GLD :: Volume #22

#2104: Immortal Fruit

sōu sōu sōu!!! 嗖嗖嗖!!! Shortly, Luna brought numerous devil to leave, started the journey of conquering Flame Hell, how long it is estimated that could not want, entire Flame Hell under his rule. 没多长时间,露娜就带着众多恶魔离开,开始了征服火焰地狱的旅程,估计要不了多长时间,整个火焰地狱就会在他的统治之下。 Xia Ping has not paid attention to this matter, his big hand grasps, immediately also had Nether Ghost Lord corpse(s) to grasp Rock Lord and Swamp Lord completely. 夏平没理会这件事,他大手一抓,立即将岩石领主沼泽领主还有冥鬼领主尸首全部抓了过来。 He thought that these immortal Lord although died, flesh and blood energy that but on them remains also has the greatest advantage surely, cannot waste like this. 他觉得这些不朽领主虽然死掉了,但是它们身上残留下来的血肉能量必定也有莫大好处,不能就这样浪费了。 Naturally on these Immortal Demon has Hell energy corrosion, needs to process well, words that otherwise the average person dares to touch, by Strength of Hell corrosion, will become Hell creature. 当然这些不朽妖魔身上有着地狱能量侵蚀,需要好好处理一下,否则一般人胆敢触碰的话,都会被地狱之力侵蚀,成为地狱生物 Hmm?!” 嗯?!” Suddenly, Xia Ping Sea of Consciousness deep place shivers gently, immediately trembles his sensation to own within the body World's Tree, drags gently, blooms intermittent green rays of light. 忽然之间,夏平意识海深处轻轻颤动,顿时他就感知到自己体内世界之树震颤起来,轻轻摇曳,绽放出一阵阵绿色光芒 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” His didn't expect at this time World's Tree will move unexpectedly, seemed like the sensation to have the thing of advantage general to anything. 没想到这时候世界之树居然会动起来,似乎是感知到了什么对它有好处的东西一般。 The next second, the emerald green colored root hair extends one after another from Void, descends on three Immortal Demon Lord body, infiltrates like this. 下一秒,一根又一根翠绿色的根须从虚空延伸出来,降落在三具不朽妖魔领主身体上面,就这样渗透进去。 huā lā lā ~ ~ 哗啦啦~~ Saw only World's Tree to shiver, produced Devouring Power, three immortal Lord corpse(s) was also withered by visible speed, the root hair is wriggling like the water pipe generally, huge flesh and blood essence transmitted in the body of World's Tree rapidly. 只见世界之树颤动,产生了吞噬之力,三具不朽领主尸首也以肉眼可见的速度干瘪起来,根须如同水管一般在蠕动,庞大的血肉精华迅速传递到世界之树的躯体之内。 As if after deriving these immortal matter, World's Tree like been ordinary the perfect big tonic, its entire body grows, raised over a hundred meters, each root hair and each branch were much sturdier than before. 似乎汲取了这些不朽物质之后,世界之树如同得到了十全大补药一般,它整个躯体都成长起来,拔高了上百米,每一根根须、每一根树枝都比之前粗壮了不少。 Hmm?!” 嗯?!” Xia Ping in the heart moves, if merely is so, but after swallowing these immortal Lord flesh and blood essence, World's Tree had the huge change unexpectedly. 夏平心中一动,如果仅仅是如此也就罢了,但是吞噬了这些不朽领主血肉精华之后,世界之树居然发生了巨大的变化。 He sees with one's own eyes huge flesh and blood energy to wriggle with the root hair together, was instilled into on the leaf blade of World's Tree, then unexpectedly starts to blossom and bear fruit. 他亲眼看到庞大的血肉能量随着根须一起蠕动,接着被灌输在世界之树的叶片上面,然后居然就开始开花结果。 When as if did not need, to shorten the process directly, three golden fruit appeared on the branch of World's Tree like this. 似乎根本不需要什么时间,直接就缩短了过程,三颗金色果子就这样出现在世界之树的树枝上面。 Its semblance has one after another strange trace, semblance golden, is ordinary like Golden Core, but has no Divine Ability's Power, merely is contain boundless pure life energy. 它外表有一圈又一圈奇异的纹路,外表金色,如同金丹一般,不过却没有什么神通之力,仅仅是蕴含着磅礴精纯的生命能量 But this fruit internal deep place has the core, that is golden seed. 而这颗果子内部深处却有核心,那是一颗金色种子 This golden seed also emits has the boundless vitality, has the Life rhythm, is filling intermittent immortal aura, obviously these are immortal True Spirit that Immortal Level creature can come out concise. 这颗金色种子散发出磅礴的生机,产生生命的律动,弥漫着阵阵不朽气息,显然这些就是不朽级生物才能够凝练出来的不朽真灵 Unexpectedly is Immortal Fruit!” “居然是不朽果!” Xia Ping body shakes, his completely didn't expect World's Tree also has such Ability unexpectedly, can through deriving Immortal Level creature flesh and blood energy, thus has fruit on the tree. 夏平身体一震,他完全没想到世界之树居然还有这样的能力,可以通过汲取不朽级生物血肉能量,从而在树上面结出果子 But such Immortal Fruit contain huge life energy, can not only strengthen at least whatever happens/10 million year Magic Power cultivation base, simultaneously contain immortal creature immortal True Spirit. 而这样的不朽果不仅蕴含着庞大的生命能量,能增强至少千万年的法力修为,同时蕴含不朽生物不朽真灵 If ordinary Thunder Tribulation Realm great expert took Immortal Fruit, then can increase 30% probability breakthrough to Immortal Realm. 如果普通雷劫境大能服用了一颗不朽果,那么就能够增加三成的概率突破不朽境 If takes four, that was 100% can promote. 要是服用四颗的话,那就是百分百能够晋升了。 Inconceivable.” “不可思议。” Xia Ping cannot bear stare big eyes, if the information transmit of Immortal Fruit, will definitely shock entire Universe, will be been crazy to rob by the countless person. 夏平忍不住瞪大眼睛,要是不朽果的消息传递出去的话,肯定会震惊整个宇宙,会被无数人疯狂过来抢夺。 100% can become Immortal Level Saint, does not know that is many cultivator long-awaited things. 百分百能成为不朽级圣人,不知道是多少修炼者梦寐以求的事情。 This is World's Tree Ability, has the turn the foul and rotten into the rare and ethereal effect. 这就是世界之树能力,有着化腐朽为神奇的功效。 However these Immortal Fruit regarding Xia Ping does not have the too major role, because his savings is really vigorous, is not several Immortal Fruit can provide the help. 不过对于夏平来说这些不朽果也没太大的作用,因为他的积蓄实在是过于浑厚,不是几颗不朽果就能够提供帮助的。 Moreover Immortal Fruit is born is not so simple, must cut to kill Immortal Level Demon, can be born Immortal Fruit. 而且不朽果诞生也没这么简单,必须斩杀一尊不朽级妖魔,才能诞生一枚不朽果 As if World's Tree derives other creature to have no way birth Immortal Fruit, only then cuts to kill Hell devil, Abyss Demon wait/etc. dark(ness) creature, have such effect. 似乎世界之树汲取其它生物没法诞生不朽果,就只有斩杀地狱恶魔,深渊妖魔等等黑暗生物,才有这样的效果 It is estimated that is these dark(ness) creature within the body energy, Strength of Hell and Strength of Abyss, has the huge advantage regarding World's Tree, other race do not have such effect. 估计是这些黑暗生物体内能量,地狱之力深渊之力,对于世界之树有着巨大的好处,其他种族就没这样的效果 Right, as if Little Dai (Fool) also detained other six Immortal Level Demon, does not know that swallowed them completely, how turning into Immortal Fruit can?” “对了,似乎小呆还关押了其他六个不朽级妖魔,不知道将它们全部吞噬了,变成不朽果会怎么样?” Xia Ping in the heart moves, the figure twinkle, communicated the Gaia source, immediately entered Gaia space among. 夏平心中一动,身形闪烁,沟通了盖亚本源,立即进入了盖亚空间当中 Whiz! 嗖! The next second, he appears in Void space among, saw only as if presented one near the Gaia source greatly, was ordinary like planet, invisible space shackles. 下一秒,他就出现在一处虚无的空间当中,只见在盖亚本源附近似乎出现了一个巨大的,如同星球一般的,无形的空间牢笼。 Treating that this moment six big Immortal Level Demon look grief-stricken in this shackles among, how whatever they struggle, is unable to shake this space shackles slightest. 此刻六大不朽级妖魔如丧考妣的待在这个牢笼当中,任凭它们如何挣扎,都无法撼动这个空间牢笼分毫。 Obviously they had been detained completely. 显然它们已经被完全关押起来。 at this time, six big Immortal Demon also saw Xia Ping approaches, one by one is excited. 这时候,六大不朽妖魔也看到了夏平靠近,一个个激动起来。 Burning Demon, put us, immediately releases us to leave.” 燃烧魔,放了我们,立即释放我们离开。” So long as you put me, my Treasure belongs completely your, I accumulated countless year Hell Treasure many to you situation that has no way to imagine, even my Army, my castle is belongs entirely your.” “只要你放了我,我身上的宝物全部属于你的,我积累了无数年的地狱宝物多到你没法想象的地步,甚至我的军队,我的城堡通通都是属于你的。” Forgave our one time, we will not oppose with you absolutely again.” “饶了我们一次,我们绝对不会再和你作对。” Six big Immortal Demon one after another beg for mercy, they know that oneself are not this Burning Demon opponent at present, if not beg for mercy, the fate only had the dead end. 六大不朽妖魔纷纷求饶,它们知道自己已经不是眼前这燃烧魔的对手了,如果不求饶的话,下场就只有死路一条了。 Does not use, obediently became World's Tree fertilizer on the line.” “不用,乖乖成为世界之树肥料就行了。” The Xia Ping thought moves, the World Tree's root hair is divided into six immediately, infiltrates this piece of invisible space shackles, penetrates the space, pierces six big Immortal Level Demon body directly. 夏平意念一动,世界树的根须立即分为六股,渗透这片无形的空间牢笼,穿透空间,直接就洞穿六大不朽级妖魔身体 huā lā lā ~ ~ 哗啦啦~~ In an instant, six big Immortal Demon send out a sad and shrill pitiful yell, their within the body Life essence was swallowed by World's Tree, the root hair wriggles like the water pipe generally, gū lū gū lū makes noise. 刹那间,六大不朽妖魔发出一声凄厉的惨叫,它们体内生命精华都被世界之树吞噬,根须如同水管一般蠕动,咕噜咕噜作响。 Immediately their Spiritual Wisdom seemed to be cancelled, turns into the idiot thoroughly, even the pitiful yell sound has no way to send out. 顿时它们的灵智似乎都被抹去了,彻底变成白痴,连惨叫声都没法发出。 Hmm?!” 嗯?!” Xia Ping raised the eyebrow, he discovered that this World's Tree has not been as if swallowing anxiously these Immortal Demon life energy, but very slow swallowing. 夏平挑了挑眉,他发现这一次世界之树似乎并没有急着将这些不朽妖魔生命能量吞噬一空,而是很缓慢的吞噬。 As these Immortal Demon Life essence vanish, immortal Ability starts, turnover Void energy, unceasing Recovery, restores at the peak period. 随着这些不朽妖魔身上的生命精华消失,身上的不朽能力发动,吞吐虚空能量,不断复苏,恢复到全盛时期 Then World's Tree swallows again, Immortal Demon again Recovery, so circulation. 然后世界之树再次吞噬,不朽妖魔复苏,如此循环。 Obviously, World's Tree treats as fertilizer that these six big Immortal Demon can regenerate unceasingly completely. 显然,世界之树完全将这六大不朽妖魔当做了可以不断再生的肥料 although did this, causing speed that Immortal Fruit was born slowly hundred times to continue, but this can actually a steady flow obtained Immortal Fruit, was insufficient to dry up, but fishing. 虽然这样做,导致不朽果诞生的速度缓慢了百倍不止,但是这样却可以源源不断的得到不朽果,不至于枯竭而渔。 Really World's Tree is Sacred Tree is not so only simple, is Demon Tree.” “果然世界之树不仅是一株圣树这么简单,同时也是一株魔树。” Xia Ping narrowed the eye, he had the understanding of deeper level regarding World's Tree demonic essence, if cannot control, perhaps is also exterminating the world Demon Tree. 夏平眯了眯眼睛,他对于世界之树魔性有了更加深层次的了解,如果控制不住的话,恐怕也是一株灭世魔树
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