GLD :: Volume #23

#2294: Approach!

After one day, Storm Sea Region, some no-one island among. 一日后,风暴海域,某座无人小岛当中 sōu sōu sōu!!! 嗖嗖嗖!!! In at this time, Void among presents intermittent ripples, immediately several silhouette appear in this no-one island over in the sky. 就在这时候,虚空当中出现一阵阵涟漪,当即就有几道身影出现在这无人小岛上空 But these silhouette impressively are the Early Antiquity Saint Casio, as well as its six Immortal Realm peak subordinate. 而这些身影赫然便是近古圣人卡西欧,以及它的六个不朽境巅峰的手下。 Comes out, Varadin.” “出来吧,瓦拉丁。” The Early Antiquity Saint Casio was calling out to Void. 近古圣人卡西欧对着虚空叫道。 Whiz, the distant place is used for the countless waterdrop immediately rapidly, then several time of breath then change into a Daoist shape silhouette, this person is Water Elemental Clan Saint Varadin. 嗖的一下,当即远处迅速用来无数水滴,然后几个呼吸的时间便化为一道人形的身影,此人便是水元素族圣人瓦拉丁 It hides in this island among, relieved resting and building up strength, by the present its twinkle restored most probably, only to have the soul above injury unable to restore temporarily. 它躲藏在这个岛屿当中,安心的休养生息,到了现在它身上的闪烁恢复了大半,唯有灵魂上面的伤势暂时无法恢复。 However even so, before it can also display, 70-80% strength. 不过即使如此,它也能发挥出之前七八成的实力。 Casio Sir, you came finally, I waited there for some time here.” “卡西欧大人,你终于来了,我在这里等候多时。” Saw that Casio and the others arrives, Varadin immediately is one happy. 见到卡西欧等人抵达,瓦拉丁顿时就是一喜。 Then its complexion very strange looks at Casio, thought that Casio this Early Antiquity Saint really made a fuss over a trifling matter, copes with several Human Race Immortal Saint obviously, moreover three are the remnants. 接着它脸色十分古怪的看着卡西欧,觉得卡西欧这个近古圣人实在是太小题大做了,明明只是对付几个人族不朽圣人,而且还有三个是残兵败将。 Even if only then Casio acts, can effortless solve that crowd of Human Race Saint. 就算只有卡西欧一个出手,都能轻松解决那群人族圣人 However now the opposite party also leads oneself six immortal peak subordinates to come unexpectedly, a turning out in full strength appearance, this rather was also too discrete, or was too timid. 但是现在对方居然还带了自己六个不朽巅峰的手下过来,一副倾巢而出的样子,这也未免太谨慎了,或者太胆小了。 in reality, it had also listened to reputation of Casio, by known as timidest Early Antiquity Saint. 事实上,它也曾经听过卡西欧的名声,被称之为最胆小的近古圣人 Comprehended Space Law Early Antiquity Saint obviously, the conduct actually timidly, without the 100% assurance, will not act absolutely. 明明是领悟了空间法则近古圣人,行事却偏偏胆小得要死,如果没有十成的把握,都绝对不会出手。 Moreover in reality treated in Storm Sea Region can’t do anything about it has also made Early Antiquity Saint cultivation base obtain to promote, but this guy actually still brazen-faced and shameless kept Storm Sea Region. 而且事实上待在风暴海域也已经没办法近古圣人修为获得提升了,但是这厮却依然死皮赖脸的留在风暴海域 Probably full level the player still keeps Novice Village to bully the person, is really shameless. 就好像已经满级的玩家依然留在新手村欺负人,实在是没脸没皮 Naturally, these words it does not dare to say casually, otherwise surely does not have its good fruit to eat, moreover Casio such caution and care also has the greatest advantage to oneself. 当然,这些话它也不敢随便说出来,否则肯定没它好果子吃,而且卡西欧这样谨慎小心对自己也有莫大好处。 At least that several human Saint died, the opportunity of simply not having escaped. 至少那几个人类圣人死定了,根本没逃跑的机会。 don't say rubbsih, that several Human Race Saint in somewhere, reported immediately completely their whereabouts, if they have returned to Storm Island, I will not pay attention to this matter again.” 别废话,那几个人族圣人什么地方,立即将他们的行踪全部禀告上来,如果他们已经回到风暴岛的话,我可不会再理会这种事。” Casio waves, is staring at Varadin. 卡西欧挥了挥手,盯着瓦拉丁 If these human had returned to Storm Island, that Human Race Headquarters, even if approaches still well, it will not act, after all it has not wanted dead. 如果那些人类已经返回了风暴岛,那人族大本营,或者就算是靠近也好,它也是不会出手,毕竟它还不想死。 Dares to kill people near Human Race Headquarters, it did not have to this degree stupidly. 敢在人族大本营附近杀人,它还没愚蠢到这种程度。 Relax, Casio Sir, I have been tracing on this day, monitors their whereabouts.” “放心吧,卡西欧大人,这一天我一直在追踪,监视他们的行踪。” Varadin immediately said: Their spaceship speed were too slow, according to their distances, required four days of time to return to Storm Island at least, moreover they had not discovered that completely I kept Space Ring inside subsequent hand, if pursues now, can kill that crowd of fellow one to be caught off guard surely.” 瓦拉丁立即道:“他们的飞船速度还是太慢了,按照他们的路程,起码还需要四天时间才能够返回风暴岛,而且他们也完全没发现我留在空间戒指里面的后手,如果现在追上去的话,必定能杀得那群家伙一个措手不及。” On its face shows the mean look, for take revenge and wipe out a grudge, no matter careful and prudent is not overrated. 它脸上露出阴狠的神色,为了报仇雪恨,不管是多么小心谨慎都不为过。 That is good, front guides, my butchered that crowd of Human Race Saint.” “那就好,前面带路吧,我这就去宰了那群人族圣人。” Casio murderous aura is steaming, it impatient wants to rush to kill these Human Race Saint, gained the merit. 卡西欧杀气腾腾,它已经迫不及待的想冲上去杀死那些人族圣人,获取功劳了。 Good.” “好。” Varadin nodded, naturally obeys orders. 瓦拉丁点点头,自然是从命。 Nearby immortal puts out spaceship from the body immediately, making Varadin and the others come up, then the spaceship rapid start, pursues in the Xia Ping and the others direction. 旁边一位不朽立即从身上拿出一艘飞船,让瓦拉丁等人上去,然后飞船迅速启动,朝着夏平等人的方向追上去。 How long it is estimated that could not want, they can find Xia Ping and the others, killed these damned human entirely. 估计要不了多长时间,它们就能找到夏平等人,将这些该死的人类通通杀死。 ............ ………… The time passes in an instant , in a day. 时间转眼即逝,又过了一天。 At this moment, Raindrop Ship was getting more and more near from Storm Island, three days of time then can return. 此刻,滴水号距离风暴岛越来越近了,还有三天时间便能返回。 Raindrop Saint and the others is chatting. 滴水圣人等人正在闲聊。 Oh, this time was really unlucky, didn't expect ran into such powerful enemy, if did not have Brother Fengdu to help, perhaps our one by one must be finished.” “唉,这一次真是太倒霉了,没想到遇到这样的强敌,如果不是有酆都兄施以援手的话,恐怕我们一个个都得完蛋。” Raindrop Saint emotionally said. 滴水圣人感慨道 I know, right? although has long known that Bizarre Area is the extremely dangerous place, even if Immortal Saint falls from the sky every year much, but the didn't expect danger to this degree, first time goes out Mission, unexpectedly meets such life and death killing intent, it seems like we underestimated the Bizarre Area risk.” 可不是吗?虽然早就知道奇异区是个极为危险的地方,就算是不朽圣人每年都陨落不少,但是没想到危险到这种程度,才第一次出去任务而已,居然就遇到这样的生死杀机,看来我们还是太小看了奇异区的危险性。” Golden Wind Saint is also feels very much the same way, remembers beforehand desperate with the powerless feeling, his simply wishes one could not to come to this place, this is his first time felt that is so close to the death time. 金风圣人也是深有同感,想起之前的绝望和无力感,他简直恨不得从来没来过这个地方,这是他第一次感到如此接近死亡的时刻。 Right, it seems like several of us newbie is too dangerous in Bizarre Area, does not know all sorts of fight knowledge.” “对啊,看来我们几个菜鸟奇异区还是太危险,也不知道种种的战斗知识。” Dark Flame Saint said solemnly: „After Storm Island, we look for established Squad to join, some old birds look, we can mix in Bizarre Area, otherwise this time does not die, next time will definitely die.” 暗火圣人沉声道:“等回去风暴岛之后,我们还是找一个老牌小队加入吧,有一些老鸟照拂,我们才能在奇异区混下去,否则这次不死,下次肯定死。” originally he has not wanted to join other Saint Squad among quickly, thought that has big restraint. 本来他还不想这么快加入其他圣人小队当中,觉得有很大的束缚 However after experiencing this life and death crisis, he immediately changed oneself view, in Bizarre Area this danger to the extreme place, without looking after of old bird, they died very much easily. 但是经历了这次生死危机之后,他立即就改变了自己的看法,在奇异区这种危险到极点的地方,没有老鸟的照拂,他们很容易就死了。 Now they matter of primary importance is the accumulation at the experience of Bizarre Area fight. 现在他们最重要的事情就是积累在奇异区战斗的经验。 Indeed, I also approve of this suggestion.” “的确,我也赞同这个建议。” „To go on living in Bizarre Area, needs the experience of Senior.” “想在奇异区活下去,还是需要前辈们的经验。” Before our too arrogant and conceited, lived in other safe Universe regions too for a long time, forgot the feeling of danger, little imagined can kill the Immortal Saint method to be many in Bizarre Area is, trivial Immortal Body at all is not anything.” “之前我们还是太狂妄自大了,在其他安全的宇宙区域活了太长时间,忘记了危险的感觉,殊不知奇异区能杀死不朽圣人的手段多得是,区区不朽之躯根本不算什么。” Truly, this time was hits to awake in brief thoroughly I, making me realize clearly Bizarre Area in the end was dangerous.” “确实啊,总之这一次算是彻底打醒我了,让我清楚认识到奇异区到底是多危险。” Raindrop Saint, Dark Flame Saint and Golden Wind Saint emotionally said. 滴水圣人,暗火圣人金风圣人感慨道 They awaken finally, the Bizarre Area such dangerous place, is not trivial Immortal Saint can handle, is not careful, will die entirely. 他们终于醒悟过来,奇异区这样危险的地方,可不是区区不朽圣人能玩得转的,一个不小心,通通都会死。 Xia Ping has not spoken, he also thought that was the time dismisses this Squad, own strength was formidable were too many compared with Raindrop Saint, at all was not the same level. 夏平没有说话,他也觉得是时候解散这个小队了,自己的实力比起滴水圣人实在是强大太多了,根本不是同一个层次的。 If meets small and weak enemy, they do not need to act, if meets formidable enemy, then they are also the burdens, no matter how is not suitable to treat together. 如果遇到弱小敌人,他们根本不需要出手,要是遇到强大敌人,那么他们也就是累赘,不管如何都不适合待在一起 originally he also wants to continue to gain in an experience, but now looks like, does not need extremely discretely, by him such strength, has had confidence survives now completely in Bizarre Area among. 本来他还想继续积累一点经验,不过现在看来,也不需要太过谨慎,凭借他现在这样的实力,已经完全有把握在奇异区当中生存下去。 „Does Hmm? have enemy?!” 嗯?敌人?!” Suddenly, Xia Ping narrowed the eye, his spreading went out, covered the surrounding area 40 light years, without speaking, with no difficulty merging each piece of Void. 忽然之间,夏平眯了眯眼睛,他的身上扩散出去,覆盖了方圆四十光年,无声无息,轻而易举融入每一片虚空 Immediately this piece of Void among, presented intermittent space ripples suddenly, Elemental Clan spaceship appears from Void. 当即这片虚空当中,忽然出现了一阵阵空间涟漪,一艘元素族飞船虚空浮现出来。 But this spaceship internal also emits has familiar aura impressively, seems like Water Elemental Clan Saint Varadin that before ran away. 而这艘飞船内部赫然也散发出一阵熟悉的气息,似乎是之前逃走的水元素族圣人瓦拉丁
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