GLD :: Volume #25

#2435: White Dragon City

Un, the adult dragon as if also said is reasonable, if by other bad dragons were seen on us has so many Treasure, definitely wants to take by force our, cannot preserve.” “嗯,成年龙似乎也说得很有道理,如果被其他坏龙看到我们身上有这么多宝物的话,肯定是想打劫我们的,根本保不住。” Hears this saying, Gluttonous Dragon Alston deeply has same feeling nodded. 听到这话,贪吃龙奥斯顿深有同感的点点头 Other nodded of young dragon also approval, thought that Xia Ping spoke the words very much is also reasonable, their ages were really small, if were taken by force by other bad dragons, that ended thoroughly. 其他幼龙也不由赞同的点点头,觉得夏平说得话也很有道理,它们的年纪实在是太小了,要是被其他坏龙打劫的话,那就彻底完了。 Everyone do not believe the words of this adult dragon.” “大家不要相信这成年龙的话。” Destiny Dragon Betty seething looks at Xia Ping: What helps us take care, simply talked nonsense, clearly wants to have sole possession of our valuables and money. Also waits for anything to grow up gives back to us again, when we can grow up. Really grew up, this bad dragon definitely wants to find another excuse to swallow our Treasure.” 命运龙贝蒂气鼓鼓看着夏平:“什么帮我们保管,简直是胡扯,分明就是想独吞我们的财宝。还等什么长大再还给我们,什么时候我们才能长大啊。真的长大了,这坏龙肯定又想找另外一个借口吞了我们的宝物。” Relax, I have the integrity adult dragon, will not deceive child casually, only if is very valuable.” “放心,我可是有诚信的成年龙,不会随便欺骗小孩的,除非真的很值钱。” Saying that Xia Ping drips greatly. 夏平大喇喇的说道。 Then, his big hand grasps, took away Treasure of these young dragon packs entirely, at all not to the opportunity that they oppose. 说完,他大手一抓,又将这些幼龙打包的宝物通通拿走了,根本不给它们反对的机会。 damn, bad dragon.” 可恶,坏龙。” Destiny Dragon Betty clenches teeth, wishes one could to rush bastard beats savagely, but thought over all of a sudden, oneself at all are not the opponent of this adult dragon, has to endure temporarily. 命运龙贝蒂咬牙,恨不得冲上去将混蛋暴打一顿,可是掂量了一下子,自己根本不是这成年龙的对手,只好暂时忍了。 Right, what city did the nearby have is quite lively?” “对了,附近有什么城市比较繁华的?” Xia Ping inquired, he wants first to understand nearby situation. 夏平询问道,他想先了解一下附近的情况。 White Dragon City, it is a surrounding area whatever happens/10 million light year biggest city, its Master was a White Dragon, the strength achieved Late Antiquity/ancient giant dragon realm, Black Wind Stronghold does not dare to provoke.” “有一座白龙城,它是方圆千万光年最大的一座城池,它的主人是一条白龙,实力达到了远古巨龙境界,连黑风寨也不敢招惹。” although very vitality │ angry, the thing that but Destiny Dragon Betty will know said. 虽然生气,但是命运龙贝蒂还是将自己知道的东西说出来。 Good, that first goes to White Dragon City to have a look.” “好,那就先去白龙城看看。” Xia Ping nodded, immediately toward White Dragon City. 夏平点点头,立即朝着白龙城出发。 Is waiting to me, waited for White Dragon City, I must eat to be poor you.” “给我等着,等去了白龙城,我要吃穷你。” Destiny Dragon Betty is having the bad idea, must go to White Dragon City to eat greatly, eats completely this loss, otherwise oneself Treasure lost even in vain. 命运龙贝蒂打着坏主意,要去白龙城大吃一顿,将这次的损失全部吃回来,要不然自己身上的宝物就算是白白损失了。 ............ ………… Leaves some time in Xia Ping and the others, giant dragon of nearby process also discovered here situation, one after another gathers, they also discovered Black Wind Stronghold had the big problem. 就在夏平等人离开一段时间,附近经过的巨龙也发现了这里的情况,纷纷聚集过来,它们也发现了黑风寨出现了大问题。 What's the matter? Why the Black Wind Stronghold beacon-fire rises from all directions suddenly, braves the thick smoke everywhere, all restriction Formation by destruction, even underground did Dragon Vein vanish?” “怎么回事?为什么黑风寨忽然烽火四起,到处冒着浓烟,所有的禁制阵法都被破坏了,甚至连地下龙脉都消失了?” Has Immortal Realm giant dragon to discover this situation, surprised. 不朽境巨龙发现这种情况,惊讶不已。 Because of Black Wind Stronghold, but surrounding area million light year renowned bandit, does not know that robbed many giant dragon, ominous prestige illustrious, nearby some cities do not dare to provoke. 因为黑风寨可是方圆百万光年大名鼎鼎土匪,不知道抢劫了多少巨龙,凶威赫赫,连附近的一些城池都不敢招惹。 Black Dragon as castellan Black Wind Stronghold is the ominous prestige is more unparalleled, kills dragon Ruma. 身为黑风寨寨主的黑龙更是凶威盖世,杀龙如麻。 Black Wind Stronghold definitely was the clear/pain issue, maybe provoked the enemy, was killed.” 黑风寨肯定是楚问题了,说不定招惹了仇家,被人袭杀。” Has the Immortal Realm giant dragon guess to say. 不朽境巨龙猜测道。 Really encountered the enemy.” “真的是遭到了仇家。” Had brave Early Antiquity Realm giant dragon to look at one, immediately called: my god, entire Black Wind Stronghold was destroyed, all restriction Formation by destruction, even Black Wind Stronghold Dragon Vein was extracted cleanly.” 有胆子很大的近古境巨龙看了一眼,立即叫了起来:“我的天啊,整个黑风寨都被毁灭了,所有的禁制阵法都被破坏,甚至连黑风寨龙脉都被抽取得干干净净。” crap, but also is really.” 我勒个去,还真的是。” Actually is what dragon does/works, has what bitter hatred with Black Wind Stronghold.” “究竟是什么龙干的,和黑风寨有什么深仇大恨。” Who knows that ordinary Black Wind Stronghold does all kinds of evil, what bad thing completely, even if provokes many personal enemies is not the strange matter.” “谁知道呢,平常黑风寨作恶多端,什么坏事都干尽了,即使招惹到再多的仇人也不是什么奇怪的事情。” Quickly, went to Black Wind Stronghold in a big hurry quickly just, has a look Treasure that also had anything to leave behind.” “快快快,快去黑风寨刚刚,看看还有没有什么遗留的宝物。” Right, Black Wind Stronghold bandit, ominous prominent, does not know for many years robbed many dragons, the millions and millions year gets down the wealth of accumulation definitely is quite astonishing.” “对啊,黑风寨可是积年土匪,凶名显赫,不知道抢劫了多少龙,亿万年下来积累的财富肯定是相当惊人的。” „Is, even if had been plundered by other dragons, but the rotten ship in any case still three nails, maybe can also find omitted Treasure also maybe.” “就是就是,即使被其他龙搜刮过,但是烂船好歹也有三根钉啊,说不定还能找到一些被遗漏的宝物说不定。” Numerous giant dragon were the heart movements, one after another close to Black Wind Stronghold. 众多巨龙都是心动了,纷纷靠近黑风寨 "Crap, goes to its Uncle's, is actually which fellow lacking virtue, unexpectedly also plunders Black Wind Stronghold is cleaner than the face, is a nail has not really remained, went mad because of poverty. ” “我靠,去它大爷的,究竟是哪个缺德的家伙,居然将黑风寨搜刮得比脸还干净,真的是一根钉子都没留下来,穷疯了吧。” Quick, has Early Antiquity Realm giant dragon crack cursed, face was green. 很快,就有一个近古境巨龙破口大骂,脸蛋都绿了。 It plundered Black Wind Stronghold, is actually discovered that was really Treasure could not find, that got rid of the Black Wind Stronghold murderer as if to plundering Treasure very one, was plunders cleanly. 它将黑风寨上上下下都搜刮了一遍,却是发现真的是一件宝物都找不到,那干掉黑风寨的凶手似乎对搜刮宝物很有一手,上上下下都是搜刮干净了。 No, this should not plunder Treasure, but moves is right, even Black Wind Stronghold some crossbeam woods, slightly valuable point was opened forcefully. 不,这应该不是搜刮宝物,而是搬家才对,连黑风寨的一些横梁木头,稍微值钱一点的都被硬生生拆走了。 Dammit, that bastard in the end is short of money, does not know that leaves behind some valuable things?! 妈蛋,那混蛋到底是多缺钱啊,难道就不知道留下一些值钱的东西吗?! Other giant dragon were also depressed to the extreme, does not know that said any good, finally has to leave. 其他巨龙也是郁闷到了极点,不知道说些什么好,最后只好离开。 But some dragons of nearby city are eyes flashed, is very excited. 而附近城池的一些龙则是眼神闪烁,无比兴奋。 Haha, Black Wind Stronghold ended finally.” 哈哈,黑风寨终于完了。” Really is justice will be done by the god, finally had the dragon to tidy up them.” “真是老天有眼啊,终于有龙能收拾它们了。” „After not having Black Wind Stronghold this crowd of Evil bandit, the hard times of our nearby these cities is to the end, no one dares on the path to intercept us.” “没了黑风寨这群邪恶土匪之后,我们附近这些城池的苦日子算是到头,再也没人敢道路上截杀我们。” Black Wind Stronghold is not the affable influence, unexpectedly they and many influences collude, can be these big influences the mastermind | black hand wraps, does dirty dirty matter specially. “不过黑风寨可不是什么好惹的势力,居然它们和诸多势力都勾结,算得上是那些大势力的黑手套,专门干一些肮脏龌蹉的事情。 Because has these big influences on cover, Black Wind Stronghold can so unbridled, even after encircled several times kills, can still stand erect not collapse, becomes big influence that the nearby have several. 正是因为有这些大势力罩着,黑风寨才能够如此肆无忌惮,即使经过数次围杀,依然能屹立不倒,成为附近有数的大势力。 Naturally castellan Black Wind Stronghold Black Dragon Basida was not the affable dragon, the strength achieved Middle Antiquity Realm, comprehended Time Law, was not good to kill. ” 当然那黑风寨寨主黑龙巴斯达也不是什么好惹的龙,实力达到了中古境,领悟了时间法则,也不是那么好杀的。” Right, a moment ago I looked under Black Wind Stronghold environment, as if are not been many by destruction, has not had too many fierce battles the traces. it is obvious that, these Black Wind Stronghold bandit dragons surely by killing, strength that even revolts against do not have to carry off or killed by among suddenly.” “对啊,刚才我看了下黑风寨环境,似乎并没有被破坏太多,也没有产生太多激烈战斗的痕迹。可想而知,那些黑风寨土匪龙肯定是遭到忽然之间的袭杀,连反抗的力量都没有就被当中带走或者斩杀了。” It seems like attacks the Black Wind Stronghold dragon to be very terrifying, maybe achieved Late Antiquity Realm, comprehended Creation Law giant dragon.” “看来袭击黑风寨的龙十分恐怖,说不定是达到了远古境,领悟了造物法则巨龙。” „Does manages matter do, in brief this is the matter between big character, has no relationship with us, so long as we reported to be OK this news.” “管这种事干什么,总之这是大人物之间的事情,和我们没什么关系,我们只要将这个消息上报上去就可以了。” Said right, knows many, dies quickly, this is I makes the spy many years to experience.” “说得对,知道得越多,就死得越快,这就是我做探子的多年经验。” Numerous giant dragon spy discuss spiritedly, they leave from Black Wind Stronghold immediately, one after another returns to oneself respective city among, approaches the matter of own lord to report about Black Wind Stronghold. 众多巨龙探子议论纷纷,它们立即从黑风寨离开,纷纷返回自己各自的城池当中,向自己主子禀报关于黑风寨的事情。 Among momentary, the news of Black Wind Stronghold destruction spread over the region of surrounding area whatever happens/10 million light year all of a sudden, this also created the stirs of many influences. 一时间,黑风寨覆灭的消息一下子就传遍了方圆千万光年的区域,这也引起了诸多势力的震动。 Many giant dragon spy one after another acts, trying to inquire that was actually which side influence on make a move to extinguish Black Wind Stronghold personally, this has the extremely profound impact regarding the influence distribution of future this region. 不少巨龙探子纷纷出手,试图打听究竟是哪方势力亲自出手灭了黑风寨,这对于未来这片区域的势力分布有着极其深远的影响。 No matter but how they inquired, could not find any clue and news. 可不管它们如何打听,都是找不到任何的线索和消息。
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