GLD :: Volume #22

#2107: Dark Space Demon

Immediately, that Nether Ghost Commander complexion blanch, a little weak flavor, exhausted the tremendous effort, was any useful thing had not actually found, it was very ashamed. 顿时,那冥鬼统领脸色发白,有点虚弱的味道,耗尽了巨大精力,却是什么有用的东西都没有找到,它十分惭愧。 "Jié jié, small Nether Ghost also wants to find my whereabouts, Don't crack a joke. ” “桀桀,小小冥鬼也想找到我的行踪,别开玩笑了。” That sound continues to provoke, clamors: Burning Demon, I am not and you in cracking a joke, but is issuing the ultimatum, really enraged me, presents all monsters and demons, ghosts and freaks to die. I only give you an opportunity, hopes that you can treasure well.” 那声音继续挑衅,叫嚣:“燃烧魔,我可不是和你在开玩笑,而是在下达最后通牒,真是激怒了我,在场所有妖魔鬼怪都得死。我只给你一个机会,希望你能好好珍惜。” Snort!” “哼!” Hears this saying, Luna very vitality │ angry, wants to begin. 听到这话,露娜很是生气,就想动手。 However Xia Ping beckoned with the hand, prevented the Luna movement, direct start to talk said: „The petty people of revealing only part of the truth, dare to boast shamelessly, to think unexpectedly here depends some concealing Ability, can before me crazy? to be honest, your Ability , that is clown is in my eyes ordinary.” 但是夏平摆摆手,阻止了露娜的动作,直接开口道:“藏头露尾的鼠辈,居然也敢在这里大言不惭,以为仗着一些隐匿能力,就能在我面前狂?说实话,你这点能力,在我眼里,那就是小丑一般可笑。” The present is the Burning Lord ascending the throne grand ceremony, is establishes him at the important grand occasion of Flame Hell Supreme position, currently unexpectedly also has Demon to dare to appear bothers in this place, this clearly wants to hit his face, tries to enrage him. 现在是燃烧领主的登基大典,也是奠定他在火焰地狱无上地位的一次重要盛事,现在居然还有妖魔敢出现在这个地方搅局,这分明就是想打他的脸,试图激怒他。 Once enrages him, not sky and the earth turning upside down, rivers of blood, vow not to rest. 一旦激怒他,不天翻地覆,血流成河,都誓不罢休。 Bang In this instantaneous, Xia Ping stood from the throne, Hell's Golden Crow's Eye opens, pupil deep place contain countless Hell's Golden Crow rune, is projecting immediately tens of thousands of says dark-gold rays of light. 就在这瞬间,夏平从王座站了起来,身上的地狱金乌眼睁开,瞳孔深处蕴含无数地狱金乌符文,立即射出成千上万道暗金色光芒 These dark-gold rays of light are ordinary like big net, infiltrates Void, covered the surrounding area 10 billion kilometers, spread all over this piece of Void each corner, extremely detailed. 这些暗金色光芒如同一张大网一般,渗透虚空,覆盖了方圆百亿公里,遍布这片虚空的每一处角落,巨细靡遗。 Thump At this moment, above the square, countless Demon contacts these dark-gold rays of light, the fine hair raises up immediately, whole body trembles, because they discovered that oneself saw clearly by such vision. 此刻,广场之上,无数妖魔接触到这些暗金色光芒,它们立即汗毛竖起,浑身发颤,因为它们发现自己被这样的目光看得清清楚楚。 Divine Ability rune that own meridians, five viscera and six bowels, dantian Qi Sea, within the body deep place revolves wait/etc., exposes cleanly, not a single drop left behind. 自己身上的经脉,五脏六腑,丹田气海,体内深处运转的神通符文等等,都暴露得干干净净,点滴不剩 As if they in the face of such vision, do not have secret. 似乎它们在这样的目光面前,毫无秘密可言。 This!” “这!” Numerous monsters and demons, ghosts and freaks are incomparably with amazement, before them, thinks oneself looked at Sir Lord high, didn't expect underestimates now, was the vision sweeps to fall merely, made them expose all secret, is regarding mortal general like God. 众多妖魔鬼怪都是无比骇然,它们之前就以为自己高看了领主大人,没想到现在还是小看了,仅仅是目光扫落下来,就让它们暴露身上所有的秘密,如同神明在看待凡人一般。 Even this vision contain terrifying Strength of Flame, Strength of Destruction, so long as Lord wants, immediately can light their whole body high and low bloodline, making them change into the torch. 甚至这目光蕴含着恐怖的火焰之力,破坏之力,只要领主愿意的话,立即就能点燃它们全身上下的血脉,让它们化为火炬。 Some formidable Demon stemming from instinct, try to resist such strength, but is useless, this seems the eye of God, condescendingly, anything does not have to hide. 一些强大妖魔出于本能,试图抵抗这样的力量,但是毫无用处,这仿佛是神明的眼睛,居高临下,任何东西都无所遁形。 How whatever mortal struggles, useless. 任凭凡人如何挣扎,都无济于事 huā lā lā 哗啦啦 Time of breath, Hell's Golden Crow's Eye has swept away the surrounding area several hundred hundred million kilometers spaces, the space under covering of vision, seizes every opportunity every inchs, extremely detailed. 一个呼吸的时间,地狱金乌眼已经横扫了方圆数百亿公里的空间,每一寸空间都在目光的笼罩之下,无孔不入,巨细靡遗。 However that sound is still very rampant: "Jié jié, understands a pupil technique unexpectedly, didn't expect this small place also has such Divine Ability, however such method has no use to me. My concealing in Dimension space deep place, invisible does not have the shadow, was not your small Burning Demon can find, gave up, you are doing not studiously...... ” 但是那声音依然十分嚣张:“桀桀,居然懂得一门瞳术,没想到这个小地方还有这样的神通,但是这样的手段对我根本没任何用处。我隐匿次元空间深处,无形无影,不是你这小小的燃烧魔能找到的,放弃吧,你这是在做无用功……” Found, the petty people of revealing only part of the truth, come out.” “找到了,藏头露尾的鼠辈,出来吧。” In at this time, the Xia Ping sensation to anything, acted outrageously, 就在这时候,夏平感知到了什么东西,悍然出手, In an instant, his Left Eye revolves slowly, projects together the black death ray, contain terrifying destruction power, wonderful quick incomparable, bang upwards space position. 刹那之间,他左眼缓缓旋转,射出一道黑色的死亡光线,蕴含着恐怖的破坏力,奇快无比,轰向上方一处空间位置 Bang! 砰! This black rays of light submerges Void among all of a sudden. 这道黑色光芒一下子就没入虚空当中 Ah! 啊! Immediately, in the midair transmits a sad and shrill pitiful yell, silhouette fell from dimension deep place together like this, chest was pierced a blood hole, bleeds blood that drippings, pitiful incomparable. 顿时,半空当中就传来一声凄厉的惨叫,一道身影就这样从次元深处掉了出来,胸膛都被洞穿一个血洞,流出了血淋淋的血液,凄惨无比。 Seeing only that is one group of black shadows, does not have any shape, shadow deep place appeared over a hundred eyes, each eye contain all kinds mood, anger, bashful angry, hate as well as unbelievable. 只见那是一团黑色的影子,没有任何形态,影子深处浮现了上百只眼睛,每一只眼睛都蕴含各种情绪,愤怒、羞恼、怨恨以及难以置信。 My God, this is Dark Space Demon, lives in Void deep place, mastery space strength fearful Demon, didn't this vanish in Flame Hell? How to appear in this place?” “我的天,这是暗空魔,生活在虚空深处,精通空间力量的可怕妖魔,这不是在火焰地狱绝迹了吗?怎么会出现在这个地方?” This is Demon from higher Hell World, is not our such Hell World can be born.” “这是来自高等地狱世界妖魔,不是我们这样的地狱世界能够诞生的。” „Is it inadequate from higher Hell World?” “难道说它来自高等地狱世界不成?” Numerous monsters and demons, ghosts and freaks call out in alarm immediately, saw this Demon true identity all of a sudden. 众多妖魔鬼怪立即惊呼起来,一下子就看出了这头妖魔真实身份 Is impossible, my Dark Space Demon mastery space Divine Ability, invisible does not have the shadow, concealing dimension deep place, lives exist(ence) space crevice among, actually do you how discover my? Moreover even discovered me, how also to hit my?” “不可能,我暗空魔精通空间神通,无形无影,隐匿次元深处,生存在空间夹缝当中,你究竟是怎么发现我的?而且就算是发现我了,又是怎么击中我的?” This Dark Space Demon simply was insane, cannot believe. 这头暗空魔简直是疯了,根本不敢相信。 Because of according to its Ability, compared with its formidable section of Demon, is even impossible to defeat itself, even found own whereabouts is the impossible matter. 因为按照它的能力,就算是比它强大一截的妖魔,也不可能战胜自己,甚至找到自己的行踪都是不可能的事。 Moreover it can walk in Space-Time crevice among at any time, escaping speed is extremely quick, even if were found the whereabouts by enemy, can still escaping of with no difficulty to other places, therefore its secure in the knowledge that one has backing. 而且它可以随时在时空夹缝当中行走,逃跑速度极快,就算是被敌人找到行踪,也能轻而易举的遁到其他地方,所以它有恃无恐 But was found own whereabouts by this Burning Demon now unexpectedly at present, even also injured itself, hit from space crevice among it, this regarding Dark Space Demon, simply is the great shame! 可现在居然被眼前这头燃烧魔找到了自己的行踪,甚至还打伤了自己,将它从空间夹缝当中打了出来,这对于暗空魔来说,简直就是奇耻大辱! „A cheap trick, dares before me crazy? You have the partner, immediately called them to come out, otherwise my one by one killed them in space crevice among, wiped out to the last man.” “一点小把戏而已,也敢在我面前狂?你还有同伙吧,立即叫它们全部出来,否则的话我一个个将它们打死在空间夹缝当中,片甲不留。” Xia Ping crosses the hands behind the back to stand. 夏平负手而立。 sōu sōu sōu!!! 嗖嗖嗖!!! Finishes speaking, the space a distortion, has the intense fluctuation immediately, Demon silhouette appear in all directions, presented 12. 话音刚落,空间顿时一阵扭曲,产生强烈的波动,一道道妖魔身影出现在四面八方,足足出现了十二个。 Including Dark Space Demon is 13. 包括暗空魔就是十三个。 Moreover these Demon strengths are much more tyrannical, achieved Immortal Realm impressively, is as good as beforehand Rock Lord, Swamp Lord, Sea Shark Lord wait/etc. Lord Level Demon. 而且这些妖魔实力强横得令人发指,赫然达到了不朽境,不亚于之前的岩石领主沼泽领主海鲨领主等等领主级妖魔 My God, actually what's the matter? These Demon rather too formidable.” “我的天,究竟是怎么回事?这些妖魔未免太强大了。” This, this is immortal aura.” 这、这不朽气息。” Is impossible, entire Flame Hell is also nine immortal Lord, moreover they were killed by Burning Lord, how now to present 13 immortal Lord, was too exaggerating.” “不可能,整个火焰地狱也就是九个不朽领主而已,而且它们都被燃烧领主杀了,现在怎么又会出现十三个不朽领主,太夸张了。” Actually this how appears, what did in the end have?” “这究竟是怎么出现的,到底发生了什么?” Definitely is not our Flame Hell devil, possibly came from other Hell plane(s) formidable devil.” “肯定不是我们火焰地狱恶魔,可能是来自其他地狱位面强大恶魔。” Issue is our Flame Hell position remote, environment is very bad, how they arrive in this place.” “问题是我们火焰地狱位置十分偏僻,环境恶劣,它们是如何抵达这个地方的。” Numerous Demon had a scare, panic-stricken to the extreme, no matter what who noticed that 13 Immortal Level Demon appear in this place, arrives collectively, will be frightened half dead. 众多妖魔都是被吓了一大跳,惊恐到极点,任谁看到十三个不朽级妖魔出现在这个地方,集体降临,都会被吓得半死。 Their lose one's head out of fear, thought that this time probably really must be finished, was besieged by 13 Immortal Level Demon, again formidable Demon is the dead end. 它们惊慌失措,觉得这次或许真的要完蛋了,被十三个不朽级妖魔围攻,再强大妖魔都是死路一条。 maybe, Burning Lord becomes history starting today. 说不定,燃烧领主从今天开始就成为历史
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