GLD :: Volume #21

#2096: Gets sick to want him to assign/life while him

didn't expect that Burning Demon has also done these matters unexpectedly.” 没想到那头燃烧魔居然还做过这些事。” Other immortal Lord are looks at Rock Lord that pities, unexpectedly recruits such subordinate, simply was but actually eight lifetime's bloody bad luck, what advantage has not obtained, instead annoyed sao. 其他不朽领主都是怜悯的看着岩石领主,居然招收到这样的手下,简直是倒了八辈子血霉,什么好处没得到,反而惹了一身sao。 But thinks carefully, if there is Ability to promote to immortal Demon, those a little ambition, how also to be resigned to submit to under other immortal Lord, rebelling is the inevitable matter. 可仔细想想,如果有能力晋升到不朽妖魔,凡是有点野心的,又怎么会甘心臣服在其他的不朽领主下面,反叛是必然的事情。 This also has nothing extraordinarily in Hell World. 这在地狱世界也没什么出奇。 everyone.” 诸位。” The Rock Lord eye reveals cold glow: „ This Burning Demon is traitor, is perfidious, commit any imaginable misdeed, carries the bowl to eat meal to put down that the bowl shouts 'motherfucker', such Demon can present such disaster unexpectedly, once promotes, that must. 岩石领主眼睛露出一丝寒芒:“这燃烧魔是个叛徒,背信弃义,无恶不作,端起碗吃饭放下碗骂娘的那种,这样的妖魔居然能出现这样的劫难,一旦晋升,那还得了。 Moreover according to the personality of this fellow, Only I Am Supreme, once does in a big way, we did not have the day, maybe will die in this Burning Demon, was swallowed the source by it. ” 而且按照这家伙的性格,唯我独尊,一旦做大,我们都没好日过,说不定都会死在这燃烧魔手里,被它吞噬本源。” Other immortal Lord cannot bear nodded, this is also the matter that they worry about now, even if this Burning Demon has not handled similar matter, they will not stop worrying, this provides for a rainy day. 其他不朽领主也是忍不住点点头,这也是它们现在担忧的事情,即使这燃烧魔没有做过类似的事情,它们也不会停止担忧,这就是未雨绸缪。 Many words I did not say that we begin together, punctures channel, compels nine Netherworld hot thunder, direct attack its main body, I must make him fall short, die without a burial site.” “再多的话我就不说了,我们一起动手吧,打穿一条通道,逼开九幽冥火雷,直接攻击它的本体,我要让他功亏一篑,死无葬身之地。” Rock Lord murderous aura is steaming. 岩石领主杀气腾腾。 Good!” “好!” Other eight big Immortal Level Lord are nodded, they look at each other one mutually, shares a common hatred, immediately made the decision, Flame Hell was too small, is unable to hold the appearance of tenth immortal Lord. 其他八大不朽级领主都是点点头,它们互相对视一眼,同仇敌忾,立即做出了决定,火焰地狱太小了,无法容纳第十位不朽领主的出现。 Do not say that is one possibly dominates exist(ence) above other immortal Lord, this they cannot tolerate. 更不要说是一位可能凌驾其他不朽领主之上的存在,这它们就更加不能容忍了。 Shortly, Rock Lord, Swamp Lord, Sea Shark Lord wait/etc. Immortal Level Lord join up immediately, revolution within the body huge magic power, Demon Qi soars to the heavens, gathers together all essence, qi and spirit, concentrates a black river. 顷刻间,岩石领主,沼泽领主,海鲨领主等等不朽级领主立即联合起来,运转体内庞大的魔力,魔气冲霄,将所有的精气神汇聚在一起,凝成一条黑色长河。 Bang~~ 轰~~ Immediately, the distant place countless nine Netherworld hot thunder were compelled by this black river, one after another explodes, the collision, disappears, simply emptied surroundings all Thunderclap energy. 顿时,远处无数幽冥火雷都被这条黑色长河逼开,纷纷爆炸,碰撞,泯灭,简直是清空了周围所有的雷霆能量 Sees only this moment Xia Ping to stand in Tribulation Clouds, crosses the hands behind the back to stand, contends with Heavenly Tribulation. 只见此刻夏平就站在劫云中间,负手而立,抗衡天劫 But the at this time nine Netherworld hot thunder had descended 100 heavily, has vanished bits and pieces, all around Thunder Tribulation energy thin many, without before was so vastly rich. 这时候幽冥火雷已经降落了一百重,已经消失得七七八八了,四周雷劫能量稀薄了不少,没有之前那么浓郁浩瀚。 Therefore, before nine big immortal Lord do not have, dreaded. 所以,九大不朽领主也没有之前这么忌惮。 Burning Demon, dares to kill my trusted aide General unexpectedly, extinguishes my Yaksha Regiment, seizes my Nether Stone ore vein, today is your time of death, gets down the Yellow Springs confession.” 燃烧魔,居然敢杀我心腹大将,灭我夜叉军团,夺我冥石矿脉,今天就是你的死期,下去黄泉忏悔吧。” Rock Lord first kills, fierce brave incomparable, is centered on its body, surrounding area several hundreds of millions kilometers Demon Qi was swallowed within the body, the back as if presents Late Antiquity/ancient Titan's phantom. 岩石领主第一个袭杀上去,悍勇无匹,以它身体为中心,方圆数亿公里的魔气都被吞噬进去体内,背后似乎出现一尊远古泰坦的虚影 In its hand does not know when put out a black great axe, is the hundred zhang (333 m), does not want with the Xia Ping idle talk on, to be an overhead axe divided toward Xia Ping. 它手上不知道什么时候拿出了一柄黑色巨斧,长达百丈,根本不想和夏平废话上面,朝着夏平就是当头一斧劈了下去。 might terrifying Boundless of this axe, presents together the black path impressively, as if cleaves in two sky, tore nearby Void generally. 这一斧的威力恐怖无边,赫然出现一道黑色的轨迹,仿佛将天空都劈成两半,将附近的虚空都撕裂了一般。 Any Demon can feel the strength of this terrifying sharp glow, as if even this piece of Earth can cut two halves. 任何妖魔都能感受到这股恐怖的锋芒之力,似乎连这片大地都能切割成两半。 Moreover this time making a move also is not only Rock Lord, Swamp Lord, Sea Shark Lord wait/etc. eight big Immortal Level Lord also refuses to admit being inferior, displays own full power, an all trades Hell Divine Ability bang kills. 而且这次出手的也不仅是岩石领主,沼泽领主,海鲨领主等等八大不朽级领主也不甘示弱,都是施展自己的全力,一门门地狱神通轰杀下来。 Among momentary, thousand million black rays of light, formed Strength of Law, Strength of Hell, as if this piece of Earth, this sky rumbles irrelevant shattered. 一时间,千百万道黑色光芒,形成的法则之力,地狱之力,似乎将这片大地,这片天空都轰得支离破碎 Hmm?!” 嗯?!” In at this time, the Xia Ping also sensation to intermittent killing intent that transmits behind, he turned around to look at one, crossed the hands behind the back to stand, has not made what special movement. 就在这时候,夏平也感知到身后传来的阵阵杀机,他转身看了一眼,负手而立,并没有做出什么特别的动作。 The next second, nine big Immortal Level Lord attack bombardment in Xia Ping's body, Xia Ping's body appeared immediately Kunpeng Domain, the surrounding area counted the whatever happens/10 million kilometer by one sky-blue sea surrounding, leader Kunpeng patrolled. 下一秒,九大不朽级领主攻击轰击夏平身上,顿时夏平身上浮现了鲲鹏领域,方圆数千万公里都被一片蔚蓝色大海包围,一头头鲲鹏游弋。 Dōng dōng dōng!!! 咚咚咚!!! Including a Rock Lord axe, other eight big immortal Lord full power strike, they discovered attack impressively , at present on this Burning Demon, like falling into the morass is ordinary, hits on the cotton. 包括岩石领主的一斧,其他八大不朽领主全力一击,它们赫然发现攻击在眼前这头燃烧魔身上的时候,如同陷入泥淖一般,打在棉花上似的。 All strength vanish cleanly, was swallowed cleanly, the strength of as if any sharp glow by this piece of sea does not play the role, like all rivers run into sea, imposing manner is broad, boundless. 所有的力量都消失得干干净净,被这片大海吞噬得干干净净,似乎任何的锋芒之力都起不到作用,如同海纳百川,气势恢宏,无边无际 They cannot see the end of this sea, covered and contained everything. 它们根本就看不到这片海洋的尽头,包罗万象 Is impossible!” “不可能!” Rock Lord and other Demon stared big eyes, simply cannot believe, their full power strikes, unexpectedly has not been promoted to resist at present to immortal Demon by this, and unscathed. 岩石领主妖魔大眼睛,简直不敢相信,它们全力一击,居然被眼前这头还没晋升到不朽妖魔抵挡下来,而且还是毫发无损 Such fact was too absurd , there is nothing reason that can believe. 这样的事实太荒谬了,根本没任何能相信的理由。 You, courting death!” “你们,找死!” Xia Ping opens the eye, revealed scary cold glow, within the body formed terrifying Vortex, produced huge Devouring Power. 夏平睁开眼睛,露出一丝骇人的寒芒,体内形成了恐怖的漩涡,产生庞大的吞噬之力 huā lā lā ~ ~ 哗啦啦~~ Nine Netherworld hot thunder that above the sky, crashes, close to his body ten kilometers, unexpectedly by his body rapid swallowing, like not falling into black hole is ordinary, any mighty waves are unable to raise. 天空之上,坠落下来的一颗颗九幽冥火雷,还没靠近他的身体十公里,居然被他的身体迅速的吞噬,如同掉入黑洞一般,任何波澜都无法掀起。 This moment nine Netherworld hot thunder have not been able to become any threat to other party. 此刻九幽冥火雷已经无法对他造成任何威胁。 , Xia Ping faced forward to tread loudly one step, immediately shaking the heavens and quaking the earth, presented many phenomenon, Void vibration, as if at this moment entire Hell is tumbling to tremble, buzz made noise. 轰然一声,夏平朝前踏了一步,顿时天摇地动,出现诸多异象,虚空震荡,似乎此刻整个地狱都在翻滚震颤,嗡嗡作响。 All Flame Hell Demon felt that Void deep place transmits the inconceivable vibration, as if even their soul shiver, cannot resist, the chest is stuffy almost quickly spits blood, heart in intense pulsate. 所有火焰地狱妖魔都感到虚空深处传来不可思议的震动,似乎连它们的灵魂都颤动起来,根本就抵挡不住,胸闷得几乎快吐血,心脏在激烈跳动 The next second, Rock Lord sees, dark-gold long spear takes by this Burning Demon at present, stands erect Void, goes out from Chaos deep place like Nether God. 下一秒,岩石领主就看见,一根暗金色长矛被眼前这头燃烧魔拿了出来,屹立虚空,如同一尊冥神混沌深处走出。 Its grasped death authority, not happily not sad, symbolize the Hell dignity, is seeming like benevolent, seems like death, seems like the unfeeling, seems like overbearing, seems like gentle, as if contain a lot of faces. 掌握了死亡权柄,无喜无悲,象征地狱的威严,似乎是仁慈,似乎是死亡,似乎是绝情,似乎是霸道,似乎是温柔,仿佛蕴含着千百个面孔。 Eye of especially that pair of dark-gold, pupil deep place, as if contain terrifying energy, contain strength of Hell essence, as if a Immemorial Gods and Demons housing in. 特别是那双暗金色的眼睛,瞳孔深处,似乎蕴含着恐怖的能量,蕴含地狱本质的力量,仿佛一尊太古神魔居住其中。 Looked at oneself one eyes merely, it felt own whole body is scared, like stared general by Nether God. 仅仅是看了自己一眼,它就觉得自己浑身发毛,如同被冥神盯上一般。 Blasphemed Nether God, you must die!” “亵渎冥神,你们必须死!” Xia Ping goes forward one step, seems wearing the battle dress, grasps long spear, terrifying dark-gold flame gathers in long spear deep place, comes in waves, surrounding area several hundreds of millions kilometers Void is vibrating, countless Hell script gushes out from long spear. 夏平上前一步,似乎身披着战袍,手持长矛,一股恐怖的暗金色火焰汇聚在长矛深处,滚滚而来,方圆数亿公里的虚空都在震动,无数地狱文字长矛身上涌出。 But at this moment, as if Hell World one after another was created, many phenomenon appear. 而这一刻,似乎一座又一座的地狱世界被缔造出来,诸多异象浮现。 Bang! 砰! Black sharp glow passed over gently and swiftly together, Rock Lord has not known that what happened, the next second its huge body was pierced, chest presents a giant cavern. 一道黑色锋芒掠过,岩石领主还不知道发生什么事,下一秒它庞大的身躯就被洞穿,胸膛出现一个巨大的洞窟。 The body of indestructible rock, however in front of this black sharp glow, was frailer than the tofu. 原本坚不可摧的岩石之躯,但是在这黑色锋芒面前,却是比豆腐都还要脆弱。
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