GLD :: Volume #25

#2427: Destiny Dragon

sōu sōu sōu!!! 嗖嗖嗖!!! in a flash, the distant place presented three Dragon Race Saint immediately, two are immortal peak Dragon Race Saint, one is Early Antiquity Initial Stage Dragon Race Saint. 瞬息之间,远处立即出现了三个龙族圣人,其中两个是不朽巅峰龙族圣人,还有一个是近古初期龙族圣人 They as if turn the shape into human condition, figure is big, but the head is growing two purple dragon horn, has Dragon Scale to cover indistinctly in the body surface, body emits has intermittent light Dragon Might. 它们似乎化形为人类状态,身材高大,只是脑袋长着两根紫色龙角,隐约有龙鳞覆盖在身体表面,身上散发出一阵阵淡淡的龙威 in reality, this is also many giant dragon in the appearance of Dragon World life, for the life, the common time they will change into human form condition, only then fights time will change into the giant dragon true body. 事实上,这也是诸多巨龙龙界生活的样子,为了方便生活,寻常时候它们都会化为人形状态,就只有战斗的时候才会化为巨龙真身。 But in these three Dragon Race Saint is to actually grab age roughly 5-6 Dragon Race little loli, the powder carves the jade to carve, looks very lovable, takes pity on. 而这三个龙族圣人手里却是抓着一个年纪五六龙族小萝莉,粉雕玉琢,看起来很是可爱,令人怜惜。 Haha, worthily is Destiny Dragon, this obtains Dragon variant that the destiny cares.” 哈哈,不愧是命运龙,这是得到命运眷顾的龙种。” That Early Antiquity Realm Initial Stage Dragon Race Saint Haha laughs, extremely excited: Said that this mountain valley among may have the giant chance, unexpectedly really presented the giant chance, is really must be blessed by God.” 近古境初期龙族圣人哈哈大笑,兴奋不已:“说这处山谷当中可能会有巨大机缘,居然就真的出现了巨大机缘,实在是如有神助啊。” I know, right? this is renowned Invisible Flower, contain the precious Space Law source, if with the auction, at least the value counts whatever happens/10 million Dragon Crystal.” 可不是吗?这可是大名鼎鼎无形花,蕴含着珍贵的空间法则本源,如果拿出去拍卖的话,至少价值数千万龙晶。” immortal Dragon Race Saint excitedly said: Generally, Invisible Flower is almost very difficult to be discovered, because it at transparent condition, isolated divine consciousness exploring, sometimes from the Invisible Flower side process, could not discover its trail even. didn't expect Invisible Flower is discovered by us now unexpectedly, this simply is the space falls meat pie.” 一个不朽龙族圣人兴奋道:“一般情况下,无形花几乎很难被发现,因为它处在透明的状态,又隔绝了神识探索,有时候即使从无形花身边经过,都发现不了它的踪迹。没想到现在无形花居然被我们发现,这简直是天上掉馅饼。” Sent, our time really must send, a mountain valley that didn't expect arrives at casually has such precious spirit medicine.” Another Dragon Race Immortal Saint is also extremely excited, „, but all these are strength of destiny, if utilization this strength, maybe our achievements can exceed Immemorial Dragon well in the future.” “发了,我们这次真的要发了,没想到随便来到的一处山谷都有这样珍贵的灵药。”另外一个龙族不朽圣人也是兴奋不已,“而这一切都是命运的力量,如果好好运用这股力量的话,说不定我们的成就未来都能超越太古龙。” By its look very greedy looks at held little loli dragon. 它眼神十分贪婪的看着旁边被抓住的小萝莉龙。 Obviously this little loli dragon is not with them is one group, but was grasped, seems like renowned Destiny Dragon, this is the Special Dragon type in Dragon World among, extremely scarce rare. 显然这小萝莉龙并不是和它们是一伙的,而是被抓来的,似乎是大名鼎鼎命运龙,这在龙界当中属于特殊龙种,极为稀少罕见。 However this little loli dragon as if no fearing of half a point, her face curious looks at Xia Ping, high and low is instead sizing up, the a pair of big eyes eyeball seems glittering mysterious rays of light, deep and unmeasurable. 不过这小萝莉龙似乎没有半分的惧怕,她反而一脸好奇的看着夏平,上下打量着,一双大眼睛似乎闪烁着玄奥的光芒,深不可测 Dragon peddler?” “龙贩子吗?” Xia Ping also feels surprised, his didn't expect in Dragon World among, has exist(ence) of dragon peddler actually unexpectedly . Moreover the opposite party is Dragon Race Saint, is really inconceivable. 夏平也觉得惊奇不已,他倒是没想到龙界当中,居然也有龙贩子的存在,而且对方还是一尊龙族圣人,实在是不可思议。 As the Saint's words, makes anything to gain Dragon Crystal, didn't expect these three fellows are actually make to trade the giant dragon matter, is really loses performs as the Saint's face. 身为圣人的话,做什么不可以赚到龙晶,没想到这三个家伙却是做出贩卖巨龙的事情,实在是丢尽作为圣人的脸。 Wait, this mountain valley had the dragon to act swiftly to get there first probably.” “等等,这个山谷好像有龙捷足先登了。” damn, we run quickly, are caught up by other people unexpectedly.” 可恶啊,我们跑得这么快,居然还是被其他人赶上。” Hehe, what acted swiftly to get there first and was considered as, killed this brat, isn't Invisible Flower belongs our?” 呵呵,捷足先登又算得了什么,将这小子杀了,无形花不就是属于我们的吗?” Said right, this Treasure is belongs our, anybody does not allow to rob.” “说得没错,这件宝物是属于我们的,任何人都不允许抢走。” These Dragon Race Saint discuss spiritedly, they also noticed stood Xia Ping obviously, they pupil shrink, body unintentional emits had/left the threat immediately the meaning.. 这几个龙族圣人议论纷纷,显然它们也注意到早就站在旁边的夏平,它们立即瞳孔收缩,身上有意无意的散发出威胁的意思。。 brat, rolls to me immediately, this Invisible Flower we had a liking.” 小子,立即给我滚,这无形花我们看上了。” That Early Antiquity Realm Initial Stage Dragon Race Saint station, his coldly snorted, murderous aura steaming is staring at Xia Ping, overbearing is incomparable, its start to talk wants to appropriate to oneself this Invisible Flower. 近古境初期龙族圣人站了出来,他冷哼一声,杀气腾腾的盯着夏平,霸道无匹,它一开口就想将这朵无形花据为己有。 Because like Treasure, is related to the future achievement, it is impossible to give others. 因为像这样的宝物,可是事关自己未来的成就,它不可能让给别人。 This is I have a liking, moreover the truth that according to first arriving first results, how sees is not one's turn you.” “这可是我看上的,而且根据先到者先得的道理,怎么看都轮不到你吧。” Xia Ping indifferently said, looks at these Dragon Race Saint. 夏平淡淡道,看着这几个龙族圣人 Shut up, anything first arriving first, is actually the truth that which vagrant finds out, simply is laughable, such truth I cannot follow to listen not to hear continually. brat I must teach that your anything is the Dragon Race truth.” “闭嘴,什么先到者先得,究竟是哪个瘪三想出的道理,简直可笑,这样的道理我跟不上连听都没有听说过。小子我得教导教导你什么才是龙族的道理。” immortal peak Dragon Race Saint sneered: In Dragon World among, that is Expert(s) is to revere, fist great talent is the top priority. After I manage you first arrive or, had a liking for by us, this Invisible Flower is our. Dares to snatch, with our three is the enemy, kill without mercy, die without a whole corpse knows?” 一个不朽巅峰龙族圣人冷笑一声:“在龙界当中,那是强者为尊,拳头大才是硬道理。我管你是先到还是后到,被我们看上,这无形花就是我们的。敢抢,就是与我们三个为敌,杀无赦,死无全尸知道吗?” On it gushes out dense murderous aura, not minces matter, threatens Xia Ping like this. 它身上涌出森森的杀气,丝毫不掩饰,就这样威胁夏平 Rubbish anything with it, first hit this brat remnantly, making it know that anything is called the Dragon World truth, wants to rob Invisible Flower with our three, really does not know how the dead characters wrote.” “和它废话什么,先将这小子打残了,让它知道什么叫做龙界的道理,想和我们三个抢夺无形花,真是不知道死字怎么写。” Another immortal peak Dragon Race Saint is quite hot tempered, a word does not gather, immediately toward the Xia Ping rush in the past, erupted the terrifying Dragon Might, shook the trim forest, Void vibration. 另外一个不朽巅峰龙族圣人极为暴躁,一言不合,立即朝着夏平冲杀过去,爆发出恐怖的龙威,撼动整片森林,虚空震荡 Other two Dragon Race Saint also refuses to admit being inferior, in the instance of finishing speaking, they also acted, kills in other two directions, will try to kill Xia Ping shortly. 其余两人龙族圣人也不甘示弱,在话音刚落的瞬间,它们也出手了,朝着其他两个方向杀来,试图将夏平顷刻间打死。 They not only want to obtain Invisible Flower now, wants to kill a person and take his possessions, Xia Ping this does not know giant dragon where comes kills, when the time comes may make an unexpected wealth. 它们现在不仅是想得到无形花了,同时也想杀人越货,将夏平这个不知道从哪里来的巨龙干掉,到时候又可发一笔横财。 It seems like today is a killing two birds with one stone getting rich opportunity. 看来今天是一次一举两得的发财机会。 „Is Expert(s) to revere? Such jungle law is actually very suitable I, since, you drop down in this case, falls into illusion world, soul Secret Art-- Zhuang Zhou Dreams of the Butterfly!” 强者为尊吗?这样的丛林法则倒是很适合我,既然这样的话,那你们统统都倒下,陷入幻觉世界吧,灵魂秘术——庄周梦蝶!” Xia Ping big hand wields. 夏平大手一挥。 He most likes these Dragon Race Saint such attitudes, then he starts not to tolerate moment skill. 他最是喜欢这些龙族圣人这样的态度,那么他下起手来也不会容忍片刻功夫 Shortly, gushes out one group of formidable spiritual energy from him, as if changes into sky-blue butterflies, covered the surrounding area several hundred light years instantaneously. 顷刻间,从他身上涌出一团强大精神能量,似乎化为一只只蔚蓝色的小蝴蝶,瞬间就覆盖了方圆数百光年。 These sky-blue butterflies are Strength of Soul condense, as if shuttle 3 Worlds, any dimension Space-Time cannot resist. 这些蔚蓝色蝴蝶乃是灵魂之力凝聚而成,似乎穿梭三界,任何次元时空都抵挡不住。 Bang~~ 轰~~ Immediately, these three Dragon Race Saint just began, arrives at his side, Void twists, fluctuated to inconceivable Illusion Technique huge infiltrated their soul deep place instantaneously. 顿时,这三个龙族圣人才刚刚动手,来到他的身边,一阵虚空扭曲,庞大到不可思议的幻术波动瞬间渗透了它们的灵魂深处 This, this what's the matter?” 这、这是怎么回事?” That three Dragon Race Saint shock, they feel an intense sleepiness in this moment unexpectedly. 那三个龙族圣人震惊不已,它们居然在这一刻感受到一阵强烈的睡意。 Thump, they cannot withstand this soul Secret Art strength, fell into illusion among all of a sudden, is unable to extricate oneself, within the short time is unable to work loose from illusion among. 咚的一声,它们根本承受不住这股灵魂秘术力量,一下子就陷入了幻境当中,无法自拔,短时间之内无法从幻境当中挣脱。 Really is good, many three Dragon Race Saint slave, such idiot is really the more the better.” Xia Ping grasps conveniently, then grasped these three Dragon Race Saint, loses Mountains and Rivers Bead space among. “真是不错,又多了三尊龙族圣人奴隶,这样的蠢货真是多多益善啊。”夏平随手一抓,便将这三个龙族圣人抓了起来,丢进去山河珠空间当中 Meanwhile he also arranged Six Paths Sealing Technique on these Dragon Race Saint, reduces to mortal these Dragon Race Saint all of a sudden, any strength is unable to cause. 同时他也在这几个龙族圣人身上布置了六道封印术,一下子就将这些龙族圣人贬为凡人,任何力量都无法使出来。 Then in front of his looks at that still stands in the ground, as if a face curious looks at own little loli dragon, even if saw that several Dragon Race Saint were defeated by effortless, captures at the scene, lose one's head out of fear that she has no, as if all in her grasping general, does not have any accident/surprise. 接下来他看着前面那依然站在地上,似乎一脸好奇的看着自己的小萝莉龙,即使见到那几个龙族圣人轻松击败,当场擒拿起来,她都没有任何的惊慌失措,仿佛一切都在她的掌握之中一般,没有任何的意外。
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