抓,将大地上一块石头就握在手里,身体造物之气灌输进去,似乎渗透了这块石头最为细微的原子状态,仿佛掌握了它的根本。 Thump! 咚! His thought moves, this stone softened instantaneously, changed into beach soil, then changed into beach petroleum, then changed into the wood/blockhead, changed into gold(en) again...... 他意念一动,这块石头瞬间就软化,化为了一滩泥土,然后再化为一滩石油,接着化为木头,再化为黄金…… Creation Qi in his hands, this stone as if can follow his intention to move, he is God seems to be common, can create countless matter. 造物之气在他手里,这块石头似乎就能跟随他的心意而动,他仿佛就是上帝一般,能创造无数物质 Can make the water turn into the fire, making the stone turn into gold(en), making the wood/blockhead turn into the plastic, making the plastic turn into steel, the transformation of countless matter in his instant. 能让水变成火,让石头变成黄金,让木头变成塑料,让塑料变成钢铁,无数物质的转变都是在他的一念之间。 Naturally he now and omnipotent God has the enormous difference, he can achieve changes the matter shape merely, and change of all kinds molecular arrangement, actually cannot be fabricated. 当然他现在和无所不能的上帝还是有极大的区别的,他能做到的仅仅是改变物质的形态,以及各种分子排列的变化,却是不能无中生有。 However makes Xia Ping feel what is shocking, Creation Qi also has huge transformation effect regarding Life. 不过更加让夏平感到震惊的是,造物之气对于生命也有着巨大的改造效果 huā lā lā ~ ~ ~ 哗啦啦~~~ He instills into to enter elephant body Creation Qi, originally its height 5-6 meter, is a colossus, however under his thought control, is actually the body fast reduction, changes into the Ant size. 他将造物之气灌输进入大象身体,本来身高五六米,是一头庞然大物,但是在他的意念操控之下,却是身体快速缩小,化为蚂蚁大小。 Then he transforms Ant, body increases, changes into the elephant size, moves in forest among like giant elephant general Ant everywhere, thunders to make noise. 然后他将蚂蚁改造,身体变大,化为大象大小,如同巨象一般的蚂蚁在森林当中到处跑动,轰鸣作响。 Is increases changes small. 仅仅是变大变小也就罢了。 However what is more astonishing, he can also change Life race gene at will, turns into the sheep the pig dog, turns into Fierce Tiger cheetah the rabbit, turns into the octopus and flying fish the eagle. 但是更加惊人的是,他也能随意改变生命种族基因,将猪狗变成羊,将兔子变成猛虎猎豹,将飞鹰变成章鱼和飞鱼。 As if myriad things gene changes under the influence of Creation Qi at will. 似乎万物基因都在造物之气的影响下随意改变。 So long as he wants, even can turn into woman the man, woman can also turn into the man. 只要他愿意的话,甚至能将男人变成女人,女人也能变成男人。 As if this strength understands clearly profound mystery that myriad things gene changed. 仿佛这股力量洞悉了万物基因变化的奥妙 „Is this then Creation Law, Creation Domain?” “这便是造物法则,造物领域吗?” Xia Ping sits well on the ground, feels itself to comprehend tyrannical of Creation Domain, can say that Creation Domain tyrannical ten times continued compared with beforehand Space-Time Domain. 夏平端坐在地上,感受到自己领悟造物领域的强横,可以说造物领域比起之前的时空领域强横了十倍不止。 Space-Time Domain can affect the change of time and space merely. 时空领域仅仅是能影响时间和空间的变化而已。 However Creation Domain is different, it not only can affect the change of Space-Time, even can make this Domain world have the change of vicissitudes, making the mountain rise straight from the ground, making sea dry up, making desert change into Oasis. 但是造物领域不一样,它不仅能影响时空的变化,甚至能让这处领域世界发生沧海桑田的变化,让高山拔地而起,让大海枯竭,让沙漠化为绿洲 This strength infiltrated matter, changes the atomic arrangement change of matter wait/etc.. 这股力量渗透了物质本身,更改物质的原子排列变化等等。 If Late Antiquity Saint a fist hits Middle Antiquity Saint, Creation Qi infiltrates, can let the gene collapse of Middle Antiquity Saint body instantaneously, entire body explodes, is unable to piece together. 若是远古圣人一拳击中中古圣人,造物之气渗透进去,瞬间就能让中古圣人身体基因崩溃,整个身体都爆开,无法拼凑起来。 Moreover ordinary Saint Artifact also has no function to Late Antiquity Saint. 而且普通圣器也对远古圣人没任何作用。 If ordinary Saint Artifact were hit by Creation Qi, infiltrates the core, will be changed the Magical Artifact internal atomic sorting order by Creation Qi instantaneously, causes this Magical Artifact thorough abandonment. 如果普通圣器造物之气击中,渗透核心的话,瞬间就会被造物之气改变法宝内部的原子排序顺序,使得这件法宝彻底报废。 Only has High Grade Saint Artifact rank above Magical Artifact, has tyrannical restriction Formation, can block Late Antiquity Saint Creation Qi, other low Rank Saint Artifact facing Late Antiquity Saint are also only the junks. 唯有上品圣器级别以上的法宝,拥有强横的禁制阵法,才能挡得住远古圣人造物之气,其他低等级圣器面对远古圣人也只是破铜烂铁。
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