GLD :: Volume #18

#1756: No one believes

Said my ass with this brat, captures him, searches for soul, turns into the idiot him, at that time knows the words that he spoke were can it be true.” “和这小子个屁,将他擒拿起来,搜魂一番,将他变成白痴,那时候就知道他说的话是真的假的了。” Lang Jialong smiles fiercely, immediately acts to Yin Shixing, does not want to continue rubbish. 狼加隆狰狞一笑,立即就对印世星出手,根本就不想继续废话了。 Bang~ 轰~ Immediately, his claw patted, Void presents together black claw phantom, above covered entirely densely packed black rune, Sealing Heaven Locking Earth. 当即,他一爪拍了过去,虚空出现一道黑色爪子虚影,上面布满了密密麻麻的黑色符文,封天锁地 This is Thunder Tribulation Realm great expert to strikes. 这是雷劫境大能的至强一击。 The surroundings person one after another look changes, knows that this Wolf Clan Patriarch is comes, is not intimidating absolutely. 周围的人纷纷色变,都知道这狼族族长是来真的,绝对不是在恫吓。 Five Elements symbol!” 五行符!” Sensation to this dense killing intent, Yin Shixing complexion big change, if merely is Lang Jialong, he also had self-confidently escapes the birth day by oneself strength, the issue was on the scene may not only be Lang Jialong, other Thunder Tribulation Realm old demons in glaring like a tiger watching his prey. 感知到这森森杀机,印世星脸色大变,如果仅仅是狼加隆的话,他还有自信凭借自己的实力逃出生天,问题是在场的可不仅是狼加隆一个,还有其他雷劫境老魔在虎视眈眈 Whiz! 嗖! not saying anything further, he puts out a Saint Level spirit talisman Five Elements symbol from himself immediately, this is his Master Five Elements Saint grants disciple maintaining life spirit talisman, everyone only has one merely, will not be the critical moment will not cause. 二话不说,他立即从自己身上拿出一张圣级灵符五行符,这是他的师傅五行圣人赐予自己弟子的保命灵符,每个人仅仅只有一张,不是关键时刻不会使出来。 Obviously, now was the critical moment, did not take him dead. 显然,现在就是关键时刻了,再不拿出来他就死定了。 Bang This spirit talisman appears immediately in in the midair, appears Five Elements Great Formation, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth Five Elements strength gathers together, condenses huge millstone, revolves unceasingly. 这张灵符立即显现在半空当中,浮现一座五行大阵,金木水火土五行力量汇聚在一起,凝聚成一个巨大的磨盘,不断旋转。 among contain Five Elements, universe, Yin-Yang, gossip | Eight Trigrams wait/etc. strength, have to obliterate the vitality, strength of change of the seasons, but also emits has continuously Saint Internal Qi. 当中蕴含五行、乾坤、阴阳八卦等等力量,有着磨灭生机,斗转星移之力量,还散发出一缕缕圣人气机 But this strength killed toward Lang Jialong and other Devil, Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, as if must thoroughly destroy this piece of World. 而这股力量就朝着狼加隆魔头袭杀过去,惊天动地,似乎要将这片天地都彻底摧毁。 Hides quickly.” “快躲。” Lang Jialong and the others is the complexion big change, feels this spirit talisman fearful place, absolutely is serious trump card, they come on Dodge instantaneously. 狼加隆等人都是脸色大变,感受到这张灵符的可怕之处,绝对是不得了的杀手锏,他们瞬间就闪避开来。 Thump! 咚! This Five Elements spirit talisman strength erupts instantaneously, the surrounding area hundred thousand kilometer was almost covered, Earth was rumbled forcefully an astonishing pothole, is the astonishing fissure, Kāchā makes noise everywhere, the dust fills the air. 这股五行灵符力量瞬间爆发,方圆十万公里几乎都被覆盖了,大地都被硬生生轰出一个惊人的坑洞,到处都是惊人的裂痕,咔嚓作响,灰尘弥漫。 Damn, escaped by him.” 该死,被他逃了。” Daoist Evil Tree divine consciousness is keen, complexion is very ugly, at this moment is actually the sensation to Yin Shixing while chaotic, escapes rapidly several tens of thousands li (0.5 km), vanishes in this place. 恶木道人神识敏锐,脸色很是难看,此刻却是感知到印世星趁着混乱,迅速远遁数万里,消失在这个地方。 damned bastard, is really this brat does, before is still disguising own anything does not know, these Righteous Sect disciple each one are the hypocrites.” 混账东西,果然就是这小子干的,之前还在假装自己什么都不知道,这些名门正派弟子个个都是伪君子。” Wolf Clan Elder crack cursed. 一个狼族长老破口大骂 Relax, can be inescapable Monk unable to be inescapable the temple, sooner or later will have with one day that these two cheap person (slut) do accounts, robs my Lang Jialong Treasure, is not that can solve simply.” “放心吧,跑得了和尚跑不了庙,迟早会有和这两个贱人算账的一天,抢走我狼加隆宝物,可不是那么简单就能够解决的。” Lang Jialong murderous aura is steaming, as a werewolf, he most bears a grudge, seeks revenge for the slightest grievance. 狼加隆杀气腾腾,身为狼人,他最为记仇,睚眦必报。 Even if these cannot kill enemy time, then next time, will get down next time, will would killing the enemy's time, so long as he will not die, has retaliated. 即使这一次杀不死敌人,那么下次,下下次,总会有杀死敌人的时候,只要他不死,就会一直报复下去。 ............ ………… Hū! 呼! At this moment, on the other hand, Yin Shixing far escaping counts the hundred thousand kilometer, hides gasps for breath in some cave in gulps, Magic Power consumes very seriously, complexion is pale, have guts vertical yu excessive feeling. 此刻,另外一方面,印世星远遁数十万公里,躲藏在某个山洞大口大口喘气,身上的法力消耗得十分严重,脸色惨白,有种纵yu过度的感觉。 In order to escape from Lang Jialong and other Devil evil clutches, he used the whole body skills. 为了逃出狼加隆魔头的魔爪,他算是使出了浑身解数。 Xia Ping, definitely is that cheap person Xia Ping, that bastard does not know that used what method to entrap me.” 夏平,肯定是那贱人夏平,那混蛋不知道使用了什么手段来坑害我。” Yin Shixing angry half dead, thinks oneself with no reason at all by person pursuit, but also was forced to put forth oneself Master to grant the only maintaining life method, the loss was serious, is hit by this unexpected misfortune. 印世星气得半死,想到自己无缘无故被人追杀,还被迫使出了自己师傅赐予唯一的保命手段,损失惨重,遭受到这无妄之灾。 He air/Qi not to hit one. 他就气不打一处来。 Remembers the a moment ago that crowd of Devil words, his where is not clear, reason that oneself by person pursuit and misunderstanding, are completely that cheap person Xia Ping conspiracy, that bastard does not know that used what method to entrap itself, making others think that he and Xia Ping were one group, in reality is completely not that a matter. 想起刚才那群魔头的话,他哪里还不明白,自己之所以被人追杀、误解,完全就是那贱人夏平阴谋,那混蛋不知道使用了什么手段来坑害自己,让别人以为他和夏平是一伙的,事实上完全就不是那么一回事。 Dī dī 滴滴 at this time, Yin Shixing communication made a sound, is Five Elements Sect Sect Elder hits, he not hesitant, immediately put through Universe Virtual Network communication. 这时候,印世星身上的通讯器响了起来,是五行门门派长老打过来的,他也没有犹豫,立即接通了宇宙虚拟网络的通讯器。 Yin Shixing, good brat, is really you can't judge a person by appearance, didn't expect you are so aggressive, even Lang Jialong these Peerless Devil pits die much, worthily is my Five Elements Sect True Disciple, really underestimated you, before I also think that you were instigate the package, now seriously was must be looked at with new eyes.” Five Elements Sect Elder Haha laughs, obviously knows the matter of a moment ago. 印世星,好小子,真是人不可貌相啊,没想到你这么生猛,连狼加隆这些绝世魔头都坑死不少,不愧是我五行门真传弟子,真是小看你了,之前我还以为你就是个怂包呢,现在当真是刮目相看了。”五行门长老哈哈大笑,显然知道刚才发生的事。 Yin Shixing complexion is very black, hears these praises the words, his point happy, sentimental Elder has been looking down upon itself, thinks oneself are instigates the package. 印世星脸色很黑,听到这些夸奖的话,他一点都高兴不起来,感情这长老一直都在瞧不起自己,认为自己是个怂包。 His start to talk said: Elder, misunderstood, actually I was framed, I have not done these matters, is these Devil frames me completely.” 开口道:“长老,误会了,其实我是被人陷害,我根本就没做过这些事,全部都是那些魔头陷害我。” Attire , to continue to install, matter is noisy, everyone knew, do not feign ignorance here, moreover everyone is Five Elements Sect disciple, but also installs what serious in an affected way with me here.” “装,继续装,事情闹大,大家都知道了,你就别在这里装蒜了,而且大家都是五行门弟子,还和我在这里装什么人五人六。” Five Elements Sect Elder does not believe obviously Yin Shixing words, said: „ You should not be will fear that your Longevity Fruit will be demanded by other Elder, said this words intentionally. 五行门长老显然不相信印世星的话,道:“你该不会是怕自己的万寿果会被其他长老索要,才故意说出这种话吧。 to be honest, in your eyes, are we this person? By villain's heart gentleman abdomen, my actually didn't expect Yin Shixing you are this person, is really disappointing. ” 说实话,在你眼里,我们就是这种人吗?以小人之心度君子腹,我倒是没想到印世星你是这种人,真是让人失望。” He is very uncomfortable, thinks that Yin Shixing said this words, yes thinks oneself schemed his Longevity Fruit. 他很是不爽,以为印世星说出这种话,就是认为自己图谋他身上的万寿果 Naturally, in reality he also more or less has such idea. 当然,事实上他内心也多多少少有这样的想法。 After all this is can increase the life span the fruit, which is not crazy. 毕竟这可是能增加寿命的果实,哪个不疯狂。 Elder, no, is not this, you listen to me to explain.” 长老,不,不是这样的,你听我解释。” Yin Shixing was anxious, he is not this meaning. 印世星急了,他不是这个意思。 How is not this or, since your I do not think to be honest, then let alone, when we have not known, said goodbye.” That Five Elements Sect Elder vitality │ angry, made the telephone call directly. “不是这样还是怎么样,既然你连我都不想说实话,那么就别说了,就当我们从来没认识过,告辞。”那五行门长老生气了,直接挂了电话。 Ended, was complete.” “完了,全完了。” Yin Shixing face was green, he has not lied, why no one believes himself, how this world is in the end, willing to listen to the truth on no one?! 印世星脸蛋都绿了,他根本就没说谎,为什么就没人相信自己,这个世界到底怎么了,难道就没人愿意听实话?! Besides this Five Elements Sect Elder , the big pile of communications requested to send, was various Five Elements Sect Great Elder, as well as True Disciple, left a message much. 除了这位五行门长老之外,也有一大堆通讯请求发过来,都是五行门大长老,以及真传弟子,还有不少留言。 As if they want to exchange Longevity Fruit with Yin Shixing, even many attractive Senior Sister Junior Sister also want to devote, with his a brief love affair, wants to obtain Longevity Fruit. 似乎他们都想和印世星交换万寿果,甚至不少漂亮师姐师妹还想献身,和他春风一度,就是想获得一枚万寿果 If on him really has Longevity Fruit, this is actually not anything, this is he steps onto the Life peak time, the issue is he does not have, completely by person pit. 如果他身上真的有万寿果的话,这倒是不算什么,这就是他走上人生巅峰的时刻,问题是他没有,完全就是被人坑的。 Even oneself said the truth, no one believes, instead thinks oneself were mean-spirited, does not want to hand over Longevity Fruit. 甚至自己说出真相,都没人相信,反而认为自己小气,不想交出万寿果 Immediately, many people gave birth to resentment qi to Yin Shixing, becomes Sect's attacked on all sides, as if at this moment his whole body was deserted by friends and allies. 顿时,不少人就对印世星生出了怨气,成为门派的众矢之的,仿佛此刻他整个人都被众叛亲离了。 Is Xia Ping that cheap person (slut), is that bastard's is wrong, actually that cheap person (slut) wants to harm miserably me, gives up. Xia Ping, I and your whole life absolutely irreconcilable, is waiting to me, always has you are hapless the time.” “都是夏平贱人,都是那混蛋的错,那贱人究竟想把我害得多惨,才善罢甘休啊。夏平,我和你这辈子不共戴天,给我等着,总有你倒霉的时候。” Yin Shixing roared towards the sky, grief and indignation. 2 k reading network 印世星仰天长啸,悲愤不已。2k阅读网
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