GLD :: Volume #23

#2287: At disadvantageous position!

„To kill me? Where is so simple! Sword Dao Divine Ability-- Dripping Water Penetrates The Stone!” “想杀我?哪里有这么简单!剑道神通——滴水石穿!” The sensation to Void deep place infinite killing intent, Raindrop Saint angrily shouted, he draws out a Low Grade Saint Artifact rank from the body immediately water blue color long sword, immediately displays Sword Dao Divine Ability. 感知到虚空深处的无穷杀机,滴水圣人怒喝一声,他从身上立即拔出一柄下品圣器级别的水蓝色长剑,立即施展剑道神通 Sees only in his hand long sword to brandish, condenses huge Water Element Magic Power, each sword qi changes into drop of waterdrop, several breath condense the millions and millions drop. 只见他手中长剑挥舞过去,凝聚出庞大的水系法力,每一道剑气都化为一滴水滴,几个呼吸就凝聚出亿万滴。 Even each drop of water-drop contain fearful Strength of Penetration, and strength of sharp glow. 甚至每一滴水滴都蕴含着可怕的穿透之力,以及锋芒之力。 The millions and millions drop waterdrop, represents millions and millions to drop sword qi, mutual fusion, forms Sword Dao Great Formation, kills toward the Five Great Elemental Clan Saint bang, tears all. 亿万滴水滴,就代表着亿万剑气,互相融合,形成一座剑道大阵,朝着五大元素族圣人轰杀过去,撕裂一切。 Wind volume remnant snow!” “风卷残雪!” Golden Wind Saint big hand grasps, puts out a Low Grade Saint Artifact-- Earthly Fiend astral wind fan, that is a golden fan, above is carving densely packed restriction Formation, can the ditch ventilate the dimension, contain fearful Strength of Astral Wind. 金风圣人大手一抓,也拿出一柄下品圣器——地煞罡风扇,那是一柄金色的扇子,上面雕刻着密密麻麻禁制阵法,可以沟通风之次元,蕴含着可怕的罡风之力 huā lā lā ~ ~ 哗啦啦~~ His big hand wields, as if transferred World fiendish aura and Astral Qi, Hū Hū makes noise, forms the fearful tornado, earth-shattering came, to vibrate the surrounding area millions and millions kilometer. 大手一挥,似乎调动了天地煞气罡气,呼呼作响,形成了可怕的龙卷风,铺天盖地而来,震动方圆亿万公里。 Tornado contain fearful killing intent, is cutting and tearing unceasingly, as if changed into countless Wind Blade general, the nearby countless block meteorite was cut the smashing, was ordinary like the cutter. 一道道龙卷风蕴含着可怕杀机,不断切割、撕裂,似乎化为了数之不尽的风刃一般,附近无数块陨石都被切割成粉碎,如同切割机一般。 Each Wind Blade that erupts is quite sharp, seems Peerless Sword Dao Expert heaven frightening sword qi. 爆发出来的每一道风刃都极为犀利,仿佛是绝世剑道高手惊天剑气 Dark Dragon Splitting Heaven Fist!” 暗龙裂天拳!” Dark Flame Saint this moment both hands put on the black gauntlet/glove, the gauntlet/glove is common just like Dragon Head, emits has fearful Dragon Might, dragon eye vivid and lifelike, as if will resurrect momentarily general. 暗火圣人此刻双手戴上了黑色拳套,拳套宛如龙头一般,散发出可怕的龙威,龙眼栩栩如生,似乎随时都会复活过来一般。 This is his Low Grade Saint Artifact-- Dark Dragon Gauntlet, is with formidable Saint Artifact that scales refine of dark dragon becomes, can promote Dark Flame Saint Divine Ability's Power enormously. 这是他的下品圣器——暗龙拳套,乃是用暗龙的鳞甲炼制而成的强大圣器,能极大的提升暗火圣人神通之力 Dōng dōng dōng!!! 咚咚咚!!! He stands erect Void, seems Peerless Martial Dao Expert, both fists goes to sea, in an instant, millions and millions kilometer Void of presented densely packed Fist Seal, at least has over a hundred million. 他屹立虚空,仿佛是一尊绝世武道高手,双拳出海,刹那之间,亿万公里的虚空都出现了密密麻麻拳印,起码有上亿颗。 These Fist Seal are quite terrifying, as if cracked World generally, internal contain Strength of Dark Dragon, is filling the fearful real Dragon Fire flame simultaneously, burns down Void. 这些拳印极为恐怖,似乎将天地都崩裂了一般,内部蕴含暗龙之力,同时弥漫着可怕的真龙火焰,焚烧虚空 But such fist bang kills, shaking the heavens and quaking the earth, as if hits to collapse general this piece of Void. 而这样的拳头轰杀下去,天摇地动,似乎将这片虚空都打得崩塌一般。 Three big Immortal Saint also make a move, almost the collapsing by pressure vault of heaven, sweeps away Void. 三大不朽圣人同时出手,几乎压塌苍穹,横扫虚空 As for Xia Ping is revolution Darknorth Body Protection Art, within the body gushes out countless level energy cover, layer upon layer pack, like forming Kunpeng Domain was ordinary, counter-balances all attack power. 至于夏平则是运转北冥护体功,体内涌出无数能量罩,层层叠叠,如同形成了鲲鹏领域一般,将所有的攻击力都抵消。 pēng pēng pēng!!! 砰砰砰!!! These strength collision together, had the intense explosion immediately, explodes broken like planet general, had the Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering sound, terrifying energy sweeps away all directions, breaks meteorites. 这些力量碰撞在一起,立即产生了激烈的爆炸,如同星球爆碎一般,产生了惊天动地的声响,恐怖的能量横扫四面八方,震碎一颗颗陨石。 If this is fights on planet, perhaps shortly this planet will be shaken crushes. 如果这是在星球上面战斗的话,恐怕顷刻间这颗星球就会被震得粉碎。 poisonous snake that elements concentrate also the disintegration under such strength, changes into piece of Void. 一条条元素凝成的毒蛇也在这样的力量下面崩碎,化为一片虚无 Haha, worthily is Human Race Saint, is really fierce, even new promote Saint, such fighting strength still extremely important, but you were too tender.” 哈哈,不愧是人族圣人,果然厉害,即使是新晋圣人,这样的战斗力非同小可,不过你们还是太嫩了。” Our Five Great Elemental Clan Saint collaborated, arranges Five Elements Absolute Killing Formation, Five Elements strength grew continually, undying and unextinguished, looked how you also kept off.” “我们五大元素族圣人联手,布置了五行绝杀大阵,五行力量生生不息,不死不灭,看你们还怎么挡。” If were not worried that your Human Race's reinforcements, Father consumes the energy consumption dead here you.” “如果不是担心你们人族的援兵,老子在这里耗都能耗死你。” don't say rubbsih, butchered them immediately, so as to avoid a long delay usually means many problems.” 别废话,立即宰了他们,免得夜长梦多。” Begins, the Five Elements big hand seal, the universe reverses, the whole wide world submits to!” “动手,五行大手印,乾坤倒转,八荒臣服!” Five Great Elemental Clan Immortal Saint is also a little surprised Xia Ping and the others strength, but they were also startled slightly, Five Great Immortal Saint collaborates, but also arranged Five Elements Shackles, these Immortal Saint are only like a turtle in a jar. 五大元素族不朽圣人也是有点吃惊夏平等人力量,但是它们也只是稍微吃惊了一下而已,五大不朽圣人联手,还布置了五行牢笼,这几个不朽圣人只是瓮中之鳖罢了。 Sees only their both hands hand seal, immediately transfers Great Formation deep place Strength of Five Elements, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth wait/etc. Elemental Power revolves generally like the violent storm, changed into perpetual flows, crosses to count the whatever happens/10 million kilometer. 只见它们双手结印,立即调动大阵深处五行之力,金木水火土等等元素之力如同狂风暴雨一般运转起来,化为了一条条长河,横贯数千万公里。 It can be said that this is the Elemental Clan terrifying place, they will be Innate Elemental Body, Innate using Elemental Power, strength that will display will be above Human Race's several times. 可以说,这就是元素族的恐怖之处,它们是天生元素之体,天生就会运用元素之力,发挥出来的力量人族的数倍以上。 Especially Strength of Five Elements fusion gets up, they can display the beforehand several times fighting strength. 特别是五行之力融合起来,它们更是能将本身的战斗力发挥出之前的数倍。 originally their cultivation base was also high, achieved Immortal Realm peak, number of people were also simultaneously many, but also arranged Great Formation jointly, such fighting strength did not know high many compared with Raindrop Saint. 本来它们修为又高,达到了不朽境巅峰,同时人数又多,还联手布置大阵,这样的战斗力滴水圣人都不知道高了多少。 hōng lóng lóng ~ ~ 轰隆隆~~ In an instant, palm that only Five Phases Elements concentrates appears in Void among, achieved millions and millions only palm impressively, is ordinary like the hand of Giant, finds out from Void. 刹那之间,一只只五行元素凝成的巴掌出现在虚空当中,赫然达到了亿万手掌,如同巨人之手一般,从虚空探出。 These palm like whipping fly, another raids, layer upon layer pack, tens of thousands, superimposes unceasingly, ruthlessly whips toward Raindrop Saint and the others. 这些手掌如同拍打苍蝇似的,一只又一只的袭来,层层叠叠,成千上万,不断叠加,狠狠的朝着滴水圣人等人拍打过去。 pēng pēng pēng!!! 砰砰砰!!! Immediately, Raindrop Saint and the others without warning, split second was whipped, flies away like the rubber ball generally, simultaneously terrifying strength in their within the body vibration, produces fearful destruction power. 顿时,滴水圣人等人猝不及防,一瞬间就被拍打过去,如同皮球一般飞走,同时恐怖的力量在他们体内震荡,产生可怕的破坏力 Resisting that even if they go all out, but palm was really many, the Magic Power sudden consumption of within the body, every struck can lose their part of strength. 即使他们拼命的抵挡,但是巴掌实在是太多了,体内法力急剧的消耗,每一击都能损耗他们身上一部分的力量 damn!” 可恶!” Raindrop Saint clenches teeth, is brandishing Treasure Sword, cuts broken hand imprints, however attack of opposite party was really many, continuous, tens of thousands, so long as a mistake, palm bombardment on the body, shook him to cough up blood immediately. 滴水圣人咬牙,挥舞着宝剑,将一只只手印斩碎,但是对方的攻击实在是太多了,连绵不绝,成千上万,只要一个失误,巴掌轰击在身上,立即震得他咳血。 Really is hard to deal with.” “真是难缠。” Dark Flame Saint complexion gloomy, he uses full power to resist, but oneself are at Great Formation among of opposite party, moreover Five Great Elemental Clan Saint mysteriously appears and disappears, assembling and parting invisible, can appear in any corner momentarily, could not find the true body of opposite party to be. 暗火圣人脸色阴沉,他倾尽全力抵挡,但是自己处在对方的大阵当中,而且五大元素族圣人神出鬼没,聚散无形,随时都能出现在任何一个角落,根本找不到对方的真身所在。 Now he can only come under attack passively, very sullen. 现在他只能被动挨打,十分憋屈 Luckily his Martial Dao Divine Ability very formidable, but can also resist reluctantly. 幸好他武道神通十分强大,还能勉强抵挡。 Damn .” 该死,冲不出去。” Golden Wind Saint left Tuyou suddenly, changes into the cool breeze, tries to run away, no matter escapes somewhere, was controlled by Five Elements Shackles, is unable to escape, the opposite party catches the turtle to be common like the jar. 金风圣人左突右突,化为清风,试图逃遁出去,但是不管逃到什么地方,都被五行牢笼控制起来,无法逃出去,对方如同瓮中抓鳖一般。 Moreover all around Void was blocked, this is escapes not to be possible radically to escape. 而且四周虚空被封锁,这根本是逃无可逃。 A little skill.” “有点本事。” The Xia Ping figure twinkle, displays Kunpeng Step, like strolling general, with no difficulty dodges one only palm print that pats from Void, has not consumed many actually. 夏平身形闪烁,施展鲲鹏步,如同闲庭信步一般,轻而易举的躲闪一只只从虚空拍来的掌印,倒是没有消耗多少。 He is sensing Elemental Clan Saint's fight style slowly. 他在慢慢感悟元素族圣人的战斗方式 Moreover he revolves Hell's Golden Crow's Eye, looks to arrive in Void deep place Five Great Elemental Clan Saint, has to sigh with emotion these Elemental Clan Saint's is really incomparable mystical. 而且他运转地狱金乌眼,也看到了站在虚空深处五大元素族圣人,也不得不感慨这些元素族圣人的确是无比神异 Elemental Body also very formidable of opposite party, all over the body comprised of energy, even if reduces a hands and feet, can still regenerate rapidly, is unable to injure to their main bodies. 对方的元素之体也十分强大,通体由能量组成,就算是砍掉一只手脚,也能迅速再生,根本无法伤害到它们的本体。 To kill the Elemental Clan person, only then two methods, extinguished the soul of opposite party, another is to crush the opposite party element core. 想杀死元素族的人,就只有两个方法,一个是灭了对方的魂魄,另外一个是击碎对方身上的元素核心。
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