GLD :: Volume #25

#2447: A series of plans

Was Several days later, Wu Taidou starts work the news of teaching to alarm Tyrant Dragon City immediately high and low, even other Virtual city giant dragons also heard. 仅仅是数日,武泰斗开班授课的消息立即惊动了霸龙城上下,甚至连其他虚拟城市巨龙们也是有所耳闻。 Those who make Xia Ping a little surprised is, overwhelming majority giant dragon chose the value hundred thousand Dragon Crystal High Level course unexpectedly, few parts, even is few poor dragons chooses to pay ten thousand Dragon Crystal or three ten thousand Dragon Crystal curricula. 夏平有点惊讶的是,绝大部分巨龙居然都选择了价值十万龙晶高级教程,就只有少部分,甚至是屈指可数的的穷龙才选择缴纳一万龙晶或者三万龙晶的课程。 Obviously, these giant dragons also know that anything is called one cent one point of goods. 显然,这些巨龙们也知道什么叫做一分钱一分货。 Regarding promoting the hope of Immortal Realm, no one compared them to be clearer, since there is this opportunity, naturally pays the High Level course, what to do otherwise when the time comes is unable breakthrough. 对于晋升不朽境的渴望,没有谁比它们更加清楚了,既然有这个机会,当然是缴纳高级教程,要不然到时候无法突破怎么办。 They not because the small advantage between momentary, misses this breakthrough immortal opportunity. 它们可不会因为一时间的便宜,就丧失这个突破不朽的机会。 So long as can breakthrough immortal, trivial hundred thousand Dragon Crystal at all not be anything, even money is not, they are very clear this point. 只要能突破不朽,区区十万龙晶根本不算什么,连钱都算不上,它们可是很清楚这一点。 This if probably ordinary person has the opportunity to pay the hundred thousand block money, parents that can on 100% Peking University Qinghua, Harvard Cambridge, any family be ample will definitely give. 这就好像如果普通人有机会缴纳十万块钱,就能百分百上北大清华,哈佛剑桥,凡是家庭宽裕的父母都肯定会给的。 Also because of this, within short Several days later time, unexpectedly more than 10,000 Thunder Tribulation dragon registrations, lets the tuition fee amount the degree of achieving billion Dragon Crystal. 也因为这样,短短数日的时间之内,居然就有一万多雷劫龙报名,也让学费的金额达到了十亿龙晶的程度。 The words that this amount number passes on, simply does not know that scares many dragons. 这个金额数目传出去的话,简直不知道吓坏多少龙。 Even for the Saint Level dragon, this is still an astronomically high amount, initially Black Wind Stronghold does not know robbed how many years, the complete net worth also not necessarily has so many. 即使对于圣级龙来说,这也是个天文数字般的金额,当初黑风寨不知道抢劫了多少年,全部身家也未必有这么多。 This makes countless Saint Dragons envy sufficiently. 这足以让无数圣龙们都为之嫉妒。 What a pity Xia Ping keeps secret skill to be very proficient, he will not make other dragons know oneself gained so many Dragon Crystal, otherwise does not know that will cause coveting of many Saint Dragon. 可惜夏平保密功夫很到家,他是不会让其他龙知道自己赚了这么多龙晶,否则的话不知道会引起多少圣龙的觊觎。 This Super swindler.” “这个超级骗子。” Ye Mengyao sees this in side, a face is speechless, she was convinced to Xia Ping this Super swindler thoroughly, was really the Innate Super swindler, unexpectedly now deceives the head of giant dragons. 叶梦瑶在旁边看到这一幕,一脸无语,她算是对夏平超级骗子彻底服气了,果然是天生超级诈骗犯,居然现在都欺骗到巨龙们的头上了。 to be honest, such fraud, even if appears in human Universe among, still the large crowd will be swindled, certainly without exception. 说实话,这样的骗局即使出现在人类宇宙当中,也会有一大群人上当,绝无例外。 Because this was really the too far fraudulence. 因为这实在是太远欺骗性了。 First is 100% helps breakthrough to Immortal Realm, these words one, these are stranded in Thunder Tribulation Realm do not know how long person will come in swarms, even if they know that this possibly is the fraud wants to try. 首先是百分百帮忙突破不朽境,这句话一出,那些困在雷劫境不知道多长时间的人都会蜂拥而来,哪怕他们知道这可能是骗局都想试试。 Person who probably obtains the cancer is ordinary, they know obviously that Divine Doctor can treat the cancer to be false, but they also like to believe possibly real, even if only has 1/100000000 opportunities. 就好像得到癌症的人一般,他们明明知道那神医能治疗癌症是假的,但是他们也愿意相信可能是真的,哪怕是只有亿分之一的机会。 What to do otherwise, waits for death?! 要不然怎么办,难道等死吗?! Similar truth, these Thunder Tribulation Realm giant dragons, even if continues cultivation to get down, will not have any breakthrough opportunity, since this might as well tries. 同样的道理,那些雷劫境巨龙们即使继续修炼下去,也不会有任何突破的机会,既然这样还不如去尝试一下呢。 The most important thing is, what most pit deceased person does not pay with a life, the second provision, is not successful refunds money on the 100% sum total unexpectedly, this simply deceives the deceased person. 最重要的是,最坑死人不偿命的是,第二个条款,居然是不成功就百分百全额退款,这简直就是骗死人了。 That flock of dragons inspire delightedly, thinks oneself will not owe. 那群龙欢喜鼓舞,以为自己不会亏。 But carefully thinks, do not look 20 years returns all, if this bastard travelled, brought money along to flee, perhaps did not use 20 years, two years estimated that this flock of dragons complete wipe-out. 可认真想想,别看二十年才尽数返还,如果这混蛋跑路了呢,携款潜逃呢,恐怕不用二十年,两年估计这群龙就血本无归。 Draws back 10,000 steps, Xia Ping does not need to travel. 退一万步来说,夏平也根本不需要跑路。 Because after he obtains these Dragon Crystal, can definitely bring to make other invest(ment), conducts the interest on interest, unceasing to earn money. 因为他得到这些龙晶之后,完全可以拿来做其他投资,进行利滚利,不断赚钱 This obtained 20 years loan without interest probably, how can to earn money, place bank to earn the interest. 这就好像得到了二十年的无息贷款,怎么都能赚钱,放在银行都能赚利息。 Even after 20 years, how returns completely, solely was this sum of money in his hands, can gain greatly gains especially. 即使二十年后全部返还又怎么样,单单是这笔钱在他手里,都能大赚特赚了。 Any swindler, this is the business, mutual consent.” “什么骗子,这是买卖,你情我愿。” Saying that Xia Ping drips greatly: „It seems the idol to be the same, these fans know obviously is impossible to obtain them, payout that is still actually willing, I hope to them, they give me money, this is very fair. What Teacher of Martial Dao experience I am not trading actually, but is trading the dream, yes?” 夏平大喇喇的说道:“就好像偶像一样,那些粉丝明明知道不可能得到他们,却依然心甘情愿的付出,我给他们希望,他们就给我金钱,这很公平啊。我其实不是在贩卖什么武道经验的老师,而是在贩卖梦想,明白吗?” Vainly hopes for my ass!” “梦想个屁!” looks at Xia Ping that Ye Mengyao despises, this words are the words that swindler can speak, believing you were has ghost, this rascal, is really punctuation Symbol cannot believe, is all false. 叶梦瑶鄙视的看着夏平,这种话就是骗子才会说的话,信你才有鬼了,这个坏蛋,真的是连一个标点符号都不能相信,全是假的。 She has known this rascal true colors luckily, will otherwise also be deceived runs around in circles, offer money that is willing. 幸好她早就认识这个坏蛋的真面目,否则也会被骗得团团转,心甘情愿的奉献金钱 Even if this curriculum is false, but you must really start work teaching, otherwise was seen through an affair all of a sudden, how do you plan to teach these giant dragon?” “不过就算是这个课程是假的,但是你也总要真的开班授课吧,否则一下子就被拆穿了,你打算怎么教导那些巨龙?” Ye Mengyao asked. 叶梦瑶问道。 This simplicity, I have prepared the cultivation plan.” “这个简单,我早就准备好了修炼计划。” Xia Ping big hand wields, immediately put out a series of prospectuses. 夏平大手一挥,立即拿出了一系列的计划书。 This!” “这!” Ye Mengyao receives looked, immediately was shocked, dumbstruck is not enough to describe at this moment her dumbfounded. 叶梦瑶接过来一看,顿时就愣住了,目瞪口呆都不足以形容此刻她的懵逼 Daily training program: Every day the hundred thousand times push-up, under hundred thousand the sit-ups and hundred thousand times depth squat, the hundred thousand kilometer to carry a heavy load to run. 每天的训练计划:每天十万次俯卧撑,十万下仰卧起坐、十万次深蹲、十万公里负重跑。 Xia Ping, your not in talking nonsense? What nonsense plan this in the end is, this will also make one believe, did not fear living to rip by angry giant dragon?” 夏平,你这不是在扯淡吗?这到底是什么狗屁计划,这也会让人相信,难道就不怕被愤怒的巨龙给生撕了?” Ye Mengyao dumbstruck, this thought that this training program too ordinary, simply is ordinary make the blood boil, any Thunder Tribulation Realm great expert can with no difficulty achieve this thing. 叶梦瑶目瞪口呆,这觉得这个训练计划太普通了,简直普通得令人发指,任何一个雷劫境大能都能轻而易举做到这种事。 The Thunder Tribulation dragon that or is unable to achieve is an idiot. 或者说无法做到的雷劫龙才是蠢货。 This where is in talking nonsense, the ordinary matter, the insisted time grew, that is extraordinary.” “这哪里是在扯淡,平凡的事情,坚持的时间长了,那就是不平凡了。” Xia Ping argue with the courage of one's convictions: From the beginning possibly they do not believe that will be doubtful, but without relationship, after a period of time, I will look for a request, said him, because experienced a period of training , to promote to immortal.” 夏平振振有词:“一开始可能他们不相信,甚至会半信半疑,但是没关系,过一段时间之后,我就会找个托,说他因为经历了一段训练,就晋升到不朽了。” „Do you also want to look for the request?” “你还要找托?” Ye Mengyao was ignorant, this bastard sentiment also really has a series of plans for the aftermath. 叶梦瑶懵了,这混蛋感情还真的有一系列的后续计划。 Naturally must look for requirement, how does not look to hold to attract remaining giant dragon, how to realize to gain a hundred billion Dragon Crystal small target.” Saying that Xia Ping drips greatly. “当然要找托,不找托怎么吸引剩下的巨龙,怎么实现赚一千亿龙晶的小目标。”夏平大喇喇的说道。 when the time comes he found assiduous cultivation giant dragon casually, donates his Immortal Fruit, helping him promote Immortal Realm. 到时候他就随便找到一个刻苦修炼巨龙,赠予他一颗不朽果,帮助他晋升不朽境 it is obvious that, that Thunder Tribulation Realm giant dragon meets shed tears of gratitude surely , helping propagandize everywhere, this will also become the huge demonstration effect, making other Thunder Tribulation dragon Men heart movements, hit the chicken blood to be the same probably. 可想而知,那雷劫境巨龙必定会感激涕零,帮忙到处宣传,这也会成为巨大的示范效应,让其他雷劫龙们心动不已,好像打了鸡血一样。 Natural Immortal Fruit value not poor, to gain hundred billion Dragon Crystal is worth. 当然一颗不朽果价值不菲,不过为了赚一千亿龙晶还是值得的。 This is so-called does not hate child unable to wrap/sets of the wolf, thinks to earn money, always needs earlier invest(ment). 这就是所谓的舍不得孩子套不着狼,想赚钱,总是需要一点前期投资的。 This is only the Primary Level curriculum, then Middle Level curriculum, High Level curriculum?” “这只是初级课程吧,那么中级课程呢,高级课程呢?” Ye Mengyao asked. 叶梦瑶问道。 „Very simple, the Middle Level curriculum adds three times of training, the High Level curriculum adds ten times of training, this is the increment increases price.” “很简单,中级课程加三倍训练量,高级课程加十倍训练量,这就是加量又加价。” Xia Ping stretches out fingertip. 夏平伸出一根手指头 Dead swindler!” “死骗子!” Face speechless looks at Xia Ping, Ye Mengyao suppressed for quite a while, has to suppress such a few words, she can imagine that crowd of dragon how sullen, spent the hundred thousand Dragon Crystal purchase Martial Dao curriculum, the sentiment and High Level curriculum has no difference. 一脸无语的看着夏平,叶梦瑶憋了半天,只好憋出这么一句话,她都能想象得到那群龙多么憋屈了,花费了十万龙晶购买的武道课程,感情和高级课程没什么区别。 If these giant dragon know that this matter, must spit blood three rises is not possible, was really the extremely pit dragon. 要是那些巨龙知道这件事的话,非得吐血三升不可,实在是太坑龙了。
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