GLD :: Volume #25

#2430: Asylum

Good, I knew your situations probably.” “好吧,我大概知道你们的情况了。” Listens to these words, Xia Ping nodded: You are some by young dragon that the bad dragon kidnaps and sells, since this, you walk, we regret limited.” 听完这些话,夏平点点头:“你们都是些被坏龙拐卖过来的幼龙,既然这样,那你们就走吧,我们后悔有期。” What? Your what is this meaning? Unexpectedly asks us to leave?” “什么?你这是什么意思?居然让我们走?” Betty and other young dragon stared big eyes, their didn't expect this adult dragon knows completely at present after oneself are Special Dragon, unexpectedly does not have any evil intention, instead also asks them to leave. 贝蒂幼龙大眼睛,他们完全没想到眼前这成年龙知道自己是特殊龙之后,居然没起任何的歹心,反而还让他们走。 Naturally asks you to leave, otherwise you also want to depend in my side are inadequate, I may be unable to raise your young dragon, moreover I have very important matter to need to do, may have no free time to accompany your young dragon.” “当然让你们走,要不然你们还想赖在我身边不成,我可养不起你们这几条幼龙,而且我还有很重要的事情需要做,可没空陪你们这几条幼龙。” Xia Ping despises to say. 夏平鄙视道。 He comes Dragon World to have the important matter to do, must plunder various sorts and varieties Treasure, where has free time to accompany these young dragon to run everywhere, doesn't this bring one pile of children in such an arrangement on the body? 他来龙界可是有大事要做,要搜刮各种各样宝物,哪里有空陪这些幼龙到处跑,这不是带着一堆拖油瓶在身上吗? dragon scum!” 渣龙!” Destiny Dragon Betty bah Xia Ping: Here, but the wilderness, does not have the dragon everywhere, you also want to abandon our one crowd of young dragon as the adult dragon unexpectedly in this place, are you also the dragon, has not to have conscience a little?!” 命运龙贝蒂呸了夏平一口:“这里可是荒野,到处都没有龙,你身为成年龙居然还想将我们一群幼龙抛弃在这个地方,你还是不是龙,有没有点良心?!” She gets angry is staring Xia Ping. 她怒瞪着夏平 Other young dragon grasped the Xia Ping's thigh all of a sudden, does not ask him to leave, they know that oneself want to live words that leaves this desolate wild forest, only then grasped the thigh of this fellow. 其他幼龙一下子就抱住了夏平的大腿,不让他走,他们知道自己想活着离开这处荒野生森林的话,就只有抱住这家伙的大腿了。 No matter they have what special strength, but also is only young dragon, has not grown. 不管他们有什么特殊的力量,但是都还只是幼龙罢了,根本还没成长起来。 If meets what ferocious beast, can perhaps all eat them. 如果遇到什么凶兽的话,恐怕一口就能将它们全吃了。 Even also runs into what unprincipled person, it is estimated that will be grasped. 甚至也遇到什么坏人,估计又会被抓起来。 What kind, you also want to touch the porcelain, wants to blackmail my inadequate?” “咋的了,你们还想碰瓷,想讹我一笔不成?” Xia Ping is speechless, he noticed that several young dragon hugged all of a sudden, clarifying wants to depend on him. 夏平无语,他看到那几条幼龙一下子就抱了上来,摆明是想赖在他身上。 I, no matter, in brief we with deciding you, you cannot abandon us, moreover we are very useful and ensure cannot make any trouble to you.” Destiny Dragon Betty patted the chest. “我不管,总之我们跟定你了,你不能抛弃我们,而且我们很有用的,保证不会给你造成任何麻烦。”命运龙贝蒂拍了拍胸口。 Other young dragon also seem the chicken pecking meter/rice general, makes an effort nod(ded). 其他幼龙也好像小鸡啄米一般,用力点头 Said to look, you are useful, deceiving to eat to deceive to drink you to be useful, but can also have what use in other situations.” looks at this crowd of young dragon that Xia Ping despises. “说说看,你们有什么用,骗吃骗喝你们就有用,还能在其他场合派上什么用场。”夏平鄙视的看着这群幼龙 If I have not guessed that wrong, you should want to find Dragon Vein.” “如果我没猜错的话,你应该想找到一条龙脉吧。” Suddenly, Destiny Dragon Betty looks at Xia Ping. 忽然之间,命运龙贝蒂看着夏平 Right, I indeed want to find Dragon Vein, swallows Dragon Vein strength.” “没错,我的确是想找到一条龙脉,吞噬龙脉力量。” Xia Ping touches the chin, his didn't expect own goal was seen through by this Betty actually unexpectedly, oneself what words have not said obviously are right, is this that evasive Strength of Destiny? 夏平摸了摸下巴,他倒是没想到自己的目的居然被这个贝蒂看穿,明明自己什么话也没说出来才对,难道这是那不可捉摸的命运之力吗? Haha, I have not really guessed wrong.” 哈哈,我果然没猜错。” Destiny Dragon Betty happily said: „ If you can protect us temporarily, provides our basic necessities of life, I can help you find Dragon Vein using Strength of Destiny. 命运龙贝蒂得意道:“如果你能暂时保护我们,提供我们衣食住行的话,我可以利用命运之力帮助你找到一条龙脉 In order to express my sincerity, I can provide your message about Dragon Vein free, a moment ago that several by the bad dragon that you catch, in reality is nearby one crowd of incomparable formidable robber gang-- Black Wind Stronghold members. 为了表达我的诚意,我可以免费提供你一条关于龙脉的消息,刚才那几个被你抓起来的坏龙,事实上是附近一群无比强大强盗团伙——黑风寨成员 This crowd of robber dragon formidable, its Master was Black Dragon, the strength achieved the boundary of Middle Antiquity extremely it is said that hand/subordinate dozens Early Antiquity Realm dragons, several hundred Immortal Realm adult dragons. 这群强盗龙极其强大,据说它的主人是一条黑龙,实力达到了中古之境,手下还有数十个近古境的龙,还有数百个不朽境成年龙。 Depends this strength, they occupied huge Dragon Vein, even can meet as an equal to nearby more than ten cities, becomes surroundings scourge. 正是仗着这股力量,它们占据了一条巨大的龙脉,甚至能够和附近十几座城池都分庭抗礼,也成为了周围心腹大患 If you can make a move to get rid of that crowd of Black Wind Stronghold dragon, can capture that Dragon Vein . Moreover the guarantee cannot have other giant dragon to look for your trouble. ” 如果你能够出手干掉那群黑风寨的龙,想必就能夺得那条龙脉,而且也保证不会有其他巨龙会来找你的麻烦。” Her eagerly looks at Xia Ping. 眼巴巴看着夏平 Interesting, do you want to use my strength to help you cope with Black Wind Stronghold, take revenge and wipe out a grudge?” “有意思,你是想利用我的力量来帮助你对付黑风寨,报仇雪恨吗?” Xia Ping smiles immediately, this Loli dragon has the scheme actually, knows that is unable to cope to seize their Black Wind Stronghold by present own strength, wants to use strength of oneself this adult dragon. 夏平顿时笑了笑,这条萝莉龙倒是有心计,知道凭借现在自己的力量无法对付抓捕了他们的黑风寨,就想利用自己这条成年龙的力量 Moreover formidable strength that according to a moment ago he displays, this Betty is also as if confident to him, perhaps will also be she peeps at some future fragment from Destiny River among. 而且根据刚才他表现出来的强大力量,这贝蒂似乎也对他有信心,也或许是她从命运长河当中窥视到了某种未来的片段。 Undeniably, I indeed have such idea, but does this have very big advantage to you not? Naturally if you do not want, I can also seek for other ownerless Dragon Vein, this is my sincerity.” “不可否认,我的确是有这样的想法,但是这对你来说也有很大好处不是吗?当然如果你不愿意的话,我也可以寻找另外的无主龙脉,这就是我的诚意。” Destiny Dragon Betty said solemnly. 命运龙贝蒂沉声道 Has saying that your excuse touched me, I indeed also need Dragon Vein, moreover can be own value is also by other dragon uses.” “不得不说,你的说辞打动了我,我的确也是需要一条龙脉,而且能被其他龙利用也是自己的价值所在。” Xia Ping nodded. 夏平点点头 in other words, did you accept my condition?” 也就是说,你答应了我的条件?” Destiny Dragon Betty pleasantly surprised looks at Xia Ping, do not look at she very calm appearance, but after all is also only young dragon, negotiated with adult dragon, is shouldering very big pressure. 命运龙贝蒂惊喜的看着夏平,别看她很冷静的样子,但是毕竟还只是条幼龙,和成年龙谈判,背负着很大的压力 Moreover she also feels oneself Strength of Destiny as if to fall on this strange adult dragon, no function, as if the future of opposite party will be piece of Void is ordinary. 而且她也感受到自己的命运之力似乎落在这古怪的成年龙身上,却没任何作用,仿佛对方的未来是一片虚无一般。 She is first time has this feeling, unexpectedly giant dragon own destiny was unable to peep. 她还是第一次有这种感觉,居然还有巨龙自己的命运是无法窥视的。 Therefore, she thought that this adult dragon surely is very at present special, is absolutely unusual. 所以,她觉得眼前这成年龙必定很特殊,绝对不同寻常。 Right, you have such Ability, indeed is worth me sheltering you some time. However your any actions must obey my order, otherwise I throw immediately you, yes?” “没错,你们有这样的能力,的确是值得我庇护你们一段时间。不过你们的任何行动都得听从我的命令,否则我就立即将你们丢出去,明白吗?” Xia Ping looks at this crowd of young dragon. 夏平看着这群幼龙 Knew.” “知道了。” This crowd of young dragon are going all out nodded, is very clever. 这群幼龙都是拼命的点点头,乖巧得很。 „Can we eat meal now?” “那我们现在能不能吃饭了?” Gluttonous Dragon Alston is blinking big eyes, looks at Xia Ping, his belly resounded at this moment beat a drum the general sound, made the gū lū gū lū sound. 贪吃龙奥斯顿眨巴着大眼睛,看着夏平,他的肚子此刻响起了打鼓一般的声音,发出咕噜咕噜的声响。 Other young dragon bellies as if are also hungry, a moment ago that group of dragon peddlers will not give them obviously such good treatment, is always full hungry, the life is very pitiful. 其他幼龙肚子似乎也饿得要命,显然刚才那群龙贩子可不会给他们这么好的待遇,总是饱一顿饿一顿,生活十分凄惨。 Hears this saying, Xia Ping mouth corner twitched, but also without starting, this crowd of young dragon started in the error unexpectedly oneself, it seems like treated as the long-term meal ticket him. 听到这话,夏平嘴角抽了抽,还没开始呢,这群幼龙居然就开始讹上了自己,看来是将他当做了长期饭票。 Good, the belly hungry words, that starts to eat meal.” “好吧,肚子饿的话,那就开始吃饭吧。” Xia Ping big hand wields, immediately put out massive food from Mountains and Rivers Bead space among, has the various sorts and varieties ferocious beast meat, Golden Corn, Crystal Fragrant Rice wait/etc. planted spirit, many Spirit Fruit. 夏平大手一挥,立即从山河珠空间当中拿出了大量的食物,有各种各样凶兽肉,还有黄金玉米,水晶香米等等灵植,还有诸多的灵果 He had raised appetite enormous Tao Tie in the Mountains and Rivers Bead space luckily, regarding raising these young dragon does not have big pressure, if the ordinary person's words, it is estimated that had been eaten. 幸好他早就在山河珠空间养了一只胃口极大的饕餮,对于饲养这些幼龙也算是没多大压力,如果是普通人的话,估计早就被吃垮了。 My God, this in the end is what food, the flavor is quite fragrant.” “我的天,这到底是什么食物,味道好香啊。” Unprecedented good food, we have not seen, where in the end obtains.” “前所未有的美食,我们从来没见过,到底是从哪里得到的。” Delicious, was really delicious, this in the end was what meat, unexpectedly entrance, it is estimated that only then in the city these Noble dragons had the qualifications to eat.” “好吃,真是太好吃了,这到底是什么肉啊,居然入口即化,估计就只有城里那些贵族龙才有资格吃得到吧。” This crowd of young dragon saw that Xia Ping's body put out one pile of food that piles up and small mountain very much, their extremely excited, the eye shone thoroughly, is similar to the light bulb. 这群幼龙看到夏平身上拿出了一堆堆积得很和小山似的食物,他们兴奋不已,眼睛都彻底亮了起来,和灯泡差不多。 They throw impatiently, squish squish is eating, simply is dragon Juancan the snow. 他们迫不及待的扑上去,吧唧吧唧的吃着,简直是龙卷残雪。
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