GLD :: Volume #18

#1728: five fingers mountain

This is the five fingers mountain.” “这就是五指山。” Xia Ping flew, spent enough one day period, finally approached the five fingers mountain, surroundings did not have Abyss Demon to come pursuit again he, because basically neighbor a little Abyss Demon of strength by killed. 夏平一路飞行,花费了足足一天时间,终于靠近了五指山,周围也没有深渊妖魔再来追杀他,因为基本上附近有点实力的深渊妖魔都被灭杀了。 He stands in front of a huge majestic five fingers mountain, at present presents five majestic mountains, each reaches to the sky, attacks the clouds, cannot see the mountain the end. 他站在一座巨大巍峨五指山面前,眼前足足出现了五座巍峨大山,每一座都是高耸入云,直插云霄,根本看不到大山的尽头。 Even each mountain is similar to mountain range to be common, the be continuous several tens of thousands kilometers, imposing manner is boundless. 甚至每一座大山都如同山脉一般,绵延数万公里,气势磅礴。 Moreover these five mountains combine together, seems one ancient Boss, formed fearful golden barrier, covers surrounding area several hundreds of millions kilometers, changes into Domain. 而且这五座大山组合在一起,似乎就是一座古老大阵,形成了可怕的金色结界,笼罩方圆数亿公里,化为一处领域 Fierce.” “厉害。” Xia Ping is also mastery Formation Great Master, he could see this golden barrier fierce place all of a sudden, barrier deep place appeared densely packed Buddhism rune, composed Ancient scripture. 夏平也算是精通阵法大师,他一下子就看得出这金色结界的厉害之处,结界深处浮现了密密麻麻佛门符文,组成一篇篇古老经文 Words that these Abyss Demon dare to approach, shortly by the Buddha light radical purification. 那些深渊妖魔胆敢靠近的话,顷刻之间就会被佛光彻底净化。 Therefore the surrounding area in several thousand kilometers, does not have any Abyss Demon appears, the completeness is place of purification, Buddhism Sacred Land, all around is filling rich Buddhism aura. 因此方圆数千公里之内,都没有任何深渊妖魔出现,完完全全就是一处净化之地,佛门圣地,四周弥漫着浓郁的佛门气息 although these Buddha light regarding Abyss Demon are Violent Poison energy, but is quite friendly regarding ordinary Life, such as sunlight shone, filled with the full of vitality. 虽然这些佛光对于深渊妖魔来说是剧毒能量,但是对于普通生命来说就极为友好,如阳光普照,充满了勃勃生机。 These attach in Xia Ping's body Abyss aura, when close to the five fingers mountain, was purified by here Buddha light instantaneously, even huge energy instills into his within the body, restores his injury. 那些依附在夏平身上深渊气息,在靠近五指山的时候,瞬间就被这里的佛光净化了,甚至庞大的能量灌输进去他的体内,修复他身上的伤势。 Hmm?!” 嗯?!” Suddenly, the Xia Ping thought moves, approaches his divine consciousness sensation to familiar aura rapidly, to/clashes toward the five fingers mountain, but this aura seems distressed. 忽然之间,夏平意念一动,他的神识感知到一股熟悉的气息迅速靠近,朝着五指山这边冲来,但是这股气息似乎十分狼狈。 He turns the head to look, immediately saw Ye Mengyao flies from the distant place. 他转头一看,立即就看到了叶梦瑶从远处飞来。 But this moment Ye Mengyao's situation is not very as if good, mouth corner infiltrates a bloodstain, the white clothes were tattered, revealed fairly, like the porcelain common skin, beautiful moving. 可此刻叶梦瑶的情况似乎并不是很好,嘴角渗透一丝血迹,白色的衣服破破烂烂,露出了白皙、如同瓷器一般的皮肤,美艳动人。 But she behind is pursuit over a hundred Abyss Demon, each extremely formidable, at least is Return to Truth Realm peak, more than ten Law Idol Realm Abyss Demon. 而她身后则是追杀着上百尊深渊妖魔,每一尊都极为强大,至少都是归真境巅峰,还有十几个法相境深渊妖魔 Kills, kills the this human woman.” “杀,杀死这人类娘们。” Cannot let her absolutely close to the five fingers mountain, otherwise escaped by her.” “绝对不能让她靠近五指山,否则就被她逃了。” Rushed, butchered this human.” “冲上去,宰了这人类。” Numerous Abyss Demon eyes reveal the frantic and cruel color, they catch to human with great difficulty, how possibly to make this human escape, enters five fingers mountain among. 众多深渊妖魔眼睛露出狂热、残忍之色,它们好不容易才逮到一个人类,怎么可能让这人类逃跑,进入五指当中 However although Ye Mengyao at crisis among, but a pair of beautiful eyes is still calm, does not have slightly the flurried look. 不过虽然叶梦瑶处在危机当中,但是一双美眸依然镇定,没有丝毫慌乱的神色。 whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!!! 咻咻咻!!! in a flash, starts the attack instance in this crowd of Abyss Demon, Ye Mengyao draws out treasure bow from the body all of a sudden, bends the bow and put an arrow, golden arrow(s) shoot come out to go. 瞬息之间,就在这群深渊妖魔发动攻击的瞬间,叶梦瑶一下子从身上拔出一柄宝弓,弯弓搭箭,一道道金色箭矢杀出去。 These golden arrow(s) internal deep place engraved countless Ancient inscription, emits left makes aura that one trembled, contain is also extinguishing the prestige of god, terrifying Boundless. 这些金色箭矢内部深处镌刻了无数古老铭文,散发出令人战栗的气息,其中也蕴含着灭神之威,恐怖无边 But these arrow(s) are Ye Family's Treasure extinguishes the god arrow, is presses the bottom Magical Artifact, each arrow has to tear Nascent Divinity might, the direct attack soul essence, disregards main body defense. 而这些箭矢叶家的宝物灭神箭,是压箱底的法宝,每一箭都有撕裂元神威力,直接攻击灵魂的本质,无视本体防御 Oh no, hides quickly.” “糟糕,快躲。” Numerous Abyss Demon complexion big change, feels the fatal threat that these golden arrow(s) transmit, their fine hair raise up, wants to run away immediately, avoids these arrow(s). 众多深渊妖魔脸色大变,感受到这些金色箭矢传来的致命威胁,它们汗毛竖起,想立即逃窜,躲避这些箭矢 However is too late, but also without their Dodge, these golden arrow(s) kills, bombardment on them. 但是已经太晚了,还没等它们闪避,这些金色箭矢就射杀过来,轰击在它们身上。 pēng pēng pēng!!! 砰砰砰!!! Strikes merely, over a hundred Abyss Demon send out the sad and shrill pitiful yell, one by one like below stuffed dumpling crashes from the upper air, Nascent Divinity collapsed and destroyed, Life aura vanished completely. 仅仅是一击,上百头深渊妖魔发出凄厉的惨叫,一个个如同下饺子似的从高空坠落下来,元神崩灭,身上的生命气息全部消失了。 Obviously, they by killed cleanly. 显然,它们被灭杀得干干净净。 , Vanishes the sensation to Demon Aura completely, Ye Mengyao also relaxes immediately, drops from the upper air on the ground, gasping for breath in gulps, sweat profusely. 啪的一下,感知到全部妖魔气息消失,叶梦瑶也顿时松了一口气,从高空跌落在地上,大口大口的喘气,汗流浃背 damned human, dies to me.” 该死的人类,给我死。” But in at this time, jumps out Abyss Demon from the ground suddenly, it seems like concealing in Void for a long time, finally looks for the opportunity that must kill, in Ye Mengyao frailest time come out, does not give her any opportunity of life. 可就在这时候,从地面上忽然窜出一头深渊妖魔,它似乎隐匿虚空很长时间,终于寻找到了必杀的机会,在叶梦瑶最为脆弱的时刻杀出,不给她任何活命的机会。 On its face reveals the deceitful mean color, immensely proud of oneself, it is really intelligent Demon, now was one's turn it to monopolize this human, it was the final victor. 它脸上露出狡诈阴狠之色,得意洋洋,它果然是一头聪明的妖魔,现在轮到它独享这个人类了,它才是最后的胜利者。 Thump! 咚! Has not waited for it happily too for a long time, fist rumbles from Void, such as the tiger like the dragon, imprint Void, a fist pounds on the head of this Abyss Demon. 还没等它高兴太长时间,一颗拳头虚空轰出,如虎如龙,烙印虚空,一拳砸在这头深渊妖魔的脑袋上面。 Thump, the head of this Abyss Demon is similar to watermelon to explode to break to pieces immediately generally, all split up and in pieces, changes into one group of mincemeat, blood also sprays all around, incarnadine piece. 咚的一下,这头深渊妖魔的脑袋立即如同西瓜一般爆碎开来,四分五裂,化为一团肉酱,血液也喷洒四周,染红一片。 Whiz! 嗖! The Xia Ping figure twinkle, appears in front of Ye Mengyao all of a sudden. 夏平身形闪烁,一下子就出现在叶梦瑶面前。 Is you? Junior Brother Xia?!” “是你?夏师弟?!” Ye Mengyao raises the head looked, is startled immediately, didn't expect this helped own person unexpectedly is Universe Sect Xia Ping. 叶梦瑶抬头一看,也顿时吃了一惊,没想到这个帮了自己的人居然是乾坤派夏平 Senior Sister Ye, has been well since last meeting, didn't expect meets here again, now I rescued your life , there is nothing to express?” Xia Ping slightly smiled. 叶师姐,别来无恙,没想到在这里再次见面,现在我救了你一命,难道就没什么表示吗?”夏平微微一笑 What also has to indicate, pledges yourself?” “还有什么表示,难道以身相许?” Ye Mengyao ill-humored saying. 叶梦瑶没好气的说道。 If you want, then I also reject embarrassed.” “如果你愿意的话,那么我也不好意思拒绝。” Saying that Xia Ping drips greatly. 夏平大喇喇的说道。 Does not need you to save me not to have the matter.” “不用你救我也不会有事。” The Ye Mengyao angry say/way, has long known that this brat face as thick-skinned as the extreme, didn't expect also has this idea, depending on graciousness pictoral newspaper. 叶梦瑶气恼道,早就知道这小子脸皮厚到极点,没想到还有这种想法,挟恩图报。 Before met Abyss Demon, was this bastard to run most quickly, does not have the shadow speedily. 之前遇到深渊妖魔,就属这混蛋跑得最快,一溜烟就没影了。 Senior Sister Ye, your injury is heavy, if this had continued, the situation is not perhaps wonderful, happen to I understand a Double Cultivation method, words that each other both sides is perfectly suited to each other, Double Cultivation gets up is also twice the result with half the effort, can restore injury instantaneously, even both sides can be of great help, was inferior that we come to try.” 叶师姐,你身上的伤势不轻啊,如果继续这样下去,恐怕情况不妙,正好我懂得一门双修法,彼此双方情投意合的话,双修起来也是事半功倍,能瞬间就恢复身上伤势,甚至双方都能大有裨益,不如我们来一试。” Xia Ping proposed oneself suggested. 夏平提出自己建议。 Hehe!” 呵呵!” Ye Mengyao eyes reveals murderous aura, she a little wants to treat as the meat to provide food this brat, an under 30-year-old kid also thinks on her unexpectedly all day, now this Universe actually how, the atmosphere how will so ruin. 叶梦瑶双眸露出杀气,她有点想将这小子当做肉包吃了,一个不到30岁的小屁孩居然还整天想上她,现在这个宇宙究竟怎么了,风气怎么会如此败坏。 Thinks of here, she puts out one therapy immediately sacred medicine from the body, takes, revolution Qi Art, the within the body injury quickly restored most probably, restored peak condition essence, qi and spirit. 想到这里,她立即从身上拿出一颗疗伤圣药,服用下去,运转气功,体内的伤势迅速恢复了大半,将精气神恢复到了巅峰状态 if this happens then, had nothing to dare to have the idea. 这样一来,就没什么敢打自己主意了。 Such what Medicinal Pill(s)? Can Senior Sister Ye, give me several to study?” “这么什么丹药叶师姐,能否给我几颗研究一下?” Xia Ping blinked an eye, he could see that the Ye Mengyao injury is very serious, common time few months are impossible to restore, but take Medicinal Pill(s) now, unexpectedly several breath restored, this surely is serious Healing Medicinal Pill. 夏平眨巴了一下眼睛,他看得出叶梦瑶伤势很重,寻常时候没几个月不可能恢复,但是现在服用一颗丹药,居然几个呼吸就恢复了,这必定是不得了的疗伤丹药 At the same time.” “一边去。” Ye Mengyao said ill-humoredly, this is their Ye Family's best quality (outrageous) Healing Medicinal Pill-- withered leaf meets Spring Pill, uses 7 x 7 = 49 ten thousand years of spirit medicine refine, on her few, this brat also opens the mouth takes several to study, cracks a joke. 叶梦瑶没好气的说得,这可是她们叶家的极品疗伤丹药——枯叶逢春丹,利用七七四十九种万年灵药炼制而成,她身上都没几颗,这小子还张口就拿几颗去研究一下,开什么玩笑。 Said is the research, if oneself really give, that is what's gone can never come back, has not to return. 说是研究,要是自己真的给出去,那就是肉包子打狗,有去无回。
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