GLD :: Volume #25

#2438: Arrives in White Dragon City

After a few days. 数日后 Under the leadership of Destiny Dragon Betty, Xia Ping after making a long and wearisome journey, finally arrived in White Dragon City. 命运龙贝蒂的带领下,夏平经过长途跋涉,终于抵达了白龙城 Sees only presents a grand white city at present, majestic city wall, the liveliness of heavy traffic, countless giant dragon passes in and out in this city among, extremely busy. 只见眼前出现一座宏伟的白色城池,巍峨城墙,车水马龙的繁华,无数巨龙都在这城池当中进进出出,热闹非凡。 Looks from afar, this city just like a white fairy tale palace, emits has unusual charm. 远远看去,这城池宛如一座白色的童话宫殿,散发出非同一般的魅力 Destiny Dragon Betty and other young dragon call out in alarm one, stares big eyes, as if they have not seen such lively lively city, each one is similar to country bumpkin general. 命运龙贝蒂幼龙都惊呼一声,瞪大眼睛,似乎它们也没见过这么热闹繁华的城池,个个都如同土包子一般。 Hmm?!” 嗯?!” Xia Ping plans to go in White Dragon City time, his in the heart moves suddenly, sensation to spiritual transmit message, as if Ye Mengyao from closing up condition among sobered, was looking for itself for a long time. 夏平打算进去白龙城的时候,他忽然之间心中一动,感知到了一道精神传音,似乎叶梦瑶已经从闭关的状态当中清醒很长时间了,正在寻找自己。 Whiz, he condenses together clone immediately, enters the Mountains and Rivers Bead space, arrives in front of Ye Mengyao. 嗖的一声,他立即凝聚一道分身,进入山河珠空间,抵达叶梦瑶面前。 Saw only swallowed Immortal Fruit Ye Mengyao, her injury had restored, even Magic Power also progressed by leaps and bounds, promoted Immortal Realm Middle Stage peak impressively. 只见吞噬了不朽果叶梦瑶,她身上的伤势已经全部恢复了,甚至身上的法力也突飞猛进,赫然晋升到了不朽境中期巅峰 Moreover perhaps after a period of time, she can promote to Immortal Realm peak, it is obvious that this Immortal Fruit contain energy, absolutely is long-awaited strange fruit. 而且再过一段时间,恐怕她就能晋升到不朽境巅峰,可想而知不朽果蕴含能量,绝对是梦寐以求的奇异果实 It seems like your injury restores well.” “看来你身上的伤势恢复得不错。” Xia Ping nodded. 夏平点点头 Depends entirely on your Immortal Fruit, worthily is World strange fruit, its contain immortal energy simply is unimaginable, if by the self-torture, it is estimated that the whatever happens/10 million year is not necessarily able to promote arrives at such realm.” “全靠你的不朽果,不愧是天地奇果,它蕴含不朽能量简直匪夷所思,如果靠苦修的话,估计千万年都未必能晋升到这样的境界。” Ye Mengyao emotionally said: Ate such a fruit merely, unexpectedly made me save so many years self-tortures, this was really unimaginable.” 叶梦瑶感慨道:“可是仅仅是吃了一颗这样的果实,居然就让我节省了这么多年的苦修,这实在是匪夷所思。” She is also understands why promotes to Immortal Realm Saint goes to some Universe Secret Realm risks frequently, because pure is the words of self-torture, does not know that spends many time and effort. 她也算是明白为何晋升到不朽境圣人经常去一些宇宙秘境冒险,因为单纯是苦修的话,都不知道花费多少时间和功夫 However goes out to take risk, so long as obtains a fortuitous encounter, immediately can progress by leaps and bounds, seemed to obtain Immortal Fruit and Space Fruit from Xia Ping is ordinary. 但是出去冒险,只要获得一点奇遇,立即就能突飞猛进,就好像自己从夏平手上得到了不朽果空间果一般。 After she promotes to immortal peak, takes Space Fruit again, even has big probability promotion to Early Antiquity Realm Saint, comprehends Space Law thoroughly. 等她晋升到不朽巅峰之后,再服用一颗空间果,甚至都有很大的概率晋升到近古境圣人,彻底领悟空间法则 Right, why could not find you in this space world before, did you go to somewhere?” “对了,之前为什么在这个空间世界找不到你,你去了什么地方?” Ye Mengyao curiously asked. 叶梦瑶好奇问道 I had arrived in Dragon World.” “我已经抵达了龙界。” Xia Ping said. 夏平道。 no way, you really arrived in Dragon World, moreover not by the antique discovery of Dragon World?” Hears this saying, Ye Mengyao is surprised immediately, a little cannot believe words that own ear hears. 不会吧,你真的抵达了龙界,而且没有被龙界的老古董发现?”听到这话,叶梦瑶顿时惊讶不已,有点不敢相信自己耳朵听到的话。 Human Race once also some great expert attempted to enter Dragon World, but was left by the Dragon World antique pursuit, even also almost died in the subordinate of opposite party. 人族曾经也有一些大能尝试进入龙界,可是都被龙界老古董驱逐离开,甚至还差点死在了对方的手下。 it is obvious that, wants to sneak across enters Dragon World is a how difficult matter. 可想而知,想偷渡进入龙界是一件多么困难的事情。 From ancient to present she has not listened to many this matters, this also perhaps is her ignorant and inexperienced, but no matter how, this is a unimaginable matter. 从古到今她都没听过多少次这种事,这也或许是她孤陋寡闻,但是不管如何,这都是一件匪夷所思的事情。 Naturally real, you can definitely leave the Mountains and Rivers Bead space, arrives at Dragon World to have a look.” “当然是真的,你完全可以离开山河珠空间,来到龙界看看。” Xia Ping slightly smiled. 夏平微微一笑 Really can go to Dragon World?” “真的能去龙界?” Hears this saying, Ye Mengyao beautiful eyes one bright, in reality she is also very curious regarding Dragon World, after all this is legend among contain infinite mysteries world, entire Universe does not have many people able to enter. 听到这话,叶梦瑶美眸一亮,事实上她对于龙界也无比好奇,毕竟这可是传说当中蕴含着无穷奥秘世界,整个宇宙都没多少人能够进入。 If possible, she will certainly not miss. 如果有机会的话,她当然不会错过。 But I am human, but Dragon World everywhere is giant dragon, can my status have very big trouble?” Ye Mengyao frowned, she worried that oneself status may expose. “可是我是人类,而龙界到处都是巨龙,我的身份会不会有很大的麻烦?”叶梦瑶皱了皱眉,她担心自己的身份可能会暴露。 in reality, in human world is also the similar truth. 事实上,在人类世界也是同样的道理。 If giant dragon appears in human world, will cause the huge stir surely, but human appears in Dragon World, will cause the curiosity of many giant dragons surely. 如果巨龙出现在人类世界,必定会引起巨大的轰动,而人类出现在龙界,也必定会引起诸多巨龙们的好奇。 This is ordinary like the dark(ness) among firefly, is unable to neglect. 这如同黑暗当中的萤火虫一般,根本无法忽视。 This what issue, I can make you have giant dragon strength and aura actually not and ensure has no giant dragon to discover your true body.” Xia Ping touches the chin. “这个倒不是什么问题,我能让你拥有巨龙力量气息,保证没任何巨龙能发现你的真身。”夏平摸了摸下巴。 His big hand grasps, immediately revolves oneself Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Talisman, condenses Heavenly Dragon talisman instantaneously, emits has Dragon Might and energy of black cloud peer. 大手一抓,立即运转自己身上的太古天龙符,瞬间就凝聚出一枚天龙符箓,散发乌云伦比的龙威能量 Of bang, this golden Heavenly Dragon talisman submerged Ye Mengyao's body immediately. 轰的一下,这枚金色天龙符箓立即没入了叶梦瑶的身体 What?! 什么?! Ye Mengyao stares big beautiful eyes immediately, she discovered impressively oneself body had the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down, gushes out Immemorial Heavenly Dragon's energy from her within the body deep place immediately, as if even blood merging the blood of Heavenly Dragon. 叶梦瑶立即瞪大美眸,她赫然发现自己的身体发生了翻天覆地的变化,从她体内深处立即涌出一股股太古天龙的能量,仿佛连血液融入天龙之血。 Her body is strengthening by speed of geometric series, as if changed into the body of Heavenly Dragon, simultaneously on her head also had/left two curving dragon horn, even the pupil changed into the Heavenly Dragon's vertical pupil. 她的身体以几何级数的速度在增强,似乎化为了天龙之躯,同时她的脑袋上面也多出了两只弯弯曲曲的龙角,甚至连瞳孔都化为了天龙的竖瞳。 It is estimated that even if Dragon Race Immemorial Saint appear here place, is unable to detect the Ye Mengyao's true body. 估计就算是龙族太古圣人出现在这个地方,都是无法察觉出叶梦瑶的真身。 in reality this is one of the Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Talisman talent Ability, it can condense 3000 Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Talisman, merging countless living thing's within the body, gives them Immemorial Heavenly Dragon's bloodline, strength and aura. 事实上这就是太古天龙符天赋能力之一,它能凝聚成三千枚太古天龙符,融入无数生灵的体内,赋予他们太古天龙的血脉力量气息 So long as other life within the body contain Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Talisman, can the incarnation be giant dragon. 只要其他生灵体内蕴含太古天龙符,就能化身为巨龙 Xia Ping is also relying on Immemorial Heavenly Dragon Talisman strength, can hide the truth from spying on other giant dragon, as well as monitoring of Dragon World Will. 夏平也是凭借着太古天龙符力量,才能瞒得过其他巨龙的窥探,以及龙界意志的监控。 Ok, now you are the body of giant dragon, can appear in Dragon World among, does not need to be worried by the Dragon World Will monitoring.” Xia Ping is very satisfied own method. “好了,现在你已经是巨龙之身,可以出现在龙界当中,不必担心被龙界意志监控了。”夏平很是满意自己的手段。 Such method, indeed is fierce.” “这样的手段,的确是厉害。” Ye Mengyao shocks, she is also understands why Xia Ping can with no difficulty infiltrate Dragon World, solely is such method, has hidden the truth from Dragon Race Old Ancestor sufficiently. 叶梦瑶震撼不已,她也算是明白为何夏平轻而易举潜入龙界了,单单是这样的手段,就足以瞒过龙族老祖们。 If not she personally experiences, it is estimated that is unable to imagine has the means to make the other people incarnation be Heavenly Dragon unexpectedly, even if such change Saint is unable to see through. 如果不是她亲身经历,估计都无法想象居然有办法让其他人化身为天龙,这样的变化就算是圣人而已无法看穿。 Right, had a matter to need to tell you, in this world to avoid identity exposure, therefore I used false name Wu Taidou, other whatever happens/10 million dim-witted said my True Name.” The Xia Ping reminder said. “对了,有件事需要告诉你,在这个世界为了避免身份泄露,所以我用了个假名字武泰斗,千万傻乎乎说出我的真名。”夏平提醒道。 Wu Taidou?! 武泰斗?! looks at Xia Ping of Ye Mengyao face doubt, how this fellow uses the false name all day, should not arrive at Dragon World to do what bad thing shortly, is worried by Dragon Race Old Ancestor pursuit. 叶梦瑶一脸狐疑的看着夏平,这家伙怎么整天都使用假名字,该不会来到龙界没多久就干出了什么坏事,担心被龙族老祖追杀吧。 to be honest, did not do the matter is not a bit like Xia Ping. 说实话,不搞事就有点不像是夏平了。 Whiz! 嗖! Has not waited for her to think anything, Xia Ping big hand wields, then has a space to fluctuate, Ye Mengyao figure flashes, immediately left the Mountains and Rivers Bead space, appears on Dragon World Earth. 没等她多想什么,夏平大手一挥,接着产生一阵空间波动,叶梦瑶身形一闪,立即离开了山河珠空间,出现在龙界大地上。 „, dragoness, here presented strange adult dragoness.” “哇,母龙,这里出现了一条陌生的成年母龙。” Destiny Dragon Betty noticed Ye Mengyao immediately, yelled, revealed a face hostility the appearance. 命运龙贝蒂立即注意到了叶梦瑶,不由大叫起来,露出一脸敌意的样子。 Other young dragon are also very curious, does not know that this dragoness in the end appears from somewhere. 其他幼龙也十分好奇,不知道这母龙到底是从什么地方出现的。 Invisible Dragon Karida blinked an eye, she can appear from Xia Ping's body the sensation to this dragoness, as if opened some formidable space Magical Artifact. 无形龙卡丽妲眨巴了一下眼睛,她能感知到这母龙是从夏平身上出现的,似乎打开了某个强大的空间法宝 Therefore, she did not worry that this dragoness is own enemy. 所以,她也不担心这母龙是自己的敌人
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