GLD :: Volume #22

#2189: Old Ancestor Xiaoyao

Human Race High Level, place of mysterious, this is the Human Race's supreme palace. 人族高层,一处神秘之地,这是人族的至高殿堂。 At this moment, in the palace presented dozens phantom, after they are obtains the news, from Universe each region projection. 此刻,殿堂之内出现了数十道虚影,他们都是得到消息之后,从宇宙各地投影而来。 It is said Illusory World exact location found, this matter real?” “据说幻界具体位置找到了,这件事是不是真的?” Information Analyze, after the dark net examination, this news has the 70% possibility.” “情报分析,经过暗网检测,这个消息有七成的可能。” If, this news cannot disclose absolutely, Illusory World is hard to search , because it can move momentarily, once were discovered what slightest sign of trouble by Illusion Clan, will immediately run away, concealing will count the whatever happens/10 million year born again.” “如果是真的,这个消息绝对不能走漏,幻界之所以难以寻觅,就是因为它能够随时一动,一旦被幻族发现什么风吹草动,立即就会逃遁,隐匿千万年才会再次出世。” „, The Illusion Clan information is indeed fearful, perhaps major race have their spy, previous time also once obtained the Illusory World news by luck, but the action has not started, was known by Illusion Clan, finally falls short.” “的确,幻族的情报过于可怕,恐怕各大种族都有他们的探子,上次也曾经侥幸得到了幻界的消息,但是围剿行动还没开始,就被幻族知晓,结果功亏一篑。” Numerous Human Race Saint discuss spiritedly, complexion is dignified. 众多人族圣人议论纷纷,脸色凝重。 The countless year later, actually they also had to find Illusory World position, some in reality people once had also had the method to obtain Illusory World exact location accidentally. 无数年下来,其实他们也不是没有找到过幻界位置,事实上也有人曾经有手段偶然得到了幻界具体位置 However didn't expect many race among, even Human Race High Level has the Illusion Clan planted agent, finally this news disclosed that also ran away by Illusion Clan, millions and millions year later appears again. 但是没想到诸多种族当中,甚至人族高层都有幻族的内应,结果这个消息走漏了,又被幻族跑掉,亿万年之后才再次出现。 It can be said that Illusion Clan is extremely deceitful race, if detected that a little bit is not wonderful, will escape, even very long long time will not appear before the people again, until forgot their threats by many people. 可以说,幻族是个极其狡诈的种族,如果察觉到一点点不妙,就会远遁,甚至很长很长时间都不会再出现在众人面前,直到被许许多多人遗忘他们的威胁。 This is also the Illusion Clan livelihood. 这也是幻族的生存之道。 Is because is afraid this news to expose, they strictly control, are who attended Saint basically after the examination, absolutely possibly is not the Illusion Clan spy. 就是因为害怕这个消息暴露出去,他们严格控制,参加会议的圣人基本上都经过检测,绝对不可能是幻族奸细。 Moreover according to this information, Illusion Clan as if Abyss Demon colludes, even was putrefied by Abyss.” “而且根据这个情报,幻族似乎和深渊妖魔勾结,甚至被深渊腐化了。” Ancient Saint start to talk said. 一尊古老圣人开口道。 What? This matter happens, it seems like Illusion Clan really worked as traitor, must be exterminated immediately.” “什么?还有这种事发生,看来幻族真的当了叛徒,必须立即被剿灭。” Damn, this is takes road of death, Illusion Clan dares to make this treason and heresy unexpectedly the matter.” 该死,这是取死之道,幻族居然敢做出这种大逆不道的事情。” Stupid Illusion Clan, they do not know that cannot with the Abyss cooperation, are they All Heavens and Myriad Clans' enemy? Unexpectedly was also putrefied by Abyss, is really as stupid as the extreme.” “愚蠢的幻族,难道他们不知道不能和深渊合作,它们是诸天万族的敌人吗?居然还被深渊腐化,实在是愚蠢到极点。” Cannot let off Illusion Clan, once were putrefied by Abyss, is similar to the plague general, can spread rapidly, grinds the catastrophe.” “不能放过幻族,一旦被深渊腐化,就如同瘟疫一般,能迅速蔓延,碾成大祸。” Numerous Saint fly into a rage, this matter compared with discovering Illusion Clan continues in it place serious hundred times, unexpectedly has race and Abyss colludes, this simply betrayed All Heavens and Myriad Clans, becomes Ten Thousand Clans public enemy, is unforgivable. 众多圣人勃然大怒,这件事比发现幻族所在之地严重百倍不止,居然有种族深渊勾结,这简直是背叛了诸天万族,成为万族公敌,不可饶恕。 Luckily now prompt discovery, otherwise discovers 1 : 00 pm, when Abyss World launches the war, perhaps at that time they do not know that will have the serious loss. 幸好现在及时发现,否则发现晚 1 点,等到深渊世界发动战争,那时候他们恐怕都不知道会受到多严重的损失。 This news has 70% possibly real, but also needs to be prudent. Needs some people to go to that place investigate, but actually cannot be discovered by the Illusion Clan person, alerts the enemy.” “不过这个消息才有七成的可能是真的,还需要慎重啊。需要有人前往那地方查探一番,但是却不能被幻族的人发现,打草惊蛇。” Has Saint said solemnly. 圣人沉声道 Old Man goes.” 老夫去吧。” In at this time, the Void deep place sound sound, then went out of Old Man of white gown together, he stood in this space obviously, seemed actually aloof generally. 就在这时候,虚空深处一道声音响了起来,接着就走出一个白色袍子的老者,他明明站在这个空间,却仿佛超脱了一般。 He seems to be representative world, body emits has fearful Strength of Law, at all times and Universe Law contends, strange and harmony and unity, deep and unmeasurable. 他本身似乎就代表着一个世界,身上散发出可怕的法则之力,时时刻刻都和宇宙法则抗衡,诡异而又和谐统一,深不可测 Old Ancestor Xiaoyao.” 逍遥老祖。” Numerous Saint see the appearance of this white robe Old Man, each one has profound respect, because at present this white robe Old Man is Human Race's to one of the Expert(s), achieved Invincible Saint realm. 众多圣人看到这白袍老者的出现,个个是肃然起敬,因为眼前这白袍老者人族的强者之一,达到了无敌圣人境界 „If Old Ancestor personally investigate, then Illusion Clan person, even if had the exceedingly high skill unable to discover.” “如果是老祖亲自查探的话,那么幻族的人即使有通天本事也发现不了。” One crowd of Saint are confident, incomparably admires to the Old Ancestor Xiaoyao strength obviously, this is almost Universe peak battle strength, other true Overlord Level terrifying exist(ence). 一群圣人信心满满,显然对逍遥老祖的实力无比敬佩,这几乎是宇宙巅峰战力,真正的霸主级别的恐怖存在 That Old Man has a look.” “那老夫就去看看。” white robe Old Man Hehe, rubbed the gray beard, sees only his single-handed gently one stroke, as if drew mysterious talisman, contain infinite Strength of Law. 白袍老者呵呵一声,捋了捋花白的胡子,只见他单手轻轻一划,似乎画出了一枚神秘符箓,蕴含着无穷的法则之力 in a flash, this mysterious talisman changes into black and white color qi flow, derives Strength of Yin-Yang, finally concentrates a black and white color fish, the palm size, is very probably mysterious. 瞬息之间,这枚神秘符箓化为黑白色气流,汲取阴阳之力,最后凝成一条黑白色的鱼,大概巴掌大小,无比玄奥。 Goes!” “去吧!” A white robe Old Man Old Ancestor Xiaoyao racket, sees only this small fish to drag tail gently gently, with no difficulty merging Void, light effortless loosen spanned countless level Dimension space. 白袍老者逍遥老祖轻轻一拍,只见这条小鱼轻轻摇曳尾巴,轻而易举融入虚空,轻轻松松的跨越了无数次元空间 Regarding this small fish, these Dimension space band simply are regards , if no thing. 对于这条小鱼来说,这些次元空间夹层简直是视若无物。 Whiz! 嗖! Shortly, this black and white small fish arrives in the place that Illusory World was at immediately, condescendingly, invisible fluctuation spreading all around, wrapped entire Illusory World. 没多长时间,这条黑白小鱼立即抵达了幻界所在的地方,居高临下,一股股无形的波动扩散四周,包裹住了整个幻界 However such fluctuation actually no one can detect, even Saint does not have the slight induction, this is one exceeds all mysterious strength. 但是这样的波动却没有任何人能察觉到,就算是圣人也没有丝毫的感应,这是一股超越所有的神秘力量 Whiz, after obtaining these information, this black and white small fish drags again, returned to the hand of Old Ancestor Xiaoyao rapidly, merging his body deep place. 嗖的一声,得到这些信息之后,这条黑白小鱼又再次摇曳,迅速返回到了逍遥老祖的手上,融入他的身体深处 Right, this news indeed real, Illusory World indeed in that place, it seems like has not moved a long time.” Old Ancestor Xiaoyao rubbed the gray beard, the eye revealed bright light. “没错,这个消息的确是真的,幻界的确是在那地方,看来已经有很长一段时间没有移动了。”逍遥老祖捋了捋花白胡子,眼睛露出一丝精光 Old Ancestor, did that Illusion Clan person really turn to Abyss?” 老祖,那幻族的人是不是真的投靠了深渊?” Some Immemorial Saint inquired. 太古圣人询问。 Indeed, that located Illusory World indeed to be corroded by Abyss strength most probably, almost most Illusion Clan Saint became Abyss member.” Old Ancestor Xiaoyao said solemnly. “的确,那处幻界的确是被深渊力量腐蚀了大半,几乎大部分的幻族圣人都成了深渊一员。”逍遥老祖沉声道 damned Illusion Clan, they really worked as traitor.” 该死的幻族,他们真的当了叛徒。” Old Ancestor, we should dispatch troops immediately, exterminate that crowd of damn traitors.” 老祖,我们应该立即出兵,剿灭那群二五仔。” Who dares to become the Abyss dependency, who is Ten Thousand Clans public enemy, the extermination nine generations.” “谁敢成为深渊附庸,谁就是万族公敌,诛灭九族。” One crowd of Saint crack cursed, unable to restrain one's anger. 一群圣人破口大骂,怒不可遏 „It is not anxious, I can the sensation to Illusory World among contain deep and unmeasurable strength, if the trade kills rashly, perhaps will leave behind many fish slip through, must deploy troops, strangles to death this crowd of damn traitors.” “不急,我能感知到幻界当中蕴含深不可测力量,如果贸贸然杀过去,恐怕会留下不少的漏网之鱼,必须调兵遣将,将这群二五仔绞杀一空。” The Old Ancestor Xiaoyao eye reveals cold glow. 逍遥老祖眼睛露出一丝寒芒 Illusion Clan Saint may be not infrequent, moreover even possibly also has the Abyss Demon ambush, this military extremely important, wants to wipe out, without fish slip through, needs to assemble All Heavens and Myriad Clans' Saint to arrive.” 幻族圣人可不在少数,而且其中甚至可能还有深渊妖魔潜伏,这份兵力非同小可,想全部歼灭,没有漏网之鱼,需要调集诸天万族的圣人抵达。” Deploys troops like this, the sound is too big, perhaps will be detected by Illusion Clan.” “可是这样调兵遣将,动静太大,恐怕会被幻族察觉。” Numerous Saint complexion are dignified. 众多圣人脸色凝重。 Does not have relationship, in the name of my, holds Saint congress a time, opens the altar/jar saying that can invite many Saint to come.” Old Ancestor Xiaoyao slightly smiled, and other congresses started, I pretend to proselytize, makes Old Ancestor Kongkong that old fart display Divine Ability secretly, the change of the seasons, does something secretly, arrives in Illusory World instantaneously in it place, when the time comes that crowd of damn traitors wants to run difficultly.” “没关系,以我的名义,举办一次圣人大会,开坛讲道,想必能邀请不少圣人前来。”逍遥老祖微微一笑,“等大会开始,我假装传道,暗地里让空空老祖老不死施展神通,斗转星移,暗度陈仓,瞬间抵达幻界所在之地,到时候那群二五仔想跑都难。” Worthily is Old Ancestor Xiaoyao, if is really Old Sly Fox.” “不愧是逍遥老祖,果真是老奸巨猾啊。” One crowd of Saint admire. 一群圣人佩服。 What did you say?” “你们说什么?” Old Ancestor Xiaoyao stared one toward this crowd of Saint. 逍遥老祖朝着这群圣人瞪了一眼。 Nooooo, we were say Old Ancestor to be extremely intelligent, no-one can the enemy.” 不不不,我们是说老祖聪明绝顶,无人能敌。” Right, this is the material enemy outside the thousand li (500 km), determining the final outcome thousand li (500 km).” “对啊,这是料敌于千里之外,决胜千里啊。” „Is, that group of Illusion Clan young animals in front of Old Ancestor, is a baby are not worth mentioning.” “就是就是,那群幻族小崽子在老祖面前,就是个婴儿不值一提。” One crowd of Saint streaming with sweat, hastily boot-licking. 一群圣人汗如雨下,连忙拍马屁 Where where, my where some you said such well, this slightly executes the sub-total, is insufficient I 1/10000 wisdom.” Old Ancestor Xiaoyao rubbed the gray beard, immensely proud of oneself. “哪里哪里,我哪里有你们说得这么好,这只是略施小计而已,都不足我万分之一的智慧。”逍遥老祖捋了捋花白胡子,得意洋洋 One crowd of Saint keep silent, the unstated criticism, the opposite party yin prestige is too big, cannot annoy completely. 一群圣人默不作声,腹诽不已,对方yin威太大,完全不能惹。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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