GLD :: Volume #23

#2297: Timid as a rabbit!

Damn, this is High Grade Saint Artifact, contain formidable Strength of Law, can block the space, even within the Early Antiquity Saint short time is unable to escape from such formation chart.” 该死,这是上品圣器,蕴含强大法则之力,能够封锁空间,就算是近古圣人短时间之内也无法从这样的阵图逃出去。” Varadin felt the fatal crisis: „ Moreover such formation chart appears, as if to block Void merely, avoids our these Elemental Clan Saint escaping. 瓦拉丁感受到了致命的危机:“而且这样的阵图出现,似乎仅仅是为了封锁虚空,避免我们这些元素族圣人逃跑。 Damn, this human so will be extremely arrogant, crazily to this situation? Puts out High Grade Saint Artifact to seal up our escape routes merely, does he have can kill us to be inadequate self-confidently? ” 该死,这人类怎么会这么狂妄,狂到这种地步?拿出一件上品圣器仅仅是为了封住我们的退路,难道他就这么有自信能杀死我们不成?” It pinches tightly fist, as if feels at present this Human Race Saint's infinite confidence. 它捏紧拳头,似乎感受到眼前这人族圣人的无穷信心。 Such confidence possibly is not fabricated, possibly was not the this human show teases at present, can promote to Immortal Saint exist(ence), no was stupid. 这样的信心不可能是无中生有,也不可能是眼前这个人类秀逗了,能晋升到不朽圣人存在,没有一个是愚蠢的。 Since the opposite party dares to make such action, can show that this human has the absolute assurance. 既然对方敢做出这样的举动,就能证明这人类有着绝对的把握。 To come their time action dangers, maybe really kicked on the sheet iron. 想来它们这次的行动危险了,说不定就真的踢到了铁板上面。 this human is so unexpectedly crazy, it seems like possibly a little skill, I have not really been able to take risk, must cry for help, to race cry for help, making nearby ally come, encircles kills this human.” 这人类居然这么狂,看来还真的可能有点本事,我不能冒险,必须求救,向种族求救,让附近的战友过来,围杀这个人类。” Among Casio momentary sent out S.O.S.. 卡西欧第一时间就发出了求救信号 crap! 我靠! Sent out the S.O.S. news the Varadin also sensation to Casio, its simply is dumbstruck, cannot believe Casio unexpectedly timidly to this degree completely. 瓦拉丁也感知到了卡西欧发出求救信号的讯息,它简直目瞪口呆,完全不敢相信卡西欧居然胆小到这种程度。 Obviously the opposite party merely is Immortal Realm Late Stage Saint, puts out High Grade Saint Artifact merely, was the Early Antiquity Saint Casio said no matter how, should not fear is right. 明明对方仅仅是个不朽境后期圣人,仅仅是拿出一件上品圣器罢了,身为近古圣人的卡西欧不管怎么说,都不应该太惧怕才对。 It seems 8 years old child to take sharp long blade to contend with the Sir, seems a little threatens, but also no more than this. 就好像八岁小孩拿着锋利长刀抗衡大人,看起来有点威胁,可也不过如此罢了。 However currently has a threat unexpectedly merely, this guy sends out S.O.S. unexpectedly directly, this in the end is facial skin thick Early Antiquity Saint does to obtain such matter. 但是现在居然仅仅是有一丝威胁而已,这厮竟然就直接发出求救信号,这到底是脸皮多厚的近古圣人才做得出这样的事情。 After all is Early Antiquity Saint, unexpectedly was frightened by Immortal Realm Saint to race, to ally cry for help, how to see that is the matter that loses face extremely, radically is the greatest shame. 毕竟身为近古圣人,居然被一个不朽境圣人吓得向种族,向战友求救,怎么看都是一件极其丢脸的事情,根本是莫大耻辱。 Passes on to become Elemental Clan laughingstock for a lifetime, if it, rather dies impossible cry for help. 传出去会成为元素族一辈子的笑柄,如果是它的话,宁愿死也不可能求救 But this Casio actually without the slightest hesitation the matter that makes such shame, simply is not concerned about face the extreme. 可这卡西欧却毫不犹豫的做出这样耻辱的事情,简直是不要脸到极点。 Snort, is really an idiot.” “哼,真是蠢货。” Casio can also see Varadin the meaning of despising, but it thinks otherwise, the caution and care is the philosophy that it survives. 卡西欧也看得出瓦拉丁的鄙视之意,但是它不以为然,谨慎小心就是它生存的哲学。 With its same generation of Immortal Saint, same generation of Genius, basically fell from the sky in Bizarre Area, only has its like this mediocrity, is relying on careful and prudent, fortifies at every step, can live now, even promoted Early Antiquity Saint realm. 和它同一代的不朽圣人,同一辈的天才,基本上都在奇异区陨落了,唯有它这样的平庸之才,凭借着小心谨慎,步步为营,才能一直活到现在,甚至晋升到了近古圣人境界 As for the dignity, this type of thing and own poor life compared and were considered as anything, only then that shameless character can live for a long time on battlefield. 至于尊严,这种东西和自己的小命比起来又算得了什么,就只有那种没脸没皮人物才能够在战场上面活得久一点。 Ok, under the suppression of Mountains and Rivers Territory Diagram, anyone of you cannot run away, now you can die.” Xia Ping light looks at Casio and the others Saint, the body is filling terrifying murderous aura, infiltrates each Void, even the space cannot resist infiltrates bone marrow killing intent like this, as if freeze this piece of Void is ordinary. “好了,在山河社稷图的镇压之下,你们谁都逃不了,现在你们可以都去死了。”夏平淡淡的看着卡西欧等人圣人,身上弥漫着恐怖的杀气,渗透每一处虚空,就算是空间也抵挡不住这样渗透骨髓杀意,仿佛冻结这片虚空一般。 Didn't run away? Small human, you think that who you are?!” “逃不了?小小人类,你以为自己是谁?!” Has High Grade Saint Artifact to be able in our crazy? simply is pipe dream!” “有一件上品圣器就能在我们这里狂?简直痴人说梦!” Our Early Antiquity Saint here, where you small Immortal Saint can go rampantly.” “我们近古圣人都在这里,你一个小小的不朽圣人能嚣张到哪里去。” Begins, the homicide, tear the body to thousands of pieces, watched that he can also use what method.” “动手,将他杀了,碎尸万段,看他还能使出什么手段。” Six subordinates of Casio, Immortal Realm peak Elemental Clan Saint was actually enraged by Xia Ping thoroughly, on although this human has High Grade Saint Artifact, can strengthen fighting strength enormously, but they overwhelm with numerical strength, completely not this brat paying attention to. 卡西欧的六个手下,不朽境巅峰元素族圣人却是被夏平彻底激怒了,虽然这人类身上有一件上品圣器,能极大增强战斗力,但是它们人多势众,完全不将这小子放在眼里 Moreover their side also Early Antiquity Saint supports, has the absolute advantage. 而且它们身边还有一尊近古圣人撑腰,更是占据绝对的优势。 sōu sōu sōu!!! 嗖嗖嗖!!! in a flash, six big Elemental Clan Immortal Saint make a move, kills to come from each direction bang, Spiritual Domain one after another suppresses Void, berserk element energy is exploding, tries to become the fragment the Xia Ping steamroll. 瞬息之间,六大元素族不朽圣人出手,从各个方向轰杀而来,一座又一座的精神领域镇压虚空,狂暴的元素能量在爆炸,试图将夏平碾压成碎片。 Good, is courageous, but this is also final struggle!” “不错,有胆量,不过这也是垂死挣扎!” Xia Ping big hand grasps, immediately puts out Magical Artifact-- Wailing Staff obtained from Hell. 夏平大手一抓,立即拿出一件从地狱得到的法宝——哭丧棒 Immediately, split second that Wailing Staff presents, infiltrates a Boundless Void from Hell piercing chill in the air, simultaneously spreads the wail like ghosts and howl like wolves sound, lets each corner back and forth vibration, howls to make noise. 顿时,哭丧棒出现的一瞬间,一股来自地狱刺骨的寒意渗透无边虚空,同时传出鬼哭狼嚎的声音,让每一处角落都来回震荡,呼啸作响。 As if at this moment has the millions and millions devil to yowl, wail and calls out pitifully, makes person tremble with fear. 仿佛此刻有亿万魔鬼在恸哭、哀嚎、惨叫,令人不寒而栗 vaguely, behind him as if gushed out countless devil, Demon, Evil Ghost, the devil wait/etc., as if Void deep place opened Gates of Hell, body emits has fearful Nether God aura. 隐约之间,他背后似乎涌出了无数恶魔,妖魔,恶鬼,魔鬼等等,仿佛虚空深处打开了地狱之门,身上散发出可怕的冥神气息 Kills!” “杀!” Xia Ping gets hold of Wailing Staff, is relentless, displays the Wailing Staff Suppressing Soul Five Styles First Style-- dizziness! 夏平握紧哭丧棒,毫不留情,施展哭丧棒镇魂五式第一式——眩晕! Thump! 咚! He revolves within the body huge Magic Power, communicates Wailing Staff Strength of Hell, knocked toward Void, immediately Void among gushed out intermittent naked eye obvious ripples, transmits layer upon layer fearful divine consciousness Shock Wave from Wailing Staff, is ordinary like the ocean waves, whips Void unceasingly, the layer upon layer pack, as if formed thousand million fearful resonating. 他运转体内庞大的法力,沟通哭丧棒地狱之力,朝着虚空敲了过去,当即虚空当中涌出了一阵阵肉眼可见的涟漪,从哭丧棒身上传递出一层层可怕的神识冲击波,如同海浪一般,不断拍打虚空,层层叠叠,似乎形成了千百万次的可怕共振。 buzz ~ ~ buzz ~ ~ 嗡嗡~~嗡嗡~~ Is a stick, six big immortal peak Elemental Clan Saint was immediately ignorant, they such as were been common by the thunder strike, entire soul was knocked ruthlessly. 仅仅是一棒下来,六大不朽巅峰元素族圣人立即就懵了,它们如遭雷击一般,整个灵魂都被狠狠的敲了一记。 Their soul cannot withstand such strange soul fluctuation, these sound waves transmit, as if formed sound wave Law's Pattern general, the steamroll came, causes Universe vibration and resonance. 它们的灵魂根本承受不住这样诡异的灵魂波动,这些音波传来,仿佛形成了音波的法则纹路一般,碾压过来,引起宇宙震荡共鸣 Then they were shaken to faint directly, both eyes spills over white ball, a Sea of Consciousness blank, they do not know oneself are at what condition, as if turned into the idiot general. 接着它们就被直接震得昏死过去,双眼泛出白球,意识海一片空白,它们根本不知道自己处在什么状态,似乎变成了白痴一般。 pēng pēng pēng!!! 砰砰砰!!! Xia Ping figure flashes, was a stick rap in the past, knocking ruthlessly on the Saint heads of these six immortal peak, their heads was similar to watermelon general immediately, crushed instantaneously. 夏平身形一闪,又是一棒敲击过去,狠狠的敲在这六个不朽巅峰圣人脑袋上面,当即它们的脑袋就如同西瓜一般,瞬间就粉碎开来。 Simultaneously invisible strange strength transmits their soul deep place, their entire soul was also shaken crushed, even the within the body element core was shaken irrelevant shattered. 同时一股无形诡异的力量传递进去它们的灵魂深处,它们整个灵魂也被震得粉碎了,连体内的元素核心都被震得支离破碎 This, six big Immortal Realm peak Elemental Clan Saint was knocked by Wailing Staff, does not have the strength to hit back. 就这样的,六大不朽境巅峰元素族圣人哭丧棒敲死了,毫无还手之力。 Worthily is Wailing Staff, really formidable.” “不愧是哭丧棒,果然强大。” Xia Ping very satisfied Wailing Staff infinite might, a stick knocks, simply is the fairy keeps off not, divine consciousness strength insufficient formidable, a stick can be knocked the corona. 夏平很满意哭丧棒的无穷威力,一棒敲下去,简直是神鬼莫挡,神识力量不够强大的,一棒就能被敲晕。 Then these Saint do not have the strength to hit back, no matter what Mermaid meat. 接着这些圣人就毫无还手之力,任人鱼肉。 Drops Di~~ 滴~~ at this time, spreads the Cat Sage's sound: Haha, Xia Ping, six immortal peak Saint died, dying one is 50 million points, now killed six, obtains three hundred million points, gains greatly gains especially, get rich in one night.” 这时候,传出猫仙人的声音:“哈哈,夏平,六个不朽巅峰圣人死了,死一个是五千万积分,现在杀了六个,得到三亿积分,大赚特赚,一夜暴富啊。” Its excited spreads the Universe Virtual Network information. 它兴奋的传出宇宙虚拟网络的信息。 Feels relieved Master, kills freely, has Mountains and Rivers Bead to suppress Void, these alien race Saint cannot run away absolutely.” “放心主人,尽管杀,有山河珠镇压虚空,这些异族圣人绝对跑不掉。” Azure Ox felt after oneself promote to High Grade Saint Artifact, a little small Wudi(Invincible), even Early Antiquity Saint cannot escape from the suppression of its Rivers and Mountains Territory Diagram. 青牛觉得自己晋升到上品圣器之后,都有点小无敌了,即使是近古圣人也逃不脱它江山社稷图的镇压。
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