GLD :: Volume #27

#2607: Yellow Springs Holy Water astonishing effect

huā lā lā ~ ~ 哗啦啦~~ in a flash, Xia Ping body shakes, when these Yellow Springs Holy Water drop when own body among, these Yellow Springs Holy Water infiltrate oneself four limbs and hundred bones instantaneously. 瞬息之间,夏平身体一震,当这些黄泉圣水滴落在自己身体当中的时候,这些黄泉圣水瞬间就渗透进去自己的四肢百骸 This!” “这!” His eye reveals bright light, on this Yellow Springs Holy Water emits has unequalled Strength of Purification, as if can remove on this world all dirt and is unclean. 他眼睛露出一丝精光,这黄泉圣水身上散发出一股无与伦比的净化之力,似乎能排除这个世界上一切的污垢和不洁。 to be honest, his tempered physique so many years, thinks on oneself does not have many impurity to be right. 说实话,他淬炼体魄这么多年,以为自己身上没有多少杂质才对。 When this Yellow Springs Holy Water drops when his body, he is actually discovered oneself made a mistake, is completely mistaken, these Yellow Springs Holy Water can infiltrate the essence of person truly, the infiltration enters bone marrow among, everywhere. 但是当这黄泉圣水滴落在他的身体的时候,他却是发现自己错了,大错特错,这些黄泉圣水是真正能渗透人的本质,渗透进入骨髓当中,无处不在。 Bang~~ 轰~~ The Xia Ping sensation to infiltrates with Yellow Springs Holy Water since oneself body each corner, some oneself within the body deep place black impurity, are ordinary just like the sludge, repels from 108,000 pore among. 夏平感知到随着黄泉圣水渗透进入自己身体每一处角落,自己体内深处一些黑色的杂质,宛如污泥一般,从十万八千个毛孔当中排斥出来。 These impurity some are because fights the injury of thus leaving behind, some are internal injury that because cultivation Divine Ability keeps, or is the scar that the weary accumulation comes. 这些杂质有的是因为战斗从而遗留下来的伤势,有的是因为修炼神通留下来的暗伤,或者是疲劳积累而来的伤痕。 But these scars as slight as the extreme, divine consciousness sensation, as if scar slight to gene fragment among. 而这些伤痕细微到极点,神识都感知不到,似乎伤痕细微到在基因片段当中 Naturally these injuries are not considered as regarding his formidable physique anything, will not affect the fight, but wants to promote to the supreme realm words, needs to let body at stainless condition, has most perfect Martial Dao Foundation. 当然这些伤势对于他强大体魄来说不算是什么,根本不会影响到战斗,但是想要晋升到至高境界的话,就需要让身体处在无垢的状态,拥有最完美的武道根基 If left behind a scar of faint trace, perhaps at crucial moments, because of these tiny injuries, will thus fail when success seemed within reach. Many Saint do not take seriously this point, cultivation to Late Stage time, on in a difficult situation. 如果留下了一丝丝的伤痕,恐怕在关键时刻,就会因为这些细小的伤势,从而功败垂成。许多圣人就是不重视这一点,修炼后期的时候,就寸步难行了。 Accumulates such injury step by step, this also formed so-called bottleneck. 一步步积累这样的伤势,这也就形成了所谓的瓶颈 Why this is cultivation speed is also quicker, foundation more is not solid, bottleneck many relationship, because these because of fast cultivate, the fierce battle thus leave behind year after year, injury that the divine consciousness sensation does not arrive. 这也就是为什么修炼速度越快,根基就越不扎实,瓶颈就越多的关系,正是由于这些长年累月因为快速修行,激烈战斗从而遗留下来,连神识都感知不到的伤势。 Therefore, many Saint cultivation to Late Stage discovered impressively oneself were injured too, wants the further onwards words, to let own gene collapse, radical withering away. 所以,许多圣人修炼后期才赫然发现自己受伤太多了,想更进一步的话,都会让自己的基因崩溃,彻底消亡。 Also some Saint know this point, technique that therefore self created heaven defying repairs, the rebirth, returns to weak in childhood cultivation again, this can have most perfect Martial Dao Foundation. 也有些圣人知道这一点,所以自创逆天重修的法门,再次重生,回到弱小时候修炼,这样就能拥有最完美的武道根基 For example Good Fortune Saint possibly knows this point, knows oneself are unable breakthrough Invincible Saint realm, unable become a God, therefore meets feigning death rebirth cultivate. 比如造化圣人可能就是知道这一点,知道自己无法突破无敌圣人境界,无法成神,所以才会诈死重生修行 This is also a big will, the behavior of big wisdom. 这也是一种大毅力,大智慧的行为。 Naturally, if he has Yellow Springs Holy Water, perhaps did not need this. 当然,如果他拥有黄泉圣水的话,或许就不需要这一步了。 The issue is Yellow Springs Holy Water even in Hell among is still extremely rare Treasure, is not Demon God cannot obtain, do not say that merely was Invincible Saint. 问题是黄泉圣水即使在地狱当中也是极其罕见的宝物,不是魔神根本得不到,更不要说仅仅是无敌圣人了。 To obtain Yellow Springs Holy Water such Treasure, has a dream regarding Saint, in Hell among Yellow Springs Holy Water is legend, do not say that was Reality Universe. 想得到黄泉圣水这样的宝物,对于圣人来说也只是做梦,在地狱当中黄泉圣水都是传说,更不要说是现实宇宙了。 ............ ………… This!” “这!” Xia Ping sits cross-legged to sit on the ground. 夏平盘膝坐在地上。 The time suddenly, then passed by for three days, Dī dī Yellow Springs Holy Water infiltrates his body, at this time had infiltrated body each corner among. 时间眨眼间,便过去了三天,一滴滴黄泉圣水渗透他的身体,这个时候已经渗透了身体每一处角落当中 From his 108,000 pore among, repels continuously black ill-smelling odor impurity, these impurity are ordinary like the sin, changes into black one group, is almost rich cannot melt. 从他十万八千个毛孔当中,也排斥出一缕缕黑色难闻恶臭的杂质,这些杂质如同罪孽一般,化为黑色一团,浓郁得几乎化不开。 These impurity also formed a beach dirt Blackwater in the ground, is seemingly frightening, making one be scared, as if corroded this piece of Earth. 这些杂质在地面上也形成了一滩污垢黑水,看起来令人心惊肉跳,令人发毛,似乎将这片大地都腐蚀了。 At this moment after three days and three nights Yellow Springs Holy Water Evolution, his body had the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down, finally formed Stainless Body, the body of Gemstone. 此刻经过三天三夜的黄泉圣水进化,他的身体发生了翻天覆地的变化,终于形成了无垢之体,宝石之体。 vaguely, Xia Ping's body blooms continuously light golden rays of light, entire body is ordinary like colored glaze Gemstone, does not have any impurity. 隐约之间,夏平的身体绽放出一缕缕淡淡的金色光芒,整个身体如同琉璃宝石一般,没有任何的杂质 Even has the light fragrance from body deep place emits, like the air/Qi of immortal, Immortal Qi is ordinary, contain unimaginable strength, this is the become a God foundation. 甚至从身体深处散发出淡淡的香气,如同长生之气,不朽之气一般,蕴含匪夷所思力量,这是成神的根基。 He thought that at this moment were really reborn, as if whole body was cleaned up and down, feels the body unprecedented litheness, strength also unprecedented formidable. 他觉得此刻自己真的是脱胎换骨了,似乎全身上下被清洗了一遍,感觉身体前所未有的轻盈,力量也前所未有的强大 although Xia Ping present realm promotion, but after such a wash, after the purification, he thought that own strength increased 30% at least. 虽然夏平现在的境界没有晋升,但是经过这样一次洗涤,净化之后,他觉得自己身上的力量起码增加了三成 it is obvious that, this Yellow Springs Holy Water effect, absolutely is Universe Level sacred object. 可想而知,这黄泉圣水效果,绝对是宇宙级别圣物 „The following wash and purifies soul.” “接下来的洗涤和净化灵魂。” Xia Ping pinched fist, beforehand Yellow Springs Holy Water purifies body merely, but next step is to purify soul, this is Strength of Purification of deeper level. 夏平捏了捏拳头,之前的黄泉圣水仅仅是净化身体而已,但是下一步就是净化灵魂,这是更加深层次的净化之力 drip drip Drip~ ~ 滴答滴答滴答~~ Dī dī Yellow Springs Holy Water drops again in his head, slow body his body, then transferred in body, finally on merging Sea of Consciousness deep place, dropped in his soul among. 滴滴黄泉圣水再次滴落在他的头上,缓慢的身体他的身体,接着在身体转了一圈,最后就融入意识海深处,滴落在他的灵魂当中 zī zī ~ ~ zī zī ~ ~ 滋滋~~滋滋~~ in a flash, Xia Ping felt own soul from having the fierce ache, dropped like the sulphuric acid on soul general, produced terrifying Strength of Purification. 瞬息之间,夏平感受到自己的灵魂从产生了剧烈的疼痛,如同硫酸滴落在灵魂上面一般,产生了恐怖的净化之力 Indistinct within, he felt that this Yellow Springs Holy Water strength is extremely terrifying, as if not only need eliminate soul impurity, even must eliminate including own memory, returns to soul to condition of baby, changes into white paper. 隐约间,他感到这黄泉圣水力量极其恐怖,似乎不仅要清除自己灵魂杂质,甚至连自己的记忆都要清除,将灵魂回归到婴儿的状态,化为一张白纸 Such effect and legend among Meng Potang is exactly the same. 这样的效果传说当中的孟婆汤一模一样。 Perhaps Meng Potang is actually Yellow Springs Holy Water. 或许孟婆汤其实就是黄泉圣水 He is also knows why these Evil Ghost, these Demonic Evil so fear Yellow Springs River, solely was drop of Yellow Springs Holy Water is so terrifying, if were river Yellow Springs Holy Water, such might simply is unable to imagine. 他也算是知道为何那些恶鬼,那些魔孽如此惧怕黄泉河,单单是一滴黄泉圣水就如此恐怖了,如果是一条河流黄泉圣水,那样的威力简直是无法想象。 If merely is drop of Yellow Springs Holy Water, he can also control Yellow Springs Holy Water strength, if river Yellow Springs Holy Water, that is unable to control, Demon God cannot resist. 如果仅仅是一滴黄泉圣水的话,他还能控制黄泉圣水力量,若是一条河流黄泉圣水,那就根本无法控制住,魔神都抵挡不住。 It is estimated that shortly, will be purified thoroughly including Demon God soul, entire soul formats forcefully, restarts again. 估计顷刻间,连魔神灵魂都会被彻底净化一遍,整个灵魂强行格式化,再次重启。 Regarding any Life, memory is the quite important thing, it can be said that basis. 对于任何生命来说,记忆就是相当重要的东西,可以说是根本。 If memory did not even have, that and died had anything to distinguish. 要是连记忆都没了,那和死了有什么区别。 Xia Ping luckily what obtains is one bottle of Yellow Springs Holy Water, can according to own rhythm and speed, purifies the soul above dirt slowly, the greatest avoidable injury, is insufficient to injure to the soul essence. 幸好夏平得到的是一瓶黄泉圣水,可以按照自己的节奏和速度,慢慢净化自己灵魂上面的污垢,最大程度的避免伤害,不至于伤害到灵魂本质。 in reality Yellow Springs Holy Water is one Supreme medicine, the right amount of words are effective, excessive words that are courting death. 事实上黄泉圣水就是一种无上药物,适量的话就是有效,过量的话那就是找死 ............ ………… Suddenly, passed Several days later. 眨眼间,又过去了数日 Xia Ping has been very careful, very slow use Yellow Springs Holy Water, purifies the soul dirt slowly, repels slowly all impurity, enabling soul to present stainless condition. 夏平一直很小心,很缓慢的使用黄泉圣水,缓慢的净化自己灵魂的污垢,将所有的杂质都慢慢排斥出来,使得灵魂呈现出无垢的状态 Obviously, effect is also quite astonishing. 显然,效果也是相当惊人的。 Withstood Yellow Springs Holy Water that to purify soul effect, let his soul aura unceasing enhancement, simultaneously the soul essence also had the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down. 承受了黄泉圣水那净化灵魂效果,也让他的灵魂气息不断的增强,同时灵魂的本质也发生了翻天覆地的变化。 Bang~~ 轰~~ Drops in last drop of Yellow Springs Holy Water in soul deep place, Xia Ping's body shakes, soul sublimated instantaneously, achieved stainless realm, a tyrannical soul fluctuation sweeps away all directions, affects entire Mountains and Oceans Book world. 就在最后一滴黄泉圣水滴落在灵魂深处,夏平的身体一震,灵魂瞬间就升华了,达到了无垢的境界,一股强横的灵魂波动横扫四面八方,波及整个山海经世界
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