GLD :: Volume #20

#1935: Escape

The Mountains and Rivers Bead space, another place, there is detaining Feiyi and Black Fiend Demon Bird. 山河珠空间,另外一处地方,那里正关押着肥遗乌煞魔禽 These two ancient lost species although were detained in the shackles, but is delicious is also good to live, had not been maltreated, for several days also non- movement, unexpectedly fat. 这两头太古遗种虽然被关押在牢笼里面,但是也算是好吃好住,没有被虐待,这些天也不运动,居然都胖了一圈。 damn, actually that bastard Wu Wudi (Invincible) is doing anything, does this piece of earthshaking to move, fishy, but also made one sleep.” Feiyi vitality │ angry, it thought very much oneself was awakened from sleep among. 可恶,那混蛋武无敌究竟在搞什么,搞得这片大地震动,乌烟瘴气的,还让不让人睡觉了。”肥遗很是生气,它觉得自己被从睡梦当中惊醒。 Especially it also had a hun dream, is intimate with an attractive beautiful woman snake, is the critical moment, unexpectedly was sounded to awake with a start by one, frightening it is scared shitless, thinks that was grasped deceitfully by others husband in the bed. 特别是它还做了一个hun梦,和一条漂亮美女蛇亲热,可是关键时刻,居然被一声鸣叫吓醒,吓得它屁滚尿流,以为被人家老公抓奸在床了。 Looks at your prospect, was detained such a long time, unexpectedly on becomes this appearance dispiritedly, if seen now, who also believes that you are renowned instead ancient lost species Feiyi, was raised getting married snake.” “看你这出息,被关押了这么长时间,居然就颓废成这个样子,如果现在被人看到的话,谁还会相信你是大名鼎鼎反而太古遗种肥遗,都被养成家蛇了。” Black Fiend Demon Bird grieve and lament, expects too much. 乌煞魔禽痛心疾首,恨铁不成钢。 Brother Black Fiend, do not look that I am sleeping all day, in reality is not sleeping, but was pondering how to escape from the important matter of this shackles.” Feiyi face earnest saying. 乌煞兄,你别看我整天都在睡觉,事实上不是在睡觉,而是在思考如何逃脱这个牢笼的大计。”肥遗一脸认真的说道。 Right? How I hear you to have the snoring every day, was about to hibernate?” “是吗?我怎么每天都听到你在打呼噜,都快冬眠了?” Black Fiend Demon Bird surface expressionless. 乌煞魔禽无表情 That is the custom that I ponder, thinks thing time likes having the snoring.” “那是我思考的习惯,想东西的时候就喜欢打呼噜。” Feiyi lies, the face not loyalty does not jump. 肥遗说起谎来,脸不红心不跳。 Good, you said remembers scheme that what escaped from?” Black Fiend Demon Bird does not want to haggle over so many, actually direct examination Feiyi has anything to escape from the important matter. “好吧,那你说说想起了什么逃脱的计谋?”乌煞魔禽不想计较这么多,直接询问肥遗究竟有什么逃脱大计。 Ahem, you listened in reverent attention.” “哼哼,那你就洗耳恭听了。” Feiyi coughs: According to me observes long time, detains our places, perhaps is not some planet, or is some Universe among continent, but is space Magical Artifact, even is also not ordinary space Magical Artifact, it is Saint Artifact, before that Azure Ox was Saint Artifact Artifact Spirit.” 肥遗咳嗽一声:“据我多日观察,关押我们的这个地方,恐怕并非是某颗星球,或者是宇宙当中某块大陆,而是一件空间法宝,甚至还不是普通的空间法宝,它乃是一件圣器,之前那头青牛就是圣器器灵。” Also said with you, I am the fool am inadequate?” “还用你说,难道我是傻子不成?” Black Fiend Demon Bird ill-humored saying, it has detected this point, therefore thought that escapes difficult heavily. 乌煞魔禽没好气的说道,它早就察觉到这一点,所以才觉得逃出去困难重重 Because in this space Magical Artifact among, simply is the natural shackles, is unable to escape from this space Magical Artifact words, that is unable to be separated from this world forever. 因为在这个空间法宝当中,简直就是天然牢笼,无法逃出这个空间法宝的话,那就永远无法脱离这个世界 The issue is, wants to flee this Saint Artifact, the simply ratio ascends to heaven also difficultly. 问题是,想逃离这件圣器,简直比登天还难。 Rushes hardly is impossible, because here is Saint Artifact, by our strengths, cannot run away, do not say that also has that damned Wu Wudi (Invincible) at all times to monitor.” “硬闯是不可能的,因为这里是一件圣器,凭借我们的实力,根本逃不出去,更不要说还有那可恶的武无敌时时刻刻都在监控。” Feiyi earnestly said: Therefore we do not suit with them spell hardly, should choose obeys temporarily, obeys their orders, for their working with the heart labor force, working of painstakingly, wins their trusts.” 肥遗认真道:“所以我们不适合和他们硬拼,应该选择暂时服从,听从他们的命令,为他们劳心劳力,辛辛苦苦的干活,取得他们的信任。” "Oh, continued. ” “哦,继续说。” Black Fiend Demon Bird has profound respect, immediately thought this fat snake for several days does not seem sleeping in vain, is a little ink, the critical moment is a little use. 乌煞魔禽肃然起敬,立即觉得这头胖蛇这些天似乎也不是在白白睡觉,还是有点墨水的,关键时刻还是有点用处。 „After obtaining they trust, we cannot treat it lightly, must trying hard, 9 : 00 am go to work, six points get off work, never leaves early late, even is on leave does not need.” “取得他们信任之后,我们不能掉以轻心,必须更加努力,每天早上九点上班,六点下班,从来不迟到早退,甚至连休假也不需要。” Feiyi is fervent, the tone rouses: „ Later we can receive a sum of money from this place on 15 th of every month, waits for several hundreds years, even several thousand years later, we can from this place upright and frank, departure of head high, chest out. 肥遗慷慨激昂,语气振奋:“之后我们就可以每个月15号从这个地方拿到一笔钱,等数百年,甚至数千年之后,我们就可以从这个地方堂堂正正,昂首挺胸的离开。 In this case, we guarantee to be able departure, even can also attain the money from this place, obtains a huge unexpected wealth, but can also every day live his eats his drinks his. 这样的话,我们保证能神不知鬼不觉的离开,甚至还能从这个地方拿到一大笔钱,获得一笔巨大横财,还能每天住他的吃他的喝他的。 However that Human Race bastard Wu Wudi (Invincible) cannot think, complete can't cope with we, even he does not know that actually oneself money how vanishes. In this case, not only we can escape, but can also revenge, pit bastard money, makes one's own way. ” 但是那人族混蛋武无敌根本想不到,也完全奈何不了我们,甚至他都不知道自己的钱究竟是怎么消失的。这样的话,我们就不仅可以逃出去,还能报仇,坑这混蛋一大笔钱,发家致富。” At this point, it is very excited, the eye is glittering dazzling rays of light. 说到这里,它无比兴奋,眼睛闪烁着耀眼的光芒 Bang! 砰! Hears finally, Black Fiend Demon Bird complexion is black with hard coke, a slap wastes Feiyi, hits on wall ruthlessly, exclaimed loudly: Go away! Any nonsense idea, this his mother is called to work!” 听到最后,乌煞魔禽脸色已经黑得跟焦炭似的,一巴掌肥遗打飞出去,狠狠撞击到墙壁上面,大声吼道:“滚!什么狗屁主意,这个他妈叫做打工!” The paralysis, it knows that this no brain snake is unreliable, but didn't expect is so unreliable, unexpectedly also thinks every day for that profiteer Wu Wudi (Invincible) work, toward nine late six, for that meager wages, did not have a five dangerous gold/metal, does not have the holiday. 麻痹,它就知道这条无脑蛇靠不住,但是没想到这么靠不住,居然还想每天为那奸商武无敌工作,朝九晚六,就是为了那点微薄工资,还没五险一金,也没节假日。 Even provided food to wrap up bought it, but also there is a point as the arrogance of ancient lost species. 甚至包吃包住就收买了它,还有没有一点身为太古遗种的高傲。 Knows that your bastard is unreliable, if by you, I had passed away in this, I have thought how the means left from this place.” “就知道你这混蛋靠不住,要是靠你的话,我早就在这个老死了,我已经想好了办法如何从这个地方离开了。” Black Fiend Demon Bird complexion gloomy. 乌煞魔禽脸色阴沉 Worthily is Brother Black Fiend, is really Old Sly Fox, hurried saying that had what scheme.” “不愧是乌煞兄,果然是老奸巨猾,赶紧说说有什么计谋。” Feiyi hard skin and strong flesh, a moment ago that a palm is unable to cause the damage to it, heard Black Fiend Demon Bird saying that had the means to leave, it immediately buttocks summit coming up. 肥遗皮糙肉厚得很,刚才一掌无法对它造成伤害,听到乌煞魔禽说有办法离开,它就立即屁股颠颠的上来。 According to my observation, that human is very lax in internal defense of this Magical Artifact space, perhaps that human thinks oneself in this Magical Artifact space Wudi(Invincible), arrogant arrogant, is not serious us.” “根据我的观察,那人类在这个法宝空间的内部防御很是松懈,或许那人类以为自己在这个法宝空间无敌了,就高傲自大,不将我们当一回事。” Black Fiend Demon Bird said with a sneer: We can grasp a this human arrogant point exactly, starts the retaliatory action to him, forcing him to make us leave this damned place.” 乌煞魔禽冷笑道:“恰好我们就可以抓住这人类高傲的一点,对他展开报复行动,逼迫他让我们离开这个该死的地方。” It gets hold of fist. 它握紧拳头 How to force?” “怎么逼迫?” Feiyi curiously asked. 肥遗好奇问道 „Very simple, we first escape from this shackles, then goes to other place, kidnaps side this human High Level official, making that High Level official life as coercing, forcing Wu Wudi (Invincible) to make us leave.” “很简单,我们先逃出这个牢笼,然后前往别的地方,绑架这人类身边的一个高级干部,让那高级干部的性命作为要挟,逼迫武无敌让我们离开。” Black Fiend Demon Bird thought a series of plans. 乌煞魔禽想好了一系列的计划。 „It was good, this plans simply is perfect, but this shackles is very firm, how should we leave?” Feiyi reveals the bitter melon face, felt oneself first step came across the setback. “太棒了,这个计划简直是完美,不过这个牢笼十分坚固,我们应该怎么离开?”肥遗露出苦瓜脸,觉得自己第一步就遇到了挫折。 Snort, that Azure Ox was really self-confident, thinks that set a space shackles to prevent me to leave, little imagined my Black Fiend Demon Bird had black fog Divine Ability.” “哼,那头青牛实在是太自信了,以为设置了一个空间牢笼就能阻挡我离开,殊不知乌煞魔禽拥有黑雾神通。” Black Fiend Demon Bird happily said: „ This group of black fog contain the air/Qi of black ghost, does not have the thing not to corrode, even the space can corrode, pierces the one by one Void wormhole. 乌煞魔禽得意道:“这团黑雾蕴含着乌煞之气,无物不腐蚀,甚至连空间都能够腐蚀,洞穿一个个虚空虫洞。 for several days, I am not just eating, while defending not to pay attention, had pierced small channel in this shackles secretly, can escape from this place. ” 这些天,我也不是在干吃饭的,趁着守备不注意,早就在这个牢笼偷偷洞穿了一个小小的通道,可以从这个地方逃出去。” Was too fierce, was your Magic Power not by seal? Why can also use Divine Ability?” “太厉害了,可是你身上的法力不是被封印了吗?为什么还能动用神通?” Feiyi curiously asked. 肥遗好奇问道 Snort, the small seal technique is anything, how restraint resulted in my Black Fiend Demon Bird, for naturally does not bring to that bastard Azure Ox's attention, I decoded a little bit seal Formation slightly, divulges a little bit strength.” “哼,小小封印术算什么,怎么束缚得了我乌煞魔禽,当然为了不引起那混蛋青牛的注意,我只是稍微破解了一点点封印阵法,泄露出一点点力量。” Black Fiend Demon Bird arrogant say/way. 乌煞魔禽高傲道。 That also waits for anything, we hurry to run.” “那还等什么,我们赶紧跑吧。” Feiyi called to shout. 肥遗叫嚷道。 So should not be loud, your body was too huge, reduces points, long is so big, for fear that others could not discover you.” Black Fiend Demon Bird warned. “别这么大声,还有你的身躯太庞大了,缩小一点,长这么大,是不是生怕别人发现不了你。”乌煞魔禽警告道。 What do you mean? You envy height of my Feiyi clan, who does not know that body of my Feiyi clan is huge, is long gracefully? Can attract more beautiful woman snakes? I am Peerless handsome guy(s) of Feiyi clan.” “什么意思?难道你这是嫉妒我肥遗一族的身高,谁不知道我肥遗一族的身躯越是庞大,就长得越帅?能吸引更多的美女蛇?我可是肥遗一族的绝世帅哥。” Go away, being disinclined manages you, hurries to give me to reduce, otherwise boiled you.” “滚,懒得管你,赶紧给我缩小,要不然就煮了你。”
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