GLD :: Volume #18

#1751: Saint heart

Longevity Fruit.” 万寿果。” Xia Ping arrives at Bloody Prairie center, this place grew big tree, above was covered with the densely packed blood-colored fruit, is renowned Longevity Fruit. 夏平来到血色平原中央,这个地方生长了一株株大树,上面长满了密密麻麻血色果实,正是大名鼎鼎万寿果 Whiz! 嗖! His not saying anything further, plunders immediately, picks own Space Ring among here Longevity Fruit completely. 二话不说,立即搜刮,将这里的万寿果全部采摘进去自己的空间戒指当中 Sent, this time sent.” “发了,这次发了。” Xia Ping is very excited, he counted carefully, this altogether obtain 108 Longevity Fruit, if refine becomes Longevity Pill, that simply is the inestimable value. 夏平很是兴奋,他仔细数了一下,这次自己总共得到一百零八万寿果,如果炼制万寿丹的话,那简直就是不可估量的价值。 While he wants to leave secretly, suddenly, his mind deep place World's Tree shivers, buzz makes noise. 正当他想偷偷离开的时候,忽然之间,他脑海深处世界之树颤动起来,嗡嗡作响。 whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!! 咻咻咻!! In an instant, green tree roots extend from Void, digs in Earth quickly deeply , extends this blood-colored Earth deep place like this. 刹那间,一根根绿色树根从虚空延伸出来,以迅雷不及掩耳之势扎入大地深、,就这样延伸进去这处血色大地深处 Hmm?!” 嗯?!” The Xia Ping eye reveals bright light, his divine consciousness follows these tree roots to infiltrate this blood-colored Earth deep place, discovered that most deep place presents a Void space. 夏平眼睛露出一丝精光,他的神识跟随着这些树根渗透进去这处血色大地深处,发现最深处出现一个虚无的空间。 But this Void space presents heart, only has fist size probably, but contain terrifying energy, emits is actually having the infinite heat, was also wanted the burning hot by the star. 而这处虚无的空间却是出现一颗心脏,大概只有拳头大小,但是却蕴含着恐怖能量,散发出无穷热量,被恒星都还要炙热。 Even this heart still in powerful pulsate, thump thump makes noise, each pulsate as if causes Void to tremble, produces extremely fearful destruction power. 甚至这颗心脏依然在强而有力的跳动,咚咚作响,每一次跳动似乎都引起虚空震颤,产生极为可怕的破坏力 Saint heart! 圣人心脏 All of a sudden actually Xia Ping remembered this is anything, this surely was heart that Saint left behind, this piece of Bloody Prairie basically by this heart strength corrosion. 夏平一下子就想起了这究竟是什么东西,这必定是圣人遗留下来的心脏,这片血色平原基本上都是被这颗心脏力量侵蚀而成的。 Simultaneously reason that this place grew so many Longevity Fruit, derived this heart part of energy. 同时之所以这个地方生长了这么多万寿果,也是汲取了这颗心脏一部分的能量 It can be said that this is this Bloody Prairie true supreme treasure, what Longevity Fruit basic can't compare with this heart. 可以说这才是这血色平原真正的至宝,什么万寿果根本比不上这颗心脏 Thump! 咚! In at this time, World's Tree shivers, more than ten root hair penetrate space barrier, pierced this heart instantaneously, simultaneously produces fearful Devouring Power, derives this Saint heart energy. 就在这时候,世界之树颤动起来,十几条根须穿透空间障壁,瞬间就刺穿了这颗心脏,同时产生可怕的吞噬之力,汲取这圣人心脏能量 hōng lóng lóng 轰隆隆 But this action also caused the extremely dire consequence, entire Bloody Prairie vibrates, as if presented Super earthshaking, entire space on the verge of collapse, even spreads soars to the heavens fiendish aura. 可是这种举动也造成了极为可怕的后果,整个血色平原都震动起来,仿佛出现了超级大地震,整个空间都摇摇欲坠,甚至传出冲天煞气 Among faintly, Void deep place hears the unwilling roaring sound, as if this heart also remained Saint Will, does not want to fall from the sky like this. 隐隐约约之间,虚空深处传来不甘的咆哮声,似乎这颗心脏还残留了一丝圣人意志,不想就这样陨落。 originally is also hearing such sound in pursuit Daoist Evil Tree and the others saint Undead, they as if are receive the summon to be common, one by one gives up pursuit, returns to Bloody Prairie center. 本来正在追杀恶木道人等人的圣者亡灵们也听到了这样的声音,它们仿佛是受到呼唤一般,一个个放弃追杀,返回血色平原中央 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Sees departures of these saint Undead not saying anything further, Daoist Evil Tree and the others relaxes immediately, the feeling of being nervous and uneasy vanished finally, but also picks a poor life. 见到这些圣者亡灵二话不说的离开,恶木道人等人顿时松了一口气,如芒在背的感觉总算是消失了,还算是捡回了一条小命。 That side Bloody Prairie had/left an accident/surprise, summoned these saint Undead.” 血色平原那边出了点意外,将这些圣者亡灵呼唤回去了。” The Lang Jialong eye reveals bright light. 狼加隆眼睛露出一丝精光 Damn, is that cheap person Xia Ping, that bastard attracts the attention of saint Undead while us, oneself runs to pick Longevity Fruit, wants to have sole possession, gains the complete advantage.” 该死,是那贱人夏平,那混蛋趁着我们吸引圣者亡灵们的注意,自己一人就跑去采摘万寿果,想独吞,获得全部好处。” Old Devil Zhang Mei gnashing one's teeth, resenting. 长眉老魔咬牙切齿,愤恨不已。 Is good to plan, is good to plan seriously, this is kills two birds with one stone, not only can our these Devil killed, but can also attract while convenient temporarily these saint Undead with the aid of our strength, oneself one person robs Longevity Fruit, was really what advantage is obtained by him.” Blood Sea Two Elders gnashing one's teeth, their whole life has not suffered such big, unexpectedly was played by baby brat runs around in circles, simply is the unprecedented shame. “好算计,当真是好算计啊,这是一箭双雕,不仅能将我们这些魔头灭杀,还顺便能借助我们的力量将这些圣者亡灵暂时吸引走,自己就一人去抢夺万寿果,真是什么好处都被他得到了。”血海二老咬牙切齿,他们这辈子都没吃过这么大的亏,居然被一个毛头小子耍得团团转,简直是前所未有的耻辱。 Cannot help him gain the complete advantage absolutely, making him keep everything for oneself, harming us is miserable, but also wants to obtain complete Longevity Fruit, the advantage eats wipes dry/does only, the fault does not have, where on world has this good deed, must make this bastard pay price.” “绝对不能让他获得全部好处,让他吃独食,害得我们这么惨,还想得到全部的万寿果,好处吃干抹净,坏处全没,世界上哪里有这种好事,一定要让这混蛋付出代价。” Lang Jialong roared, he achieved three river water to scrub the unclean degree to the Xia Ping's hatred. 狼加隆咆哮道,他对夏平的恨意达到了三江水都洗刷不干净的程度。 No rush, this brat was too greedy, but also wants to be all swallowed by a single person Longevity Fruit, now stirs up so many saint Undead to be crazy, it is estimated that now is also one's turn him to taste by the Undead pursuit taste.” “别急,这小子太贪心了,还想一人独吞万寿果,现在惹得这么多圣者亡灵疯狂,估计现在也轮到他品尝一下被亡灵追杀的滋味了。” Jin She young monarch sneered repeatedly. 金蛇郎君冷笑连连 In a twinkling, these saint Undead speed are extremely quick, one after another hurries back toward Bloody Prairie center, all around Void is filling heaven frightening murderous aura, blocks Void, earthshaking trembles. 说时迟那时快,这些圣者亡灵速度极快,纷纷朝着血色平原中央赶回去,四周虚空弥漫着惊天杀气,封锁虚空,大地震颤。 Even the ground was shaken presents a countless fissure. 连地面都被震得出现无数道裂痕。 Quickly, hurry up.” “快,快点。” Xia Ping naturally can also feel these saint Undead infinite killing intent, not mincing matter huge strength, but also World's Tree derives the Saint heart energy time now, where can leave casually. 夏平自然也能感受到这些圣者亡灵的无穷杀意,毫不掩饰的庞大力量,可是现在也正是世界之树汲取圣人心脏能量的时刻,哪里能随便离开。 He makes a determined effort, revolution Cultivation Technique, instills into Magic Power crazily on World's Tree, promoted ten times Devouring Power. 他发了狠,运转功法,将法力疯狂灌输在世界之树上面,将吞噬之力提升了十倍。 Bang Immediately, dozens over a hundred root hair penetrate Void, pierced this Saint heart ruthlessly, produced fearful swallowing Ability, derives this heart huge energy crazily. 当即,数十上百根根须穿透虚空,狠狠刺穿了这颗圣人心脏,产生了可怕的吞噬能力,疯狂汲取这颗心脏的庞大能量 Several the time of breath, this Saint heart is withering by visible speed, scarlet boundless energy transmits the body of World's Tree along root hair. 几个呼吸的时间,这颗圣人心脏以肉眼可见的速度在萎缩下来,赤色磅礴的能量沿着一根根根须传递到世界之树的身上。 However World's Tree like taking the perfect big tonic pills, hit chicken blood probably, whole body emits intermittent scarlet rays of light, as if by the flame package. 但是世界之树如同服用了十全大补丸,好像打了鸡血似的,全身冒出一阵阵赤色光芒,仿佛是被火焰包裹。 But its branch, action of driving away, root hair, leaf wait/etc. spots as if also obtained great great accomplishment to be long, is promoting crazily. 而它的树枝、驱赶、根须、叶子等等部位似乎也获得了巨大成长,正在疯狂提升。 Even when Devouring Power achieves the pinnacle, Void presents black hole, entire heart was swallowed, on merging World's Tree torso among, seemed eaten instantaneously general, in the future will digest slowly. 甚至当吞噬之力达到极致的时候,虚空出现一个黑洞,整颗心脏都被吞噬进去,瞬间就融入世界之树的躯干当中,仿佛是被吃掉一般,日后再慢慢消化。 Success.” “成功了。” Xia Ping sweat profusely, saw that heart was swallowed thoroughly, seized this place biggest chance, he also relaxes, simultaneously he also saw one by one saint Undead kills. 夏平汗流浃背,看到心脏被彻底吞噬,夺走了这个地方最大的机缘,他也松了一口气,同时他也看到了一个个圣者亡灵杀来。 in the midair, the black rays of light bang one after another kills to come, is ordinary like the death ray, interweaves the unescapable net, covers this piece of World, has the terrifying might. 半空当中,一道又一道的黑色光芒轰杀而来,如同死亡光线一般,交织成天罗地网,覆盖这片天地,产生恐怖的威能 Phaseless Mask! 无相面具 In an instant, Xia Ping revolution Phaseless Mask strength, flees instantaneously, concealing aura, vanishes in front of these saint Undead baseless, speed quickly to degree that even if Thunder Tribulation Realm great expert cannot respond. 刹那之间,夏平运转无相面具力量,瞬间遁走,隐匿气息,凭空消失在这些圣者亡灵面前,速度快到就算是雷劫境大能都反应不过来的程度。 Thump! 咚! These saint Undead attack entire tribe to the vacancy, bombardment on this piece of Earth, raze to the ground the surrounding area several thousand kilometers instantaneously, rumbles huge deep hole, the soil is burnt burned black. 这些圣者亡灵攻击部落向空处,轰击在这片大地上,瞬间就将方圆数千公里都夷为平地,轰出一个巨大深坑,泥土被烧得焦黑。 Earth also presents extremely astonishing fissures. 大地也出现一道道极其惊人的裂痕。 Sensation to disappearance of Xia Ping this enemy aura, as well as missing of Saint heart, these saint Undead seem crazy, is furious thoroughly, seemed separated from the wild horse of reins, fell into completely used up hiss crazy in bottom. 感知到夏平这个敌人气息的消失,以及圣人心脏的失踪,这些圣者亡灵似乎无比疯狂,彻底震怒,仿佛是脱离了缰绳的野马,完全陷入了竭嘶底里的疯狂。 They disperse various places, destruction, attempts all creature that kills off itself to see everywhere. 它们分散各处,到处破坏,试图杀光自己见到的一切生物 This seemed thorough become a devil generally. 2 k reading network 这仿佛是彻底入魔了一般。2k阅读网
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